Boo»t For M a d t-in - O rtg o n Produett. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS CHURCH PROGRAMS FOR SUNDAY ANNOUNCED BY PASTORS OF 5 CHURCHES Braves Ocean W aves A u ,,. XPER IN A LIVE i^ * N NUMBER 1« HI’RINOKIELD, l,ANK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY APRIL Ï6, 1828 Hoy Teiinui Marvel fj Chamber Names Delegate» Friday HAVE BRANCH HEBE PuHtor* of each of the Springfield Local Unit to Have Part In churches Imlay announced the pro­ Lane County Group; Aid gram* for Sunday. Williams’ Self Service Firm At the Chrlatlan church the girl»' Rendered in Survey Tool Hott»»# Finished On Both quartet will *lng at the 9’4b o’clocit Buy# Out R. W. Newland De­ Delegates to the recently organlxed . Sunday school hour. Members of the Side» of Rivjr And Heavy partment Store; Trial of Busi­ county chamber of commerce will nc quartet are Agatha Heal*. Wilma Machinery Here For Driving ness Will Be Made to Decide elected by the Springfield chamber at | llaack, Audrey Danner. France« Frlx­ • Pile» For Temporary Bridge; the meeting scheduled for Friday , On Locating New Store Here. ell. They will »trig "H-M l lzB.” Rev. Stage of River Important. evening. It waa announced thia morn­ S. K Chlldora. pastor, will preach at Purchase of the Newland depart­ 11 o'clock on “How to Pre»erve the ing. ment store here was announced thl« With opera* Ions under way on both Thia city will be represented in the Unity of the Church.” Ml»» Elsie connty unit by three voting delegate». week by Williams' Self 8ervlce store •hl«*« of the river, work on the new Brill will sing, “Only a Sinner Saved All member» will also be on the ros­ of Eugene. R. W. Newland, the form­ by «rare." In the evening. Rev. Mr. Rprlngfleld bridge showed rupld pro ter pt the Lane county group but will er owner had been In business In Childers will preach the fourth of a yras» this week. ! Springfield for the past 10 years. He not be privileged to vote. Hi-rle» of sermon» on "The Story of Tool hot»”« have been completed Local .officers and chamber mem­ haa not announced his future plan». the Church." The choir will present Photo hows Junior Coen of on both •Idee of the stream and crew« Operation of the store may be ber» attended the aeaalon last Thurs­ The Christian En­ Kanxas City, who is en route to special music • re nt work on opposite niden. O. day evening at which the county or continued by the Eugene firm, J. t t .Mexico City *' a member of the deavor topic Is "Out Attitude Toward Klmlstroni of the Portland contract American liavis Cup Team. 1 oung ganlxation waa formed. T J. Flippin, t Hayward, manager, announced. Religious View» of Other People." Coen i* only sixteen, and proved In« llrnt of Flegenaon nnd Llndatron» i harles Seiliu. 68 year old boat- Jr, secretary of the Eugene chamber The company will operate the ator» Ml»» France» Frlxell Is the leader. a sensation at Augusta, Ga., re­ h,.uic owner, >v’io made »voyage from waa elected secretary of the new here for 30 days In order to learn »he who have the contract for the bride» Evangelistic meetings at the Bap­ cently, where lie came within a New York ,o Miami. Florida, in a 1« In personal »upervl»h>n of the work No other officers will be demand for the type of service offer- few point* of winning from Big tist church under the leadership of twelve-foot rowboat It wa* a journey body. nnd will remain here until the Job 1» Hill Tilden, foftner champion. named. Executive position» will be ed In the Eugene store. If enough of |,4()() mile». Seilitz lost 20 pounds Rev. II. August Hnnderup »dll con completed. The workmen are nwikmg on the trip md was nearly drowned tilled at each of the meeting» by the patronage fa received during that tlnue through the coming week, with during sev, I sever« norm, he en­ officer» of the chamber acting aa boat, time a n»nt ,r will be named and their home In BprlMf.eld. services each evening at 7:30 o'clock S E N IO R S PICK. C A S T countered. the store continued. The hl« donkey engine which la Members sre Listed and nt 11 a m. on Sunday. Children's FO R A N N U A L C O M E D Y ; to bo uaed during the month» the Korn Slated For Job meetings are held at 4 :1 5 ,0 clock Chambers of conunerce In the coun­ bridge 1» under eonel rurtlon. waa Lee Korn of Eugene, employed ia O T H E R E V E N T S S E T when the