CALL AND SEE Dr N W Emery on prices on plates and other work, tt NOTICE Is hereby given that the I underslgneo have been appointed by ' the County Court of I.ane County, Ore- - NOTICE TO CREDITOR8 gon, as administrator» of the partner- , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That ship eatate of Henry W Chas»-, de­ the undersigned baa by order of the ceased, and Slg Moe, heretofore doing County Court of the State of Oregon bualneaa as partners under the firm for the County of Lane been duly ap­ name and style of Hpringlield Sand 41 pointed as executor of the estate of Gravel Company. phoebe Gray, deceased and all persons All persons caving claims against having claims again«! said estate are said estate are hereby notified to pres- ( hereby notifl-d to present thq «am» ♦ nt the same duly verified and with p ro p erly verified to me at the office proper vouchers to said admtnlgtrators of Frank A. DePne. Attorney for the FRANK LOMBARD IN CAST at th>- office of Harris, Smith ft Bry­ estate. In Springfield, Oregon, on or OF WILLAMETTE U. PLAY son. 210 Broadway Building, Eugene. I before six months from the date of Oregon, within six mouths from th e, this notice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS F ull HALE I Orthophonlr Vblrola Frank Lombard. Springfield spoho- date of the first publication of this Dated April 14. 1928. Notice la hereby given that the un and record* Terma If dealred. ('all SIDNEY MEACHAM, Executor more at Willamette university, I» one notice. Date of first publication of this deratgneil Mervln It. Hurrla hua been FRANK A. DE PUE, Attorney for at 621 D. Street. MU appointed udmlnlatralnr of the eatate ! of six students to receive parts In tile notice Is May 3, 1828. the estate. 8IG MOE. moat difficult dramatic prediction of Veronica B. Hurrla, deceased, by A. 19-26: M. 316-17 UNBREAK ABLE WATCH CRYS­ KENNETH R. CHASE, Admlnlstra tbe County Court of Lane County, ever attempted by Willamette stu­ TALS— Fancy shapes and regulars. Oregon, and all persona having claim * dents, "The Master Builder," by Ibsen tors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Hoyt’s Cash Store. if ugulnal «uH eatate will present aame HARRIS. SMITH A BRYSON, At NOTICE Is hereby given that the Mr. Lombard will symbolize the torneys for administrators. duly verified ua by law provided to nndersigned has been appointed by F o il BALE—Carbon paper In large tbe administrator at tbe Law Office >f I younger generation which is opposing M 3-16-17-24-31: the County Court of Lane County, Ore­ sheets, 26x39 Inches, suitable tot Whitten Swafford, 316 Tiffany Bldg. ' the Master Builder. The play will gon as executrix of the estate if making tracings. The News Office Eugene. Oregon, on or before alx run for a few days as a "road show" CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS Henry W. Chaae, deceased. month* after the date of th|a notice. All persons haviag claims against MERVIN B H ARRIS. A din ln latra In communities adjacent to Salem, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SPECIAL SPRING CLEANUP from tor and then, on May 23, will be presented School District No. 19, of l-ane County, said estate are hereby notified to pres­ ent the same duly verified and with April 26 Io May 26— 1 suit 81.60; 2 W HITTEN SW AFFORD, Attorney to capital city audiences. Oregon, will pay at the office of the proper vouchers to said executrix aulta *2 00 or your second suit for for the eatate. Mr. Lombard Is a member of Kappa District Clerk at his residence «n at the office of Harris. Smith A Bry­ M 10 17-24 31: J.7: 60c. Thia Includes Men's Suita and Gamma Rho, local fraternity, the West D Street, house No. 369, School son, 210 Broadwuv Building, Eugene, overcoats, Ladle»' dreaaea and coal*. Cubs, underclass police body of warrants up to and Including No. Oregon, within six months from th« NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION date of the first publication of this J E. Lindsey, 240 Main Street. (P u b lish e r.) twelve men, and Is a member of the 2068. Interest ceases after May 12, notice. A. 26: M 8 1" NO. 014815 advertising staff of the Collegian, 1928. Date of first, publication of thia Department of the Interior, U 8 notice Is May 3, 1928 Willamette weekly. Signed, R W. SMITH, Dlst. Clerk Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, CORNELIA S CHASE. Executrix of NOTICE TO CREDITORS May 3 1928.............................................. the Estate of Henry W Chase, de­ NOTICE I* hereby given, that the NOTICE Is hereby given tnut John Goes to Reedsport—B. (Tow has ceased. NOTICE undersigned has been, by the County C‘. Humphrey of Jasper. Oregon, who. HARRIS. SMITH & BRYSON. At* Court of the State of Oregon for the • on May 3. 