THURSDAY APRIL io. 1B2K CREWS BEGIN WORK ON PIER Laavaa fo r M o n ta n a — W illiam «•m k b n Monday f«»r Mlsoouln, tana, tn mafc» hl» futura noma. PAGE PIVE THE SPRING HELD NEWS Hän-1 Landara la T ra a ta d — <' H . Landcr» Moti | i»f Marcala *#» hara for medical treatment laa week-end. Tool Houae Goes Up and First Excavation is Made for West Side Support HEALTH OFFICER URGES CAUTION AGAINST FLU With many people ubout town suf- I ferlng from Influenza. Ur. W. H Pol lard, city health officer, loday l»i*ed a warning urging caution In treating the malady. •’Too many people neglect this dis­ ease and permit It to gain too much headway before consulting a doctor," Dr. Pollard said. He polfited out that "flu" can very easily run Into pneu monla. . Uesplte t h e weatlier conditions there are no other diseases prevalent at this time, Ur. Pollard said. Anglers Find Fish Plentiful But Particular About Biting in Streams There were at least two men to every fish In the streams surround Ing Springfield last Sunday, the open log day of (tailing season. From all parts of the state flocked anglers who knew of the McKenzie and Willamette river fishing holes where the trout put up a game fight and where fishermen don't have to wait all day fr a niboble. For the most part the follower* of Isaac Walton had success, not only on Sunday but during this week. reported some luck were: Merle Caa- teal, William Davis. John and Jesse I»rah, A. J. Morgan, Larson and Guy Wr'gbL Norman Anderson. William Horne. Jack Gorrle, Loyall Scott, Jack Henderer, Dallas Murphy, M D. Lingo. E. R. Danner, Jack Danner, With the dlu of hammer» and saw» above the downpour of rain Hprtng fluid yesterday witnessed the begin (.pent iin *•' kumi tiu.tina In Part­ Portland « uh a visitor In re over tin nlng of the bridge for which citizen» Wallace Walker, William Davla, W. lu it week-end. ili n d . here have sought for the past several H. Anderson, Tad Luckey. James Laavaa to r Lsbanun— Jorrjr lin k e r Racalvaa M edical Caro — I' B years. Laxton, William Rodenbough, Dr. W. t-iiH le ft fu r lo-liunmi where h» m i clo ve r underwent a m inor operation A crew of eighteen men Wednesday C. Rebhan, Robert Pirrie, Harold pi-vis to go to work for the Southern In the office of a local physician thia morning took the Initial step» In the Poole, Mr and Mr». C. A. Wyman, A. week. 1127,000 bridge which la to spun the pacific company. J Seavey, Dr. Bogan, Dr. Peery. Mr. and Mrs. Niel Pollard. Glen Riddle. Teachers In Corvallla—Mis« Doris Willamette at the foot of Main street SPRINGFIF.LD PRAISED IN k Mrs. Carton at Coast—Mra. Georg-, Chief of Police George Vallier and here. Dolph Lingo, Roy Bradham, W. K. Ilraat was a guest at the home of the NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY Canion. Hr. 1« vlalllng at the homo ex-Governor Ben Olcott, were among (J. Lindstrom of the Portland con of her daughter, Mre. Atny Phillips parents of Mlaa Clara Wagner In Cor­ tractlng firm of Felgerson and Lind the notables on the McKenzie. It Barnell. Catisplet Information ubout the city vallla last week-end. Both young wo­ ut **arahfl«M- M. D. Lingo caught 12 trout In a atrom, waa on the Job In person, sup of Uprfnjofleld, giving the name» of all hasn’t been announced which caught B ^ o r a Front Palntad — The store men are teachers here. stream In which he has the record ervlalng the construction of a tool resident» and estimating the popula­ the most fish. Among those from Springfield who of fishing for the past 65 years. front of the Plnnery Drug company Cate Steal In t y e — Lori» McBee, houae on the west bunk of the river tion from between 2200 and 2500 I» which Is to houae the supplies on route 1, got a large piece of ateel In thia week received a fraah coat of contained In the t e » directory of hie eye early thia week while work­ that aide. Mr. Llndatrom will make Lane county just off the pres. paint. ing about hla home He waa In hla home In Springfield until the Springfield's situation In relation to Demonstrator