USE WOOD BOXES THE SPRINGFIELD N ew o TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR LEGION PAST PLANS FOR MEMORIAL DAÏ < HI’RINiJEIELD, I-ANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY .MAY 3, 1928 W INIFRID TYSON WILL SPEAKER IS SELECTED APPEAR IN RECITAL AT FOR COMMENCEMENT EUGENE ON MAY 3 AT SPRINGFIELD HIGH S prin g field Trim s Eugene High Nine “The Peopls’s Paper" A L iv e NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER IT ALFALFA AND CLOVER PROMOTED TOB ETTER DAIRYING IN COUNTY FOR STATE R ILLI M I hh Winlfrid Tyson, daughter ut Victor Morri«, profesaor in tho There will be more than .1200 arcei Mr. und Mrs. W. 1*. Tyaon of Spring Ahoni ut liUHliifita administration it Game Is Shutout Until First In alfalfa in Lane county thia year lli ld. will In- presented In u plun-i, the University of Oregon, will be the Half of Fifth Inning; Local County Agent O. 8. Fletcvher told the Springfield chamber of Commerce at I M ore T h an 100 A ttend M eeting# Pitcher Hurt Commander Larson Names M. recital by Reuben < hurlyle Goffrelere, speaker ut the commencement exer- Laraway'» music hull, Eugene, on clses nt the Springfield high school. It. meeting Friday when he dl.cUh.ed • B. H untly to Act ns Chairman ul At Local Church; Restoration Tuesday evening. May 8, st 8 o'clock I a . J Morgan, principal, announced With all the scoring of their op- the promotion of dairy feeds In this lor Annual Event May 30, re cita l w ill In- free and open to this week. of Church Unity ts Keynot» ponents coming io the first half of the section. His department plans to in- Lodges and Patriotic Order*.» the public of Meeting; Ashland Pastor ! I*rof Morris has made a reputation fifth Inning. Springfield high school ' ' reose dairying In I-ane county by I hl. I. Ml*, ryaou a miro complete f(>r h(lnite|f u „p.4l(„r to Participate in Program. . • . . . . . . ' providing better and more profitable Named Conference Chairman. . , .. . . . . recital .Ince studying wl.h Mr Gof ' unlv,,ralty fa„ (.om baseball players last night defeated | feeds, especially alfalfa and Ladino Eugene high school by a score of 11 clover M II llunlty will again head the frelere, one being given ut the end With more than 100 delegates here j inencement exercises will he held In American Legion committee lu chura» of each of the luat two .caaon.. Mr. Fletcher told of the progress from all parts pf the state for the I the high school auditorium Tuesday to 6. of llic Memori»! day program, Juck 1 M l.. Tyson Ima won favorable com This was the first victory over the being made with plots of alfalfa and opening session the two-day restore* ev en in g . May 29. Som e 36 stsdenfs lanaon. commander of the local post. ¡ ment from public and pre., for her w(„ form th„ grBduadn< t;laKB th„ ! larger school .Ince 1926. : clover both In westtwn Lane and In tion rally opened in the Christis* announced today, I mature style of pluylng, and for her year If th ey pass their final tests. Mr. ! Bprliigfleld lead In the playing alU »he valley sections of the county. church with a banquet at 6:30 o'clock .Major lluiitly has served in th>. artistic Interpretations. This si-assti, Morgan said. i *8« way through the game. At the I through cooperation with the Eugene Tuesday evening. capacity for the past three years ami with an Interesting new program, sh-' ! beginning of the fifth Eugene had not j Farmers creamery and the county Missionaries, preachers and laymen The seniors expect to select the Jias won considerable praise far him will again have an opportunity to wlu i scored. At. Uns time, the steady arm agent alfalfa seed has been distribu- of the Christian church of thia state speaker for the baccalaureate sermon »»•If lu the manner In which the event favor with her pianist ability, of I luck Harper, local twlrler, waver-. led among farmers since 1925. In , participated in the sessions which was bundled, Mr. I arson said. The This season, Miss Tyson bus acted on May 27 some time this week This ed and the visitors got in five runs ' ’bat year 31 farmers planted 27 acres ' ended last night, »hullman will appoint hls assistant. In the capacity of an usslnaut to Mr service Is usuully held In the Method­ one after the^other. Cowart assist«» j while this year 100 farmers have Victor Johnson of the Christian Inter and will call a nieetltng to go Guffrelere, concentrating her work rn ist church. in the ons»»»w . by overthrowing planted 308 acres. Each year since ! Restoration association of Cincinnatti, The senior play, "Turning the first. over preliminary plans i the .waiter children. In the Juue 1925 there has been an increased \ Ohio, a national exponent of Christ* M ajor H u u li) aulii tills m orn in g g ro u p re c ita ls ot Mr. G uffrelere, Mis Trick,'* a n o th e r lni|»>rtnnt ev e n t In The rest of the game was a con--! ac. "The Nineteen Hundredth Pea- branches of the order and all Mason«, affair. The three local girls who partici­ school, 9:15 o'clock; morning preach- Hemenway told of the plans for next tecost.” He referred to his trip and whether