9 PAGE TITRE» THB ffPKI NO FIELD N W S T R A IN BC H ED U LE Springfield Stop* Northbound Classified Ads I CALL. A N D 8 E B Dr. N. W. Emery on price* on platee end other work, tf SUMMON# __________________ I I t P. M ____________6:37 A. M Flag in t h e CIRCUIT COURT OF THE OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Southbound STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Brief Resume of Happenings of COUNTY OF LANE j No. 1 6 _______ _____ 9 33 P M Pies William J. Grlgg, Plaintiff, ve. Ina I No. SI __ ...... .................. .......ft :6ft A. M the Week Collected for May Grlgr, Defendant I Coach »perlai for Klamath Palle To Ida May Grlgg, Defendant: Our Readers. In the name of the State of Oregon: I and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. M on You are hereby summonsed and re­ ¡Sunday, Tueeday and Friday. quired1 to appear and answer the com­ One-fourth Inch was added to the plaint of the plaintiff In the above NOTICE titled suit on or before the last day j length of the standard pear box by Any elalins ugaln»t the Estate of of time prescribed In the order for the state board of horticulture at lift William Jephcott must be mailed to publication of summons hereafter re­ meeting In Portland last week. UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRYS­ S E P T IC T A N K S — tv It Jephcott Springfield, Oregon, ferred to, tow ft: On or before the FOR SALE WOOD Streams of Baker county will IX wlthta sU m o n th sD o m April IMh. ! ^ y of April. .928; ana you are TALS— Fancy ahapee and regular». Ready for you to Install stocked with trout again this year, hereby notified that if yon fall to so Fbf family of five — #21 00. Eugene Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, Hoyt's Ce»h Store. tf. 1828, after said time no claims will appear or answer for want thereof according to plans of the forest serw For family of eight — #28 00, Eugene be allowed. Oak. Ash. AU lengths. ITitrae Spring I the plaintiff will apply to the above ice snd the Baker Sportsmen’s assoc> Hewer Pipe, Wei# Curbing, Drain Tile W. R. JEPHCOTT. N D TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S entitled court for the relief prayed for field 104. *■ A. 19: In the complaint, that le, a decree dis- stlon. Notice le hereby glvon that the un­ and Chimney Blocks. solving the marriage contract and for Work on the market road betwee« E U G E N E C O N C R ETE P IPE CO. PAINTING and Kalnouilnlng In all Ite dersigned on April 7th, 1928, »»», by an absolute divorce from you. N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Dayton and Salem has been resumsC the County Court of 1-ane County. ! This summons Is published In the brenrhoe. Reduced Prices. Roy Oregon, appointed executrix of the Clearing the right of way 1» well under NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN. That gpr| n(ffleld News of Springfield. Ore- Blank Promisor/ notes end receipt* Koch. Call 125-J. «»tale of Frederick Deffeubachcr do- Ihe undersigned has by order of the gon undpr and by virtue of an order way, so that grading Is expected to ba printed and In stock at the Newe County Court of the State of Oregon ( of the Hon q p »ktpwrorth, Judge of started soon. ceased and hae qualified a» such ex­ office. for the'County of Lane been duly ap- , hp circuit Court of the State of Ore- F u ll SALK—Carbon paper In large ecutrix. Within a few day* water will begl« pointed as executor of the estate of ron for county of Lane, dated this All persons having claim» agulnst sheets, 24x8» Inches. suitable tut eald estate are hereby required to phoebe Gray, deceased and all persons 29th day of March, 1928. directing pub­ pouring into the impounding basis to making tracings. The Newe offlce present them duly verified a» by law ALIAS 8UMM0NS having claims against said estate are I Ration thereof once which lies back of McMinnville’s new ----------- 7----------------- required to said executrix at the law hereby notified to present the same successive weeks In said newspap r. #60.000 dam recenUy completed oa IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE office of Alta King, 794 Willamette n i' uy.. at the office which order requires you to apr> ar | N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S STATE OF OREGON FOR r r ^ n k A^'lh lhi1.0 Atto?ney“ for"the and answer the complaint on or before Haekln creek. NOTICE 1» HEREBY GIVEN That Street. Eugene, orogon. within »1* eita te in Springfield«K . gon on or four w eeks from the date of the first l,ANE COUNTY the undrtrsWind hee been appointed months from the first pnMtcaflon of The Fred Schwab Commission com» I Clara 11 Knowles, Plaintiff, vs. Mau­ before’ Mx months from the date of Publication of this by the County Court of I,nn* County, this notice April lith . 