T i n rR8I>ÄY MAY 3, lj2 8 THB BPRINOmSLD NEWS Classified Ads SPECIAL HPItING CI.LANCI* frow UNBREAKABLE WATCH CllYS Aprii 26 to May 26— 1 sull 91.60; 2 TALS— Fancy shapes and regulars. Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, aulta *2 00 or your second sult for Hoyt's Cash Store. it Oak, Ash. All lengths. Phone Spring 60c. Thts Include« Men’s Sulla ami N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Arid 10«. if overcoats, laollea' dresses ami coats. Notice Is hereby given that, Alta J. E l-lmlaey, 240 Multi Street. King, bus been appointed ua executor l'A I.\ I INU and Kal-oinliilng lu all Ita A. 26: M 3 10 of the estate of Anna Bohlman, de- ceaaed, by the County Court of l^ane branches. Reduced Prices. Roy County, Oregon All persons having Marriage Licenses Issued Koch. Call 136-J. During (he past week marriage II.' claims against aald estate are re­ quired to present them duly verified S E P T IC T A N K S — ensea have been Issued by the county „„ t)y |„ w required within six months Ready for you to Inatall clerk to the following: Walter from the 3rd day of May, 192», to aald Fof family of five — *31 00, Eugene Spriggs, Eugene, ami Edna lone Cox, executor, at Ins law office 794 Wiliam For family of eight — *28 00, Eugene Springfield; John Arledge ami Flora ette Street, Eugene, Oregon Date of Rewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile Hughes, laith of Wend ling; Virgil WIs- : first publication, May 3rd, 1928. ALTA KING, Executor. and Chimney Blocks. lu isoii, Eugene, and Emmu Wiaaert, M 31017-24-31: E U G E N E C O N C R ETE P IPE CO. ( row Stas*’; Max E Hamden and N O T IC E OF F IL IN G OF F IN A L Bluiiche Purker. both of Eugene. N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S POR SALE W OOD Notice la hereby given that the Ull- dentlgned haa been appointed liy the county court of Lane county, Oregon, nduilnlatrutrlx of the eatate or John Varney, late of «aid countv All per­ sons having claims against tile estate should present the sume duly verlfle I to Ute administratrix nt the ofilce of K D Allen, Hovey building, Eugene, within eix mouths from ibis date, April 2«, 1928. FREDA VARNEY, Administratrix. Ap. 26 Ma 3-10-17- N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S NOTICE IS» HKKE11Y GIVEN That the iihileraiglied has been appointed by the County Court of lain« County, Oregon, ua administratrix of the estate of Robert K. Stewart, deceased All persona having claims against said «slate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified and with pro- |H-r vouchers to said administratrix at the office of Harris, Smith A- Bryson, Broadway Building, Eugens. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first puhllcation of this notice. latte of Aral publication of this notice la April 6th. t928. MAGGIE STEWART, Administra­ trix ot Estate of Robert K. Stuwart, deceased. 1 »rrls, Smith & Bryson, Attyj. for A d -irx . Ap. 6 12-19 26: M 3: SUM M ONS IN THE CIRGUIT COURT OF THB STATE OF OIMXSON FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE. George W W ettel, Plaintiff, vs. Harry T. Shea, as executor of the Inst will and testament of Francis Joseph Schofield, deceased; Harry T Shea; Rudolph A. Schofield; Winslow H. Schofield; and P. J Hurtle, A. A. Rover . ltolx-r t W Kart. and F. N. McAlister, as members of the I.unn County Chapter American It e d Cross, a voluntary association. De­ fendants. T o R udolph A Schofield and W'inslow II Schofield, Defendants: IN THE NAME O F H IE STATE O F O REG O N : You a re h e re b y re ­ quired to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed ngulnst you in the shove entitled sun within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you full to ap pear and answer herein within said time, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint filed In the above entitled cause. THIS »CMMt-NS Is served upon you by publication thereof, once each week for four successive weeks, pur suant to an order of the Hon. C. P. Barnard, Judge of the County Court f«r Lane County, State of Oregon: end the first date of the publication of this summons Is April 6, 1928. E O IMMEL; EllED E. SMITH; DAVID B EV/tNS; Attorneys for Plaintiff Residence