USE WOOD BOXES TW EN TY-H E T I I YEAH THE SPRINGFIELD NFWS L Oiling o f H igh w a y Teachers P la ced Begins This W eek B y School B oard A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 1» HPiUNQFIBLD. I j KNK COUNTY. OREGON. TIIUKKIiAY MAY 10. l!»2fc LIGHTING OF BRIDGE TO BE DISCUSSED AT COUNCIL MEET MONDAY "The People-» Paper" MEMORIAL DAY PARTS ASSIGNED BY GENERAL COMMITTEE FOR EVENT FOR MOTHER’S DM Appeal to the people of Springfield Itlseusslon of lighting of Hie new Work On 12-Mile Stretch Will Three New Facutly Members to take active part In the Memorial bridge will probubly come up at the Start at Walterville; Street Are Added; All Instructors day celebration May 30 was made at meeting of the city council schedule I a meeting of the general committee Special Music, Pantomimes, And Work Is Slated. j Given Placements for Monday evening. It was on noun handling arrangements for the civic Annual Clnss Piny to Be Given col today by Mayor U. G. Ilushmun. j Sermons Are Announced For Oiling /if the 12 mile stretch of the j Three new teachers were elected event last night. In High School Auditorium; The council has already agreed In Sunday; Red And White Flow« M. B. Huntly, general chairman, Christian Pastor, Rev. S. E. formally to pay for the upkeep of McKenzie river highway between thia ' an7| faculty members of the Brattain ers to Honor Mothers; Cus­ city and Wultervllle was started Tue» and Lincoln school assigned grades Childers Chosen as Baccal­ the lights If the stale highway com- day by slate hrgiiway comntfeelon j f„r n„xt yPar at a meetlng of the urges that people here lay aside other tom Extending to Europe. activities for the day and assist In mission will Inslall them I. M Pel aureate Speaker; 37 In Claes. erson, city recorder, has al'eady crews. • 1 board of education Monday night. honoring the sailor and soldier dead j With gravel already along the road ( william O. Hughes, chairman announ In the ceremony for which tentative ' Springfield mothers will have their Seniors <>f th«> high school beirln written the commission asking Inal ' aide on the route, the workmen expect | ced. | day Sunday when In each of the plans are already formed. their formal graduation program to­ the lights he put In and giving a , to make good time In putting tie 1 churches of the city programs In their Election of the additional teachers Zack Klntzley. sole surviving active honor will be the feature of the ser­ morrow evening with the presenla * sketch of the system favored by the road In shape. completes the teaching staff for the member of the O A. It post here, will tlon of the annuel class play In the ( oooncll. The Lions club ha. been active In I Th" of 0,1 and *r,T*1 pUt "" grade schools for the coming year. again be honred In being grand mar ■ vices. high school auditorium. Children and sdulta will attend '* • • • It was stated. shal for the day. Lieut. Tom Swarts. , these services wearing red flowers IS ‘‘Turnlnla the Trick", u comedy In! g ,-lln g the m atter before the c o u n c il'1“ " 1 year «,n.t the commission County Judge ! for lbe work lhU yHar wl" raak<; Miss Hazel Murphy, sister ol commander of the Oregon National • honor of their mothers If they are Hy­ three acts, hss been under prepara the road even better than It was fol Dallas B. Murphy, local merchant, Guard unit here, will be In charge .it j ing and white flowers In their memory tlon for several weeks. Mrs I. M C P. Barnard has urged the com­ i lowing the Job last year, will teach the second grade and music i placing the various organizations in If they are dead. Peterson, class advisor has directed ( mission to Install the lights and be­ j Hast Main street and Second street i In the Brattain school. Mrs. Paul the parade to the cemetery. lieves that this will be done. the production. The custom of celebrating Mother'd Routine mutteas of business are on to the bridge and the entrance at I Basford, who has taught, here before, The Lions club will be asked to day has become a national event Members of the cast are: Carl Me- the junction will also be oiled. Mayor will teach the 5-A grade In the Brat­ furnish transportation, and Oswald among the churches