1928 of pany has begun the construction o t rice E. Knowles, Defendant. Oregon, a« admlnl»fratrlx of the ARAHEI.I. COOTER, Executrix. To M au rice E. Know les, defendant. estate of Robert K. Btewnrt, iteeeased A^rll 14 19’’8 m is summons Is 29th of March, 1924. an additional warehouse at Mount Aft» ALTA KING. Attorney SIDNEY* MEACHAM, Executor The day of the last publication is gel that will be used for potato, hop IN TIIE N/.ME OF THE STATE 'All per»dlie tiering ehrtrus again« »aid Ap. 12 19 2«: Ma J-lft: OF OREGON: You are hereby suhi- «elate are hereby notified’ to present and grain storage. FRANK A. DE PUE, Attorney for AprIt-ZSin, J’/ 8- J. B. HALL, Attorney for Plaintiff, 1 mnned amt required to uppear and the sume duly verified und with pro I NOTICE FOR IT B L B ’ATION The Coos county bathing seasoa 206 Tiffany Building. Eugene. Oregon. answer the complaint of the plaintiff the estateA. 19-26: M. 3-10-17 per voucher» to »aid administratrix a t ' FOREST EXCHANGE M. 29; A. 5-1219-26 • in the above entitle, suit —Ithln four opened last week, when hundreds tlo> office of Harrle, Smith A Bryson, No 017866 week» from thu date of the first pub­ Broadway Building. Eugene, Orepnn, bathed In the surf at Sunset, Bast*«- NOTICE TO CREDITORS »ItliIn »lx month» from the date of j Department of the Interior, United lication of (his summons, ami you are N O T IC E O F C O N T E S T dorf and Bandon beaches. The tem­ State* Lend Office, Roseburg. Ore­ j hereby notified that if you fall to the tir»i imbllrntlon of this notice (F o r P u b lic a tio n ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that gon, March 28, 1928. perature was 80 degrees. answer herein within the time afore- Date of first publication of this 016961 NOTICE Is hereby given that John ! said, plaintiff will apply said Court the undersigned, by order qf the notice lu April 6th, 1918. Contest 3970 Approximately #135,000 outstanding County Court of the State of Oregon M AG G IE S T E W A R T , AdmtntMrn- 11. May. Of Yachats. Oregon, tiled ap­ for the relief demanded In her com­ warrants of the city of Eugene will be trlx of Estate of Robert K. Stewart, plication No 017866, under the Act of plaint, to wit: for a decree of absolute for the County nt Lane has been duly Department of the Interior, Unlted March 20, 1921 (42 Stat 4661, to ex- divorce from the bonds of matrimony upplnted Administrator of the Estate States - Land ------- Office, ------ Roseburg, Ore­ called in for payment within the next deceased. gon, April 6, 1928. week or 10 days, according to Fred Hnrrt*, Smith ft Hryeon, Atty’ for ehsnge the NH NWH NEH. NH now subsisting between the above ot Eva Mary McKInnls and all persons NEH NWH. 8W14 NEH NWH. NH named parties and for the resumption having claims against said estate ara To. Martin Hansen, of 1036, 8th 9t., Wentworth, city treasurer. AUmrx. NWH SEH NWH. NH SWH NWH. by plaintiff of her maiden name and hereby notified to present the same, Fresno, California. Contestee: Ap 6 12 19 2«: M ft: NH U 8H NWH. SWH Sec- NW14, and 14 HH SW 34; Tp. 8.. S R W l , ì i f»r ..'her relief as the court shall deem properly verified to me at the office You are hereby notified th a t: Bids for new quarters for the Marsh- of Frank A. DePue, Attorney for the Donald J. McClure, who gives Signal. fleid postofflee will be received May SUM M O NS W est, within the Sluslnw National proper, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB Forest, for timber of an equnl value This sommons Is published In the estate. In Springfield, Oregon, within Oregon as his post-offic» address, jlid 14 pioor space of 32.000 square le s t PTATE OF OREGON FOR THE to he cut from approximately three Springfield News, a newspaper printed six months from the date of this on April 6. 