T H E SPRIN G FIELD NEWS THURSDAY MAY 10, 192K PAGE FIVE vocal solo. sum mer camp at Blue Klver they wish The m eeting la open to the public. 1 to attend and register at the First PIANO RECITAL GIVEN No admlaalon will he charged but a BY W IN IF R ID TYSON | free will offering will be taken at the N ational bank, C. R Clark, bane county execu tive, announced on a 1 «-lone of the m eeting I Mlaa W lnlfrld Tyaon. daughter of j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vlalt here thia morning Mr and Mra W. P Tyaon of Spring , F ifty boy« will be In camp during ' ff«-M. waa again presenteil In a com H E A LTH FESTIVAL TO ' each tw o-w eeks period. The opening píete pla no recital by Reuben Charlyl* BE PRESENTED FRIDAY Goffrelere. on Tueaday evening al the MISS SEAVEY QUEEN period will be July 9. Only regularly reglatered acouta may attend. b am way m usic hall In Eugene. An | ............ appro« dative audience of 200 people 1 A May health festival, sponsored by A fee of <1 must be paid on regis­ welcomed Mlaa Tyaon. i the Springfield unit of the bane Thia waa Mlaa T y s-ln s third con-¡ County ” ‘ a " h »""Orlatlon *h>) LARGE AUDIENCE AT Glob* R «sldcnts Buahman« In Portland— Mr. and Julin Bushman of Kugen* wer« In l ’o r!huid laat wi-ekt-nd on hulinaan H«r«— Mr. mid M r« Roy Intubar of Globi- spant Tum « lu y h -r« - m i I ius I iii - hh . minons M r« . M o rrla o n H e r« — M m M I Mr. Simmon« Her«— A K of (' i ;i I'l' - k wun h visitor In-re : Morrlaon of Poriluml wua bore laet j i niurilay oil hUMlnn««. b a t i ii i l n V . K la m a t h of M .m Here Last Sunday— Sunday v is it o r s w e re J o h n C ilia , W i l u l l i n g a n d Mra. Murk Thurman, Null. H e r -x - F r d I I llicit if Full < ai'l'lvixl tier- K la m a t h Io re la»t w- o k - n il fo r n v i s i t o f ■> v o r u l iluy-«. Hare from W endllng— Mra T. C T a y lo r « In fto ta b u r g — M r m id M rs , W A Ti-vlor s |i» tlt K n iid iiy In ItoM- Heldon of Itoaehurg vlalted here Mon day afternoon. liurg Visiting wtlh frli-nils Mra Veryi wua a visitor *R o a e h u rg W o m a n H e r e — G oea to S a le m — L e e Put mini wont to Hub-in T uesday to uttoiid to I him I- T hayer of Roaeburg here luat Saturduy. noaa matter« Drive to Solo— Mr. and Mra. J. F. Poole In Portland — Charles P. Poole, I im ' h I mortician, spent a i«irt of Nudvornlk mid children drove to Scio on u vlalt Sunday. last week In Pori land on biialneaa. To Vlalt Daughter— Mra Cluude , Goddard« are Shopper«— Mr. and Mr«. Ham Goddard of Leahurg spent b allon left laat week-end for Mixloi k Tuesday evening III Springfield on Point to vlalt her daughter, Mra Sydney Delph. bualneea mattera i Fishing Tackle Taken— Som eone Miaa Mala Vlalt«— Miss Grace Male w as here from Portland over the atole u com plete outfit of flahlnr ■week end fo vlwlt her parent«, Mr. ta ck le and line« from Carl Burna while he waa at T riangle latke Sun and Mra M M. Male. day. Here Monday— Among the «hopper* Phetteplaocs Move— Ik and Mra here Monday were Mra. John Put­ i Carl Phettepluce have moved from man, W endllng; Prod Ryera and «on. i 343 Fifth atreet to Fourth and C W endllng; Mra Clara Patee, Mra. W II Bailey and .Mra Earl B ailey, all of street«, lh e former home of Mr. and Mm. Jullua Fulop. W endllng. Vlalt In Hinson anil laal week at In Portland, evening. Make« B usiness Trip— Charles I' Portland— Mra. Delbert Pool« made u bunlnesa trip to Junc­ »mall daughter vlalted tion C4ty Tuesday morning He In­ the Fred lllnaon homo spected a hearse which he Is thinking returning here Friday of adding to the equipm ent here. Shopper V isit H«re— Among the «hoppers here last week end were the follow ing Mrs. Ivan Miller, Marcola; Mr« V I,. ItaoNch, W alter*llle; bee S teven s, W ultervllle; Ira Baldwin, Pengra; J B Elliott, C resw ell; Mrs. C Campbell, W endllng; N ewell Jobe, V eneta; Clarence Ek, Pengra. Leavea For Portland—Tom Swart«, commander of the local unit of the Oregon National Guard, left thia morning for Portland to attend a con­ ference of alaff officer« to dlacuaa the m ining summer encam pm ent. Mra. K e n y o n H o e teeo — M ra C . !' Kenyon waa h ostess at her homo laat evening nt a dinner Io which Mr and Mra J A Rcnvey, Mr ami Mra .Mark P e rry and Mr ami Mra. W elby Steven« w ere naked. M ie t alone« V is its — M la a C la r a June», a nurse at the Pacific Chrlal- lan hospital. waa n guy-at at the Dallas Murphy home laat week, ^»he went to