and postofflee ad­ dress of each attorney. Eugene, Ore gon. Ap. 5 12 192«»: M. 3: (B U S IN E S S lire, Phone 160 Plano Moving WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop. ’ OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE 633 Main Street Successor to Sutton Transfer WM. G. HUGHES AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY TO C R E D ITO R S LESTER BOSSERMAN, Adm inis­ LANE COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Jack Rodman, deceased. N olle« la hereby given by the under­ signed administrator of the above iiunn-d estate that he has filed hl- final acconnt In said estate, and that the lion (' I’ Barnard. Judge of said Court hit- fixed Thursday June 7th, 1038. nt ten o'clock A. M as the time for tie- hearing of objections. If any Io said final account and to the settle­ ment thereof. N O TICE IS H ER E B Y G IV E N : T h a t ELMER ROBERTS, Administrator. by virtue of an order of the County FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for Ail- Court of 1-ane County. Oregon, made States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- Cult, / Funeral Directors Springfield, Oregon General Law Practice 1. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Luw City Hall Building 8prlngfleld, Ore. D. W. R ocf JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon • ■ 5 gon, April 6, 1928. I | On,,thtl 13t,h ddy,J’f 19282 J? suit wherein on the ^.PrU’. 14ta day of Feto- trator. To Martin Hansen, of 1036, 8th &t„ ruary, 1928 in said cowrt F S Bar- FRANK A Del'l'E, Attorney for ! mlnlstrator and entered of record April 10th, ¡low, plaintiff recover«*d Judgment the estate. 1928. in the guardianship of Julian F. Fresno, California, Contestee: M 3 10-1724-31: You are hereby notified that against the defendants LouU JoaeplF Ap. 26 Mu 3-10 17-2»: Miller, a minor, the undersigned duly Josephsen th* . appointed, qualified and acting guard- Donald J McClure, who gives Signal, — . .¿ i sen and Bertha - - K ----- ------- — for ------ SUM M O NS Ian of the ... person and p ro p e rty of said C1 n A Y) I" I I D I M ” M I1 I XX 1 Yi addr,e'"’- J W ZV ld B ♦ U™ of W A »123.20 with Interest thereon IN I THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE . . . trila / ■ » v C l tKo 8 C . x. F O ««.A M A A M M .. V . M MA on April 6, 1928. file in this office THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE minor, will on and after the 26th -day at the rate of 8 per cent per annum STATE O F OREGON, IN AND FOR i his duly corroborated application to from the 28th day of July, 1926, until STATE OF OREGON FOR of May U*28. offer and sell at privai« LANE COUNTY. LANE COUNTY sale for cash or for cash and credit i->nte«t and secure the cancellation paM and the further sum of *50.09 Violet Lorange, Plaintiff, vs Frank I attorneys fees and for ccsta and dis­ M. J McKlia und Civility 8. McKlIn, to the highest bidder at Eugene, l^ n e Lorauge, Defendant. herein In the sum o t ' 0 1 » bursements his wife, plaintiffs, -vs- U. A. County. Oregon, all of the right, tttlo L / - , ’ 1 7 c w v P « r * « ' 1 9 / To Frunk Lorange, Defendant: s n , l Interest I n f e r e , » of o f said . , 1 , 1 minor In and .» a to V‘ hW,4 Of SeC. a ,„ e srwtx »» w 4. in / SE% »Aa Of *34 50, which Judgment was enrolled Washburn«- and Mary Washburue, and In the name of the State ot Oregon, real property described as fob ! ? E V i t f N E £ of See. and docketed in the Clerk’s office of his wife, James L. Clarke und Ethel the You are hereby summoned and re­ ow - iu .in - an — I. 8 ' an<1 Ge» 4 of Section 9. Township said court in said county on the 14tb Clarke, his wife, and also all other I l low"' Iwlng an undivided one half in quired 1« appear and answer the com 20 S. Rang 1 E.. Willamette Meri day of February. 