1928, file In this offlee la required. This was announced by his duly corroborated application to COUNTY OF LANE seres within the EH 9nc. 1. EH E H .1 nnd published In Sprlngfleld, Lane notice. contest and secure the cancellation P. J. Neil, postoffice inspector. Dated April 18th, 1928. ordèr George W Whtsel. Plaintiff, vs. Harry See 12 Tp 20 S , It 3 E . Secs 4 to , County. Oregon, hy virtue of THOMAS McKINNIS. Admlnlstra- of your homestead Entry, Serial No. Four blocks of street pavement T. Hhea. as executor of the last will 9 Inclusive. HWH. Sec. 10. NH NW H. ! M the Hon. G F »klpworth. Judge of 016961 made April 28. 1927, for the Dayton were voted at the last me«#, nnd testament of Francis Joseph Sec 16. Secs 16 to 20 Inclusive. Tp. 1 said court, dated Mar«:», lbtlb 19.6^ , tor. SW ‘4 of SW' h of Sec. 4, SEU ot Date of first publication hereof Is Hebo fluid, deceased, Harry T. Shea; 20 8.. Range 4 East. W. M„ within the FRANK A. D2 UE, Attorney for SE14 of Sec. 5. NB>4 of NE’A of Sec. lng o f the town council. Superintend March 22. 1828. Rudolph A Schofield ; Winslow H Cascade National Forest the estate. 8, and Lot 4 of Section 9, Township ent ot Streets T. A. Boulden will havw SMITH ft EVANS, Attorneys for Schofield; and P. J. Bartle, A A The purpose of this notice Is to al­ A. 19 26: M 3-10-17 20 S. Range 1 E.. W illamette Meri­ charge of the construction work. llofters, Robert W. Earl, and F N. low all persons claiming the lands Plaintiff. Offlee and Postofflee Address dian. and as grounds for his contest McAlister, as members of the I.ane selected, or having lainn fide objec­ 434 6-6 Miner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. Four hundred young chickens and • NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT he alleges that said Martin Hansen M 22 29; A. 512-19: County Chapter American R e d tions to sucn application, an apporun- filed on above land April 28, 1927, brooder house on the ranch of W. Cross, a voluntary association. De­ Ity to file their protest with the Reg­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ,ta yeti on land Sept. 28 rnd 29th. Campbell, south of Athena, were d » fendants. ister of the U. S Ladd Office at Rose­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the undersigned administrator of the ¡937 le»ft and has never been back stroyed by fire recently, when the To Itielolph A flehofletd snd Winslow burg, Oregon. Any such protests or FOREST EXCHANGE estate of Samuel Davis Calms, de -j-hat he has made no improvements H Schofield, Defendants: objections must be filed In this of­ No. 0178S6 ceased, has filed in the County Court aD(j has not complied wtth the law In brooder stove set the structure afire. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE fice within thirty days from the date Val Becker, well known stockman e f OF OREGON: You are hereby re of the first publication of this notice, Department of the Interlo-, United of the State of Oregon, for the any way. You arP, therefore, further notified Westfall, buldogged a wild steer theft States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore­ County of I-ane, his Final Account aa qulred Io appear and answer the com beginning March 29, 1928. such administrator and said Court that the said allegations wnl be taken gon, March 29, 1928. plultil tiled against you In the above acted queerly one day last week. T he Noncoal. NOTICE U hereby given that has fixed Friday the 25th day of May, t as confessed, \and your said entry entitled suit within four weeks from animal bit him. Now Mr. Becker ie HAMILL A CANADAY. Register 1928. at the hour of 2:00 o’clock P- M will be cancelled without further Joseph T Mustoe, of Albany. Ore., tk<« date of the first publication of M 29: A. 6-12 19-26 filed Application No. 017886. under the at the court house in Eugene, Lane ! rlght to be heard, either before this taking the pasteur treatment for re» this summon», snd If ymi fall to ap­ Act of March 20. 