Tiil ll8I>AY APlllI, 19, 1928 ,!i:jn THE. IINIVlltSAL CAA Beginnin(l May 1 T at,b >l Deac pmn 1927 PROSPEROUS AND .PROSPECTS FOR 1928 GOOD. STATES REPORT Tia• ... u t Hal • I ! ' l ot P. That l» , wa a r pn,e ,. t Mr ..... 1 "u 1 , h I > ••r-1 0.IIID II • b atra play,,d r I llouDLlllD State Po•• r rompany, la ,e).,..; oae wblch . . N by , .. Id.int from lta &llDllal r ' • coplea I Tile JOHC folk■ wllo too• or nlcll ba• jut beeD -l•M by pan la tllo plaT are Carl I DIOD, L w. K Barnell. mana&llr ol lbe local lll&D Tl■ker, Dowd Kabler, Paal o■ee. llaJ'dln, A.utlD Malb"w . Lu,· I Orou a"'lllP tor lb• put year ••· Waller. Dorla HY'laad. Vt>D& A.wllnJ dlcated ID tile &DDll&l report. &lllOIIDt• lad Tulma Mcl'Mk. «I to P.stl,IN .... wbtcb la aa ha· A JoU1 u . . wu bad at lbe Clo..,. ll"MH ot 1.11,i, o,er lb• ,renou al• ecbool boue Jut 8aturdll1' wlae11, ,..,. a-1 Deann wu tried b1 a mock sumaartatnr. lbe major acti.1u .. CIDUl't ror tile po1■ 1eek>D of U.w ha of lbe company durlq the put ,..,-, Illa cal'. After a boated dlacualon lb• nport re&da aa folio,,.: Clu• Mete 011 ,r1•~ llet•eell lbe laWJ•n It wu pron• -117 lbe compledclll of a.n 15-mOe Tbt1 KeDataston ellab wtll bold a Ute boUle waa olll7 a botUe or mUk. blp teuioll uanemlNlnll Ihle, COil· mHlln1 ai lbe llome or Mrs Mar)' Mrs. 11. K. Hay-a, tormerlJ ot Ple&I· nectl•s lbe propert1ee at lbe Cuper ,1rat Gr•d•, eollolarafllp: llarha KeueJ htday afternoon at I 30 ut HUI and Olad,a Wheeler. daucll· 1 dlmloll wllb lb• eDYVDlllellt a.,,tro- OUT, Marp~t KIDS, Violet Steele. o'elock TbON wbo will . . •l•t lb• 1 ..., of Mr. a.nd )Ira. H. o. Wbeeler. electrtc project at OaeruJ, lbe com- Etbt1l 11:lllloD, Lou18e Slanar, Kennetb b011te are Mr■ W K Barnell. Mr■ . . +. bee• eleetN to teacb l■ tile Ru- JUJ ran to Wyom.lq It.a Int later-I Abl.._ Dian Wllaon, Blllle NNl,11, Clar, nee Cbue, Mn John Hurd, Mr■ . . . e ec:lloola nen ,-,. CODDectecl po . . r a,atua. It la ••· Rollaad llatUeoa; att . . da.nce; .lanlor L. •: &aeford and Mr Paul Burord Tile MIIN• Alta. Vena ud Jeule pectN t.bat lbla Ible, maklq poa- hdlcott. Walter Luton, Harold Trot• llaDJIIDs or Spr1Jacleld, wbo tormerl7 elble tile lrrtptJoD of lbouande of ter, DeJ'on-eet Wlaltlff, \Vayue W•t ltYed at Pleuallt HIU were neltlq ecrH ol l&Dd, will pron a major , Mil. KeDDelb Ablt>a, Etbel 11:Uleon, wtlb frtead1 ud attended cbuel) 3t factor ID tile deNlopmeDt of tlala ur- JAaJee Slnnar. Pleu&Jlt Hill lut 8'1Dd&7. rltol'J, 1 . . con.a Grade: lkbolar■lalp; Rath Kin EYl7ll Pllelpe Jaaa beeJl eon• "EtrectlH December ll, ltl'l, lbe IUcbardaon, Karst• lllulllp.n, Jane laed to ber llome on account of lll· ~ J " • ... propa..U.. at Tacoma. l'llalr, llwlel Tyeon, Al•ID lk:Bet>, . . . , tbe 1aat few ...,._ ud wu 1lD- OIJmpia, and JheNtt, Wublncton, Lero1 WlllJame, Bobb1 We~U, IA- allle to attend ICllooL were aold to Waalalqton OU and laad Neber, Lloyd Sa.men■, Bdsv Jin. llyrtle Jl'lemlnc and da,apter. &lectrt.c compu17. Tia ... pe lll'OP■" Trotter; attODdaDe■; Harr,. Ba!n• Loatee. former Pleuant Hill ral- Un are dlataDt from tlle Jl'l:aelpal brld.., Do-ld Houee, Bobby Keell&II, deDta u•e takeD onr a amall terrttorte, ae"911 by tb• Molllltaln AIYln McBee, Wllbur llcPlaenon, pocerr atore on -■t Slb atnet ha State■ .,._,_r compuJ, lbe bualneu Jimmie Orr, Earl