Hara—Myrtle Benue Hprlngfield for treatment. bridge la completed. . DEPENDABLE ETJEQL- a SS SE1DICE other cities. a nummary of the In­ of Kanaaa City, Io at the Flanery drug To Add Mora Man dustries and other statistics are Attend Lodge Meeting— Mr and Store thia week as a demonstrator >f The first crew of workmen consist Mra. Ham Richmond and daughter« ed only of men who have been em­ shown. The city Is termed one of toilet (»ode. the best Illuminated In the western and Mra. C. F Egglmann attended the Taka Business Trip—It A Wash- meeting of the JBnlted Bpanlsh War ployed by the firm for the past ten part of the state. Names of all the city and school burne and Korea! Fritts went to Cor­ veterans In Eugene Monday evening. years. Other» will be added wlthiu O P T O m E T ilS T — EUESIQHT SPECIALIST the next two weeks, Mr. Lindstrom officials are given. EUQENE vallis. Lebanon and Brownsville early BT8 IPilUmette St P hone 820 Visit Pollard Home— Mrs. Carl said. Jwt one tlmuj— Bui 1 do d rujtU thia week on bualtieas. While »ome of the workmen were Fisher of Eugene. a former resident WARD JOLIFF PURCHASES Former Resident Hara -Olive Wild­ of this ally, was n'guest nt the home busy on the tool shed other» were ex­ INTEREST IN FIRM HERE er al Grants Paas, a former resident ot Ur. and Mr». W. H. Pollard last cavating fort he main pier on the of Ibis city, »pent a few day» here week-end. west side of the river. This pier Ward Jollff of Roseburg, a brother j will go In first, due to the condition thia week visiting friends Wrench»» B»ek— Wesley H oggins of the river. As soon as the river of Hugh Jollff, has purchased the in ; tereat of C. W. Yarnell In the Jollff-! Undergoes Operation—Mr». Anne of Marcola. who 1» employed by the subsides sufficiently, work will com­ k: m il It of Bugeno.underwent a major Fischer Lumber company, wrenched mence on the pier on the east side Scntefe Motor company at 330 Main operation In the Pacific ( . h r la t im hla hack while at work Monday. He of the stream and the two piers y ill street. hospital Tuesday morning. The Roseburg man was at one time was brought here for treatment and go up simultaneously. a resident of thia city, being employ-1 hl» doctor reported that he will be Two other pier» are to be put In, Officer Hurts Hon'd—Herbert Moore NOTICE is hereby given that the city council has set the one In the middle of the river and an­ ed in the garage In which he has I city traffic officer, dlalocaled a finger off duty for aome time. taken an Interest. Mr. Yarnell, who j other on the east bank. while working with his motorcycle date, April 23 to 26 as th e annual Spring Cleanup. At this John Will Visit»—John Will, form Concrete work on these big founda- j has been one of the owner» of the ; Monday morning He returned last or ahoe repair ¡man of this city, la garage for the past four years, has time al! rubbish, cans or other discarded articles will be week end from Portland after acting vlalllng with hla family here for n tlons will be completed about the I first of July and structural steel work i not yet announced his future plans. I as a witness In a federal trial there. few days. He 1» employed In the hauled away free of charge provided they are sacked or P. A. Scaiefe. who is now in Bend, I will then commence, Mr Lindstrom A lb a n y P eople H a ra — M rs. E ls ie harness factory at Albany which is will retain his Interest In the garage. announced. boxed for quick handling. Davie and children «pent Sunday temporarily »hut down due to a strike , Mr. Jollff Is expected here Satur- Machinery Here 1 day to take an active part in the here from Albany, visiting the form of the tanner». All boxes and sacks of rubbish must be placed on the One load of smaller machinery Is eFs mother. Mrs. Hannah Lepley. V is it* In Roseburg— Mra. Arthur already at the scene of the opera­ local business. street parking or in the alleys so that the wagons can col­ Goss to St. P aul— Mra. James Taylor spent Tuesday In Roseburg tions. The big truck which