THURSDAY MAY 10, 1928 PAGE THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Take Fishing Trip—Mr. and Mrs. ever Increasing the dose. BARNES CIRCUS IS R.ilmn postal receipts for April ex LOCAL WOMAN DRIVER Stop suffering from constipation. Riley Snodgrass and daughter, Max­ reeded those of any April In tile bis COMING MAY 15 ( hew a Rexall Orderlie at night. Next AVOIDS INJURING GRIL| ine, and (). W. Roof went to latke tory of tlx* Hulero postoffice. Total day bright. Get 24 for 26c today at Creek Sunday on a dishing trip. receipt a for April. 1928, were «17,- Tlx- all new production of the Al. U Quick thinking of Mrs. Hadle Mc­ 181 no. us against «1,671.03 for April Vey of HirlhgOeld Is credited with Barnes circus Is coming to Eugene the nearest Rexall Drug Store— (Adv.i a year ago. suvlng the life of Dorris Wheeler, 4 Tuesday May 16. Brief Resume of Happenings of Home 30 land owners and tenants year-old daughter of Mrs. O. II Wheel Advertising agents representing Al residing north and northwest < « f Atha­ IS Barnes Circus have been posting er of Cottage Grove In Eugene last the Week Collected for pictorial circus bills in this vicinity lia met recently In thut town ami re­ Friday night. solved to complete road construction The little girl was slrui k hy the car announcing tlx- coming of thia excel­ Our Readers. - - i f y o u ’re tir e d o f tire trou ble hy orgsiilzlng the district affected and driven hy Mrs McVey at the corner lent show, and advertisements will be We have th e fam ou« I-ee T ires in sizes for all sta n d a rd of Broadway and Oak street. The girl found In our columns this week. The Thu «tat« !•<* Molny convention *•** levying a special road tax m akes of ta r s . These tires w ear longer and give m ore Congressman llawh-y haa nominated blurted to run Hcrosa the street to managements of the Al. G. Barnes held In Haloin Friday amt Hal unlay, miles |>er dollar invested. with apprutlinalaly 899 mambera In John C. Kehrll of (lurden Home as Join her mother on the opposite cor­ Circus announces the following fea T his is a service statio n w here SERVICE com es before principal for appointment t» the nuval ner and ran directly In front of -Mrs. lures this year: attendance. everything else. "The all new spectacle, entitled McVey’a car, Traffic Officer Delbert academy at Annapolis, with Edgar H. Figures compiled by the county GENERAL GASOLINE AND OILS. 'Aladdin and the Parade of Gold,’ In Farrow of Kuegne reported. clerk (nr Umatilla county allow that Batchellor of Corvallis and Harold which approximately 1,900 people take Thomas of Roseburg as alternates. The car was traveling alowly and 10.958 voters have registered (or the W A Compton, 86. was found dead Mrs. McVey managed to atop It in part, Including the Chinese beauty, May primary. 5th and A S tre e ts . . . Springfield less than six feet, avoiding pasalng Lola Lee Chong; the two Mastodons, ApprnMlmaialy loot» school children last week at his ranch home near Tusko and The Mighty Tusko; Kllnk over the child The little girl was of Marlon county participated In the flroadmead. where he was living alone. taken to the Pacific Christian hospi­ hardt’s equestrian midgets, fourteen On his body were found 466 In cash annuul honor roll parade held In Ha tal where It was found that she was tiny horsemen from Bavaria; Han and a hank hook showing that he had lent Saturday. .Marcus, the «18.000 equine star; the several thousand dollars on deposit. suffering only nrinor bruises. The general (unit o( the atata on zebra round up. with the largest herd Hlgulflcunt of I he advanre of Oregon May 1 allowed a net deficit of «437,- JUNE JULY AUGUST PARENT-TEACHERS GROUP In captivity In America; and many MU 24, aiiya a statement hy Slate i In the last 26 yeurs. the number of other novel features and performances Eugene B usiness College S um m er School will he orgnized I telephones In the state has Increased WILL ELECT ON MAY 18 given by American and foreign artists, Treasurer Kay. M onday, Ju n e Four, with o u r re g u la r corps of tea c h e rs in