The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 10, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday at
Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, by
H. E. MAXEY. Editor.
titere d
as second cla ss n iattsr, February 24. 1903 a t tho
postottice, Springfield. Oregon
One year In Advance
$1.75 Three Months ------- 75c
«Lx M o n th s ____ _______ ___ $1.00 S ingle Copy ........
■ .
, b etter and bave a Ititi appetite Nerv 300 TTAEND FUNERAL OF
On Sunday night. May 6, N ational Music W eek I CITY BELIEVED IMPROVING nu», e«»lly tlreil pisiple a re «urprl» d
Ini» Q l'It'K tini Irnli. phoHpliHb ■. ••!«■.
officially opened. It Is an event of th e g re a te st im­
Mure th an 300 per«on« attornim i tho
portance. T his y e a r's Music W eek will specially
Train« co n d itio n s in Springfield a re glve in<» lite ami pop. V iso, tualea
eral servi«’«'» for the late Willi«
stre ss Am erican m usic, and will be observed by Nteadlly Im proving, elty ottielal» he
K Holilri'ilii» Hundiiv aftern o o n
schools, churches, clubs, and o th e r institutions Rev» Fuw *r a rre s t« to r train« viola
P o stai T est* Siateli
Th«' rite» w ere held In the C harle«
in various p a rts of the country.
tion« h a w been m ade «luring th e pust
T he radio lias been a great fa c to r in bringing >*nr th a n «luring th e y e a r before, ii 1» t'Ierk » at th è Spi'lllgllehl | » in I i >III i e I' Pole ch ap el with Itev H arry lien
ton o f E in e e lle llihle l ’nlver»lly «sfili I-
good m usic into o u r hom es, and during th e Na- • a **1 E lim in atio n «>r th e inuabrooin will b» «Ivvll « n ««' i'Xuililiiiilliiii
i i I I iik
Th«« W i ' VV lodge« of S pring
tional Music W eek tin* radio prom ises to bring
> » i« .r of Second amt Main Mnv 15. It »n» Hiiliuuni « «i Hu w ■«•
special elaborate program s o i beautiful musi« atr« « ta ha» cut dow n th e num ber >i b v V H H uuliin. |»i»iuiu»i«'<' \\ •!i t ' ' I « Id and I lei »ani Hill w ere In c h a r r •
at Ih«' araveatile
M em tiera of Hila
w ithin th»> reach of all. Observe Music Week bv fit«'» for « «min«; co rn er« ih«i
«mi o il . « liti«■f ilc ili friiiii Si'iiilli'. VV 1
the sta tio n s recognizing th e event by providing th e larg e «ign« m a rk in g the city lllK ll m, will ioni«' lu S | ii ' i i i k II 'III to o ld e r m ted uu pall hearer«.
gala program s. Don't miss this ch an ce to be »»u-' limit« on E ast Main »tr«««i hav e ui»«> « «miilu t Uu I'Xiitum allon
In term e n t wu» In th e « «'iiietei « nt
tertain ed by g reat a rtists.
Mr H oldretliie wu» a
Coe« to Spokane— Mr». VV U Iteti
l*e»plte III«“ fa ir w e a th e r over Ih'
N ational Music Week will include com petitions
n ativ e of l im» counlv and a ren ld en t
held in m any places to discover and encourage pa»t week e n d am i th e early p ari of him left lust S nlurtluy on u trip *o of D exter for ih e pant 30 year«.
th is w eek. VV It Itavi», new traili« Spokane.
m usical talent.
did not have limi II itece»aar>
Surely th is is a w orthy aim.
lo " l a g ' a single m otori»! Il«' did
E ncouragem ent of a rtistic propensities in the
Offices— 831 Miner Building, East Broadway Street
have to w arn «uni d riv e r, how ever.
young is a g reat boon to any nation.
Do y our part by listening to good m usic during
th is week, and by tak in g a special in terest in
th o se about you who aspire to be m usicians.