Grants P ass thia week to vlalt with Mr. und Mra. Itolnnd Moahler. Fee«« In Quartet— Paul Frege, a youth who la attending the I'n lversltv high arhool, 1» a nu mber of the male quartet of that school which won second place In the recent state high school -music tournam ent at Forest Grove, LIONS CLUB W ILL ELECT OFFICERS EARLY IN JUNE Officers of the Springfield Lions club will b«- elected early In June, It was announced at the luncheon of tin- «tub lust week when a nom inating com m ittee was appointed The com m ittee to make up a list of candidates Is com posed of past presidents and secretaries of the local clubs. Members are: John F K etels, II E Maxey and F. B Hamlin. J. F. Inman and Charles P. Poole w ill arrange for the entertainm ent nt the May lk m eeting. Ro«e Po«ters Here — Poster« an nounclng the annual rone festival In Portlund were placed here this w eek. Reduced fares on all trains are an­ nounced Portland each year draw s a large number of people from th is city for the big event. Oaten of the fentl- val are June 11 to 16. Kensington Club Meets The K ensington club was en tertain ­ ed last Friday nfternon at the home of .Mrs. Charles P Poole A ssistin g the h ostess were: Mrs. lotwrence May, ^ r s . Levi N eet, Mrs C J. Moore, Mrs. «•alias Murphy. Mrs. C. McMurray and Mrs. Alfred J. Morgan. Music was furnished by Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Murphy Eighteen m em bers were pres­ ent. The next m eeting of the club will be on Muy 16 at the home of Mrs. W. F. Walker, 1176 Lawrence street, Eugene, with Mrs. C. E. Ken­ yon assistin g the hostess. Oldham GPSchantoïs ~ K.e,mirider3 kesi« tr u e r tkar* o lh e r s — One Friend is u o u rs come «.naf m i * One. loue is s i t a d f i s - t 1 F o r tw a r .- .fT o r d e l n.o4 t^o u r m o th a r t b s à a ^ 'l ñljJuni&Scin V ■m Of course you w ouldn’t, a t least w hen you can g et it fixed like new by driving it into th e D anner garage? T he cost will be estim ated before we s ta rt w ork if you prefer. OPEN EVERY DAY AND SUNDAY O ur Service S tatio n is Supplied with ASSOCIATED GASOLINE AND OIL PRODUCTS Penzoil and Veedol We Can Take Care of Every Make of automobile both in our Service Station and in our shop. E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. A uthorized Ford Sales and Service Fifth and A. S tre e ts _ _ _ Phone 49 UKJ The cig a rette and Its Injurious ef­ fects on the human body will be the topic of an address at a union service of Springfield churches to be held in the Christian church. Tueaday even ­ ing. May 15. at s o'clock, at which E. F. A tchley, field rep resentative of the Oregon Antl-CIgurette league, will la­ the speaker. Mrs. J essie L. Chandler of Eugene w ill present two m usical selections. She will give a w histling solo, play­ ing her own accom panim ent and a COMING! COMING! Big Food Say It With Flowers For Send your m o th er a bou­ quet of beautiful flow ers on M other's Day. N othing expresses so beautiful an affection as th e gift of flowers. All varieties of flowers, dressed in resplen­ dent colors, a re here for your selection. Delivered anyw here. Service prompt and courteous. P rices ex ­ ceedingly low. COMING! White Front Grocery’s Sale! It’ Different— Something New ’ EVERYBODY WELCOME! Friday and Saturday, Mav 11 and 12 will be given over to ELSINORE CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES In introducing this brand to the people of Springfield, we feel that we have something worth while; a line which is not only outstanding for quality but priced to enable you to serve American’s Finest products to your family at a cost within reach of all. uLomsrs?1 IHfUtO UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRYS­ TALS— Fancy shape« and regulars. Hoyt'« Cash Store. tf. A N TI-C IG A R ETTE MAN TO ADDRESS UNION SERVICE Mother’s Day O n t íe e rl IK and registration will open May Is». Or. W. C. Kebban is chairman of the camp com m ittee which will m eet Fri­ day. Would You Drive This Car? * * W « « w sn n a n n ra HMM Shoppers Visit City— Among the shopper« here yeatetMay were the fol­ low ing Mr. and Mr«. I). E. Trent, Coburg; Mr«. L«-on Jennette, C res­ w ell; Mr und Mrs J S Sm ith, Cres­ w ell; Al J. Kuhn Cascade R esort; M-rs Carl W illiam s, Marcola; Mrs. W illiam Taylor und son. Full Creek; Mrs. II Dun bur, W alton, «ecutlve «eftami to appear In re. I tai publ"- •choolH h ,r "- * •» b* «•“ •P“1 under Mr. U olfrelere a p r esen ta tio n .!