children gather In large ty unit are Slusfaw, Cottage Grove, BROTHERHOOD ADVISED tplaced on the ground* Tue»dny morn numbers The evangelist leads them. Springfield, Junction City, and .Eu­ the store there, will be the new man­ ON CANDIDATES AFTER ,„« The heavy muihlne wa* np»ved Another Important event In the list In singing choruses and study of the gene The Lane County Pomona ager if the change Is made perman­ Into a position *o that I* may ba uaed of graduation event« for the high scripture. The chlldxen'»' chorus will COUNTY SHERIFF JOB Grange and the Iaine County Farmers ent, Mr Hayward said. school Is under preparation In the »Ing ~ special __________ In operating the pile driver. , "We are undecided as to whether number» on Friday night. union are also affiliated. senior class play which will lie direct I Top().|) (>f thn «.„„geiigt for IIP- week P ile D riv in g to S ta rt Members of the Methodist Brother­ Secretaries of each of these groups or not we will stay m Springfield.” Thul„day. "Can a Man Liv­ hood were to advised to support Lewis will meet before the next meeting Mr. Hayward said thia morning. “If Pile» will be driven, probably dor- ed by Mrs. Ira Peterson, cl»»» advisor. , The cast for "Turning the Trick ing In Springfield Keep from Going Ktetxing, republican, or Harry L. which is In Cottage Grove on May 17 the people of the community decide it « the last two day* of thl* week. In order that temporary bridge may tffe three-act dramatic production to to the Devil Here and to Hell Here Bown, democrat, for the office of Lane to draw up a set of by laws and a con­ they would like to have a store of thia kind operating on a low mark up Friday night, “A Hair county sheriff at the banquet Monday stitution. be built to the Inland on the ea*t be presented on May 11. ha» been after’"; The first pfioJecF for the county and giving the price« the same a« •Ide of the river where one of the aelected and rehearaala are alrealy Raising Detective Story;” Saturday, evening at which Charles Emery of "Hypocrite«;" Sunday morning, "The Eugene was one of the speakers. Mr. chamber la the Industrial survey they can obtain In the larger place« per* la to K> The temporary under way. Thoae In the cast are: Patrick Teat of True Discipleship"; Sunday Emery represented the Law Enforce­ which la already under way. Spring- we will remodel the present stord blrdge will be u»ed to haul the mach­ Casey, a retired contractor. Carl Me- evening, "The Biggest Liar In Spring ment League. field is contributing an Important room and give the same kind of » inery and ate«d over. Klnnla; Mary Anne, «1» wife. Oladls field.'’ item to this move by the survey of store as we operate in Eugene at Eu- L. J. Hulln of Eugene was the prin­ Other heavy machinery will arrive House, Micheál, his son, LeRoy Nice; ***“ Rev. Gabriel Sykes. pastor, will cipal speaker of the evening. He timber of the county showing the I gene price».” Boon. Mr Llndatron» »aid. Work on Kathleen, a daughter. Melbu Mellon; preach at the Methodist church Sun­ described hla recent visit to the Ha j avanable material for pulp and paper The first »tep of the concern will be excavating for the plera- la being held Maggie, a daughter. Chartrass Wlllla; day morning on "The t'n»een Influ- i walj>n islands, showing stereoptlcan manufacture. to close out the stock already in the In abeyance by the condition of the George I>rake, a friend of the family, ence of Jesus". Sunday school 1» ut slides of scenes there. He told of the County Agent to Speak on Dairying store. At the same time a stock wlW weather. The river 1» at • »'“ge Albert Harper; Eileen, the maid, Dor- 9:46 o'clock. The evening services outstanding features of the Islands County Agent O. S. Fletcher will be moved from Eugene in order that which make* much excavation along ene (airliner; "numpy” Steele. Jani­ at 7:30 o’clock la In charge of tne and the customs of the natives. Sugar tell the chamber of commerce about the prices may be compared by the Ita banka Imposalble. The contra-tot tor. Kenneth GehP*r; Jim Daugherty, young people who will report on the and plnapples are the chief exports, his department's plan to increase purchaser«. - In hoping that the atream will not of Ihe U. 8. treasury department, Epworth IxMtgue convention at Cres­ he said. Stock» Rearranged e dairying