THURSDAY APRIL 10. I »2* THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX — ' I ■ ■■ — i library by persons alio w tshei 'o be med It shut and ahot home the bolt» court may aeem equitable This summons Is published pursu I tinte them Several volumes were Then she had stumbled down the ant to the order of Honorable C. P steps and thrown herself, sobbing, up- Barnard. County Judgw of I .«no Conn , dcHiroycd Inst winter when the wuisr j on the bunk She hail borne up brave ty. Oregon, duly made aud entered on , pipe» above the library burst and ' ly so long as the »un remained, hut the isth day of April I'J.'S Tim Hist J Hooded the building on the closing In of night, wtth all publication of this summons will be i made on Thursday, the tIMti day of . its sinister Inipttcationa. »he had April, IMS and the last publication , given way. thereof wilt be made on Thursday. 1 S IC K L Y B O Y , 7. G A IN S the 17th day of Ma« I M t and It will I 15 I AS; F A T H E R H A P P Y Bleep impossible, the night drantvd King had such a Queen as you Yer be published four consecutive week» ‘ on Above decks there had been, as In the S|«rlugOeki News hair!” He exulted In ,the wonder c him Vlnol and th« way he eat» ami ITalntlffs. Post t’fllce Address. Spring breathing of slumber At last, like a didn't I tell y' the Tannuraen was Held. Oregon I lays now niuke» me happy 11« guln red ?—grabbed at red calico, »meansl trapped animal herself, she had begun A 1FW M S-ltklT ««I 16 pounds.”—J F. Andrea. a futile prying And then, without their faces bright and guy. rougt»! up the dead warrior gaudy t'meet hl» , warning In that silence, there came. Vlnol Is a delb’lou» compound of rod Sals R» tes Money Th" maker, wound their own head» all ’ unite cloae at hand, a sound liver peptone, Iron, etc The very ' girl, crouched, tense Ajtwln It came. All fix'd and flower» on »ale bi the FIRST bottle often adds several with red vine t'cover the wool? Women's Civic club last Saturday pound» weight to thin children or "Don't y’understand ? That's what : hidden, menacing Red Hair a ™ Blue Sea By STANLEY P. OSBORN her—" he caught his breath in a W H A T H A P PEN E D BEFORE Palmyra Trw and her parents, with broken exhalation—“she's gone,” Thurston gazed at him somberty Palmyra's two suitors. Van Buren Rutger and John Thurston and some “You. you mean you won't raise a other friends, are cruising on the hand for her?” •'I won't,” Van answered wearily, Yacht Rainbow. l’almyra's startled by seeing a hand "and neither will you. We can't.” Thurston's face was resolute "Per­ thrust in through the port of her cabm„ makes a secret investigation haps vou'r«' right." he acknowledged and discovers a stowaway—a man so "Very likely so. But for me. 1 prefer (TO BE CONTINUED) 1 was waiting on. The queen o' my »ere sold early In the day. It *>a* | adults NervoQs. easily tired, anemic mild in appearance that she is dis­ to die— trying.’’ d e v ils own mission had P have red reported The money 1» to go toward ' people are surprised how Vlnol gives He would have hurried away but appointed—and tells him so. He com­ SUM M O N S buvfing books for the Sprlrgfiehl new pep, sound sleep and a Hltl ap- hair. And. Palm, them Tannatnen'II mands her to glance at the door She the other detained him. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF T1IK llbrary, especially for children'a books , petite Ta» tea delldoua. Ketels Drug “I'm not your kind of an ass." Van go plumb crasy with pious pagan Joy obeys an«| sees a huge, fierce, copper- STATE OF ORBOON FOR A number of books were taken to the , Store. when they sees yer locks a-llghtlng said. “You fool, you know there's no LANK COUNTY hued man—with a ten inch knife held Yet. by this silly work, you up.' as the sun hits 'em. like a stove M J McKUn and Civility * Me Klin between grinnig lips! Burke, the hope nt* srlfo, plaintiffs, -va- B. A stowaway, explains that It Is a Joke. can kid yourself Into a sort of relief. full o' coals busting Into flame. Hair, Washburn«' and Mary Washburn«*, It was as If he looked 1 tell you. same as that o' some o’ the But Palmyra is shaken. Next day. Me! . . his wife, James L. Clarke and Ethel big buck gods o’ Melanesia them­ Burke and the brown man go up on upon the girl lying dead. But he tore Clarke, hla wife, and alio all other «jack The stowaway entertains them himself from this vision, b e a m s de selves, Yes, I say it. girl—heathen parties unknown who have or claim hair! with wild tales of an adventuresome tiant. “You, you still think I m yellow some title, estate. Iten or Inter-st , "Why, Palm. 1 wish t'the Lord In the property described In the life—which his listeners refuse to be Very well. then. I ll show you. I ll complaint herein, defendants I wish y'could help now; and when you sail. I. too, y'could see verself lieve! To James L. Clarke and Ethel ' understand yourself. Y'was plain Palmyra spends more and more shall go.