of the country. Klnnls. Uladls House. Lelloy Nice the doeknt for the regular meettlng O. G. Bushman said The council I tain school for four and a half Monday evening Claims for the Olson has been delegated to secure a Religious leaders state that EurcrsaB Melba Mellen. Chartrees Wllllef AI-, bert ’ Harper, Dorene L a r lm e .r j month will be allowed and reports 1 has voted to pay for the work again 1 months. band Ladies of the O. A. R... and the countries are becoming Interested 18 ! this year. gome puces on the Kenneth Geiger. Wlnlfrld Tyaon and from the various eommlltees Miss Evelyn Luclle Holman, s auxiliary to tne American Legion tbe plan and Ia>st year oiling done In the city teacher at Brownsville this year, will post. as well as other women's organi­ Richard Harpole. continent It Is being adopted. i roat approximately JSOf), but will coat teach English and music In the high sations, will have charge of the Selection of Rev 8. Earl Childers. ; PILING DRIVEN FOR Evening Program Set a little less this year because of the 8hp g A|b pastor of the Christian church, a « ) flowers. At the Methodist church the pro­ EAST END APPROACH coat already on the streets. Heavier coj|egp speaker for the baccalaureate service F. B Hamlin will secure a speaker gram will be at the 8 o’clock evening OF SPRINGFIELD SPAN oil will be used this year, but that will was announced today. The service Is service. Mrs. W. K. Barnell cholf Positions Announced for the day’ Troop" 11 and 12 ot 1 not Increase the cost the mayor said. scheduled for May 27 and will be leader Is in charge of the following i Scout« will participate In the game W'lth 15 men at work on the struc­ The board succeeded in finding a „ formpr yparR. held In the Methodist church. ture, much progress was noted In the The city has saved more than the program: Solo. “What Is Home With­ Whether It will be In the morning or I building of the new Springfield bridge coat of the oiling on upkeep of the teacher who could Instruct In music A j Mfjrgan wl;, bp a„kpd t(J baTP out a Mother." Barbara Barnell; duet, road during the past year, the mayor . . well as one other subject In each j chargp f(f Hfhoo, rhndrPB thp “My Mother," Jule and William Poll­ evening Is yet to he decided by the , this week. pointed out. of the schools. It was announced. {>arade Th„ w o w lf)dgp and the ard; solo, ’’A Rose I’ll Wear for You, seniors. which will he the foundation The new coat of oil will last until Prof. Victor Morris of the depart­ 'of Piling Placements announced are: Brat- pY ,ar.L, have been delegated to put Mother Dear." Paul Potter; reading, the temporary bridge reaching to the heavy traffic now passing over ment of economics at the University lain school Miss Alta Manning, first the cemetery In shape and provide "Bongs My Mother 8ang.” Mrs. A L. the second pier on the east side of Hecond street Is diverted over the grade; Miss Hexel Murphy, second benches for seats. of Oregon, will deliver the commence­ Yarnell; ; solo. "My Mother Taught the river was put In this week. Work new bridge and will leave a good ment address In the high school audi­ grad/ and mush Miss Morris. 3rd B; . j(ayor q . O. Bushman and members Me,” Mrs. W. K Barnell; address hf on the approach from thia side will street along the old route. It was torium May 29 a" , Principal {h# c, coonct, a,80 haTP . the pastor; My Mother songs, Mrs. 8. i be the Aral major step In building the slated. and 3-A; Miss Anne Gorrle. 5-B; Mrs Class Is Large 8. Potter and the choir; pantomime, bridge. I Work on the highway oiling will Basford. 5-A; Miss Doris Girard. fi-B One of the largest classes ever to ■ “My Mother’s Bible.” Mrs. P. Wooley. George Valller will provide traffic of-1 Cement pouring will atart as soon start at Walterville and progress this graduate here will receive diplomas Lincoln school — Mrs Marjorie j fleers to escort the parade to and I At the morning hour. Rev. Gabriel 1 I.«selle. first grade; at the commencement exercises. as the forms which are now being way, it was announced. Mrs. Opal from the cemetery. The Women’s Civic ' Sykes will preach on "The Supremacy Thirty-seven names are on the upper placed are completed. Roberts. second grade; Miss Edna club has been asked to take a part In of Jesus.” Sunday school at 9:45 If the present normal stage of the TWO MEN ARE ADDED class roster Whether all of these Platt. 