T h a t Am erica is a m usic-loving country, de-
spite com m ents to the c o n tra ry by persons w ho! "It iictuullv Irr11itt««I ine t«> hav e
dislike jazz and judge us by it, is proven by the an y o n e lulk to me. I wu» »«> norvou«.
g rea t in te re st th a t h as been displayed in this Viliol en d ed till» and I feel w nndorftll
Music W eek event long before the week ap- ; now ."— W :n. Euliy.
Vinol 1« a com pound of Iron, ph«»«
proaehed. All over th e co u n try elaborate pro-
cod liv er p ep to n e,etc. T ho
g ram s and concerts have been arran g ed , and
schools have been endeavoring to discover the very F IR S T b o ttle m ake you aleep
m usical tale n t in th eir student bodies.
• • •
If the bonded indebtedness of the local g overn­
m en ts of the nation keeps piling up at the ra te
of nearly a billion dollars a year our children and
o u r children's children will have a hard job to
m eet our obligations.
T he United S ta te C ham ber of Com m erce local
tax a tio n com m ittee finds bonds m ounting rapidly
since 1913.
“ C oncurrent w ith the trem endous grow th of
c u rre n t revenue in recent years has been a swift
Increase in the bonded debt of local governm ent,
D educting every dollar now held in sinking funds,
th e n ' rem ains a net indebtedness of local u n its
of governm ent in excess of $$,500,000,000. In
1913, their net bonded debt was less th a n $3,000,
000,000. W hether th e m oney borrow ed w as 1913
dollars or 1927 dollars, the fact rem ain s th a t out
o f th e public purse during the next tw o g en era-
lio n s m ust com e eight billion dollars to retire this
debt, entirely a p a rt form th e servicing and retire-
T here a re about two republicans to each dem o­ E lsie H ilda C u rler, P laintiff, va.
C h arles lla rrla o n and Mabel K
m en t of the billion dollars of new debt being con- c ra t reg istered in lam e county. But th ere are
R eese, D efendant«.
t r a d e d each y e a r.’’
those who say th a t som e dem o crats a re register-
To th e d efen d an t» C harle» llarrt»>in
• • •
ed as republicans. From the n u m b er of detno- and Mallei E R eese; You a re h ereby
sum m oned to a n sw e r th e com plaint
M ore th an 21.000 voters have registered in ic ra tic offlcia,s we have had they m ust be right.
filed ¡«KnltiRt you In th e above nam ed
Lane county o r nearly 6000 m ore th a n last year,
• • •
cause and co u rt w ith in four week»
a record breaking num ber. P a rt of th e credit
A m an w ith a th o u san d dollars never hesitates fr mi the first pub licatio n of ’hl* sum -
so * to a n a « sr the
fo r this heavy reg istra tio n in due to C ounty Clerk ab o u t th e kind of a c a r to buy. He alw ays buys R“,nH nnt* :f >ou fl*n K
W. B. Dillard, who felt th a t he w as m ore th an a the $2000 kind.
p laintiff will apply t> th e co u rt for
keeper o f the re g istra tion boohe.
He rn .d e
I, |
• • •
W hat can tqx'uk louder than w ords?
when abused.
Suite 831 Miner Bldg.
The «yea
Eugene. Oregon,
Telephone 382
i &
m ore convenient to re g iste r and encouraged in-1 ««•
... >.
»um of $5Ct> w ith in iere» t th ereo n
dividuals and org an izatio n s to c a rry on a c a m - '
on yo.l11 to ,witne8S fo r once we h a v e from Feb. 1, 1926. a t «lx p er «•♦nt.
paign for reg istra tio n
T he A m erican Legion nne<1 ta e sPace allotted to editorial w ithout m ak- th e »um of $5o a» an a tto rn e y '« fee
d o other
rganizations who
whn conducted
onndimrod the
rho drive linS fun of women or referrin g to prohibition.
