PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Editorial Comment P ublished E very T h u rsd ay a t S pringfield. L ane C ounty, O regon, by T H E W IL L A M ET T E P R E S S H E MAXEY. E ditor. Afl E X TEN SIV E E N T E R P R IS E will be p resen t a* sp eak ers. S ev eral . Springfield ex serv ice m en ire alread y m em bers of the group and o th er* (legible have been urged to a t the la ira u e T im b e r and . S prlngilebl v e te ra n s eligible I- Join. com pany plan, ut G illespie iiiein b ersh lp In the V eteran s o f l ie would be 1 1 1 full away If th e CARD o r T H A N K S F oreign W ars post III Eugene will In c o rn e rs tw o road w ay s used to r hauling logs g u e sts u t the unniinl "b ear feed ' a, We wish i<> sin cerely th a n k those u , re nol o s l i p p e r ) . « b i l k W h e a to n , th e arm o ry on T h u rsd ay evening who ex p ressed th e ir k in d n e ss slid pis ■ d ent of th e S pringfield co n c e ra , May 3, It w as annou n ced todn b e l l 'd us in m any w ays d u ring our said yesterday. l “a l r l e k K elly, s la te c o u im a n d e r. i ■ • c e l l i h v r e u v c n ic n t. Ilvcuusv of th e dow npour ol' ra in I R o s ie lln s s e l lim n ami fam ily M rs til'd Sam It G elehell. s la t d u ring th e p ast sev eral week». Ill tru c k s have not beeita hie to slay | i on the wooden tra c k s w hen loaded | fiefor* Starti» la n d co nsequently w ork has been slow, On a Trip— Mr. W heaton sa d i lie lu m b er ,n • • • We uro liiTf In got» i lint your car Is prop-rly lubricated, If u u stry , a s well as o ilie r ac tiv itie s, H EA DED TOW ARD GREAT T H IN G S you tlrlv« In hcr«> before going tin it trip we'll iiutkt sur«- lias been sev erely h am pered by the (S alem S ta te sm a n ) Hint yon 'vout have any bearing hunted nut iiilli'H irum co n tin u ed rain . Mr W h eaton pointed home. Col W. It R a rtra m . head of th e s ta te flax in d u stry , re out. We handle only the best General gasoline, oils and tu rn s front a v isit gntong th e linen m an u fa c tu re r* of the greases. Plenty of water anti air Is free anti worlds of co u n try w ith b e tte r a ssu ra n c e th a n e v e r b efo re of th e g reat PROTECTION OF FOREST service go along with It. We're here to serve you th in g s th a t a re b efo re th is d is tric t and th is valley- in the TO BE SUBJECT OF FILM gro w in g of an d processing) it and m an u fa c tu rin g the fiber— F o r m a n a g e rs of th e e a ste rn m ills say th ey a re prepared A ctiv ities of forest ofilelals u n i LOGAN 41 OWEN, Proits. to buy m ore fiber th a n we a re likely to p ro d uce for several crew s In p ro tectin g th e n stlo n u l fo r­ 5th nnd A Streets - - - Springfield y e a rs yet. T h ey say we a re on th e rig h t tra c k , and we a re e sts will be show n In films Io lie pres- re a s su re d co n c e rtn in g th e fa c t th a t we a re ah ead of any i en te d h e re th is week In co n n ectio n o th e r aectlo n o f th e wtirld In th e use of up to d a te m ach in ­ w ith n atlo u u l forest p ro tectio n week. ery in h a rv e s tin g th e cro p an d p u ttin g th e product Into F o ste r S teele, fire a s s is ta n t. In the Offices—831 Miner Building, En»t Broadway Street Its co m m ercial form s. C ascad e N ational F o rest Office In E u­ L et us hop*- th a t th e tim e m ay com e w hen we will be gene, w ill exhibit th e hints. Ills ail m a n u fa c tu rin g Into tw in es and th re a d s and y a rn s and fine d re s se s a re u p a rt of th e n atlo u u l pro lin en s a g re a te r p ro p o rtio n of th e fibers w hich we produce, g ram to ed u c a te the public to the Ini and th a t finally a ll of our fibers m ay be re q u ire d b.v our p o rtn n e e of u sing ex trem e c a re d u r­ ow n m ills— ing the dry sunt re-r m onths. Even th o u g h th e pro d u ctio n m ay be, an d no doubt will P re s id e n t C o o ltd w a d d re s se d th e be. in creased m any, m any told. n atio n over the rad io M onday evening us th e o pening ev en t on th e w eek's p rogram Of thv 12,000 farm ers* co o p e ra tiv e m ark u iltig and p u r­ ch asin g asso c ia tio n s, 30,5 p er cen t sk-rv e n g a g e i In liamll- lin g g rain , d ry bean* or ric e : 22 p er re n t w ere handling dairy p ro d u c ts; 17 p er c en t w ere shipping! or selling Itv. ite re d as second cla ss m a tte r. F eb ru ary 24, 1903 a t th e .s to c k ; i t p e r cen t w ere receiv in g , g rad in g, packing or ro sto tttee, Springfield. O regon .sh ip p in g fru it and v eg etab les, a n d sm a lle r w ere h an d lin g co tto n , wool, p o u ltry , egg*. n u ts an d oth< . MAIL SU BSC R IPTIO N RATE One year In A d v a n c e .