•— » THURSDAY MAY 3, 192« PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS DELEGATES TO COUNTY INCLEMENT WEATHER CHAMBER NAMED FRIDAY HINDERS CITY CLEAN­ UP, SAYS MR. VALLIER Three members of the Springfield Lincoln Junior High S tu d en ts to P resen t O p eretta a n d P la y F riday --------- I "The Ghost of Lollypup Hay" In tlm FARMERS SHOULD NOT THURSTON ( >!• of un operaltu Io lie prescnli <1 by SLIGHT SEED BED, IS eighth griidca «ludciiis of the Lincoln ADVICE OF FLETCHER ,\FI a Agnes Bright man home demon Junior high school Friday nt 8 o’clock. The inimical plav will he staged In the F arm ers who egpect to how alfalfa strition agent, held an all day meet­ high hc I ioo I auiLtui turn I I..,» spring should not alight seed bad ing al Mr». A. 11 Mathew’» home laat A comedy, "Aunt lllllls from Texas" preparation because of the continued Wednesday "On Better Home»" The Thurston high school baseball will also b<* presumed In addition to table and tale spring sluice I). ¡4. other feuturea. Mr». Catherine Dun­ Fletcher, county agriculture agent, team motored lo Marcóla last Friday can, u teacher In the arhool, la direct­ i Special care should be tuken to pre­ where they met defeat by 1 acore ing I he two playa pare a seed bed that :» fine,- firm,, and with the team there. The Maple school baaeball acama A nominal uilinlaalon w i l l he i free from weed». Such a aeed bed charred. ! can not be prepared In leaa than two played the Thurston grade school The cant follow«: Mt«» Jemima I or three week» after the ground dries teams on the local diamond laat Fri­ Htell, Geraldine Wilkinson; Mary a out sufficiently for working Working day, the Thurston boy»’ and girl»’ * hading aplr.. among student«, Junta the soil control» weed» and alao give» teams won. Several from here attended the May; Midge and Molly, Mury'a chum». It an opportunity to warm up. Alfalfa »••Ian Knight, Ix-lu Hqulres; Dlnuh 111 germinate promptly and grow funeral of Mrs. Fowler In Eugene laat colored maid, 11« to I Wilson; Prof. rapidly In a warm soli Where thia 1« • Saturday. Site w ii formerly a resi­ Alvin Hint, principal, Imuls Hhlpley; done the alfalfa has a Is-tier chance dent here. She made her home with her daughter, Mrs Frank Taylor. Dick, a leader umong boys, George to keep ahead of the weeds. Mrs. Blanche Wise from Portland Thatcher; Tarry and Tom. Dick’» The county agent states that now visited In Thurston laat Sunday. pala, l*aul Lindsey and Wayne Crider; Is the proper time to »tart to prepare Mrs. Rosa Baughman from Eugene I toy, Hubert Telkamp; Marcus Adam the aeed bed for alfalfa that Is to be visited relatives here last Sunday. Johnson, a negro, Cheater Moon; planted In the spring of 11)2*. He Mr. and Mrs. Koaa Calvert from Chorua of boya and girl«. stales that the heat way to begin pr e Junction City vlalted at Hay Baugh's Character« for the play, "Aunt paring Q>r an alfalfa crop Is to plant last Sunday. Hlllle from Texas," are: U nde I)lck a cultivated crop such as corn, pota­ Itoas Mathews from Dexter waa In latnalng, Connie'« unde, Eugene toes, or root crops the year before Thurston on business Monday even­ Walker; Hush tiwena, Wlnaton Kurus; the alfalfa Is to be planted. Thia Pepper Horrella. Lloyd Freaa; Doctor ing. help» to eradicate weed» from the Mr. and Mrs Walter Platt and fam­ Edward llagwell, llllly Wheeler; ily motored to Springfield and attend- Doctor Francis Sinclair, Eldon Bill- land. UPPER WILLAMETTE The seniors of the Pleasant Hill high school presented their play "The Deacon Entangled" to a small audl- cnce at the Hell theatre at Springfield last Thursday night. The Santa Clara Parent-Teachers association presented their play Cupids Caper* at the Pleasant Hill high school gymnasium last Frida/ night under the auspices of the high school student body. A good crowd truned out and were