1928, and said ex­ parties unknown who havi or claim lerest therein owned by said minor, dian. and as grounds for his contest plaint filed herein against you In the some title, estate, lien or interest Got No Twenty-three (23) In Block he alleges that said Martin Hansen ecution to me directed commanding above entitled suit and court within me in the name of the State of Or«»- In the property described In tile -^.n Thirty-three (33) In the Amended four weeks of the date of Uie first I’lat of Fairmont now a part of the fi,led ab?v® land. A^ u 2 »’ i * °n ln order to satlsfy 8aid Judgment. complaint hero n, defendants publication of this Summons, ami if City of Eugene. In Lane County, Ore-' ’“." I SCP 28 »¿nd 29tb' ! ln,ereat- ««oim eys fees, costs and ae- To James L. Clarke and Ethel * - nn you fall to appear, for wan. thereof, ¡1927. left and has never been back crulng costs to sell the following de*- the plaintiff will take Judgment Clarke, his wife; also all other par gon. That he has improvements said sale will take place at * " i u made 7 no ° l,^ VZ ’Ve,n'en^ , crlb««d real property, to-wlt: against you as prayed for In plaintiff’s ties uiikunwn who have or clulm some the That All of I-ot No Four and that part of law office of Alta King. 79» W’il “JJd 1 comp,led w,,h ,he law ln Complaint, to-wlt: for a decree of title, - estate, lien or Interest in the Lot No. Three which Ilea north of th* ,n T h, '"»»>7 tho Court dissolving the bonds of property described In the complaint ’• T K ? County Road running from Eugene to matrimony und granting to plaintiff I herein; the above named defendants: Springfield irin—fi—til N n - ew w , a —in—w-ia T t l Ihat allegations taken Snrlmrfleld lu al the said ““ ’-Kaiions wnl win be ne ia sen Vida, Oregon, said lots Three and Oregon ^ b ilc ld x o n n » ! a!I„ c™f^ pd' and aa'd ««try Four being In Section 28. Township an absolute divorce from the defend- I IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Coun.v ant, granting to the plaintiff the car« ! OF OREGON: You are hereby sum- A pril 26th. 1928. * P be cancelled without further 16 S. R. 2 E.. W. M.. in Lane County, nnd custody of the minor children moned and required to appear and ALICE mci McC . jiib Mil bfcit, LER Guardian Guardian or of offlce r „ 1 ,0 hrard- eKher containing 43 acres, more or or be on appeal if you before fai, t0 this flle I ! Oregon, leg8 •of Ho- plaintiff nn-1 defendant, uml I answer th e com p lain t tiled against for such other and further relief ns to you In the above entitled suit and the person and Estate of Julian in this office within twenty days after Now, therefore in the name of th* the Court may seem Just und eqult- court within four weeks from the date Miller, a Minor. f the FOURTH publication of this no- State of Oregon, In compliance with Ap 26: Ma. 3-10-17-2»: able of the first publication of this sum i ttce, your answer, under oath, speci- said execution and oredr of sale and This Summon« Is served upon you mons, to-wlt: on or before the 17th I Orally responding to these »allega­ in order to satisfy said Judgment, in­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS hy publication by virtue of an order day of May, 1928. and you will take tions of contest, together with due terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit of the Hon J. T. Brand. Judge of notice that If you fall to. appear and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that proof ,bat -vou hare served a copy of r and accruing costs. I will on Saturday said Court, ilatisl and filed April 9. unswer or plead within said time, the undersigned, by order of the y"Vr an"wer on ,he 8aid contestant the 26th day of May. 1928. at the hour 1928, directing for want thereof, wiR (>oun|y f ourt Of th« state of Oregon ' .............- this Summons to be i | the plaintiffs, •— 1,1 Person of by registered » of one o'clock in the afternoon of said s«rv.«l on you by publication thereof apply to the above entl led court for f , h' f 1 Lane h w lx-en dub ma'1' „ „ ■ d*y- a‘ »he Southwest front door of once a week for four weeks ln the I the relief prayed for In their said applnte<, Admlnifl,^ to r o“ thZ E sU te u Yon shou.ld / ,a ,e ,n your ^ r the Lane County Court House in En­ Sprlngfleld News, and that you complaint, to-wit ol Eva Mary McKinnls and all persons .,be. which : gene, la n e County. Orgeon, offer for answer said complaint within four For a decree herein. In and by , , , , -------- you desire future notices to be sent sale and sell for cash, at public auc- weeks from date of the first publics which all adverse claims of said de- Llavi?K cl»*«» ogainst said estate are to you. I t|on, subject to redemption as provid- llou th e re o f D uteof first publication, fendants and each of th em in and to b^ #b>. notified to P ^ e n t the same.; HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register, «d bv law, all of the right title and April 19, 1928. i the following described real property , pS £^rl>. vf rii!5d to at tB® r>ate‘*f first publication April 12. 