*’ Clarke, his wife; also all other par Next to I. O. O. F. Bldg. 77 E. Broadway born for the life. When I’ve waked time with the stowaways to avoid Van ! ties unkonwn who have or claim some and John, but when the stow aw ays' Thurston urwd the man to work as ( X “P- X0« 11 b- *M sr for Tanna for title, estate. Hen or Interest in the Eugene, Oregon are put ashore at Honolulu she de- the first color of the dawn touched , lanna- where a man can be a man; property described In the complaint herein, the above named d«-f- and «ear was lashed into place. ' ° ,he cookpot and the sun and the OF OREGON: Yon are hereby stitn bow hits a reef. In the excitem ent, Thurgton stooped over Van, who Wl^ ~ andJ h* “nd n,,‘ " moned and required to aptiear fend which follows John rescues both Van hatl fallen in the sleep of exhaustion.' 1 1 “rk* dW » J'K »l»P or two answer the complaint filed asntnal you in the above entitled suit an I and Palmyra—but Palmyra thinks it an'er heathen hair! mona, to-wtt: on or before th« 17th ---------------- ------------- — - It ! ed upon the stronger man In a futile Old '• , r dtd 1 not’ aw>nUon « h° * day of May. 1,928. and you «111 take habited Island, a sail is sighted. notice that’ If you fall to appear an? proves to be Ponape Burke! Bruke j rage a« circumstance. "Damn you." I was going t’make y’a real sure- answer or plead within said tlm", enough queen?" contrives to get Palmyra on board he cried, “I'd rather stay here and the plaintiffs, for want thereof, will It was Burke's continuing delight apply to the above entitled court for his boat alone—and the boat is un­ die like a gentleman—clean and dry. der way before anything can be done' But a moment later he sprang up in her every show of angry spirit, his the relief prayed for In their said complaint, towtt: Now read what happens to Palm­ with his old laugh "After all. It's got self-restraining sense of competence FYir a decree herein. In and by Is It junt a habit, or 1 b It be<*auB<> you think you arc to bring the comedy to an end any yra. kidnapped by Burke: — which all adverse claims of said de­ to be the fish or the birds. I m a moment he chose, that most intimid­ fendants and «-ach of them in ami to braver man than you, you optimistic getting b ette r value for your money you invest'’ If the following described real property ated Palmyra. CHAPTER V. ass. because I know . . . situated In Lane County. Oregon to it is the former, it is time you were changing your "Walt 'till Ive tamed you," he would wit: Lots Eleven (11), Twelve (18), Back ashore, where the moment of He did not finish bis thought. "Come laugh. "Then we'll get along fine. Thirteen (13), and Fourteen ■( H i of Palmyra Tree's abduction bad found on. Let's get it over.” * habit if savings really count with you. Twenty minutes later they were And you'll sure like Tanna when Block numbered One Hundred Two her fiance so afraid of wounding the (102) of Waahburne's Subdivision o f y'get the taste o' power In yer pretty girl that he could not raise the rifle at se a the Springfield Investment and Power If It is the latter—then you are mistaken or m is­ Twenty hours later the catamaran mouth.” in her defense, every pasing circum­ Company’s Addition tb Springfield. Only once had he laid a hand on Lane County, Oregon. — shall be stance was carrying forward the re­ was drifting, dismasted. informed. fully determined, and decreeing and And Van Buren Rutger's the fau't. her. That was when. In a fury, she adjudging velation of two characters that the plaintiff's are the had flown at him. clawing his face. He had been given the steering oar. Van. as he saw his betrothed thus owners of the above de»<-vlbed real torn from him. stood, staring after But. sunk in dejection, he had, in a He had held her away, loudly hilar­ property; that the defendants have the schooner, his face convulsed. He moment of inattention, allowed the ious “I'd steal a kiss," he cried. "If no estate, right, title or Interest what for my sore arm. But no . . ever In