“r 'J '*>•* i 0«»'
»»J- « “ ’• «hn<
M il
th er o organizations
I cam e be d ecla red a Hen upon Ine EVj
fo r m ore registered v oters are to be com plim ent-
of NEVi. N W , of N E U . and N E '« of
N W H of a w 4, In T p 17 S of Rg. 3
ad also for th eir splendid efforts. D em ocracy
E. of toe W illam ette M eridian. In
depends solely on the m an and wom an who regis­
L ane C ounty. O regon, u n d er a m o rt­
te rs and votes.
gage d a te d May 1. 1924. recorded M»v
• • •
31. 1924. In book 56 puge 257 of the
m o rtg ag e reco rd s of L ane C ounty,
H ere is som ething for th e young folks to th ink
»aid m o rtg ag e being m ade bv U hnrlea
ab out. Lindbergh w orked and saved his m oney.
H a rris to plaintiff, anil th a t »aid m ort
He had $2,000 to put into his airp lane which he ■
gage be foreclose«! by a »ale of «aid
SO affectionately classifies w ith him self a s “w e.''
m ortgaged prem ise« a» provided bv
law. for th e sa tisfa c tio n of «♦•«! lien
V ery likely he couldn t have g o tte n those Sc.
A com m on fault and a com m on elem ent of and
th a t d e fe n d a n ts be b a rre I cf all
{ ^ ^ “ en to ptR up th e n ecessary a m o u n t if he w eakness is the habit of exaggeration.
You , ,«*„«
right In » a1'! m n rtrn g e d p rem ises x .
b a u n t been able to show in this su b sta n tia l way have often heard a young tlapper say th a t upon
the right to red eem from » «id
th e faith th a t w as in^him. .
such and such an occasion She nearly died or “1,lpr n\ , h??.1\ w, r7 ulV?,'ani\ f?.^,.’lh''r
* *
't h a t th e re were m illions of people dt the ball »’rved upop <m bv m i h i i e X » ’r « r ‘
th e r e a re those who would pass am ong us gam e, or som e o th e r m anifest
ex aggration.
»uant to a n o rd e r m ade in «to« suit
Counting noses favorable to an n ex atio n w ith Eu-
T his is a habit th a t is easily slipped into, but it May 8. 1928. bv c . 1*. B arn ard , C ounty
ene, lx such a m ovem ent is to be u n d ertak en it ¡s an elem ent of w eakness
Ju d g e, th a t you ».»• .<•»•« .-«t bv > »hii«>.
I clearly the business of th e C ham ber of Com-
,.v ,„ f .
In(t ,h ls *»n m o n » fo r fo u r week« in
m erce ra th e r th an one or two individuals. T his
The trouble is th a t people g et to discounting «he snrtn<rffeM n > v . « p < that v-..,
4a rh» onK- hndu
«or. h a „ .«,„
your sta te m e n ts and a re apt to believe nothing answer th e sam e w ithin four week«
is the only body th a t can han g the proposal on th t
th in k th a t vou alw ays ex- f.»m the fir»« » ..b itc H o n . h » - e f It
th e line of unselfishness w here all m ay inspect it
r v th in i
flr»< DuMUhed M»v in. in-s
" ' before
a g g reg ate everyim ng.
» D ALLEN. A ttornev for P laintiff.
th o roughly
going on record.
• • •
The C hristian Science M onitor points out th a t R esidence and P. O. A ddress, E ugene,
one of th e values of studying arith m etic is to Oregon
Springfield, unlike o th e r com m unities in the become accustom ed to th e joys of accuracy.
________ _1 11 -4 ■ 1
county, has no candidate seeking nom ination in
th e prim aries May 18. How ever th e re is one
B ifo c a l» T h a t P e rp e tu a te
candidate, W. F. W alker for coroner on the repub- , as m ay . be possible
, exactly w h at is the fact, if his
lican ticket, who is regarded as a Springfield re Pu ta ti° a for sta tin g th e fac ts cleanly is once
Y o u r Y o u th
candidate. His long residence here and his ser- e8tablished, it will be a g rea t elem ent of stren g th ,
Most Bifocal lenses a re
vice to the com m unity will undoubtedly resu lt
P ro fan ity and over-exaggeration and e x tre in t
unsightly w ith a p ro n o u n ­
in a unanim ous vote being c ast for him.
u tte ran c e s alw ays show th a t o u r passions o u tru n
ced dividing line betw een
• • •
our inform ation.
the n e a r and far portion.