approximately boo |w-r cent during ulso animals from every part of the The Eugene Fruit drowera" aaaocln lhat period. while the number of daily charge. Officers for the coming year (<>*■ lh** I F or inform ation address tlon atarteil Ita running operations telephone conversations bus Increased Kprlngllelil Pari*nt-Teachers assocla- • "Two performances are given dally Monday The aaaiHllitlon haa disposed — the afternoon show starting at 2 more Ilian 1100 per cent. tlon will he elected at a meeting set «>( two carluuda of rhuliurh. o'clock, and the night performance at The McMinnville News Reporter, for 3 o'clock Friday, May 18, It was 8 o’clock. The doors are open one Mary Mealey wax chosen queen ot Edgar Muresss editor, has tlx- dlstlne annoumed today. 992 W illam ette St. A. E. RO BER TS, P resident hour previous for the Inspection of the Mayday festival In he held In tlon of being tin* oldest we, kly news At this meeting the nominating the zoo, and for the children to see Eugene, Oregon T elephone 666 Sweet Home May 11 undct the aua paper In the st.ii*- It dales from 1X71 committee will report and nomlnit- 1 the two mammoth beasts which re­ plica n( the Union hlitli school through a continuous line of publica­ tions will be heurd from the floor. Tho I Permanent organization will be ef­ tion.* Tlx- Hillsboro Independent, officers will he Installed at the same quire two specially constructed rail­ fected and officers elected when the founded In 1873, Is Hie second oldest. meeting The new president will then way cars for their transportation.” VOTE FOR Columbia county chamber ot com­ lire In the Oregon Cumber com­ announce names of the committees for , merce meets ul Ila inter, May 11 RELIEF FROM CURSE pany plant ul Baker caused loss esti­ the coming year The state land department turned mated between 4159,000 and 4175,009. Mrs. C. O Wilson Is present chair- ' OF CONSTIPATION over to the state treaaurer -during Two million feet of finished lumber man, Mrs. William Kodenbnugh, vice-: A Battle Creek physician, says, "Con­ April «102.193/9. according to the re valu*-d at «89,009. dry slx-is aixi stack­ president, Mrs. W W Walker, secre- , stipation Is responsible for more mis­ CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR port of George U. Brown, clerk of the er units, Including buildings and ma­ lary and Mrs. W C. McLagan treas­ ery lhan any other cause." board. chinery worth more than «85.999 were urer. But Immedlatexellpf has been found. Nearly «00 pioneers <>( old Wasco a total loss. A tablet called Rexall Orderlies has county gathered at The Hull«» Inst been discovered. This tablet attracts Forty three Marlon county pioneers, TOOK SODA 20 YEARS OF LANE COUNTY week In the seventh annual rwunlon , two being sons *f men who atteneed water from the system into the lazy FOR GAS— STOPS NOW dry, evacuating bowel called the colon of the Old Wasco County Pioneers' as (he historic Champoeg meeting May “Present Incumbent Seeking Elective Term” •octal Ion. The water loosens the dry food waste 1 2. 1843, w-ere guests of the Salem (Paid Adv. by W. B. Diltfrd, Eugene, Oregon) "For 20 years 1 took soda for Indi­ Oregon pioneers gathered at Chain- i chamber of comnx-rce ut the annual gestion and stomach gas. One bottle and causes a gentle, thorough, natural poeg for the utinual Founders* day Champoeg luncheon held last week, of Aillerlka brought me complete re-! movement without forming a habit or celebration last Saturday, with a meet­ i One of the guests recently observed lief '—J. B. Hardy. ing of the Champoeg Historical High­ her 901 h birthday. Adlerlka relieves stomach gas and way association The carcass of a moose, reported sourness In TEN minutes. Acting on The Oregon Cement company's big floating In Slltcoos lake, near Ada, BOTH upper and lower bowel. It re- cement plant at l.lme In Baker county Is believed to he that of one ot the ! moves old waste matter you never has resumed operations with a full i cows of the original herd, liberated j thought was In your system. Let Adl- crew after having been