1923, made Homestead gone to Reedsport where he will be OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Executrix. County of I-une, duly appointed Ad Entry, No. 014816, for Lots 1 A 2. See- employed In a lumber mill. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That torneys for M. 3-10-17-24-31: mlulstrator of the estate of Carl Boa- | lion 20. Township 18 8 . Range 1 West, by virtue of an order of the County Herman, deceased and ull person» , Willamette Meridian, has filed notice Court of I^ne County. Oregon, made NOTICE TO CREDITORS having claims against aald eatate, are : of Intention to make three year Proof, and entered of record April 10th. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORBCLO8T71UB hereby notified to preaent the same to establish claim to the land above Estate of Belle Shopp. Deceased: 1928, In the guardianship of Julian F. Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ properly verified to me ut the office described, before E O. Immel, U S. Notice Is hereby given that Mary Miller, a minor, the undersigned duly of F ran k H cl’ue, tb e att-irn- y for 111'- Commissioner, Eugene. Oregon, on the E. Kelsey has been by the County appointed, qualified and acting guard­ tue of an execution and order of sale eatate. In Springfield, Oregon on or 16ih day of June. 1928. Court of the State of Oregon. In and ian of the person and property of said In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ before »lx luontha from the date of Claimant names as witnesses: for I-ane County, appointed Executrix minor, will on and after the 26th day cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, (his nolle«. Dated April 23, 1928 Samuel V incent. W illiam G I'alm a - of the last will and testament of Belle of May 1928, offer and sell at private on the 13th day of April, 1928. In * LESTER BOSUKRMAN, Ad mini«- | teer, Iaiwrence Walker, Fred Wallace, Shopp. deceased. sale for cash or for cash and credit suit wherein on the 14ia day of Feb­ trator. All persons having claims against to the highest bidder at Eugene, Lane ruary. 1928 In said court F. 8 Bar- all of Jasper. Oregon. FRANK A, DeTI'E, Attorney for the estate of said deceased are here­ County. Oregon, all of the rtgtt, title low. plaintiff recovered Judgment HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. the estate. Non-coal by notified to present the same, duly and Interest of said minor In and to against the defendants Louis Joseph- Ap. 26 Ma 3 10 17 24; M 10 17 24 31 J 7: stated and verified, at the residence the real property described as fol­ sen and Bertha K. Josepbsen for the of A. E. Wheeler, 710 Lawrence 9t. low«, being an undivided one-half in­ sum of *123 20 with interest thereon NOTICE TO CREDITORS in Eugene, Oregon, within six months terest therein owned by said minor. at the rate of 8 per cent per annum IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Notice Is hereby given that, Alta from this 26th day of April, 1928. Lot No. Twenty-three (23) in Block from the 28th day of July. 1926, until STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR King, has been appointed as executor I No Thirty-three (33) In the Amended paid and the further sum of J SO 06 LANE COUNTY. MARY E. KELSEY. Executrix ! of the estate of Anna Bohlman, de­ , Plat of Fairmont now a part of the attorneys fees and for c ists and dis­ A. E WHEELER, Attorney. Violet Lorange, Plaintiff, va. Frank ceased, by the County Court of Lane ! City of Eugene, In Lane County, Ore- bursements herein in the sum of Ap 26 Ma 3 10 17-24: Lorange, Defendant. *34.50. which judgment was enrolled I County. Oregon All persons having i gon. To Frank Lorange. Defendant; NOTICE TO CREDITORS ; claims against said estate are re- That sain sale will take place at and docketed in the Clerk's office of Notice Is hereby given that the un­ In the name of the State of Oregon, , qulre.l tn p f -etit them duly v.