1928 ; interest of said defendant Louie WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. ; K|tua,,,d ln County, Oregon, to “f , ’7 an.k A ne;jAtA°r“ey f° r« 0 8 ,0 8econd publication April 19. 1928 Josephsen and Bertha K Josephsen Resident and 1 I’. O. Address. Eugene. wit L ot, Eleven (11). Twelve (12). m o n t h s t h e 0 ? * " 11’ 7 fh'l" Date ,h ‘rd publ,c*tion- April *«• ^ 2 8 his wife; W P. Badglev. and all per- (Thirteen (13). and Fourteen (14) of j s,x months fr°“» the date of this ( Date fourth publication May 3, 1928. SOns claiming bv. through or under A. 19-26: M. 3-1017 Block numbered One Hundred Two noUce.. ------------- 1---------------- ’ them or any or either of them in and 1(102) of Wushhurne’s Subdivision of I Datt‘<> April 18th. 1928 to said premises. I the Springfield Investment and Power ; THOMAS McKJNNIS, Administra- S " M M O N S » FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Lan* NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! Company's Addition to Springfield, ( tor. LN THE CII JIT COURT OF THE County. Oregon N O T IC E IB HEREBY GIVEN: That Lane County, Oregon - shall be ( FRANK A. DE PUE, Attorney for »TATE OF OREGON FOR THE By BEULAH BRINN1CK. Deputy. L. L. Ray hns been appointed adminls fully determined, and decreeing and the estate. COUNTY OF LANE. Ap. 26: Ma. 3-10-17-24: Irntor of the estate of Carl Adams, de ^adjudging that the plaintiff's are the j A. 19-26: M 3-10-17 Alexander Lindsay and Ida Lindsay, ceased, by the County Court for Lane owners of the above described real | NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION his wife. Plaintiffs. Vs. Darwin County In the State of Oregon. All i property; that the defendants have ( FOREST EXCHANGE Bristow; Etta B. Fisher. Lizzie persons having claims against said no estate, right, title or Interest what- I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT No. 017920 Stephens, formerly Lizzie Bristow; estate are required to present them. ! ever In and to said real property o r 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the unkonwn heirs of Iola Bristow, Department of the Interior, Unitecf with the proper vouchers, within «I» ; »ny part thereof; and also that the ' the undersigned administrator eff the States Land Office, Roseburg, O re­ deceased; the unknown heirs of months from the 5th day of April. . defendants and each of them be for-: «„tate of Samuel Davis Calms de- gon, April 20, 1928. Addie C. Bristow, deceased; the 1928 to the said administrator nt the ( ever deburred from asserting « « ^ c e a se d , has filed in the Countv Court NOTICE is hereby given that unknown heirs of Edith Clyde Bris­ law office of L. I Ray In the Miner j claims whatsoever In or to said real ,,f state of Oregon for the tow. deceased; the unknown heirs on April 19. 1928. T M. Faulkner, o t Building In Eugene, , x , , Oregon. ■ « , . . k prop? rty ,O1; P«« thereof, adverse County h|g. Flnal Account as of W. W. Bristow, deceased; the Fisher, Oreeon. filed application No. I L A '" ’." !',,rH<’r ?f ,hl' p,aln*'ffa- “,ld »or 8U‘ h other, Sllch administrator and said Court unknown heirs of Elizabeth B. 017920 under the Act of March 20, eslnte of Carl Adams, deceased. nnd further relief herein as to the | has fixed Friday the 25th day of May, Bristow, deceased; the Unknown 1922, (42 Stat . 465) to exchange the Ap 5-12-19 2t>: M. 3: court may seem equitable. 