1922 (42 S ta t, 466), County. Oregon as the time and place oftjce Or on appeal, if you fail to file biee. pear and answer herein within said to exchange the SH NE'4SW ’A. S )i for hearing objections to said account i r , thta office within twenty days after time. for want thereof, the plaintiff The Port of Coos Bay com m lsslo« ,h e FOURTH publication of this no- NOTICE TO CREDITORS NW'» SE%. SW>4 S E M, W% SEV* and for the settlement thereof. will apply to the Court for the relief Dated tX s 12th day of April. 1924. | tice> yonr answer, under oath, spect- has voted to recommend to the war Notice Is hereby given that Clara 8W U . W^i SEIq SE^q SW U, Sec- prayed for In thé complnlnt filed In ROY G. CAIRNS, Administrator of flCally responding to those allega- department the construction of a dike M Blais has been appointed executrix ; , |on Si * NW '4 NEK. Sec. 8. Tp. 14 thn above emitted caune. tions of con test together with due THIS RVMMoNS I» sprvod* upon of the last Will and Testament of | s Range 10 West, within the Sluslaw the estate of Samuel Davis Calms, | proof that you have served a copy of across Haynes inlet. It is hoped te you by publication thereof, once each I’hlllas Blais, deceased, by the County } National Forest, for timber of an deceased. your answer on the said contestant reclaim approximately 3090 acres oft week for four successive weeks, pur­ Court of I-ane County. Oregon ¡equal value to be cut from appnnxl A. 19 26: M. 3-10-17 either In person or by registered tide land by the project. suant to an order of the lion C. P. All persons having claims against ’ n To ¿0 r ' i e " mail. Barnard. Judge of the Connty Court said estate are required to present L EH S ec.1 2 . Tp_ 20 S., R. 3 L.. A. K. Veatch, former mayor of R a i» You should state In your answer NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION for Lane County. State of Oregon: them, wtth proper vouchers, within Secs. 4 to 9 Inclusive, 8W14, Sec. 10. ier. who wes recalled in an electi«* the name of tile post» office to which NH NWM, Sec. 15, Secs. 16 to 20 FOREST EXCHANGE and the first date of the publication six months from the 22nd day of you desire future notices to be sent last fall, has purchased the Dwyeft inclusive, Tp. 20 S„ R. 4 East. W. M.. No. 017908 of this summons Is April 6. 1928. March. 1928, to said executrix at the you. E O. IMMEL; FRED K SMITH: law office of L. L. Ray at the Miner within the Cascade National F orest j Department of the Interior, United to HAJULL A. CANADAY, Register. shingle plant In the Fern Hill district The purpose of this notice Is to al- - 8tate* Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- DAVID B EV,»N8; Attorneys for Building Eugene, Oregon. Date of first publication April 12, 1928 snd has moved It to the Columbia rtw low all persons claiming the land - (jon Apr,| 50_ 1928. Plaintiff Residence and postofflee ad CLARA M BI*A1S, Executrix. Dote second publication April 19, 1928 er waterfront at Rainier. selected, or having bona fide objev-. -- - - - seiecien , navuig uoua uu«, . ¡Notice Is hereby given that Ervtn -7 7 --- dress of each attorney, Eugene. Ore- U L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. tions to such application, an oppftr-j wie<, man Executor and heir of Ellen j Date third pubHcatlon. April 26, .„ Two firemen were injured when th» M 22-39: A. 6-12-19: tunlty to file their protest with the , Wie,iman, deceased, of Yachats^ Ore- Date fourth publication May 5, is A d . 612-1926: M. 8: large wooden structure housing th» Register of the U. 8. lan d Office at ; gon fllp{1 Application No. 017908. un- Burke Fish Packtng company was d » Roseburg, Oregon Any such pro- dpr the Act of March 20. 