-rifle I the law office of Alta King, 794 Wil- said court in said county on the 14th day of February. 1928. and said ex­ You are hereby summoned and re­ as by law required within six months dersigned has been appointed Execu­ ' lamette St.. Eugene, Oregon. tor of the Estate of Carlton Columbus quired to appear and answer the com ' from the 3rd day of May. 1923. to said This notice is publisher In The ecution to me directed commanding plaint filed herein ugulnst you In the executor, at his law office 794 Willam­ Myers, deceased, by the County Court Springfield News. Springfield. Lane me in the name of the 9tate of Ore- above entitled ault and court within ette Street. Eugene. Oregon Date of I of Lane County. Oregon. All persons Countv, Oregon, first publication gtnn in order to satisfy said Judgment, 1 having claims against said estate are April 26th. 1928. Interest, attorneys fees, costs and ac­ four weeka of the date of tbe first ( l i s t p u b licatio n . Mav 3rd. 1928 hereby notified to present the game, publication of thia Summons, and if ALTA KING, Executor ALICE McC MILLER, Guardian of cruing costs to seli the following des­ properly verified, to the undersigned the person and Estate of Julian F cribed real property, to-wit: you fall to appear, for wan. thereof, M 3 10-17-24-31: at the office of Wells & Wells, Bank Miller, a Minor All of Lot No Four and that part of the plaintiff will take Judgment of Commerce Building. Eugene, Lane Lot No. Three which lies north of the against you as prayed for In plaintiff's Ap 26: Ma 3-10-17-24: NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL County. Oregon, within six months County Road running from Euvene to Complaint, to-wlt: for u decree of ACCOUNT Vida, Oregon, said lots Three and tho Court dissolving the bonds of UN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE from the nate oi the first publication NOTICE TO CREDITORS Four being In Section 28, Township of this notice. matrimony and granting to plaintiff STATE OF OREGON FOR Date of first publication. May 3, an absolute divorce from the defend­ Notice Is hereby given that the un­ 16 8. R. 2 E . W M , in Lane County, LANE COUNTY ant, granting to the plaintiff the care In the Matter of the Estate of Jack 1928 dersigned has been appointed admin Oregon, containing 43 acres, more or Date of first publication, Mayi tt and custody of the minor children lstrator of the Estate of Walter Dixie ; less. Rodman, deceased. HARRY L. MYERS. Executor. of the plaintiff and defendant, and Ellison, deceased, by the County j Now, therefore in the name of the Notice Is hereby given by the under- WELLS & WELLS. Attorneys. for such other and further relief as to j signed administrator of the above Court of Lane County. Oregon. All State of Oregon, in compliance with M 3-10-11-24-31: the Court may seem Just and equit­ I named estate that he has filed his persons having claims against said said execution and oredr of sale and able estate are required to present them In order to satisfy said Judgment, in­ final account tn said estate, and that This Summons Is served upon you 1 the Hon. C. P. Barnard. Judge of said NOTICE TO CREDITORS with the proper vouchers to the un-; terest. attorneys fees, costs of suit by publication by virtue of an order I Court has fixed Thursday June 7th, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that derslgned at the law offices of Po.ier . and accruing co«ts, I will on Saturday of the Hon. J. T. Brand. Judge of ! 