1928. at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M heirs of Mary Bristow, deceased; l-nt 1. See. 7. Tp. 15 S.. R 9 W„ EI4 This summons Is published pursu at the court house in Eugene, Lane the unknown heirs of Robert Calli- NE(4 N E i;. SW i, NELi NELi. »%* ant to the order of Honorable C. P. County, Oregon as the time and place son. deceased; the unknow’n heirs NWU NEla NE%. EU SEU NW84 Barnard, County Judge of I«ane Coun-' for hearing objections to said account of I’ollv Callison, deceased; the un-iNE*4, NElii NEK* SWT« NE1,-«. S84 ty, Oregon, duly made and entered on ( and for the settlement thereof. known heirs of R. W. Callison, de- I SW>, NEU. S E l4 SW14 NE>4, the 18th day of April, 1928. The first I Dated .this 12th day of April. 1928. ceased; ............... Kelly, husband of SVVt« S W 'i NEH. SEI4 publication of this summons will be ■ ROY G. CAIRNS, Administrator of Sarah J. Kelly; and all other per- i N\V’4. W'A E’y S E ^ XW1» and »E*-< Office Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176 M "¿"n ° , 7 J hUr7 1i a '!’P . 19' hJ ay. . ° r ,be es,a ,e S'-»«"”1 I)a'is Cairns. sons or parties unknown, claiming | SE(4 SE>4 NW(4, Section 12, Town- April, 1928 und the last publication any right, title, estate, lien or in- , sh’P 15 S., Rang« 10 West. W M. Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. thereof will be made on Thursday, deceased. terest in the estate described in the , within the Siuslaw National Forest, General Practice, Special Attention A. 19-26: M. 3 10-17 the 17th day of May. 1928, nnd It will complaint. Defendants. | for the timber of an equal value to be to Obstetrics aud Diseases be published four consecutive weeks To Darwin Bristow; Etta B. Fish- cut from approximately 5 acres with­ in the Springfield News. of Children. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION er; Lizzie Stephens, formerly Lizzie in the E>4 See. 1. E ^ E*4. Sec. 13, I. M. PETERSON, Attorney for FOREST EXCHANGE (Bristow; the unknown heirs of Iola Tp. 20 S.. R. 3 East, Secs. » to 9 in­ First National Bank Building lalntiffs, Post Office Address, Spring- No. 017908 (Bristow, deceased; the unknown clusive. SW H. »ec. 10. NH NW H. Springfield, Oregon field, Oregon. Department of the Interior, United heirs of Addle C. Bristow, deceased; Sec. 15, and Secs 16 to 20. inclusive, A. 19 26: M. 3-10-17 States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore- (he unknown heirs of Edith Clyde Tp. 20 S.. R 4 E.. W M. within th* gon, April 10, 1928. Bristow, deceased; the unknown Cascade National Forest. The purpose of this notice is to al­ Notice Is hereby given that Ervin heirs of W. W. Bristow, deceased; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DR. W. N. DOW Wledman, Executor and heir of Ellen the unknown heirs of Elizabeth B. low all persons claiming the land* FOREST EXCHANGE D e n tis t Wledman, deceased, of Yachats, Ore- ( Bristow, deceased; the unknown selected, or having bona fide objec­ No. 017886 First Nutlonul Bank Building Department of the Interlo-, United gon, filed Application No. 017908. un- ( heirs of Mary Bristow, deceased; the tions to such application, an oppor­ l’hone 43 Springfield, Oregon States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ der the Act of March 20. 1922 (42 ( unknown heirs of Robert CaHison. tunity to flle their protest with th* Stnt., 465), to exchange the S E ^ of 1 deceased; the unknown heirs of Polly R e g i s t e r and Receiver of the Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. gon. March 29, 1928. Evenings by Appointment NOTICE Is hereby given that lot 4. S ’4 NE«4 of lot 4. NEKi NE»4 of Callison, deceased; the unknown 1'ntted States Land O f f i c e at SW14 of lot 4, 8W U SW>4 heirs of R. W Callison, deceased : .... Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protest* T. Mustoe, of Albany, Ore. lot 4. ..... Kelly, husband of Sarah J. Kelly; or objections must he filed ln this of­ filed Application No. 017886. under the *! f q „ T p ' S g !? Act of March 20, 1922 (42 Slat.. 465), £ V; ♦ NEU S \\ K«, NEL* NE«4 and all other persons or parties un­ fice within thirty days from the dat* known. claiming any right, title, es­ of the first publication of th.« notice, to exchange the SH NE%S\V'4, 8 4 ‘ NVVL4 SE>4. 9W U S ,. 