4 B; Miss Doris Braat, 4-A and the celebration, but no definite as o’clock and Epworth League at 7 p m. will graduate or not depends on their [ river continues, the contractors will Miss Crystal Bryan, 6-A. TO ROSTER OF LOCAL signment of what members are to do j Eugene People Appear grades from now until the end of not experience the difficulty with high has been made. Mother’s day w ill begin at the Sun- Both divisions of the fourth grade NAITONAL GUARD UNIT water which was feared. O. Lind­ school. "To my mind this day Is above all day schol hour at the Christian church -------- have been placed In the Lincoln Officers of the class Bre: Albert strom. who Is In personal supervision Two enlistments were reported by whoo^ Placements In the upper days In the way of a memorial.” , where a special service will begin at Harper, president; Chester Chase, of the work, stated. Headquarters company. Sprlngflell R™des of the Junior high school and Major Huntly said. “Every person In 9:45 o’clock. At 11 o’clock. Rev. S. E. It has been announced that the vice-president; Dortha Bailey, secre­ unit of the Oregon National Guard. *he senior hleh school will remain Springfield should assist this commit . Childers, pastor, will speak on “The tary and treasurer; Wlnlfrfd Tyson, crew of workmen will be enlarged • following the regular drill session j tee in making the celebration a sue Religion of Our Mothers." Miss Vera same as this year. Champie of Eugene will sing a solo, social promoter; Ormell Redding, next week. cess.” | Tuesday evening. Alfred Townsend ----- ------------- ---------- "Mother Love” of which she is author. sergeant at-arma. and Lester Knouse, both of Sprlflg- S E R V IC E S T A T IO N S T O She will be accompanied bj; Elmer The class motto Is: "Do more, wish JUNIOR HIGH PLAYS I field, have enlisted in the company. PLANS FOR SCOUT CAMP Hulbert, also of Eugene. BE CONSTRUCTED HERE DARW LARGE CROWD; less." the class colors pink anil white ! They take thp places of Cay TO BE TALKED AT RALLY The evening service will begin with und the class (lowers pink anil white IN NEXT FEW WEEKS Leathers and Paul Parker. The latter ACTORS ARE PRAISED -------- i, a sermon on "Denotitnationallsm” rosebuds. l men could not attend summer camp Opening of registration for the an which will be followed by a panto Two new service stations will be Students of the Lincoln school re-• of the militia and therefore were ro­ T h e Junior cla ss recep tio n and ban nual Boy Scout summer camp on m| me "Real Memories of Mother” built here beginning within the next quet for the graduating students Is I reived high commendation for acting . placed In the local company. Thcv Blue River will be made at a mass I compoged by Mrs I»uisa Kellern«, scheduled for May 18. Committees ' and singing done In the play and | were transferred to the national guard few weeks. It was tentatively announ­ meettlng or the Lane county scout J profes8Or of oratory at Eugene Blbl« ced this morning. are already working on arrangements operetta presented at the high school , reserve. Other changes are expected for the event. Seniors last week took last Friday evening. Utefore the company goes to camp this J E. E. Morrison and Fred Cllngan council next Friday night. It was an- university. The reading will be don« nounced this week. by s chl|e with music by Eiet« leave of their classes In annual a large audience, consisting mostly spring. Lieut. Tom Swarts, commend- i propose to tear down the old Farmers The session will be a mass meeting Brill. Christian Endeavor ,.u meets “sneak" day when they hiked up the of nilulta. attending the two produe- «r of the unit, stated. | Union store at the corner of Third — n. i u at McKenzie for a picnic. I dons which were directed by Mrs. Every efTort is being made to get any. hp will he held and the ordinance Of A number of friends of Sam Bar­ Work „„ the countywide meeting of Masons Texas.” were praised for their per­ Cottage Grove in a game here Friday