affiliated with any group in Lodge« of the city will also partici­ i of some of the more important events the county or not, are Invited to at­ pated In the contest were Annette ing service at 11 o'clock, topic, year’s work . pate In the program. ______________i of special interest to the pastors and , Williams, Nadine McMurray and Lena "Christianity and Good Mottos"; 8 tend. . ! church workers present. Two local lodgemen will be appoint-1 Frlxell. Individual records of these o'clock, "Stoicism or Self Control by JUDGES IN TOURNEY PETITION ASKS OIL typists were not announced, but their Law”; Epworth League at 7 o'clock; I ed later by Mr. Peterson to serve on CRITICIZED BY HIGH the refreshment committee for the big !rec,,r'1'' dw not «PProaeh that of the prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 TWO MEN ARE HURT IN ON STREETS IN CITY; SCHOOL STUDENTS event> e ' Ashland girl who won the champfon- f 'clock to study the lesson for Sunday | WOODS NEAR TH IS CITY H IC HWAY CREWS WAIT Grand officers from Portland and j !'h,p for nov,ce8- school next week. Some criticism of judges at the The Christian church program fol- A falling tree pinned Orval Powell, A p etitio n re q u e s tin g th e o ilin g of the grand master from LaGrande are , Miss Williams and Miss Frlzell have state high school music tournament 9:15 o’clock, Bible school; 11 19, of Crow against another tree and S econd s tre e t anil E ast Main s tre e t hv expected to attend the meeting. Many , recently been awarded gold medals [ lows; at Forest Grove last Saturday was S. E. fractured his leg Monday morning. Ha s ta le highw ay com m ission cre w s w as of the 10« members of the Springfield i ,or «'’’■raging 60 words a minute for i o'clock, sermon by Pastor heard following the awarding of 15 minutes in tests conducted at the I Childers, “How to Úse the Bible”: lodge will he present. was falling timber when the accident c irc u la te d h e re th is week. local school. Eight other students re- 8 o'clock, the fifth of a series of ser- prizes, students w h o represente 1 These sections of streets were oiled Springfield high school reported on °«curred- could n° ‘ explain Just I mons on "The History of the Church;” ceived lesser awards. how he was caught by the tree. He Inst year and property owners felt that CHICKS ARE BURNED IN j Christian Endeavor a» 7 o'clock, topic, their return here. the work was worth the price.- It is BROODER HOUSE FIRE The Springfield school was repres- was first briught here and then take* "How to Choose a Life Work,” Ellza- to the Pacific Christian hospital. pointed out that the Job will lie even PIONEER RESIDENT OF beth Rice, leader; special musical \ *"ted by a girls' quartet composed of more effective this year because of A loss of $25(1 was reported by R. B. Lee Stevens received a deep cat Melba Mellon, Dorene Larimer, Jule LANE COUNTY PASSES program by the orchestra at 7:30 tho coat of oil already on tho surface. , Nelson when a brooder house at the Pollard and Evelyn Manley and Paul [on one of his bands when a cross cut o'clock; Violin solo. Charles Nadvor- The highway crews are walllnjt for ' Nelson Leghorn farm near here was Potter as tenor soloist. Winlfrid Ty­ saw- fell on it. He was treated here Funeral services for the late Willis nlk; steel guitar, Walter Lee. (he weather to elenr up In order to 1 destroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon, E. Holdredge, 73, a resident of Dexter Monday afternoon. Rev. Fat Ha yen of Portland Is ex­ son played the piano accompaniment start oiling the McKentle highway be I One hundred and eight pedigree ! for the past 30 years »Tio died Tqes- for the local numbers. Miss Grace tween here and Waltervllle. A stretch < hicks were lost. Nn Insurance was day, will be held Sunday afternoon at pected to arrive here soon to assume I’otter, music instructor, accompanied GIRL SCOUTS WILL TAKE his duties as pastor of the Gospel some 12 miles long will be oiled ngaln carried. 1:30 o’clock In the Pleasant Hill ceme­ Mission where his wife is now acting the delegates to Forest Grove. JAUNT TH IS WEEK-ENO tills year. Work done there last year Overheating of an oil lamp used In tery, It was announced this morning Paul Potter, a former student of the made a road‘almost as good as pave­ heating the brooder house Is blamed by the Charles P. Poole chapel which as temporary minister. Services will local school, was a member of the be held at 11 o’clock and 7:15 o' clock. Girl Scouts will replace their reg» ment anil this year will he even better. for the blaze. The house, which was Is In charge of arrangements. Rev. D. P. Carley, pastor of the i ma,e <,uartet of the University high lar Thursday meeting this week witk It wa« stated. built especially for pedigreed chicks, The Springfield W. O W. lodge will Catholic church, will conduct regular [ 8<’hoojll ot Eu«ene wh,ch won fir8t a hike which will be taken Saturday, was a small one and was one of 15 awards In that division of the tourna­ it was announced this morning. officiate at the cemetery, members mass at that place