4, WH SE>4 , S E k F ,£ 8WM NW% S B y tate, lien or interest In the estate which first publication Is April 29. described in the complaint; Défend­ 1928. SW>4, WMt SE% SKI* SW>4. S e c -; N EV an ts:— Non-coal. lion 5, * NW% NE%, Sec. 8. Tp. II V Q %n *11 IN THE NAME OF THB STATE HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. W. F. WALKER 8„ Range 10 West, within the Siuslaw K " M., within Ap. 26: Ma. 3-10-17-24: National Forest, for timber of an ,be Si'lslaw National Forest for tlm- OF OREGON : Yon are hereby re- equal value to be cut front appnixi ( Ker of «« equal value to be cut from to appear and answ.tr the com- ntately 6 acres within the EV4. Section approxtontely six acres within the p’a "» -fl,?d. a^ ,,"8‘ y™ 1" ‘br a,b, ° / P NOTICE TO CREDITORS L EH EH, See. 12, Tp. 20 S.. R. 3 E.. I EH Sec. 1. BH EH. Sec. 12. Tp. 20 S„ entitled suit within four weeks from Notice is hereby given that the un­ »ees. » to 9 inclusive, SW H. Sec. 1 0 .1 R- 3 E„ Secs. 4 to 9 inclusive, 8W H. the date of the first publication of 228 Main St. Residence 125 C St. this summons, and if you fail to ap­ dersigned on April 7th, 1928, was. hy NH NW H. Sec. 15, Secs. 16 to 20 ( Sec. 10. NH N’-VH, See. 15. Secs. 16 62 J 82M Inclusive, Tp. 20 S., R. 4 East, W. M , to 20 inc., Tp. 20 S., R » East, W. M., pear and answer, herein within said the County Court of Lane County, for want thereof tno plaintiffs Oregon, appointed executrix of the within the Cascade National Forest. w ithin the Cascade National Forest. time, will apply to the Court for the relief Full Auto Equipment The purpose of this notice Is to nl- The purpose of this notice Is to al­ prayed for In the complalht filed in estate of Frederick Deffenhacher de­ ceased and has qualified as such ex­ Lady Assistant low all persons claiming the land low all persons claiming the lands above enttUed cause. ecutrix. selected, or hnvlng bona fide objec­ selected, or hnvlng bona fide objec­ the THIS SUMMONS Is served upon All persons having claims against tions to such application, an oppor­ tions to such application, an opportun­ you by publication thereof, once each said estate are hereby required to tunity to file their protest with the ity to flle their protest with the R egie week for four successive weeks, pur­ Register of the U. S. Land Office at ter of the U. S. I,and Olfice at Rose­ suant to an erder of the Hon. J. T. present them duly verified as by law Roseburg, Oregon. Any such pro­ burg, Oregon. Any anch protests or Brand, Judge of the Circuit Court for required to said executrix at the law FRANK A. DE PUE tests or objections must be filed In objections must be tiled In this office Igtne County, State of Oregon; and office of ARa King, 794 Willamette ATTORNEY AT LAW this offfcp within thirty days from the ! within thirty days from the date of the first date of the publication of Street. Eugene. Oregon, within six date of the first publication of this the first publication of thia notice, this summons Is April 12, 1928. months from the first publication off NOTARY PUBLIC notice, beginning April 6, 1928. beginning April 19, 1928. this notice April 12th, 1928. IMMEL A EVANS. Attorneys for Non-coal. Non-coal Sutton 8prlngfiald, ARA BELL COOTER, Executrix. Plaintiffs, Residence and postofflee HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. HAMILL A. CANADA/, Register. ALTA KINO. Attorney. address, Eugene, Oregon. Building Oregon A. 19-26: M ilO-17 Ap. 5 12 10 26: M, 3 Ap. 12-19 2«: Ma. 2-10: Ap. 12-19-2«: Ma. MO: CHAS. P. POOLE OENTIST Sutton Bldp. Phone 80-J Residence Phons 153 M » N O T IC E NOTICE 1» hereby given, thut the UlldolHlglleil has been, by the County Cohrt of the Stale of Oregon for tun County of lam«-, duly appointed Ad mltilalralor of the «'State of Carl B oh - sermon, deceased and all persona having claim s against aald estate, are hereby notified Io present the aaine properly verified Io me ut the office of Frunk DePue, the attorney for the eatate. III Hprlngfield, Oregon on or before six months from the date of tills notice, haled April 23, 1928 NOTICK TO CREDITORS CALL AND REE Dr. N. W. ITrairi NOTICE to hereby «Iren that the I 00 PCcas on platea and other work. « undersigned have been appointed by the County Court of f^tne , County, Ore . N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S con, admlntotratorx of the partner-, NOTH'E IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ship estate d the undersigned haa by order of the late of Henry W