“ "-’ B rattaln achool Friday afternoon and each tim e she has dem onstrated j at 2 o'clock. M arceline Beavey has been chosen unusual talent and ability— playing «¡ueen of the festival. Her royal party- from mem ory a difficult program, with j an ease and m usicianship character­ will Include the follow ing children: istic o f ope with m any years of ex ­ Ladles in waiting, Leila Maxwell, perience before the public. Her , Beatrice G illette, and Blanche Bates; artistic charm and security, afjded to herald, Donald Hawke. T he follow ing program w ill be her attractive appearance and person­ given: Exercise, class of Miss Crystal ality, stand In her decided favor for Bryan; safety first, Miss Anne Oorrle's continued progression. Of special Interest to many In the I class; care of the teem . Miss Mary audience was the two-plano Mozart, V orls’ Claas; clean hom es, class of "Bonata-Concerto In G major,” w l’h Mrs. Ora Read Hem enway; personal clean lin ess, class of Mrs. Crystal Mr Goffrelere at the second piano. Mala; germ s, class of MI hs Alta Man­ The double pianissim o work In ning; sleep, class of Mrs. Marjorie Nocturne In G minor by Chopin won L aselle; food, claas of Miss Edna Miss Tyson much praise Her Instruc­ F latt; recreation, classes of Mrs. Opal tor w a s xesp ecla lly delighted with her Roberts, and Mrs. Elizabeth Page; playing of the Hungarian Rhapsody Maypole dance, class of Miss Doris No. 6 by Liszt, a number usually prea­ Braat. ented by a rtists of wide repute. Bbe Mrs. H em enway, principal of the played the long and difficult number Brattaln school. Is general chairman from memory. Double pianissim o i of the even t and Mrs. Page and Mrs. work also featured the Romance In D Bernice Van Valzah are mem bers ,f flat by Slbllius. the eduiattlon com m ittee of the health Miss Tyaon received many baskets group which Is sponsoring the affair. of flowers from friends In both Eugene At the close of the program blue and Springfield .!’r< ribbons and health awards will be tended the recital than E u gen e people presented students who have made The ch o k for which she Is accom ­ good health records th is year. Miss panist attended In a body. Bhe was Beth Konkel, execu tive secretary of dressed In a bone shell pink georgette the Lane county health association gown with a Bertha collar and a bof w ill present the awards In behalf of fant skirt. the local unit. B esides atten d in g high school where «he Is an honr student. Miss Tyson has participated In m usical activities SCOUTS MUST REGISTER o f this city and taught Juvenile FOR BIG ANNUAL CAMP pupils of Mr Goffrelere here during the past season. Springfield Boy Scouts w ill decide what two-week period of the annual tration and *8 for each week In camp. A camp rally will he held in the chamber of comm erce at Eugene May ALLDAY Paoat SpftJ SATURDAY, MAY 12 The Big Food Show! SPRINGFIELD FOLKS By J. F. Kelelt T H I N K U P S O M E T H IN G YOU, W A N T H IM TO B U Y Y O U - X SAW H IM START B A C K F R O M CHINA A M IN U T E A 6 0 < SPECIAL EXPER T FOOD DEMONSTRATORS W ILL BE ON HAND TO HELP YOU This is the big event of the two days. FREE samples and costly gifts will be Given away Everyone entering our store will receive a ticket which will be your chance on the hour- lyjyrizes, and also a complimentory ticketto the Bell theatre. 25c Bottleof Mayonnaise and anhourly ticket for 15c SANDW ICHES AND COFFEE SERVED FREE ■V> ßSifroü Such th in g s will happen in th e best regulated families. N othing like little gifts now and then to keep love alive in th e hom e. We wait upor your w ants w ith courtesy. We Give Green Discount Stamps ELSINORE GOODS SPECIALLY PRICED You will never know that Fruit and Vegetables of such exquisite flavor are to be had until you try Elsinore. Elsinore Elsinore Elsinore Elsinore Elsinore Elsinore Elsinore Very Small Peas Small Peas ............. Telephone Peas ......... Tomatoes, l$rge Tomatoes, 1s Del Maize Corn Golden Bantam .......... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 for for for for for for for 85c 73c 58c 58c 42c 59c 73c Elsinore Elsinore Elsinore Elsinore Elsinore Elsinore Elsinore String Beans .............. 3 for 74c Pears, large ................ 3 for ®5c Sliced Pineapple, Ig. 3 for 85c Sliced Pineapple, sm., 3 for 42c Grated Pineappde, sm, 3 for 42c Peaches ....................... 3 for 73c Salmon, 1s tall ........ 3 for $1.08 Ì