In Lane connty. He believes reach a flood atage when the »now Hartford McVey; Nadine Anna Balr- well last week. Special music has f*. sf. Chaney. Mr. Woods and Mr. that with growing of more alfalfa, Workmen were busy today in mark­ begin» to melt In the mountain«, he akl. a bolahevlk, Wlnlfrld Tyaon; been prepared for both morning and Collins of Eugene were among the ing the stock» In preparation for the Armand Francois Bon Ami Lovler, a evening services. Mid-week services 24 nten pz^sent. Members of the clover and other good dairy feeds »aid. epening. Counters will be rearranged there will be more dairying and more To Add Mora Man modiste. Richard Harpole. on Thursday evening are given over Ladles Aid society served the dinner and all stock on the shelves unboxed Other events for graduation week to .the study of the Sunday achool tn the basement of the Methodist profits made from dairying. No additional men have been and placed in view. One front dis­ There have been a number of ex­ * placed. Mr. Llndatrom said Seven are being worked out. Speaker, time lesson for the following Sunday . play window will be filled with mer­ church. perimental alfalfa and clover plots more worker« will be employed when and place for the baccalaureate ser­ Regular mass will be held at the chandise brought from Eugene and planted In the county In the last two pile driving atari« and In about two mon have not been decided. Catholic church, conducted by Rev. SPRINGFIELD LEAGUE or three years and many cars of ferti­ the other with the stock at the »toit week« other« will lie added to the D. P. Curley, pastor. liser shipped In to prepare the soil here. MEMBERS AT DISTRICT Aew. At present only experienced S P R IN G F IE L D G IR L S T O Mrs. Pat Hagan, pastor of the Bible Mr. Hayward expressed confidence for these crops. The results of these T A K E P A R T IN U. E V E N T Standard mission, will preach both men who have been with the Arm for MEETING IN CRESWELL experiments will be discussed by Mr. that Springfield is on the incline In­ a number of yeara are being uaed. morning and evening. dustrially. It has the advantage of , ,«r About 25 girls from Springfield high Thirty-five Springfield members of Fletcher. The contractora have announced being a trading center for shopper« the Epworth League were present at that untea« unforeaeen difficulties school will participate In the annual BAXTER YOUNG HURT up the Willamette. Mohawk and Me- SIX CANDIDATES TAKEN "play day" at the University of Ore- the district convention in Creswell arise the plera will be finished by Kentle valley», he pointed out. and IN BY N. OF W. LODGE should show considerable advance­ WHEN CAR COES INTO last week-enu. The local delegation July. Steel construction work will gon on May 6, It was announced to­ then »tart und the Job will be ruahed day. DITOH NEAR TACOMA had charge of an important session i Six candidates were initiated into ment In the future. The glrla from thia place will en- during tha convention. Bernice Near to completion. No date haa been SCI the Springfield Neighbors of Wood­ Ur the swimming and track events on by the contractor* for the completing Baxter Young. Springfield man. was the »eader. The special numbers SPRINGFIELD GIRLS the bridge. They mu*t. however, the athletic program. Instructors from figured In a wreck recently which pro presented consisted of a violin solo craft chapter at a meeting last night. They are: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mc­ the university school of physical edu­ WILL PARTICIPATE IN have the bridge done by February vented him competelng a business by Charles Nadvornik; cornet solo cation hnve charge of classes in trip to Canada, he reported on re­ anil trombone duet, Crandall brothers; Bee, Mrs. Thomas McKinnls, Mrs. 193». according to the contract STATE TYPING MEET which the local girls have been en­ turning here this week. mixed quartet, Jule Pollard, Paul Pot­ Anderson, Mrs. Hugh Jollff and Miss Hazel Whitten. rolled this year ant! will coach the Three Springfield high achool typ­ Mr. Young wna confined to bed for ter, Margaret Oderkirk and William FIVE GIRLS ON HONOR Mrs. Stella E. Blackerby, deputy to ists will enter the state contest at girls for the special events. five days following a wreck wh|ch oc­ Pollard. ROLL AT HIGH SCHOOL Delegates