hauled this equipment from Portland was visiting with friend». She Is a former TWO REAL ESTATE DEALS Shanks has gone to HI. Paul. Mtnne lect them all at once. aota. where she will make her future resident of that place, where she and mired down In the mud Tuesday and ANNOUNCED BY WALKER Property holders are directed to burn all rubbish pos­ Mr Taylor were In the grocery busi­ delayed operations somewhat. Other home with relatives ness before purchasing the White heavier machinery la enroute. Sale of a 26-acre river bottom tract sible and clean up their parking strips. G illette » .H a v e G uatt»— M r and Front grocery here. The pile driver will be here In near Jasper to J. S. Hills of that place Mrs Clarence Gillette and children. about a week Within two weeks a was announced today by |h e W. W. M ra. B a k e r Visiting— Mrs. R M A. D. Gillette »nd Wtl«on Gillett crew 6» 30 men will be on the Job Walker real estate company. Adin GEORGE VALLIER, Street Commissioner. Baker of Wlnberry who was Injured regularly. It was announced. »pent the la»t week-end at the home Lyons of Springfield was the former In an automobile addent three weeks of Mr and Mr» H L. Gillette here The Portland contractors built the »go has Just been released from the overhead crosalng a few years ago owner. The tract adjoins what is known as Strawberry Acres. Return» to School—Ml»« Fannie hospital and Is »pending a few day» at and also had the contract for the W. A. Hall who recently purchased Goddard returned to her cla«»es at the home of Mr» Rose Curt!» here Myrtle Creek bridge south of here ; the Electric Shoe Shop here from the state nortnul school at Monmouth while »he recuperate«. Their contract call» for the comple­ j John Will bought a residence this after spending the week-end with her tion of the blrdge by February 1929. ' week from the Commercial State Grova Visitors Hara— Forty mem parents at Leaburg hers of the Cottage Grove chapter. O. but It Is anticipated that the Job will bank. The property 1» on Fourth Food Sale Saturday—The I-adles E. H.. were present at the Initiation be done before that time. street. Ttai# deal was also handled Aid society of the .Methodist church ceremony held by the Springfield by Mr. Walker. will hold a cooked food sale In the lodge Tuesday evening. Mr«. Flora Betel» fountain room Saturday. April Phillips was the one candidate Initi­ WALKER BASEBALL TEAMS “where saving» are greatest BEAT MOHAWK PLAYERS LECTURE ON HAWAII ON 21. ated Mrs. William Rouae, Mrs. W. BROTHERHOOD PROGRAM 942 Willamette St.. E ugene. Oregon. Degree T»»m Meet»—The ITogres- K. Barnell. Mrs. ’Clark Wheaton and Walker high school girls' and boys' Mr». Swanson were hostesses. ' give 22, degree staff of the Rebekah Mcmtoers of the Men's Brotherhood baseball teams scored victories ver lodge, met last PrMSy night In the Mary Shoppara Hera—Among the Mohawk teams last Friday. The score of the Methodist church will hear a 1 O. O. F. hall for a regular bualnes« shoppers here early this week were In the preliminary girls’ game was lecture on Hawaii at the meeting session. the following: John Ferguson. Trent; 17 to 10 and In the main event was scheduled for Monday evening. Lester J. Hulln of Eugene who re These Very Modish Junior Frock* Miss Viola Easton, Walterville; Mr». 7 to «. Tonsil» ara Removed — Thelma Wialker made a six to one score in qently spent several months in the Fred Crabtree, Camp Creek; Mrs V. They are youthful but Llpes. small daughter of Mr and Mrs L. Rausch. W alterville; G. J. DeVos, the first three Innings, but a shift of Islands wlUf tell of the places he visit­ Walter Llpes. la confined to her home pleasingly sophisticated — pitchers by Mohawk reversed the ed during his stay. Goshen; Mr« J. L. Zehnr. Walter- following an operation for the re­ •Preceding the lecture the I-adies these new frocks in junior vllle; J. B. Elliott. Creswell; Mrs scoreing and Walker was unable to moval of her tonsils. Henry Bricker. Trent; Clarence Ek, score for four Innings. A run was Aid