baptism administered. H. Auguet tholomew surprised him on his birth­ o„ Rtar( w1(h(n (he npxt ((?w In GSugene on May 17. Plans for par formances. Hunderup. evangelist who concluded afternoon. i wpeks Mr Anderson said. The sta- day anniversary last Friday by gather- ticlpation of the local lodge were a successful meeting here last Sunday, The locals have defeated Eugene ! tJon wi„ bp „imilar In design to the in^ .at h] 8 hon>® f° r a ^Hr,y Llons Cup Changed made at a meeting Tuesday evening The group first gathered at the will be at the prayer service tonight high school, the Black 9ox. a pickup , one constructed by him In Eugene The traveling loving cup of the 1 M. Peterson, worshipful master of Frank Bartholomew home and then with his children to meet friends. the local lodge, will act aa worshipful ’ Lions club which has been In posses team of the same high school and wb|cb bp later sold to Roger and Spur- drove to Sam Bartholomew’s home. Rev. D. P. Curley, pastor of th« j lock, present proprietors. master of a degree team composed , "Ion of the Springfield den for the past Coburg. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Catholic church, will conduct mass as Mr. Morrison and Mr. Cllngan form- Frank Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs usual at the local chiurch. of officers of the various lodges re-1 ' few weeks was taken today to Ia>h ' Cottage Grove Is expected to fut- presented which will pul on work nt ' anon where It whs presented to that nlsh some real opposition. ! erly ran the store by that name in Fred Louk, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss, the big meeting The Craftsman's chib ( group by Jack Henderer, president of: A. J. Morgan, principal of the high : (re building vacated by the Union Mr. and Mrs. George Putnam. Mr Gets T ea c h in g Position— M iss M a r­ of teh university will have charge o f ! the Sprlpufietd club, and Charles P .) school, has urged that townspeople when the stock was moved to Cottage and Mrs. Sam Bartholomew. Theo garet Halsey, whose par-nts live here, Poole. Mr. Henderer made the speech show better cooperation with the Grove some time ago. Later they the second part of the program. and Wendel Bartholomew. Mr. and has been elected to teach in the Most of the members of the Spring- of presentation at the luncheon of the school authorities In a financial wav managed the Farmers Union store. Mrs. Lee Putnam and son, Thomas. Walton school. Miss Halsey spent field lodge are expected Io attend til- 1 Lebanon group, expressing the good It costs money fur temas to travel Mr. Cllngan then went to Klamath Iln, Vclda and Dale Bartholomew. Mr. the past week-end here visiting her and the only way to raise it is by Falls where he conducted a potato wishes of the Springfield den. session . and Mrs. Graden Lewis and son, Gra- parents, returning to the state normal admission charged nt the games, the farm. Mr. Morrison has been con­ school at Monmouth Sunday evening. principal said. Last time only 81.»5 nected with other business interests den, Jr. wns collected for the crowd, most of gn(| ,s now bpad, of the Western Gold whom refused Io give anything Mining company which operates In, The principal will ask Chief <’f , Grants Pass with an office in Eugene. Police George Vallier if the street j . . near the diamond can be closed during A proposal to consolidate Eugene of an initiative petition. COOKING CLUB GIRLS ARE t tie games. Residents of jCugene would a lso ' and Springfield Into one city was un­ A resume of nine years of active been the building of a community More (hnn 2t35 has already been GUESTS OF MRS. WALKER have a voice In the project, ns well as service to the best Interests of Spring- house for which this and other organl- spent by the local team for. equip­ officially voiced here this week when the people In the territory between j Mrs. W. W. W'alker was hostess i o ; fle]d was featured al the anniversary zatlons are still striving. ment and no money has been raised merchants and other residents were the towns, It wns slated. members of the Peter Pane ookingclub mpeting of the Women's Civic club More than 40 people were seated to take care