___ Jl.7 5 T h re e M o n t h s -------- 76c I pro d u cts. More th a n S00 a sso ciatio n s, a b o u t 7 per cent |l.o 0 S ingle C o p y -------------------------------- ¡of all. w e »c re o p e ra tin g co-o p erativ e s to re s or w arehouses • lx Months for th e d is trib u tio n of h ousehold an d fa rm req u isite s to THU RSDA Y APRII. 2«i. 192S fa rm e rs and o th e rs S ta te M arket Agent. Idtne county gets to keep all of the O. 4i C. land grant tax refund allotted it by the Standfield act according to a decision of the supreme court The decision went against the state which had intervened for part of the county money. Of the million dollars coining to this county about $85,- 000 will be expended on the Springfield bridge Instead of selling the bonds the people voted. • • • FOREIGN WAR VETFRANJ» SLIPPERY ROAD SLOWS WORK AT LORANE MILL TO HAVE BIG BEAR FEEL W o rk M illing Think of Us “A” Street Service Station We have always figured that the first qualifica­ tions for an officer of Lane county is that a man should be a county taxpayer—either real or per­ gonal. But it seems that two or three or four of the candidates who are out with economy pro­ grams are not listed on the tax rolls. We wonder If they have the full significence of the hard earn­ ed tax dollar. • • • Walter M. Pierce, former governor, seems to be the Democratic choice for representative in Con­ gress in the eastern Oregon district since the re- tfrement of Nick Sinnot. Now that the filing time Is past the republicans are quite concerned about getting a man written in at the primary who can beat Walter. For a democrat Pierce is a bear for MAN SO NERVOUS FEELS luck. H I S STOMACH JUMP • • • Every man who drives his car into his garage "1 got so n erv o u s my sto m ach felt with more than a gallon of gasoline in the tank like It w as Jum ping Vinol e n tire ly D I i l 'I U U H O II U lH I I ’ M ' M W til W v tlK til IlllO a llllU 'C t l ( It U lIt: THREE THINGS is breaking the law in Eugene, says the chief of relieved th e tro u b le. I feel b e tte r mu mu lea in Included in our «.♦>••• aêrvluê. S o m eth in g now. Gabriel Wells had a Christmas card in which he th a n in y ears."— J. C. Duke. police. The same thing is probably true in says that there are three things that constitute Springfield. Such are the jokers in the law. Vinol Is a com pound of Iron, phos­ • • • a rounded out life: Power, Pleasure and Peace. ph ates, cod liver peptone, e tc . T h e The more we think of it the more this seems to very F IR S T b o ttle m ak es you sleep A fisherman at Springfield. Kentucky, claims*o b e tte r anil hav e a RIG a p p e tite N erv­ S uite 831 M iner Bldg. E ugene, O regon, T elephone 362 have caught a catfish with six young chickens in­ be a very good definition. ous. easily tired people a re su rp rise d side. Wonder if we could fix up a fish story There Is not much satisfaction in a life of no how QUICK th e Iron, phospha.les. etc., about a redside that would beat this one. power. What gives zest to sports is the employ- give new life and pep. Vinol ta s te s • • • ment of our powers and we all applaud the victor. delicious K e te ls 'ltr u g S tore. Cottage Grove is advertising their Baptist that is, the man who shows the most power. This CONGRESS church with running water. There is nothing | includes both mentality or mental acumen and C. HAWLEY like having good fresh running water even for j skill. baptism. « « • As for pleasure, they have learned a great les- is all the time, and Eggimann’s is the best you ever smack­ , son who have found out the abiding pleasures of ed your lips over. It certainly tickles the taste-buds. BATTER UP! life are those that come from serving others. The . , . , _pleasures that we experience in merely receiving Now is the time that national issues, presiden- g or benefltg niorely enjoying things tliat are Made of the purest Ingredients Egglmnnn's lee «Team tial prophecies and the like are temporar! v for- Qur own, t he pieasure8 of possession and amuse- is a good