THURSDAY APRIL 26, 192R THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS BEACONS FOR NIGHT FLYERS W M H IH T O MT. DIABLO r !> ” « k ”00**™ '■ ) . uytUUa o * t \ C H O W C H iL lB / / ä íb í m m J ole. jea n VICTORVILLE Aa an aid to aviation and the de- valopmenl of night flying, the Stand­ ard Oil Company of California la build­ ing *hal will ba the two hlghaat powered Incandescent electric beacon» In the country one to be placed on the summit of Mt Diablo near San Francisco Bay and the other In the Merced llllls. la»s Angclee The»« bea­ cons will develop ten million candle- power and the flashing beams from them wilt be visible lo aviators for between I<»o and 150 miles. The com­ pany has taken th is action at the sug­ gestion of the I'nlted States Depart­ ment of Commerce, the Airways Di­ vision of which la now engaged In In­ stalling lights to mark the airways from I-on Angeles to San Francisco and from Loa Angeles to Salt I.ake City The Department of Commerce la also projecting a series of lights north­ ward aud eastward from San Fran­ cisco. as Indicated in (he chart above. These official airway lights are sal at frequent Intervals and ars of three million candlepower each The government will give the light on Mt Diablo the official designation of "SD," standing for "Ktandard- Dlablo,” and "HL” signifying ''Stand- ard-Ixis Angeles,” for the light In the Merced Hills The light for this type of beacon, built by the Sperry Gyroscope Co., la furnished by large 1500-watt Incan­ /.os ung Í l ís THURSTON Mrs. Grace Wise from Eugene and Mr*. Hoven from Oakland, California, called to visit Maude Edodston last Kalu »day. Mr*. Ernest Bertseh »pent last Thursday visiting old friends at Trent also attended the Ladles Aid at that place. The Ladles Aid »met with Mrs. Ira Gray last Thursday afternoon and sewed carpet rags, Mr. und Mrs. Belmont Russell of Silverton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell. Belmont just recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. His friends are glad to know he Is Improving rapidly. Marcóla high school staged the p.ay "Mr. Bob" at the Thurston hall last Friday evening It was well rendered and enjoyed by all present. Mr and Mrs A. B Mathews and family motored to Leaburg last Sun­ day and spent the day with their daughter, Mrs. Alberta Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Sparks from Blue River and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shough and daughter, Patricia, spent the week-end at John Price's, also went to Franklin last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver and Bert Weaver visited relatives in Junction City last Sunday, Mrs. Bert Weaver spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. John Moore, at Santa Clara. Jay Grant, who Is attending O. A. C. at Corvallis spent the past week­ end with his parents here, Mr., and Mrs. Charles Grant. Mr and Mrs. ’’’»vlor Needham MERCED HILLS TWO LOCAL PEOPLE TO GET NEW FORDS TODAY By Special Community News | JflA/ FX7flNC/4CO^ PAGE FT V E Correspondente Two Springfield people will receive new A model Fords today, E. IL motored to Cottage Grove last Sunday Danner, ot the Danner Motor con> and visited Mrs. Needham's mother. [•any, announced this morn'ng. Mr. Mrs. Teeters. Danner and Eugene Walker drove the The Thurston Bible School which two new cars from Portland yestep was defeated by the Franklin school ! day. In a recent contest motored to Frank Mrs. Ella Lombard and Vivian lln last Sunday taking their luucbes ‘ bailey will each receive a tudor sedan and ten gallons of Ice cream. They I ot blue color. enjoyed a picnic dinner giving a pro­ Production ot Fords Is being "T J. gram in the afternoon. Rev. Hoven ed up and more rapid delivery ' ex­ minister at Thurston, delivered the pected during the next few months, morning sermon. it was said. Poole Gets Post Charles P. Poole was nam el to suc­ ceed F. B. Hamlin as a member of the troop committee of Boy Scout troop 11 which is sponsored by the Lions club at the club luncheon last Friday. Mr Hamlin resigned to be­ come chairman of the American Legion troop. O. Lindstrom of the firm of Lindstrom and Feigensen which has the contract for the Spring field bridge has been invited to be a guest of the club at the luncheon to­ morrow. MAN AND GIRL TREATED FOR INJURIES WEDNESDAY Two persons were treated for In­ juries here yesterday afternoon Henry Gulley, an employe of the Hills Creek Lumber company at Jasper jumped ofT a log car and land­ ed on a pole. One of the bones In his left heel was broken. The five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moon received a severe cut to her head when she waa struck by a swing. Stitches were nec­ essary to close the laceration. FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large sheets, 26x89 Inches, suitable for CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery making tracings. The News Offlce on prices on plates and other work, tf Spring Cleanup NOTICE is hereby given that the city council has set the date, April 30 to May 3, as the annual Spring Cleanup. At this time all rubbish, cans or other dis­ carded articles will be hauled away free of charge pro­ vided they are sacked or boxed for quick handling. Child Millionaire All boxes and sacks of rubbish must be placed on the street parking or in the alleys so that the wagons can collect them all at once. »PN oiroo in OVAL assreiBLiHO &T«Hoaao on. A V IA T IO N B E A C O N W O a n e iA N is H O lO - INU (SCO W A TT L A M P W .IICM OCVCLOPS T t N