well pleased with the er.'eretaliiment. The contest for queen of the May Festival to be held at Cottage Grove was closed last Wednesday. Nina Elaetro-Therapy Dilley received the most votes at the ALTA KING SUPPORTER Pleasant HUI high school. The Loraoe Specializing In OF DRYS AT SOME RISK high school queen had the most vote« of all the high schools and will he Painless and During the controversy between the Bloodless queen at the Cottage Grove festival, "wets" and "dry»' in Cottage Grove ! all other queen» will be maids of before the Eighteenth amendment ' Removal of honor. The festival which was to waa passed. Alta King, candidate for J Tonello have been held at Cottage Grove this democratic nomination as district a t - , Oregon practicing. week has been postponed until next torney, spoke for the dry side at a office 1237 Ferry Si Phone 2085 Wednesday May 8. time when his supporters thought It j Eugene. The Pleasant Hill baseball boys wise to surround him with a body ’ were defeated by the Elmira team guard, he recalled thia week. last week by a score of 7 to 4 The "The strange thing about It waa that j girls won by a score of 8 to 3. The nothing ever came of the threats,” | Pleasant Hill boys defeated Creswell Mr. King said. 31 to 1. On account oft he rainy The candidate served as Justice of weather It has been very hard fu get the peace and city recorder In Cottage the games In on schedule time. The Grove and was city recorder in Eu­ Pleasant Hill boys went to Thur.-ton gene for some ttane. He went to the 'I uesday May 1 but were unable to state legislature two times as chief ‘ plav on account of the rain. They go clerk of the Judiciary committee of - to Mohawk Friday. which L. E. Bean was then chairman. The Juniors have begun to practice on their play "Hold That Line Jim- NOTICE TO CREDITORS my." which they hop«» to give in the Notice is hereby given that the un­ near future' derslgned has beer, appointed Execu- , tor of the Estate of Carlton Columbus Pleasant Hill public school closes Myerg deceased, by the County Court Mav 11. Trent closes May 18. of Lane County, Or«-gon. All persons E. B. Tinker an.l daughter, Bonnie h“»1“* claims against said eaUte are! . . ... », .. , hereby notified to present the same, Jeanne, and Miss Belle Olson motored properiy verified, to the undersigned to Newport Saturday April 28 and at the office of Wells tt Wells, B an k ! retunred In the evening Mrs. E. B. of Commerce Building. Eugene. Lane: Tinker and son, Frederick Bruce, and County. Oregon within six months from the oate ot the first publication i mother, Mrs. O. H. W angelin, who j of , h!s noticP Candidate for have been spending a week at the i Date of first publication. May 3, I REPUBLICAN NOMINATION . Gilmore hotel at Newport returned j 1928 Date of first publication. Mayi tt For | with them They report that Newport j HARRY L MYERS. Executor. is getting ready for the opening of ( WELLS & WELLS Attorneys. ! season May 15th. M 3-10-1.-24-31: I ed the show on Tuesday evening. The baseball team motored to Vida aerman; Jerry, bell hop, Orvnl Mr- BULLETIN AT COUNTY last Sunday where they played the I’heraon; Two young «non (atretcher AGENT’S OFFICE FOR team a game. bearer«) Hubert Telkamp. Dennlaon DAIRYMEN OF SECTION Vida Lum Maya from latndax spent the Andrus; Two policemen, (Clmor Thompaon and Oeorgc Smith; Man A bulletin In which Lace county past week-end in Thurston. Misses Ml hl red Price and Ruth with meaaagc for Ituah Owetia, George dairymen will he especially Interested Thatcher; Ml»» Jeunnette Grimly, has Just been Issued by the Exetnslon Whitlock motored to The Dalles last Evelyn Harris; The real aunt Hlllle, Service of the Oregon Agricultural week-end. They drove to Newbe-g Helen Knight; Constance Norbnrv, College .according to Count Agent O. Friday evening, spending the night at Getktldlne