W. Chase, ( has«, de- ceaaed, and Hlg Moe. heretofore doing County court of the State of Oregon business aa partner- under the Urn. for the County of U,ne been duly ap- name and atyle of Springfield Sand & pointed as executor of the estate of Gravel Company. phoebe Gray, deceased and all persons All peraona Having claim« against aald estate are hereby notified to pres­ having claims against said estate ars ent the same duly verified and with hereby notlfi- <1 to prevent the la m t proper vouchers to aald administrators properly verified to mo at the offlcs KLAMATH MAN OUT FOR at the office of Harris, Smith & Bry- of Frank A DePue. Attorney for ths estate. In Springfield, Oregon, on or CONVENTION DELEGATE h 'in* 210 w ithin -lx 1 » o old Eng the before six m.-atha from the date of v v r s v e r s t n j h u t L L U S t t Oregon, m n th n s from date of the first publication of this this notice. Dated April 14, 1928. Klamath Falls, Oregon, May 3— notice. SIDNEY MEACHAM. Executor. Date of first publication of this "Hoover for president to Insure con­ FRANK A. DE PUE, Attorney for tinued economy and business adminis­ notice Is May 3, 1928. the estate. HIG MOE. tration of national affairs" has been A. 19-28: M. 3-10-17 KENNETH R. CHASE, Administra­ chosen as a slogan by Arthur W tors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS HARRIS, SMITH A BRY8ON, At- Srhaupp ot this city, who Is a candi­ NOTICE I m hereby given that (he date for delegate at large to the Re-1 tovneys for administrators, undersigned has been appointed hy publican national convention a t1 **' 3 10-17 24-31 the County Court of Lane County, Ore­ Kansas City. Mr Schaupp Is city at­ gon as executrix of the estate i t N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S torney of the city of Klamath Falls ( Henry W Chase, deceased. All persons having claims against and has substantial business Interests Belle Shopp, Deceased: I Notice Is hereby given that Mary said estate are hereby notified- to pre*- here In addition to his tow practice. r Kelsey has been by the County ent the same duly verified and with Before coming to Klamath Falls Court of the State of Oregon, In and proper vouchers to said executrix three years ago. Mr Schaupp lived at for Lane County, appointer) Executrix at the office of Harris. Smith A Bry- ... ««. « . where u of the ,aHt wlB an<1 testament of Belle son, 210 Broadway Building, Eugene. Enterprise, In Wallowa county, shopp, deceased. Oregon, within six months from th* he served as district attorney. Ho All persons having claims against date of the first publication of thl* was a member of the Republican cen the estate of said deceased are here- notice. Date of first publication of thl* tral commute« there -ervlng fire by not,fled ,0 Present the same, duly ■ nTP stated and verified, at the residence notice Is May 3. 1928. years as chairman and two years as of A. E. Wheeler, 710 Lawrence St. CORNELIA 8 CHASE. Executrix o t secretaary. Later he served on the In Eugene, Oregon, within six months the Estate of H»-nry W. Chase, de­ from this 26th day of April. 1928. ceased. state committee. MARY E. KELSEY. Executrix. HARRIS, SMITH A BRYSON, At­ A. E WHEELER, Attorney torneys for Executrix. FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large Ap 26: Ma 3-10-17-24: M 3-10-17-24-31: sheets, ?6x39 inches, suitable for making ¡racings. The Nows Office NOTICE OF CONTEST NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON (F o r Publication) EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE 016961 Notice is hereby given that by vtr- NOTICE Contest 3970 | tue of an execution and order of sal* OF SALE O F REA L P R O P E R T Y the Department of the Interior, U n ite d . in foreclosure issued . r, out . of — _ Clr- II I R E C T O R Y SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER PIRK A C CO UNT IN TH E COCNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON F o il TRAIN KCHKDULK B*rlngfi«ld Stops Nu-th bound No. t t .............................. . 9:8« P M No. 1« 4 27 A. M Flag Southbound No 15 9 33 F M Fla« No 31 8:46 A M Coach Special for Klamath Falla and beyond, on flag at 3:01 P. M on Sunday, Tueaday and Friday, <■»» - a » , r ■ • ’