1928, at ten o'clock A. M as the time the undersigned, by order oi the & King at Number 961 Willamette the 26th day of May, 1928, at the hour said Court, dated and tiled April 9. for the hearing of objections, If any County Court of the State of Oregon Street in Eugene, Oregon, within s i x ' of one o’clock in the afternoon of said 1928, directing this Summons to be to said final account and to the settle­ j for the County of Lane has been duly months from the date of this notice. day, at the Southwest front door of »erved on you by publication thereof ment thereof. ¡applnted Administrator of the Estate , Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 10th the Lane County Court House in Eu­ gene, Lane County, Orgeon, offer for once a w w k for four weeks In the ELMER ROBERTS. Administrator of Eva Mary McKlnnis and all persons dav of May. 1928. Springfield News, and that you ERED B. SMITH, Attorney for Ad­ having claims against said estate are JAMES FRANKLIN ELLISON, Ad­ sale and sell for cash, at public auc­ tion, subject to redemption as provid­ answer said complaint within four ministrator. hereby notified to present the same, ministrator of the estate of Walter I ed by law, all of the rteht, title and weeks from date of the Aral publica­ M. 3-10-17-24-31: Dix'e Ellison, deceased properly verified to me at the office tion thireof Dute of first publication, PCTTER AND KING, Attorneys Interest of said defendant Louis of Frank A. DePue, Attorney for the April 19. 1928. Estate of Walter Dixie Ellison, de­ Josephsen and Bertha K. Josephsen, estate. In Springfield. Oregon, within SUM M O NS his wife: W. P. Badgley. and all per­ WELLS & WELLS. Attorneys, ceased. sons claiming by7 through or under Resident and P. O. Address, Eugene, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE six months from the date of this M. 10-17-24-31: J.7: notice. STATE OF OREGON FOR them or any or either of them in and Oregon. Dated April 18th, 1928. LANE COUNTY to said premises A. 19 26: M. 3-10-17 M J. McKlin and Civility 9. McKlin. THOMAS McKINNIS, Admlnlstra- SUM M O NS F R 'N K E. TAYLOR. Sheriff. Lane his wife, plaintiffs, -vs- B. A. 1 tor. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Countv. Oregon. Bv BEULAH BRINNK’K. Deputy. Washburne and Mary Washburne, 9TATF CF •' REGON FOR THE NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING FRANK A. DE PUE, Attorney for Ap 26: Ma. 3-16-17-24: his wife, James L. Clarke and Ethel the estate COUNTY OF LANE. Notice Is hereby given -thpt Miner Clarke, his wife, and also all other R Wegner has filed In court his final A. 19 26: M. 3-10-17 Ait zander Lindsay and Ida Lindsay, partles unknown who have or claim NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION account as executor of the estate of his wife. Plaintiffs, Vs. Darw'n some title, estate, lien or interest FOREST EXCHANGE Philip A. Wegner, Deceased, and thul Bristow; Etta B. Fisher. Lixzie NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the property described In the the court hits fixed 10:00 A. M of No. 017920 Stephens, formerly Lizz'.e Bristow; complaint herein, defendants. June 8, 1928. as the time wnen said NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Department of the Interior, United the unkonwn heirs of Iola Bristow, To James L. Clarke and Ethel the undersigned adm.nlstrator of the States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- account nt the rooms of the county deceased; the unknown heirs of court. In the eourt-House, Eugene, Clarke, his wife; also all other par­ estate of Samuel Davis Cairns, de­ con April 20, 1928. Addie C. Bristow, deceased; the Oregon, will be taken up for examlna ties unkonwn who have or claim some cease!, has filed in the County Court NOTICE is hereby given that unknown heirs of Edith Clyde'Bris­ tlon and allowance. All persons In­ title, estate, lien or Interest in the of the State of Oregon, for the tow. deceased; the unknown heirs on April 19. 1928, "t. M Faulkner, of terested In said estate may appeur ut property described in tbe complaint County of Lane, his Final Account as Of W W. Br'stow. deceased: the Fisher, Greeon fil-'d appU / on No. herein; the above named defendants: such administrator and said Court said time and be heard unknown heirs of Elizabeth B. 017920 under the Act of March 20, MINER It WEGNER. Executor j IN THE NAME OF THE STATE has fixed Friday the 26th day of May. Bristow, deceased; the Unknown 1922. (42 Stat . 