and to said real property or ( had been thrust back into a despair too-heavy boom to gybe, carrying any part thereof; and also that the B V Y A N D PAY T H E M O D ER N W AY awav the improvised tackle, and • 1 can walt 11,1 X'come free, poking defendants and each of them be for tenfold that whence the Pigeon of snatch the mast overboard. As are- , UP xour lips and begging me fla k e a ever debarred from asserting a n y ' hiv-ah had first raised him. claims whatsoever In or to »aid real SER VE YO URSELF AND SAVE Not so, however, John Thurston. suit Burke's rotten boat had fetched «ntsck- Taunt be long. Nor was her situation made easier property or any part thereof, adverse ( As well as Van he knew nothing free of its lashings and the raft float to the plaintiffs, and for such othnr , I by Burke s «vil sense of humor Pos- could be done. But he would not ac­ ed a wreck and further relief herein a» to the Doomed never to rescue Palmyra ®lbly to hasten her surrender, more cede. Burke's crime had thrown him _________ _ from the vlllian Burke. John Thurs- probably in a mere cruel amusement. Into a frenzy. He ran across to Captain Pedersen, ton had yet gladly staked life itself 11 P|av"d upon her fears. "Captain," he demanded, “what can upon a thousanth chance. There was, for instance, the oc we do? At once?” i The Pigeon of Noah was flying into casion when Olive, for the first time aboard the Pigeon of Noah, spoke to The deposed sailing master looked the unknown. back at him haggardly. “Nothing.” j The face of the man Burke was a her. "But we must. I tell you we must 'thing to wonder at. Under the ex- Had It not been for those brown­ Man. we've got to get to sea. Today ' altation of a master.idea it had grown shot eyes, always so gtealthily upon —now !” i strange, compelling. His eyes gleam her, she would sometimes have Pedersen groaned. “I wish to God ed, his tongue stumbled in its eager- , thought of this savage as a machine, we could. Mr T'urston. I’m as broke ness. For the first time in life he There was a sort of unhuman pred- up as you. But there Just ain’t no was to voice that which long had hid ; sion about him. use. Looks now, if we're ever to gyt den in his evil mind. What hail been I And now, in this wise, the moment off, we'U have to knock together only a vision of power was now to be- | Burke had gone below, the brown some sort of craft from the wreck." come an actuality. And so much, so ) man materialized himself at her side. Thurston cried out in protest, very much, depended on kindling that sh e was never prepared for the ex- H ouw cleaning no longer is • chore.' ‘ Weeks, months. No! You. with all wild spark he felt to glow within the I feeding change from his statue^hue P R E M IE R -D U P L E X cuts cleaning your sea experience, you must know soul of this gjrl he had seized for silence into the Testicular animation hours in half yet does it thoroughly. his own—his woman. some way I, I demand. , . . .’’ of his speech He had opened his G rit, lint, d irt— all are collected by» But Pmtersen shook his head. “Tanna!” he cried. "Tanna! Evsr mouth, apparently forgetting as on (he motor-driven brush and hear tell o’ that island, Palm?” He the Rainbow that they knew no word Noth u.g whatever could be done. Suddenly Thurston's face lighted laughed excitedly. "Indeed* and I've in common. Then, realizing, he stop­ suction. He stood in thought, his features took good care t'make y' acquaint.' ped at a loss. Save your furniture, carpets and “ 'Tis for Tanna we'll be laying a taking on a more definite tinge of The girl shrank hack; fled, in panic draperies— clean the inside of course, you and me," he went on. at the very nearness of him. toward elation. "I've got it!” he cried, and radio- Let us show today * with exuberant gesture acquired from - the companionway. But there she whirled, away. how effectively the Pre­ "Tanna, where we’ll recollected that Burke was at the I The sailing canoes in which the the natives. | foot of the ladder, and stood helpless. | Polynesian navigators of a bygone lord it like born king and queen.” mier-Duplex will do day covered the Pacific were cata- “What a people! What a people Then the white man came climbing ! Y O U R cleaning. ma ran.». The explorers built two ' t'work w ith!” His fingers opened and up. ”Y' little vixen,” he warned In a hulls, so narrow that neither, by it- closed anticipatorily, with a cat-like malicious enjoyment of the situation, self would float. But