T h e average cost of producing a dozen eggs is
Always sta te , the best you can, just exactly
But a beautiful new lens
found to be 27.9 cen ts according to an extensive w bat occurred. A ccustom yourself to accuracy
called the NoKronie h as a
stu d y m ade by O. A. C. Cost figures are based a n d m odest claim s. Then you will be credited
segm ent th a t is practically
on records kept by 134 poultry raisers. W hen
tb e h a b it of tru th -te llin g and people will be­
t t e consum ers buy eggs for less th a n this price **eve w hat you say.
Y our eyes feel young
a s they often do, they can m ake up th eir m inds
T here m ay be joy, a certain kind of joy, in ex-
w ith NoK rom e. T hey look
th ey are gettin g b argains in eggs.
aggeration. It m ay appeal to the im agination to
young, too, because of the
• • •
ov erstate things.
inconspicuous r e a d i n g
segm ent.
We a re firmly of th e opinion th a t spring has
B ut th ere is a s m uch pleasure, a fte r we get
B nt
w e recom m end
com e a t last. The songs of the m eadow lark and used to it, in being a c cu ra te and in telling only
them because th ey are the
th e bull frog now have optim istic sounds.
w hat is true.
highest achievem ent o f
optica, science.
ÍÍ hen Ambitions Are Ambitions
T H U R S D A Y M A Y 10, 1928
Dr, Ella C. Meade
O p t o m e t r is t
No 14 2 Ave. W est
E u e e re , Oregon
For ¿Mother - -
A b eautiful box of Kgglmann'H chocolates or mixed candleM
m akes u w onderful gift for m other on M other's Duy.
M other h as a sw eet tooth a s well an th«' youngHtera.
1 «ni km.w w hat she Ilk«-«.
Com e in and we'll puck a box
i hat every piece will pleuas her.
"VV'tuTi- th« S arv lce 1» D ifferent"
Trapped by Her Past!
an actress, who a few
. years ago was popular on
Broadway, submirred to True
Story Magazine a most startling
story. It told why she had left
the stage at the height o f her
career never to be seen upon the
borrds again.
ec en tly
And so when one night she re­
ceived a note from a man in the
audiencewho was awaiting her re­
ply, shereahzed thetimehadcome
to settle her account with fate.
Her story entitled “Trapped by
My Past,” appears in True Story
for June, w ith nothing hidden,
nothing omitted she has put in­
to it all the lire that perhaps
once held you spellbound across
the footlights. Maybe as you
read it you w ill recognize ner.
I f so you w ill then Know the
answer to a question you have
p ro b a b ly a s k e d
y o u r s e lf m a n y
It was a tale o f dread and ter­
ror as each night she swayed her
thousands to smiles or tears, her
eyes, masking the agony in her
soul,were seeking, always seeking
among the au<Jicnce, the one
man in the world who had the
power to drag her
down from the pin­
P a rtia l
nacle o f success to
the ignominy o f de­
M y Flapper S iller
T h e D evil's Promises
feat. Deep in her
Was I An Infsluatetl
heart she knew that
Fool ?
some day he would
W h en Love D c tiro y t
come,and that when
Pawn o f Passion
he d id her career
1 be Koad io Perdition
would end.
—an J trxrrat
other ¡turiti
Tune in on the True
Surry Hour broadeait
every Friday vugkl < m v t
W'CJR anJ the Colum ­
b ia c h a in , y P. M ,
Esuteyn StandardT ime.
Out N ow !
True Story
A t A ll N e w s s t a n d « —o n l y 2 a S c
Get Our
G o o d y e a r T ir e s
H ere’» th e chance to put Am­
e ric a ’« B est Known T ires on
autom obile
m otley while doing it
both In
price and in longer service.
G oodyear A ll-W eather T ires
are insured for one y ear ag a in st
an y th in g and everything.
W. II. ADRIAN, Prop.
414 Main St.
: :
Phone t l- J