466) to exchange the OF OREGON: You are hereby sum 1928, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P M. M. 10-17 24-31: heirs of Mary Bristow, deceased: Lot 1. Sec 7. Tn. 15 S R. 9 W.. EH inoned and required to appear and at the court house in Eugene, Lane the unknown heirs of Robert Calli- NEH NEH. SVV’» NEH NEH- »H answer the complaint filed against County, Oregon as the time and place son. deceased; the unknown heirs NWH NEH N E’«. EH sE H NWH you In the above entitled suit an.l for hearing objections to said account of Polly Cullison, deceased: the un­ NEH- NEH NEH SW H NEH- SH court within four weeks from the date and for the settlement thereof. known heirs of R. W. Callison, de­ NEH S iv -, NEH. SEH SWH N E H , of the first publication of this sum­ Dated this 12th day of April, 1928. ceased ; ..... ...... Kelly, husband of SH SWH SWH NEH. WH SEH mons. to-wit: on or before the 17lli ROY G. CAIRNS, Administrator of Sarah J. Kelly; and all other per- NWH. WH EH SEH NWH and 9EH day of May, 1928, and you will take Office Phone 176 J R ch . Phone 176 M notice that If you fall to appear and the estate of Samuel Davis Cairns, . sons or parties unknown, claiming SEH SEH NWH- Section 12. Town­ any right, title, estate, lien or in­ ship 15 S.. Range 10 West. W. M. answer or plead within said time, deceased. Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. terest in the estate described in the within the S'uslaw National Forest, the plaintiffs, for want thereof, will A. 19 26: M. '3-10 17 General Practice, Special Attention for the timber of an equal value to be complaint. Defendants. apply to the above entitled court for cut from approximately 5 acres with­ to Obstotrlcs and Diseases To Darwin Bristow; Etta B Fish­ the relief prayed for In their said in the EH Sec. 1. EH EH. Sec. IX NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION er: Lizzie Stephens, formerly Lizzie of Children. eotnplulnt, to-wit: Tp 20 S.. R 3 Fast, Srcs 4 to 9 in­ FOREST EXCHANGE Bristow: the unknown heirs of Iola First National Bank Building For a decree herein, in and by No. 017908 Bristow, deceased: the unknown clusive. SWH- 9*c. 16. NH NWH, which all adverse claims of said de­ Springfield, Oregon heirs of Addie C. Bristow, deceased; Sec. 15. and Secs. 16 to 20. Inclusive, Department of the Interior, United " | fendants and each of them in and to States L.:nd Office, Roseburg, Ore­ the unknown heirs of Edith Clyde Tp 20 S . R. 4 E.. W. M. within the the following described real property ’ Cascade National Forest. Bristow, deceased; the unknown gon, April 10, 1928. situated in lame County, Oregon, to- The purpose of this notice is to al- heirs of W. W. Bristow, deceased: Notice is hereby given that Ervin wlt: Lots Eleven (11), Twelve (121, DR. W. N. DOW ! low all persons clalmmg the lands the unknown heirs of Elizabeth B. Wledman. Executor and heir of Ellen Thirteen (13), and Fourteen (141 of D e n tis t the unknown i selected, or having bona fide objec­ Block numbered One Hundred Two ¡ Wledman. deceased, of Yachats, Ore­ Bristow, deceased; First National Bank Building gon, filed Application No 017908. un- heirs of Mary Bristow, deceased- the tions to such appucat.on, an oppor­ (102) of Washburne's Subdivision of unknown heirs of Robert Callison, tunity to file their protest with the ’ der the Act of March 20. 1922 (42 Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon the Springfield Investment and Power deceased; the unknown heirs of Pollv R e g i s t e r and Receiver of the Stat.. 4651, to exchange the SEU of Company's Addition to Springfield, Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. ¡United States Land O f f i c e a t Callison, deceased; the unknown let 4. SH NE«4 of lot 4. NE>, NE>,¿ of Lane County, Oregon, — shall be Evenings by Appointment I Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protests ' lot 4. E>i SW U of lot 4. 