1922 (42 SUM M O NS stroyed by fire at Astoria last weefc. V THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE The firemen were cut by flying glaa» STATE OF OREGON FOR THE when an ammonia tank exploded. COUNTY OF LANE. notice, beginning April 5, 1928. of lot 4. Sec. 6. Tp. 15 S , R. 10 West, An unidentified slayer Friday m or» Non-coal. f ,N W e U 2 NE% 5 * SW H, WH S E S Alexander U n d - y and Ida Lindsay. "Tittb c Phone 176 J Ree. Phone 176 M S W 4 . NWiU SW U L'E% SW H, SE>4 HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. DR. W. N. DOW his wife, Plaintiffs, Vs. Darwin ing opened the door of a bunkhoua» SW U SE44. EH SWH NWH SEW Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Ap. 6-12-19-26: M. 3: Bristow; Etta B. Fisher. Lixxie at the Oregon American Lumber camp D e n tis t SH S I R NEW SEH , SW*4 SEH General Practice. Special Attention Stephens, formerly Ltxxie Bristow; 20 miles northwest of Keasey and shot First National Bauk Building NHH SEH. and S E ti SEH. See. 1. the unkonwn heirs of Iola Bristow, to Obstetrics and Diseases Phone 43 Sprlngfleld. Oregon Tp. 15 9 . R 11 West. W. M . within deceased; the unknown heirs of Edward Wilson Morgan, 27-year-oW N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S of Children. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P M. the Siuslaw National Forest, for tim­ Addle C. Bristow, deceased; the logger, to death as he lay asleep. First National Bunk Building NOTICE 1» HEREBY GIVEN: That ber of an equal value to be cut from Evenings by Appointment unknown heirs of Edith Clyde Bris­ A proposed #37.500 bond issue for L. I.. Ray has been appointed’ admlnfs approximately six acres within the Sprlngfleld, Oregon tow, deceased; the unknown heirs trator of »he estate of Carl Adams, de EH Sec. __ 1, __ EH ___ EH- Sec. 12, Tp. 20 S.. of W. W. Bristow, deceased; the a new building and improvements for ceased, hy the County Court for Lan? I ¿ PC8 '4 t0*g inclusive, SW*i unknown heirs of Elizabeth B. the Gresham high school was voted County in the State of Oregon. All ’ NWW. Sec. 15. Secs. 16 Bristow, deceased; the Unknown down at a special election last week, All kinds of Coal, Coke and persons having claims against said » |n’p Tp 20 s „ R 4 ^ 4 , W. M.. heirs of Mary Bristow, deceased; at which about 1000 ballots were ca»L Briquets estate are required to present them. (h Non-coal _ _ . „ No. 017855 OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE Bristow, deceased; the unknown I HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. 55 pounds, made up mostly of nail» 533 Main Street heirs ot Addte C. Bristow, deceased; A. 19 26: M. 3-10-17 Department of the Interior, United , the unknown heirs of Edith Clyde and tacks, was removed from The Successor to Button Transfer States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore-1 Bristow, deceased; the unknown Dalles-California highway through th» DP. S. RALPH DIPPEL qon., March 15, 1928. N O T IC E OF SALE OF heirs of W. W. Bristow, deceased; city limits of Redmond last week by NOTICE is hereby given that | R E F U N D IN G SCHOOL BONDS the unknown heirs of Elizabeth B. the road sweeping magnet of the stat» DENTIST Arthur O. Pope, of Swlsshome, Ore deceased; the unknown gon. filed Application No. 017855, un- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ; Bristow „ „ Brl8tow deceased- the highway department. WM. O. HUGHES Phone 43 der th«' Act of Mnrch 20, 1922 (42 * sealed bids will be received bv th< heirs of * y n obert Calfison, PIRK AND A U TO IN S U R A N C E A meeting of the John Day Highway S ta t, 4CB). to exebange^tbe W% SW ]! undersigned, u ntil% the_ hour 7 ¡ ^ ^ Z d ; the unknown heirs of Polly First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Springfield NOTARY PUBLIC .»I , „ _ „ __- ; the .. imbtinuni . 81 S W » . NEH S W 'i SW H. N H SEH o’clock, P. M.. on the 5fh H«».v deceased unkhown association was held at John Day on Office at SW»i S W i, 9W H S E ’4 s w v , s w t i . I 1928. and Immediately t ,1 o " w 'F a iliso n deceased: April 6 to complete advertising plan» Sec. 14: 1VH SE% NEH, S E ’i S E ’i publicly opened by the District School heirs of R. • . . ,• L Kelly, husband of Sarah J. Kelly; for the coming season. A commttte» FIRST NATIONAL BANK Board of School District No. 19 of NE’ z L SWH NEH SEH n e h . NH and all other persons or parties un­ Springfield, , Or« g °n NEH SEH NEH. Sec. 22; NWH I.ane County. Oregon, at First Nation­ known. claiming any righL title, es­ from Condon was appointed to e sta > M. O. HOGE NWH NWH. NH SWH NWH N W H .'a l Bank in In the City of Springfield. tate. lien or Interest in the estate lish and maintain any signs necessary SWH 9WH NWH NWH. SEH NEH Oregon, for an Issue of refunding described in the complaint; Defend- on that portion of the highway west Attorn ey-srt-Law NWH NWH. EH SEH NWH NW H. honds of said school district in the DR. N. W. EMERY EH SWH NWH. Sec. 23,. TP~ 16, S.. nmount_of MLOOO.