closed down on the game preserve at Tahkenltch orlka give your stomach and bowels a lake by the state several years ago. REAL cleansing and see how much for three months A deal has been completed by the If correct, this Is the third known loss j better you feel. It will surprise you- With a Box o f Flanery's I>rug Store. Cottage drove chamlter of commerce out of the original A w Imported. Oiling operations are In progress In committee for a lease of a 45acre tract Just south of the city for a fed various sections of the state, accord­ E IG H T H G R A D E E X A M IN A T IO N S ing to announcement made by the eral landing field W ed nesday and T h u rs d a y , May 16-17, 1928. Total registration of voters In laine state highway department recently. county is ¡1.031. according to figures Because of the unfavorable weather On account of the primary election announced hy the county clerk. Thia conditions during the past six weeks day coming on Friday, May 18, which la an Increase of 6832 over the regis­ the oiling operations probably will not | was the day set for the eighth grade I examinations, the date has been set by completed before late in June. tration a year ago. I back to Wednesday and Thursday. The 76th anniversary of the discov­ | May 16 and 17. All districts In whlcn A litter of eight kittens, two (locks of young chicks, and twin calves were ery of the Crater lake by J. W. HUI- pupils have complied with the legal and for whom applica­ nature's Majflay present to J. B. I man and parly of ten other prospec­ requirements tions for questions have been made tors, will be elaborately observed Doughty on his suburban plats near will give the examinations on these sopie time this summer under aus­ days Chairmen or teachers of near­ 8t. Helens last week. pices of the national park system, It by school districts are requested to The Huver mall route In Polk coun­ C andidate for was announced by Superintendent C. call ut my office for questions and A Lasting Gift for a Lasting Love ty, established more than 28 yeara. and thus Bave the postage. REPUBLICAN NOMINATION 1 G. Thompson of Crater National park. supplies K. J MOORE. County School Super­ has been discontinued and the route F or About 1000 school children took intendent. divided between Monmouth route 1 PRICED AT 11.50, $3.00 and $4.50 M. 10; part In a May day pageant last Wed­ and Albany route 4. * nesday afternoon on the Cottage Mulling of approximately 340.000 Grove high school campus. Cottage voters' pamphlets for the primary Grove high and grade schools and out- election was completed last week, ac­ M ember of a pioneer family. - ' lying district schools participated in cording to announcement made by A ssociated w ith Judge B. O. j | the event which Included May pole the secretary of state. P o tte r in th e law firm of P o tte r . drills and other Interesting features. i & King. A veteran of th e W orld Con McAuliffe, 32, was killed last One section of an additional long­ W ar. Friday on the Coe Valley market road distance circuit between Baker and lu Klamath county, a large rock roll­ Portland now is being provided by the ing down the mountainside and crush­ 58 X Ja m e s K. King for Pacific Telephone A Telegraph com- ing him and bis wagon. D istrict A ttorney Pitny crews at work placing 254 miles The wet Weather hjts developed a of copper wire on the long-distance (Paid Advertisement inserted by rank growth of clover In most fields sector between The Dalles and Uma­ James K. King-for-Dlstrtct-Attorney In Yamhill county and many farmers tilla. This work calls for a total ex Club, Robert W. Earl, Secretary- are mowing it and allowing It to lie pnndlture of 422.490. (Paid Adv. by M. S. Barker) TUESDAY, MAY 15TH Treasurer.) on the ground for fertiliser. Secretary W’ork of the Interior de­ W. F. Kernln and others have be­ partment has approved for payment THE S H O W T H A T S ^ > 1 F F E R J come Interested lt^ the oil prospects a claim of Klamath county for «7706 In the Arago section of Coos county In settlement of taxes on Oregon A and actual