when the two zestfulness. "What can’t we do t'them "push me overboard . . He lnter- were fixed, perhaps ten feet apart, | Papuan wildmen,” he cried, "and rupted himself with a burst of lauga- by timbers lashed athwart their gun­ what can’t we make 'em do for us. ter. "Gad," he cried, "but I'd hate f wales amidships, the double canoe That's the ticket. Palm: what we can give y ’the chance! Push me over­ became staunch enough — though make ’em.' do for u s!” board, and I’m gone. But—Olive’s “Why, kid,” he was expostulating left. Remember that. I'm what boasting in all its parts no nail or bolt or rivet, its Joints held by noth­ a moment later, “this here big Idea stands between you. I ain’t a-saying Into i as how he’d love a red headed gv»d- ing stronger than breatfruit gum and ain't something that popped twists of cord, its sails no more sub­ m head Just recently. Gosh, no. Had dess all his own. Oh, no! But I do He see hP's got his eye on y'like a wolf stantial than plaited leaf—to traffic it in mind for years. But . . all away and across the broad Pacific. hesitated, diffident; a thing so foreign following a nice fat little lamb Into It was Thurston's Idea now that. to his usual brazen assurance as to the timber.” placing his four separately worthless j seem histrionic. “But the fact is I The girl shuddered. Burke or Olive? White savage or Jirown? A boats in tandem, two on each side, was a-walting for, for you!” She was once more aware how very cry of despair rose to her lips but he could lash them unier a frame­ ¡she fought it hack. Her hand stole work to the lighter spars into a mach­ read his infatuation. ine which would carry a considerable “I Just had t’have a dame for this up toward the opening of her rtiess, stunt,” he went on passionately. “A lingered, fell again to her side, spread of sail. "If those old catamarans could hold real dame, a sure enough queen. And I Since that event—It was now her together for a thousand miles,” he then I m eets you. The very first watch third day aboard .ne Lupe-a-Noa—she explained, “ours ought to make the 1 sees y’got the shape for ft. And had been wonderfng whether Ponape when y'lets out about pirate blood, I ' Burke really did stand between her next island.” Work had been going on perhaps knows y’got the heart for it. 'Cause i and his man. She had not forgotten A • an hour when he appeared to become yer talk’s on the square; more on the : Burke's saying that Olive, If he knew his power, could snap his master's aware of Van Buren Rutger's droop­ square than you yourself realizes.” M9VNTAIN STATBS POWER COMPANY ing figure. John had completely for­ The girl was increasingly under-; back across one of those big brown gotten the other man. Convicted, he standing how Irrevocably, on the knees like a piece of kindling. At, Rainbow, he had been misled by her she suspected at tlmies that Olive ran over to him. But Thurston attempted no expla caprice. Listening at first In a pleas­ might know this quite well. nation. He said that the best, the ed surprise, he had been eagerly seif- The day, with the disconcerting only way out, was to sketch the plan deceived. Sure that the lawless suddenness of the Equator, had faded of action, aeem to consult the other's strain, persisting through environ­ and darkness would soon have been Judgment. He spoke briefly. "What ment, had at last roused, he was now upon them. Burke had waved a hand do you think, Van?” he concluded. convinced she was already In love toward the cabin with kingly gesturt >int Electric Percolator “Isn't that as well as we can hope with the life he typified—though she " “he royal chamber awaits, Queenle,” herself did not as yet percleve the he had said. "Hot as hell down (here to do?” Van was silent for a long time; fact—and that, In the glamour this and you'll goon be squawking tor a ^ o o w n / then, unexpectedly, laughed. "As, as life cast upon himself, she would In hammock on deck. But tonight. . . good as any,’’ he said. “Go on your time willingly come to be his own. There’s a lock.” raft, and drown, stay, and starve. And, girl,” Ponape Burke was The girl had sprung, trembling. What's the difference? As regards shoutlug, "there never, never was no panting, for the companion, had slatt- WILLIAMS’ SELF SERVICE 5I0RE W hy P a y More Than Self Service Price ffith th is fa stest o f a l l cleaaers— LL the new PREMIER modelât mier-Duplex 2. Premier «Iunior 3. PremieiJPic-Up You can noxlhaYeithie beautiful eix-cup;