^saM h o r n ■ »«’»• T,j g NAMR 0 F THE STATE of John Day. C. Woodward of Val», Practise U. S. and State dentist Range 9 West, within the Sluslnw dated May 15. 1928, and to mature OREGON; nereoy re and R. Willoughby of Nyssa, were ap­ Courts OREGON; You You are are hereby _ - *•--) National Forest, for timber of an serially In numerical order nt the rat appear and an»wjr the com. pointed to supervise advertising on Sutton Bldg. Phon* 2O-J Eugene, Oregon equnl value to be cut from nppnixl of #2000.00 on the fifteenth day of quire ! t pi m’ n tely 7 acres within the EH of Sec- May In each of the years 1944 to 1947. plaint filed > ,0“ in tne above the east end. from John Day to Boise. Residence Phon* 153-M entitled suit within four weeks from Election of officers and the plan» i tlon 1, EH F H . Section 12, Tp. 2(1 S . inclusive, nnd #3000.00 on the the date of the first publication of Springfield, Oregon Sections of May, 1948, said bondd to be # this summons, and if you fail to ap­ for obtaining fire apparatus marked I R. | \ , ,, 3 Enst; Uj«« ol , DCVl Ik JII n 4 “ to ID 9 ir Inclusive. ll,v iwn I , I th II day 1 •• J ** » SWH. Section 10; N H NW H. Section |„ denominations of #1000 each, ana pear nnd answer, herein within said the organisation meeting of the Glad­ FRANK A. DE PUE 15- Sections 16 to 20 Inclusive, Tp. 20 to bear interest at the rate of lour time,’ for want thereof tne plaintiffs stone fire department last week at the A T T O R N E Y A T LAW S ' R 4 East. : .... W M. within the Cas- and .................... one-half per « » cent (tH vc) n r l n Per will apply to the Court for the relief Gladstone city hall. Paul Wyman had General Uiw Practice k ’’ -l.l~ i n n m i f l 11 V C l- annum, payable semiannually, prtncl cade National Forest prayed for in the complaint filed in N O T A R Y P U B LIC pal nnd lntetest payable at the offlee been appointed fire chief by the oity The purpose of this notice Is to al the above entitled cause. I. M. PETERSON of the County Treasurer of Lane 'Sutton 'Springfield, low all persons claiming the lands THIS SUMMONS Is served upon «»unoil at a previous meeting. Attorney-at-Law selected, or having bona flde ohjec-1 County, Oregon. you by publication thereof, once each Building Oregon The Grant County bank of John tions to such nppiicat.on, an oppor-! Bids must be unconditional and ac- City Hall Building week for four successive weeks, pur­ tunlty to file their protest with the i compnnled by a certified check in tne suant to an order ot the Hon. J. T. Day has taken over the fir st National nf Brand. Judge of the Circuit Court for bank of Canyon City, and wUl P»Z aU Sprlngfleld, Ore. Prude: “1 don’t believe In petting Register of the U. 9 Land Office at I amount of #500.00. Rbsebufg,'Oregon, Any such protests | The BPPp,lvl"K ¿ ^ M c C u llo c h ft I»ane County, State of Oregon; and their depositors. Tha Canyon City on general principles." or objections must be filed In this o f-) Messrs. Teal. Wlnfrt e, Mc( uiioch ft the first date of the publication of p»„k closed its doors on April 4. haw­ Rfide: "Darn right! But did you flee within thirty days from the date Shuler will he furnished the success this summons Is April 12, 1938. of the first publication of th .i notice, ful bidder ever try It on back-porches.” IMMEL ft EVANS, Attorneys for ing made arrangements with th* John The BoarH reserves thh right to PlalfittffM, Residence and postofflee Day baak to protect its customars. beginning March 22, 1928. reject any and a,, bids. J E WE L H U address. Eugene, Oregon. ’ Non-coal. R. W. S W H . Clerk W l speclalTse tn swtss braclst watch HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. Ap. 1 H F M : Ma. ?-15i Repairing a Specialty Apr. 19-25: H iy V b 111 Mala ö t/s e L tf M. a2 29rA^6-ia-i»j_ U B u s in e s s i )I R E C T O R Y | CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors vv y i D'. w ; R o o f Sprlngfleld. Oregon