Wllklnaon, Edith Wood», S. Fletcher. This bullettln la on Miss Whitlock's home then drove on Eunice McFarland. ’’Dairy Cattle Feeding with Some Saturday to The Dalles and returned Eghorn farm near here. gene. The eggs were ordered by a Dane Iiewis M Kletxing. republican candi­ who saw an advertisement In a north- date for sheriff, who was a visitor in SELF SERVICE FIRM NOT west magazine. The order was sent Springfield this week, says he will TO CONDUCT STORE HERE new forRet t(me M# ham) by parcel post. Although 25 days nn the way due to All stock In the former N,.wlHnd over hand over the McKenzie river on , delay the eggs arrived without one ... . . . .. a cable after the Seavey ferry. A Eu- be moved to the Eu- . . , . I being broken. Whether they will i store here will ... a ., u gene high school party trying to cross hatch a fte r that long a period I. pro- gene »tore <» fthe William SeH Service blematlcal, but If they had reached IRm. It was announced today by J. E. (hp there within the 15 days which the j Hayward, manager. ! Rletzlng volunteered his services as trip would ordinarily have consumed It wain announced last week that the - a cable climber and went after the hatching would have been certain, Mr. Eugene company would conduct the I ferry. He succeeded, but says tf It Nelson said. business here along the same lines 1 had been 10 feet farther he would used In Eugene for a period of 30 . not be running for sheriff now as he MERCHANT SELLS RECORD dava and If the trade was sufficient nearly fell Into the river. LOT OF BANANAS HERE the store would b«- continued. In regard to his residence. Mr. Some difficulty over the matter of Kletxing says Eugene Is his home and A new record In the sale of Iwnanaz a lease of the store room arose which ! If elected sheriff he will enjoy re- here was chalked up last week-end by prompted the move to Eugene, Mr. I strid in g his traveling to one county a local grocer who reported selling Hayward explained ' instead of the whole state as he has more than 21 hunches of the fruit ua done for the past four years. Mr. a special Saturday. Kletzing stated also that he was re- T w o W om en In ju re d This was by far the most bananas ! reiving many encouraging reports re­ Mrs. Hugh Jollff und Mias Katie garding his contest and he expects to ever sold by this store In one day and nominated. Is said to lx- the largest amount sold Cummings received bruises and «•«» I by any store In thia locality. The when they were struck by a car , ,.j ajn noJ R politician,” said Mr. price was three pounds for 1C cents driven by Dr. R. P. Mortensen at the K,e, ztnK „and not (| gnm ghoe artig, corner of Second and Main streets so if I am nominated and elected It during the day's selling. Tnuesday evening. A report of the will be because of the Issues 1 re­ UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRYS­ accident, giving the details, has not present and the good people who will TALS— Fancy shapes and regulars. yet been made at the city hall, it vote for me." Hoyt'e Cash Store. tf was said. son; Doctor Tom Buckley, Clyde Do«- Although the inclement weather of i number of commerc e were nnm»-d an delegates to the recently formed coun­ the early part of the week put a ty chamber at a meeting of the local '‘crimp” Into the beginning of cleanup I week, the wagons collected the rub- group last Friday evening. W. C. j ! blah piled in the curbings and the Wright. Jess Spavey and- W. A. Taylor will hereafter represent this city at I town was officially cleared up the sessions of the couuty chamber. George Vallier, police chief and The matter of lighting the new I street commissioner, who was n 1 < harge of the cleanup for the city, Springfield bridge will be taken up at ' was disappointed with the weather the next meeting of the state high and said It would probably