wholesome food as well as confection. Cools you gotten, and their place in the public interest is temuorarv and thev fade. • taken by something which has always held an ‘ 1 F,rin«Hn«v lo v In off on a hot day and Is the most tempting desert any day. enviable place in public regard—the Great Game • But one who devotes his life to hringing joyJn- of Baseball! ¡to the lives of others has an unfailing source of Try our air-tight pack for parties and picnics. The season has begun! The games are o n ! satisfaction. Peace comes from the firm establishment or Now we know that Spring is here, and Summer is connection of life with certain fixed principles. coming, and Sport is King. W hat’s a little thing like the political situation, There are some things which, when we have de­ cided upon them, we lay on the shelf. They are compared with the thrill of the first homer! "W h ere th e S erv ice Is D ifferent“ It’s “batter up” and “kill the umpire” all over not to be reopened. One who is continually argu­ the land, and there is no more hopeful dgn for ing the fundamentals is always in hot water and unsatisfied. the future of America. That is the advantage of a belief in God. It is A nation th at plays is young. A nation that will continue to play will always be young and something fixed and settled, a central sun about which all of our other thoughts and opinions may energetic and alive. It is red blood that runs through our national revolve. Of course the belief in God does not imply any arteries so long as the heart of the nation can beat faster in response to the exploits of the congeries of fantastic connotations. One’s belief R epublican C an d id ate for R enom lnu in God may take many forms, but it mus tlon an d prPHe n t c h a ir m a n of Com i Home Run Kings. When thousands are rooting in the bleachers, a central core of repose. A life without inner re- j mlttee on WayB and M eans of th e I and thousands are listening over the radio at pose is constantly buffeted to and fro by contrary Natlona| House of R e p re se n ta tiv e s, a N ativ e Son of O regon w ho h as “ No home for reports of the game, and other thous­ passions. One who has power sufficient to enjoy ms Interegtg to Sprve but the pub„c ,n . ands are wielding the bat in ball fields and vacant lots, we need not fear th at the enthusiasm and ability to overcome obstacles, who takes pleas re I teregtg„ and who in giving pleasure to others, and who has inir r, clean spirit of our citizens will vanish. CAPABLE It is when people do not know how to play; repose enough to keep him content in the center E X PE R IE N C E D th at they also forget how to think and how to of his being, can be truly said to live a somewhat complete life. F A IT H F U L live. STiirnuin Wlîlnoriy Ice Cream Time FGGIMANN’S r L I 'Other Has .4 Hard Decision To Make Rv Albert T. Reid SU C C E SSFU L Road h is R ecord of S u ccessfu l S ervice In V oters' P am phlet. (P aid adv. by R onald ('. Glover.» The Cream of the Tobacco Crop V _._ ■LA \ T0AS1CD NOV,- M W * EoYS Dr. Geo. A. Sii O mly C he of a Y ûv C âh ' / M aw - K;gì IR'DE’ IM? “ tä i* f '. Specializing in Tonsils DvVu4", MR«. ‘4 DEMOCRACY 1 OK Over Penney’s Store “V Phone 355 w tyOCRATq RES'.OEHTIAL IOMINATI0M x tec Dr. Ella G. Meade -•KN4■'4r Optometrist «■ t - t7 1 .b e .- J N oted Star o f the Pittsburgh Pirates, writes t Eugene Bifocal» That Perpetuate Your Youth Most Bifocal lenses are unsightly with a pronoun­ ced dividing line between the near and far portion. But a beautiful new lens called the NoKrome has a segment, that is practically Invisible. Your eyes feel young with NoKrome. They look young, too, because of the inconspicuous r e a d i n g segment. B u t w e recommend them because they are the highest, achievement o f optical science. WATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 » Ave. West Encere, Oregon LLOYD WANER à “ When I arrived at the Pitts* burgh tra in in g cam p I noticed my brother Paul smoked Lucky Strikes exclu* sively, and he explained why. You will agree that we were in a close and exciting Pen* nant race and it certainty called for splendid physical condition to withstand the tax and strain upon one’s nerves and wind. Like Paul, my favoriteCigarette is Lucky Strike.” "It’s toasted' No Throat Irritation-N o Cough. ©1928, The American Tobacco Co., Inc. - 1 I