drilling of a prospect well California land grant lands for the will be started within 30 days. year 1927, under the Stanfield act. Contract for installing a 28 post curb This is the sum equal to taxes that lighting system In Vale has been would have been paid had the lands awardtal to R. F. Nichols, Vale con­ been In private ownership. tractor. and the Capital Electric com First strawberries of the season B i g R ing pany. The total cost will be about were brought Into Grants Pass last «3200. week. Although frosts of the past Walock Ragsdale, 18, a resident of week have blighted some of the blooms the Soda Springs district, was bitten there are evidences of a bumper crop by a rattlesnake Montlay forenoon and thlB year. Fruit trees have come > Dr. R. J. Conroy made the 25 miles through the spring undamaged and THE S U P E R B SPECTACLE from Medford In 35 minutes and saved Indications point to an abundance of .THE PARADE I Ms life. peaches, pears, apples and cherries Seventeen hundred mentally alert this season. o r GOLD Acme Quality Great Lakes Spar Varnish is and physically fit grade school chil­ There were five fatalities in Oregon a general purpose varnish. It is equally as dren of Medford, Central Point, Eagle due to Industrial accidents during the 1 0 8 0 P E O P L E , IN C L U D IN G good for outside surfaces—where it must Point. Cold Hill, Jacksonville and week ending May 3. according to a THE C H IN E SE BEAUTY Medford, wearing the colors of their report prepared In Snlem hy the state stand the abuse from driving rains, the LOLA LEE CH O NG respective schools, took part in the Industrial accident commission. The wind and the sun—as it is for interior uses. inspiring parade, spectacle and exer victims were Clifford A. Grey, Marsh­ Take advantage of our offer today. Try it clsos sponsored hy the Jackson Coun­ field, laborer; Joe Kelly, Portland, THE TWO MASTODONS ty Health association, In co-operation brakeinan; Sam Ayers, Cochran, pile out any place; see for yourself how quickly T H E L A R G E S T B E A S T S T H A T W A LK T H E with the school authorities. In Medford driver; Oscar S. Rydam, Beaverton, it dries; how easily it spreads; and last, but EARTH T O D A Y Iasi Friday. ear builder, and Edward Mathison. not l£ast, how it wears and shines. T rahsportco in T w o S pcciallv CoNSTRucrto R RG ahs . Articles of Incorporation have been West Idnn union high school cele­ filed by the Eagle Valley Fruit asso­ brated Its ninth annual May day festi­ ciation, Inc., of linker, with capital vities Thursday with tlx* crowning of 14 TINY HORSEMEN FROM BAVARIA A / p j ,1 stock of «5000, to handle the fruit crop Miss Sadie Borland as Queen Sadie I. of the valley. Practically all growers About 150(1 attended, including approx­ B IG G E S T TRAVELING 2 0 0 1 In the valley have signed with the imately 300 grade school children from association. 17 nearby schools. ON E A R T H Receipts of the Portland postoffice The past month has been the wet­ T W O P E R F O R M A N C E S D A IL Y l for the month of April took an ex­ test April In the history of the Salem pected drop, John M. Jones, Portland weather observatory, according to an­ P°°O p e n I A N D 7 P M .-R A IN OR SH|’ n e I postmaster, reported. Receipts for nouncement made recently. The pre­ 1928 were «239,921.90, and for April, cipitation for the month was 6.26 I ADMISSION: ADULTS 75c, CHILDREN 50c 1927, 4269,279.29, a loss of 419,360.39. Inches. The average precipitation for April 1 b 2.68 inches, or 7.4 per cent. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Try Our Tires “A ” Street Service Station Sum m er S ch o o l EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE W. B. DILLARD COUNTY CLERK A sk a M an Who K n o w s H im {Remember cMother On MOTHER’S DAY Artstyle Chocolates JAMES K. KING District Attorney FLANERYSDRU6 STORE Vote For M .S .B A R K E R May 18 Eugene^ Oregon RÀRNE5 5 r C ircus / • ’Z ; TUSKO 'V he MIGHTY TUSKO One Pint of Great Lakes Spar Varnish and a Brush Only 97c Wright & Sons KLINKHARDTS EQUESTRIAN M I D G E T S ^ K