society will serve dinner at 6:40 sizes. High school and col­ squeezed over In the ninth Inning, o'clock. lege grad ates will find the Health Is Falling—Word from Mrs. Pengra; Mra. Doas, Headman Ferry. winning the game which was tied dur­ Al Montgomery former resident t.f Mrs. L. W. McKay, Creswell; Mrs jaunty styles just to their M a rria g e Licenaes Issued ing the final period«. J H Sheasley, Lowell; Nels Peterson. this city who la now residing In Med­ liking! Sports and dressy Marriage licenses have been issued Walker players will cross bats with ford la that her husband's health is Marcola; Mr and Mrs. E. H. Muster- Santa Clara tomorrow on the latters by the county clerk during the past frocks of novelty silks and son. Camp Creek; A. J. Kuhn, Cas­ steadily growing worse The couple week to the following: Byron Cowart sheer crepes. Be sure to see went to southern Oregon for his cade Resort; Mrs W. H. Gulley. Jas­ held. and Josephine Francis Cooley, both them. health, hut la 'has failed to grow per; L. W. Boggs. Marcola; Mrs. W. of Springfield; Claris Burke and H. Shield».’ Trent. FARMERS WILL DISCUSS belter. Mubel Thomas, both of Eugene; Vem V ia lta In P o rtia n i4— M 1» ’ (Irana Piit ii-r In t r u i 'i 'T In th e Itig li g th o o l, Mlaa Montanaan H a ra — M o ra a n i M o ri ennän wlw I» a tte n d iti» school tn Dr. Ro^dl Q ick Spring Cleanup School Girls Are W earing BEST ALFALFA CULTURE Helbigl and Gladys Riper, both of Eu­ gene; Ray Surcamp and Isabel Doyle, A series of field meetings next week both of Walton; Elbert Mulkey, Philo­ to discus» the growing of alfalfa and math. and Bertha Sweeney, Harris­ especially the preparation of seed burg. beds was announced yesterday by O. S. Fletcher? county agricultural agent. Jepcotts on Trip— Mr. and Mrs. C. Meetings will be held at the P. N. E. Jepcott left Saturday evening, the Iutlrd place at Jasper, 9:30 Friday former for San Francisco and the April 27; Elmer Harlow place, motor latter for a short visit in Seattle be­ route B. at 1:30 the same day; the H. fore Joining her husband In the Cali­ ■ C. Bushnell place near Junction City I fornia city. at 1:30 Thursday April 26 and at a , farm near Creswell yet to be selected at 9:30 that day. SPRINGFIELD FOLKS All of these farms already have excellent fields of alfalfa.and are pre­ paring for more. Fanners at whose places the meetings are held, those L O O K ,F R E D , h e r e who attend and Mr. Fletcher will A C E S O M E T fc H H lS take part In the discussions. Two Specials in P ic tu r es E rgathea G roup M eets DINING SUITES Queen Anne Suite, consisting of Table, Buffet and six Chairs, Regular Price $129.00. SPECIAL $96 Italian Suite, 8 pieces, Table, Buffet and six chairs. Regular Price $182.00. ’/ 2 PRICE SPECIAL $91 W R IG H T & S O N S HARDWARE — .FURNITURE— PAINT PHONE 18 VITUS BLOCK Members of the Ergftthea class of the Methodist chqfeh m e t , at the home of Mrs. W. N. Williams at 626 A street, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock for the regular monthly ses­ sion. Mrs. Holverson was assisting hostess. Each member responded to roll call with a verse of scripture taken from the Psalms. Cantata Is Given— Soloists In the successful cantata. "Death and L ife.' presented at the Christian church Sunday night were John Robertson. E. E. Morrison, W. P. Tyson. D. W. Moffitt. Dallas Murphy and Mrs. Dallns Murphy. A chorus of 30 voices assisted In the presentation which | was directed by Claud Neely choir leader. taken w it h t h a t camera I Junior Sizes 13 to 19 By J. F. Ketels Y o u LOOK WELL, I WAS IN FI N E ­ DO YO U _ AN ELIMINATION P lay w ® TbuRN AMENI t e n n is ONCE — 5 U C E -Ô H E “ELIM INATED T h e n e t - IT T < WAS ALWAYS IN THE WAY vyHEN S h E x ^ P l a y e d G rO T A T The shop that elim inates all doubt from your mind Here Purity’s more than a vvatchword it’s a Practice. Here you are waited upon with polite appreciation. The latest up-to-date novels and all current m agazines are found here. We Give Green Discount Stamps