hurt the ‘ commission. It was announced cleanup this year. : by the chamber committee working Road work in the city has also ; on the matter. It Is proposed that been hindered during the past few ‘h* commission Install the lights and weeks, Mr Vallier. Usually at thia ! that »he city take care of the upkeep. time of year It Is not neceasary to keep the grader running, but that has been found essential up to the present time. Chiropractic and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Df.E. T. Helms A sk a M an Who K n o w s Him JAMES K. KING District Attorney A Blow-Out But there is no need to worry. Just drive into the A Street Ser­ vice Station and let Lagon or Owens fix it. Every job is given their personal attention and is guaranteed just right. GENERAL GASOLINE AND OILS — LEE TIRES Station “A ” Street Service . . . RnrinirfieM 5th and A Streets A t A Bargain ,1 5 H. P . Motor, - Burning-in Machine, Rebabbiting Pot, etc. } t a Open Evenings Until 10 o’clo ck SHOP SERVICE - PROXY LN PAINTING BATTERY SERVICE ~ GREASE RACK E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS 5th and A St.. . - - Springfield Thrae members of the Springfield I. O, O. F. lodge attended the meet­ ing of the Linn-Benton association I held In Harrisburg last Saturday. Charles P. Poole, Herbert and W. F. j Walker were present at the session. Mr. Poole responded to the address of welcome In the absence of L. D. Potter, Corvallis, grand master. He was also on the progrnm committee, but resigned because of his removal 1 from that district. Mr. Poole also attended the Lane association meeting in Mapleton last Thursday He represented the local lodge and was appointed on the pro- j gram committee. P. M. Colgaard of i Elmira wits elected president of the 1 association and that place wns chosen as the meeting place for the next an- 1 nual session. 58 X ________ James K. King for District Attorney (Paid Advertisement inserted by James K. King-for-Dlstrict-Attorney Club, Robert W. Eiarl, Secretary- Treasurer.) Vote For Law Enforcement Candidate LEWIS M. KLETZING for Republican Nomination for SH E R IF F of Lane County Primaries May 18, 1928 Slogan: “ P ro m p t a n d E fficien t Service fo r A ll Lane C o u n ty“ Vote for a new. reorganized administration. Kletzing is thoroughly familiar wTth the office and its problems. Ketzling says locking up prisoners will prevent escapes and save taxpayers thousands of dollars annually, now spent in useless deputy work and transportation costs. Kletzing will give prompt and economical service on civil processes, and tax work. Kletzing s known policy will rid the% county of undesirables and re­ duce Jail costs. SPRINGFIELD MEN TAKE PART IN LODGE MEETING FOR SALE Member of a pioneer family. Associated with Judge E. O. Potter in the law firm of Potter & King. A veteran of the World War. Paid Advertisement by Kletzing-For-Sheriff Club. 218 I. O. O. F. Bldg.. Eugene. Ore.. O. L. Bussell, President. Phone 2670. C. I. Collins, Sec'y-Treas. SPRINGFIELD FOLKS Ì vvoN D et? w h a t P a a n d T o m m y XKRE u P ^ T O — B y J. F. Ketel» - A N O I N O TIC E D , H A -H A ! K A DOESN'T they w e r s T SM IUN KK0W T H E Y W E N T TO O U T TOGETHER THEY W A L IT T L E ----- T TO G E T H E R A e > ie BOX O F C A N D Y FO R M OTHERS . D A . V -------' Club Dinner Set The Springfield Wbmen's Civic clun trill hold a covered dish dinner for the members and their husbands at 6:30 o’clock Tuesday evening. May S at the chamber of commerce. Each member Is requested to bring n dish of cooked food and her husband. Cards and a social evening are planned after the dinner. By all means buy Mother candy on HER day. But don’t forget that there are 364 days of the year when she would also appreciate a gift of our candy. It’s a favorite all the time with folks who like the best. We Give Green Discount Stamps