Sunday. on the farm. SENIORS SKIP CLASSES ment. He returned here with the acting as pallbearers. Patrols 1 and 2 recently elected of» Two other brooder houses were ON ANNUAL SNEAK DAY Springfield group, bringing Raymond fleers for the ensuing year. Adalin* Mr. Holdredge was a native of Lane SPRINGFIELD NINE TO near the one destroyed, hut the Yarnes, a former resident here, as a Perkins was named lieutenant and county, being born near Dayton. He I ¡Leavtng the underclassmen to latur direction of the wind saved them. MEET WENDLING TH IS guest over the week-end. Rev. Mr. Is survived by his widow and four! Eva Louk corporal of patrol 1 and through their classes as usual, seniors Yarnes, the boy's father, was pastor children: F. E. Holdredge, Treat; | WEEK FOR FIRST GAME Alice Thatcher was elected lieutenant of the high school Tuesday took a PRESIDENT HALL AND of the Methodist church here at one of patrol 2. Claire P. of Oxnard, California; Mrs. vacation in the form of annual sneak BROTHER ARE ANGLE-vS J. C. Wintts, Granville, N. M.; an 1 Springfield baseball players w ill time. The girls are planning for a court day. limber themselves up in the first Mrs. Del Holcomb, Junction City. of awards in June. Several are al­ Tho classmen, accompanied by Mra President Arnold Bennett Hall of game of the season with Wendling at UNIVERSITY MUSICIANS ready preparing for merit badges and 1 M. Peterson, class advisor and Miss the University of Oregon and his that place Sunday afternoon. All APPEAR AT HIGH SCHOOL promotion. Lydia Osgood, nnollier faculty mem­ brother, N. C. Hall of Milwaukee, Wis­ NEW TRAFFIC OFFICER p’avers who can take part In this ber, went up the McKenzie for a pic­ consin, stopped In Springfield Tuesday TAKES POST ON TUESDAY practice game are requested to report Musicians fronithe university assist­ nic Ilbsplte the bad weather, they morning to secure fishing licenses. at the V?tsby real estate office or the ed in observance of national music LIBRARY BOARD THANKS reported a good time during the day. The two men were headed for Mc­ W. R. Davis took over the position Danner Motor company garage before week in a program at the high school CIVIC CLUB FOR MONEY Kenzie bridge where they expected of city traffic officer Tuesday when Saturday. yesterday. Miss Grace Potter, Instruc­ Peter Pan Girls Meet to land a few fish during tho day. Ilia resignation of Herbert Moore be­ The local tenm has secured the use tor in music, was In general charge Appreciation of the Springfield The Peter Pan Girls’ Cooking club The Wisconsin visitor is thinking of came affective. of the Brattain lot for the home games of the program. library board for the recent donation of tho Lincoln school held a meeting settling In Oregon, Dr. Hall said. "It Davis, who is a son-in-law of George nnd for the twilight league contests Gwendolyn Lampshire H a y d e n , of $20 by the Women's Civic club was nt the home of Doris Chase Monday all depends on how many fish wo Valller, chief of police and street com­ violinist, Doris Helen Patterson, harp­ expressed in a statement issued this which are planned . afternon. The hostesses were Miss catch,” the president remarked. missioner, has lived In this vicinity Five teams will probably form the ist and Lawrence Wagner, cornetist, wuek. Chase and Geraldine Wilkinson who nil his life. He hnd never before been twilight league this year, It was an­ accompanied by Maude Ougstrom on . The women's organization raisad nave a demonstration of how to make Kensington Club Meets an officer except when Mr. Moore re­ nounced following a meeting of fans the piano, each played solos. Miss the money to be used to purchase biscuits and cook eggs. Those pres­ The Kensington club will meet Fri­ cently went to Portland. and players last Friday night. A Potter gave a brief talk on the signi­ books especially for children. Besides ent were: Angela Brattain, Emma day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Plans for his future activities are married man's team, a Booth-Kelly ficance of the national week. this gift eleven volumes were given Trlnka, Valila Carson, Margaret Arch­ Charles P. Poole. Assisting hostesses ns yet undetermined, Mr. Moore said. team, a single men's team, a Chase Students In the grade schools also by members of the club. er, Hasel Wilson, Elwina Meacham, will be Mrs. lamrence May, Mrs. I,evl He resigned recently when tho coun­ Gardens team and a Wendling team heard talks on the subject during the Club members were interested to Junta May, Lela Squires, Geraldine Neet, Mrs. J. C. McMurray, Mrs. cil ruled that he must change hls will make up the league. week. Miss Potter Illustrated h?r see the damage done to the books by a Wilkinson, Doris Chase and the club Dallas Murphy, Mrs, J. T. Moore and residence from Eugene to Springfield Schedule for the twilight games will lectures In the two elementary schools broken water pipe last winter over­ leader, Mrs. W. W. Walker. Mrs. Alfred Morgan. In order to retain the position. be worked out soon. with phonograph record*. come as quickly as possible. u I