8W% SW>4 heirs of R. W. Callison, deceased: .... fully determined, and decreeing' and 1 or objections must be filed in this of- Kelly, husband of barah J. Kelly; ■ of lot 4. Sec. 6. Tp. IB S., R 10 West. that the plaintiff's are the ! flee within thirty days from the date 1 adjudging Bnd all other persons or parties un­ NW«« NE>4 SWLi, IV'j. NE’i NE>4 owners of the above described real of the first publication of th i notice, known. claiming any right, title, es­ 91VU, N W , SW U NE’i SW>4. S E ’i property; that the defendants have , which first publication Is April 26, tate, lien or interest In the estate ¡N W ’i SEU . SW U NW14 S E ’i no estate, right, title or Interest what­ 1928. ever In and to said real property or S14 SW ’-i N E’4 S E ’i . sw » 4 S E ’i described in the complaint; Defend­ ! Non-coal an ts:— iN R ’i S E ’i . and S E ’4 S E ’ ,. See. I, any part thereof; and also that the HAMILL A CANADAY, Register. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE defendants and each of them be for­ Tp. IB 9.. R. 11 West. W. M.. within W. F. WALKER Ap. 26: Ma. 3-10-17 24: 1 ever "debarred from asserting any the Siuslaw- National Forest, for tlm- OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and a n s w r the com­ ' her of an equal value to be cut from claims whatsoever in or to said real NOTICE TO CREDITORS property or any part thereof, adverse i approximately six acres within the plaint filed against you In the above to the plaintiffs, and for such other ’ E% Sec. 1. EH EH . See. 12. Tp. 20 S„ entitled suit within four weeks from Notice Is hereby given that the un­ the date of the first publication of and further relief herein as to the R. 3 E., Secs. 4 to 9 inclusive, SW H, this summons, and if you fail to ap­ dersigned on April 7th, 1928, wes, hy 228 Main St. Residence 125 C 8t i See 10, NH NW H, Sec. IB, Sees. 16 pear and answer, herein within said the County Court of Lnnc County, court may seem equitable. 62 J 62 M This summons is published pursu­ to 20 Inc.. Tp. 20 8.. R 4 East. W. M., time, for want thereof tee plaintiffs Oregon, appointed executrix of the ant to the order of Honorable C. P. within the Cascade National Forest. will apply to tho Court for the relief estate of Frederick Deffenbacher de­ Full Auto Equipment The purpose of this notice Is to al­ prayed for in the complaint filed in Barnard. County Judge of Lane Coun­ ceased and has qualified as such ex­ ty. Oregon, duly made and entered on low all persons claiming the lands the above entitled cause, Lady Assistant ecutrix. the 18th day of April, 1928. The first I selected, or having bona fide ohjee- THIS SUMMONS is served upon All persons having claims against publication of this summons will be ! tlons tn such application, an opportun­ ,you by publication thereof, once each said estat» are hereby required to ity to file thetr protest with the Regis­ w ek for four successive weeks, pur­ made on Thursday, the 19th day of __ 1 April, 1928 and the Inst publication te- of the U. S Land Office at Rose present them duly verified as hy law suant to an rrder of tue Hon. J. T. required to said executrix at the law burg, Oregon. Any such protests nr thereof will be 'made on Thursday, Brand, Judge of the Circuit Court for office of Alta King, 794 Willamette FRANK A. DE PUE the 17th day of May, 1928, and It will 1 objections must bo filed In this office Lnne County. State of Oregon; and ATTORNEY AT LAW be published four consecutive weeks within thirty days from the date ol the first date of t.:e publication of Street. Eugene. Oregon, within alx months from the first publication of the first publication of this notice, this summons 1s April 12, 1928. in tile Springfield News. NOTARY PUBLIC I. M. PETERSON. Attorney for beginning April 19, 1928. IMMEL * l VANS, Attorneys for this notice April 12th. 1928. ARABELL COOTER. Executrix. Plaintiffs. Post Office Address, Spring- Non-coal Plaintiffs, Residence and postofflee Sutton Springfield, ALTA KINO, Attorney. I HAMIT.L A. CANADAY, Register. field, Oregon, address, Eugene, Oregon. Building Oregon Ap 12-19-26: Ma. 3-10; A. 19-26: M. 3-10-17 A. 19-26: M. 3-10-17 iassifled Ads BUYING OH SELLING’ FOR SALE WOOD Old Growth Fir. Second Growth Fir, Oak, A*h All length«. Phoue Spring BaM iu4. if TAINTING and Kalnotnlnlng lu all Un bruncbaa. Reduced Price», Hoy Koch. Call 126 J. SEPTIC TANKS— It ou