from Springfield were: the grand guardian of Oregon, was Corvallis Saturday. They are Lena curred about 50 miles south of present at the ceremony. She will Frizell, Nadine McMurray and Ann­ GROCER WILL BUILD NEW Tacoma. He received severe bruises Bernice Nehr, Evan Hughes. Alma Five girls form the nonor roll for RESIDENCE. REPAIR OLD nnd contusions, but no broken bonq; Lansbery, Faye Parsons, Theo Ba '- visit in Coburg today. ette Williams. F"ve members of the Jasper lodge the high school for Ihe six weeks He wws riding In a car with four tholemew, Doris Myers, Myrna, Bar­ These students will compete W. A. Taylor, proprietor of the people from Eugene when the driver tholomew, Dortha Bailey, Margaret were guests at the ceremony period Just ended. It was announced Losers in the recent membership' a*ainst typists from all high school» White Front grocery, will build one today. This Is about the usunl num lost control und the car went Into the Oderkirk, Ila Bartholemew, Jule Poll­ her on the roll, but usually there are new house and remodel an old one at «'itch and turned over The drives ard, William Pollard. Edgar Louk, contest entertained the winners with I structor, will accompany the girls ¿0 some boy« listed. To make the honor the corner of Sixth and A streets, he nnd Mr. Yoqng were the only pas- Norval Foss, Peyton Oderkirk, Paul a few numbers. • Corvallis. roll Ihe student must have made an announced today. s«ngers hurt, a, .mukh the car was ¡•otter, Ruth LeVee, Annette Wil­ F IV E P O N T IA C S S O L D B Y The same team would have placed The new structure will be a fivo- average of 95 per cent or more In nil virtually demolished. The ear belong- liams, Helen Crandall, Esther Cran­ S P R IN G F IE L D A U T O M A N second or third ln the Lane county subjects. Sotne would have been plu -I room dwelling house of frame con ed to the woman driver. dall, Bebee Gates. Joseph Crandall, _____ contest at Eugene recently if one on the roll except for deflc^'Ut grad“» structlon. The old residence will ba Paul Crandall, Lewis Shipley. Eugene Sale of five Pontiac cars during the | more typist had been on the team, completely /»'modeled Inside und out­ Walker, Laurence Roof, Thayer Mc­ In one subject. W O M E N L A Y P L A N S FO R Those on the honor roll are: Ruth side, he said. Murray, Arthur Potter, Beth Johns past week was announced today by , According to the rules, each school Pete Herrington, Mr. Taylor's Carlton, Dale Daniels, Esther Mc­ A N N U A L R O S E D IS P L A Y Ethen Spencer. Morris Porter, Howard W. R. Dawson,, local automobile was to have been represented by four I contestants. Pherson, Cbesla Hayden und Wlnl­ father-ln-luw, will do the carpenter Hughes. Ralph Hughes and Charles dealer. Frank Root purchased a coach. Ten students In the classes her» First plans for the annual rose Work. frld Tyaon. Nadvornik. Nick Kugil a sport roadster, W. A. I have recently received certificate« show were discussed at a meeting of Mabey a sport roadster, Frank Crab- ’ from the typewriter companies for the Springfield Women's Civic Club DOUBLE HEADER SLATED tree a roadster and A. W. Anderson • good records made. Tuesday evening. Arrangements af" FOR LOCAL TEAMS FRIDAY a coach. / j ------------- - ns yet tentative, hut it was deckled a» All these cars were of the latest ‘ Van Valzahs Have Baby—Dr. and one feature to agnln ask W. A. Elkins Both boys' and girls' baseball teams , Mrs. R. C. Van Valzah of Portland, to display some of the work of his of Springfield high school will cross model. Cars sell faster during the spring former residents of thia city, are the art classa». bats with opponents here Friday Just three years less than a quarter graphs which will be presented Mrs. Bath houses will be constructed on afternoon. The Coburg boys and girls than at any other season of the year.. parents of a daughter, Zelda Margery, Page. The book will contain the 'of a century ago. Mrs. Elisabeth Page salesman state. 1 born Saturday, April 21. nimwi of aa many of the former stu­ the river bank ns soon as the weather will be here to furnish opposition. began toachlng the primary grades In dents us can be located. The verse permits. It was decided. The project The game scheduled with Cottage the Springfield schools. With the ex­ which will be placed in the book has been under way for some time, Grove on the local diamond last Fri­ but nothing has heen done pending day afternoon was called off on ac­ ception of one brief period during that follows: Improvement in weather condition». 