M IL L IO N C A N O C t P O W t f l X W INCH a r r t e c T o a at t e r T ano l a - inch it n s * Property holders are directed to burn all rubbish possible and clean up their parking strips. at b ig h t WW; TTLZgGTi- GEORGE VALLIER. Street Commissioner. descent lamps especially manufac­ tured for the purpose The reflector and lens of the beacon are 3« Inches In diameter. The light Is equipped with an Ingenious device holding two of the Incnndescent lamps—one direct­ ly In front of the focal point of the reflector. In the event of this lamp burning out the second lamp la* auto­ matically thrown over to take the place of the one that haa gone out. This la dona almost Instantly so that there la no Interruption In the opera­ tion of the beacon. The beacon Itself makes six complete revolutions per minute. An automatic astronomical clock turns the beacon on at sunset and off at sunrise. This clock auto­ matically compensates for the con­ stantly changing hours of sunset and snnrlse. The beacons will be mounted on 75-foot steel towers The symbols 8D and 8L will be hung on the aide of the towers as a mark ot Identifica­ tion In letters twelve feet high out­ lined In neon lights. These lights complement the exist­ ing system of daylight airway signs which the Standard Oil Company maintains at some 500 points on the Pacific Coast. These signs are painted on the roofs of Its warehouses and give the name of the town In which located. They can be read by aviators at a height of several thousand feet lessees and guests and transient tour­ then back. It took two and a half ists. The report also shows methods ’ hour* to go up and an hour and a half of transportation used, whether b y , to return to the cars. automobile, railroad, trolley, or on j foot. Naturally, the large majority Freshly fallen snow covers the Oregon ranks second to California came by automobile. 16,717.900. but ground to the depth of several feet and Washington fifth In the recrea­ there were 238,535 hikers. for a distance of about three miles tion use made of (he national forests, around the mine, the hikers reported. according to Hals just Issued by the HIKERS FIND DEEP SNOW forest service for the 159 national NEAR LUCKY BOY TUNNEL forests of the United States. Dog" Human' -And Howl The relative rank In the use of all Know almost «ulst deep lies be national forests for recreation for 1927, shows the following order: Cali­ twecu the Blue River bridge and the: fornia. Orenin, Colorado, Aritona, and I.ucky Hoy mine, members of the E u-' Washington. . Each of these states gene Outdoor club found last Sunday I when they hiked to the mine. Two I shows over a million visitors. The forest service data are the beat local people, M,t*. and Mrs. H. E. I estim ates possible for them to secure Maxey, were In the party of 19 who I and visitors are listed under such went to the old mine. The party drove to the bridge ami headings as hotel and resort guests, campers, picnickers, sumnmr home hiked 7V4 m ilA to Treasure mine and John Mortimer Coward, 3rd, aged five, who has just become one ot America’s richest children. He will inherit at least two-thirds of the four million dollar estate of his father. John Mortimer Coward, New York shoe 'manufacturer, who headed the Coward Shoe Stores, who died re­ cently in Havana. MANY VISIT OREGON FOREST PLAYGROUNDS RECENT REPORT SHOWS Two Specials in DINING SUITES v e n t il a t o r s and Queen Anne Suite, consisting of Table. Buffet ar.d six Chairs, Regular Price $129.00. SPECIAL flu es Installed by us give the kind ot ser­ vice that makes for lasting satisfac­ tion and economy. The same is true of all our sheet metal work. So if you have any job in our line, that you want done right, call on us, and oe assured of quality workmanship and materials, and reasonable charges. $36 Italian Suite, 8 pieces, Table, Buffet and six chairs. Regular Price $182.00. ’/ 2 PRICE SPECIAL $91 W R IG H T & SONS W. N. LONG HARDWARE — FURNITURE— PAINT PHONE 18 527 MAIN ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . VITUS BLOCK THE U H IV E R S A E CAR --- ------- ------- — . ! Beginning May 1 we will keep our . fc! SPRINGFIELD FOLKS By J. F. Ketels Service Station Open Y o u 'R e <3OiAi<3 "05 CAfiEFUU PEAR/ evenings until 10 o’clock with the following service to all car owners on ALL MAKES of cars: 12° To0Z A n O GENERAL REPAIR WORK IN SHOP. CAS, OIL AND AIR SERVICE. BATTERY SERVICE. PAROXYLINt PAINTING. AUTHORIZED LIGHT TESTING STATION. CREASE RACK AND ALEMITE SYSTEM. run the railroad station at Azalia, Mich., is shown here stamping tickets. He also understands te­ legraphy, unlocks doors, sets the semaphore to hold fast trains, flags some others in his spare time and then doubles up as a “red cap” by carrying luggage. Besides, he ix very nandy about the house. Just installed K. R. Wilson Combination Machine to rebore and regrlnd cylinder«. Feel Free to Use Our Rest Room. You are Welcome. E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS 5th and A Sts. - ; Springfield 1 A chem ist wan stewing a lotion, An offensive au ill-smelling poti When lo! the flask burst And the chemist he curst; For his bosom was Ailed with esuut Ö 6T A m il e O R TWO OF C O U RT PLASTER, A BOTTLE OF IO P IA IE , A C O M B AND BRUSH, A N D Ç EE IF T H E Y W IL L L E N D Y O U Our prescription department is in charge of a reliable registered pharmacist. Here perfect knowledge, skilled precision and pure drugs com­ bine to protect and benefit your health. “You’ll return to Ketel’s.” We Give Green Discount Stamps