of the debt, Mr. Morgan Interviewed as to their opinion of That Eugene people would favor the of the Lincoln school at her hom e' TUesday evening at which husbands at the tables which were decorated said. proposal is signified by several mer­ «uch a move. Monday afternoon. At 6 o’clock a ' of tbe members w>ere special guests. with small bouquets of spring flowers. Although the project Is as yet in a chants of that city whom Mr. Stew art' PLANS FOR ROSE SHOW TO I three-course dinner was served, sev- J)Rst prpgiden, g o, tbe organization A big birthday cake with candles on tentative state, those who favor It npproached on the matter. J. E. PF M A n r AT PI HR M FFT fral of ,hP Kirla demon8trat,ng how I told members of the accomplishments it formed the center piece for the Shelton, president of the chamber of believe that the Issue may come to a BE MADE AT CLUB MEET gp, ,hp ,ahIo for a dlnBer in ,,ong pf ,hp c]ub Among table. vote at the general election In the fall. commerce of Eugene, Is quoted ns say­ Mrs. W. W. Walker, president of courses. ,he acbjevements noted were: First plans for the annual Pose Acting he says strictly In a personal ing Hint the consolidation would he a club, acted as toastmlstress, introduc­ Following the dinner the following inauguration of annual cleanup and unofficial capacity, Harry to. “fine thing” If the people of Spring : «how of the Springfield Women s ing the following past presidents: girls played ga-mes on the lawn: week. ; Civic club will he made at a special Stewart, Springfield fuel denier, this field would vote for It. Mrs. Lydia McGowan, Mrs. William Dorris Chase, Elwlna Meacham. shrubs and of trees Planting Improvements for which Springfield j meeting called for Wednesday even- week Interviewed 25 merchants and Donaldson, Mrs. Maude Bryan, Mrs. Angela Brattain, Elda Carson, Emtr.a Hewers movement. has been seeking for some time would professional men whose establish­ ine. Moy 16 at the home of Mrs. W. Trinka. Geraldine Wilkinson, Hazel Establishment the annual rise C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. Ora Read ments are located on Milin street, he result from the ehnnge, Mr. StewRrt \V. Walker, president. Hemenway and Mrs L. K. Page each Wlnson, Julia May. show. „ said. One of these would* be the con­ reported. All members are urged by the presi­ addressed the club members and Planting of shrubbery at Brattai t Absolute opposition to the proposal trol of the Willamette river which dent. to attend this meeting. guests. Mrs. Page was named tem­ school. was expressed by only two of the men during Its flood singe does considerable No date has yet been set for the Frank Lombard Hsre—Frank Ixnn- porary secretary when the organisa­ Contribution to the library fund.. to whom Mr. Stewart talked, he said. ria,i|iug<> to the West Springlleld neigh­ rose show. Time for the big event bnrd, a student at Willamette Univer­ tion was being founded nine years Purchase of the piano at the cham­ Whether the majority of the resi­ borhood, ho pointed out. depends on the weather and the num­ sity in Salem, spent the last week-en-l ago, was later elected permanent This city would find Just representa­ ber of roses in bloom. dents of this city would favor such a visiting his mother and sister here ber of commerce. secretary and has retained that office Donation to the fund for the arch plan would have to be determined by tion on the city council and the tax A chairman for the event will be The three drove to Salem Sunday since. the election. It wns pointed out. To money paid by property owners hero named and definite plans will be evening, Mrs. Lombard and Miss at the Junction. Cards and social diversion follow- One of the chief objective of the get on the ballot the consolidation would he used for the general Imporve- formed at the meeting next week. It Maurlne Iximbard continuing to Port­ club during the past year or so h a s, ed the dinner. movwnent would first take the form ment of the larger community, he said. was announced. land for a brief visit. Proposai to Consolidate Eugene and Springfield is Again Heard Here Nine Years’ Civic Activity Reviewed By Women’s Club on Anniversary