22 years she has been actively en­ To Our Beloved Teacher and Friend The manual training department yf count of inclement weather. Date for the postponed contest will be decided When you lake a trip on memory's gaged In teaching here. the high school, under Principal A. J later. ship 4 And now. after starting many a And anchor at the Island of Thought; Morgan, will be asked to construct After considerable discussion pro ing worked on. A speaker will be The girls’ team will make Its first young person off right educationally, And wonder how great or well you the houses at the river. appearance in the game here to­ and con, the Springfield post of the secured later. Mrs. Pago has announced that sho The celebration will be chiefly to hnve wrought, morrow. American Legion has decided to stage will retire from teaching. raise money to help in clearing up the Just run through this log of friend­ LIONS WILL HEAR WOOD a celebration on the Fourth of July, Friends will gather nt the chnntber ship; PROMOTION PLANS FRIDAY MAYOR ATTENDS WEDDING Jack Larson, commander, announced post debt, Mr. Larson said. . Veterans are already at work on a of commerce rooms from 3 to 6 And many’s Lie name you'll see OF NEICE IN PENDLETON today. ticket sale contest as one means of o'clock this afternoon to pay homngb With love nnd devotion and homage As a part of the wood promotion Strong effort will be made to enlist raising funds, it was reported at the to Ihe faithful service which Hho has All that's been paid to thee. Mayor and Mrs. G. G. Bushman of campaign being sponsored by the rendered. Pupils who began their Just place these on Ihe list of passen­ Fottr-L organization, member« nf the Springfield nnd their daughter, Mrs. the cooperation of the Eugene post, last meeting of the post last Friday educational career In her classes es­ gers of this wonderful ship | Springfield local will speak before Graham Smith of Eugene, attended Mr. Larson said, and make the affair night. a Joint celebration. Commander Larson will soon ap­ pecially ure invited to the event. All As patrons of your art. the Lions club at the luncheon to­ the wedding of the formers' nelce In Arrangements have already been point the chairman of the committee parents who sent their children to Those on the speaking progrnn. morrow noon. Pendleton last Sunday. hor are nlso asked to Join the friends aro; Mayor G. G. Bushman, F. U. Miss Sevilla Welk, who resided made to secure the use of the Midway for Memorial Day on May 30. Flags Roy Carlton, chairman of the Four- who will compliment her on the com­ Hamlin, former head of Springfield L committee here, und Clayton Bar­ with the Bushmans here, one winter park. The Eugene 1. O. O. F. band will be placed on the graves by the pletion of her work, schools, Rev. Gabriel Sykea, Laurence ber, secretary, will each talk on the while attending the University of will be asked to furnish the music for leglnnaires as has been done in tha Mrs. Ora Read Hemonway, princi­ Moffitt, principal of the Lincoln campaign. W. P. TyBon Is the other Oregon, was married to William the day and an orcheatra will play for past few years. Mr. Larson said. M. pal of the Brattaln school and co­ school. The following will give musi­ member of the committee. O. H. Jar­ Emery, a Walla Walla hardware mer­ the Jitney dance during the afternoon B. Huntly has been chairman of thn worker with Mra. Page In the schools cal numbers: High school girls quar­ rett, superintendent at the Booth- chant. Mias Welk was a member of and evening. Ride» for the kiddie», committee of the post for the past here, requested Mrs. C. F. Egglmann tet, Paul Potter, Dorene Larimer, Kelly mill here and member of the the Alphi Phi sorority, attending the the usual sideshow attractions, races, several years. Other patriotic organi­ horseshoe» and other features are be- sations will aid ln the exercises. Lions clUb, suggested the proegram. university for three year«. 4 to write a preface to a book of auto- Wlnlfrld Tyson. Mrs. Page Honored at Reception for 22 Years Service as Teacher Springfield Legion Post Plans for Two Big Patriotic Celebrations