Stnena. C'ecll ('oll- . . . . ne. of wtalcla la cblef'1 elec:trlc ,o . . r ud lltpwood. Marjorie llcPllenon. Bal"- llr. aDd Mn. 0. E. .laeob1 ban Ur;bt eemee. Earlier ID tbe ,-r tbe ban. Nealon. Rc.e Odell, Jene Ilea• baa, tor •ome time bpn,Ttq coaQIOJlTI electrtc aad pa dlatrlblt- Pllalr. Anita Plap, Ted111 Wrlcbt, •ear summer ruort. Swtmmna' De- tloll e7■tema at Bnohomls.la and lloD• Irma WetMII. I IIPt. a.nd wtll sin lbe opeDlnc dance roe, Wublnaton. were ■old. P'olloW• Th I rd A Grade: tkbolal"lblp; April n. Tbe1 11a.. doablecl \be IDS lbe sale of tbe pa proparUH. Francea KNler, · · • D e PhllllpQ. aoor apace of lbelr daDce ball added beadqlarten or tbe company were Ralb Keeler; attenduce, Billie &Jr• a new dlnln9 room and lucla coaa.ter moYed to AJIIUlJ, Or..,oa. nett. Je&n DHlela, Elapne Pllllllpa. ud bullt an attracthe Ire plaee. '1'11"1 •·EschacUDc lbe P■ properties aold, Roy Steele, Scott Wrlpt, 11:mereoll 1 JMln tut.alled an electric U,tattn1 lbe compan,- Hned. u of December Ablea. Marr Frttu. Prence• Keeler, , One or tlle , nral tint• 1171tem wblcb wtll be uaed for llcbt· Sl, an .. ttmated popalaUon or HS.· R11tb Keeler, 11,ru McKinnon, Ila or care Nome F• • n fas tbe balle, croaz.41 aad tbe rlnr 9'> 000 In 88 cities and towua. CUtom• ' PatD&m. Je1111 Stratton, Bernice Powder will blend with '°8tlng aad ewtmm1D1 can be Indal• en of ell cluaea Dtallber 60,73'. Dur· Smllb, Mulae SmllaoD, llnlne Val• your complHloD perfect pd la at alatlt. IDS lbe ,ear more than 600 c1a■tomera Iler, Dale CaNOn, Earl Houae, Ken• 1,t The aeDlora ot t.le blr;h school were added to electric llnea In rul'lll neth Brownfteld. .... made UTUICl!lllellta to st•• their dlatrlcu. rat.IDS lbe total number of F'ourth Grade Shown And tbe powder will ta:, p1a,. "TIie Deacon Rntanaled" at lbe caetomen of tbla type to more tban Fourth 8: l:1cbota.-blp; Barbars on utll ou want It off Bell Tla•tre ID Sprbasfleld. J noo. Barnell, norence 11&7, Ro•laal P'racrant wltb lbe en Tbe dUferent claaaff or .tbe llllb "Net coutnactloD espelldltaree Pan11wortb, Ula Wrlsht; atteacl-ce, traDtlDI Cara :-Jome pt r- ~ool are b1Uf' eecvtnr; mtea tor a amoa11ted to ,n2.us.oo 1a lit?; for Barbar• Barnell. Bente. Barnet, tume .-en, •bo w1ll N!PNNDl lbe Pl_. 1128 lbe conatrucUon budget la Ellaabetla Job11eoa,- llarJorle Jolllr, . . , Hill bllb acllool at the Cottar;e 000.00. norenc:e 111&1, llarJorte Moon, Mary Ol'oTe Jl.aJ .... u .. 1. Tile delqate "Dl1C11Ulq CODdltlou daring 1917, lloore, Mable SlelmOll, Opal Morra, frOm lbe senior and Jlllllor claNN le end proepecta tor lt:18, ,rtlb c. 11. P!o,'11 Green, Neal Pedenon, Stepbea Jruia Dilley and lbe delepte from lbe Brewer, Ylce-pNaldent end •neDI RJce, Ula Wrlsbt. aopbomc,re and fre■hmaD la Miu manapr of OIU' company, aaye: Flftfl B: 8«'bolanbtp; EYelyn Zima Wallace. Tile wtu coat l cent Nit tbe parcbubac power of tbe ID· I Gormley, Helen Da'11, Mildred Mor• each the money lbu recel•ed •Ill IO dh1daal ma1 be eouldered an au- pa, llarpret Jarrett. Jimmie Pllll· 1 toward tbe 1tndeat bocl11 •bare of lbeatJc lndes to lbe commercla! and llpe. Olp HrJDcback. Jack Llnd■e1: I ,.,.._ for lbe new cbalra Wied ID lnda.etrtal altaatJon. lH'l wa• IJDODf· attendaDce: Wilma LIPN, l:Hlyu tbe IJlllDUiua. ruoue •ltll proeperlt1 ID lbe als Dortb OolblieJ, Mlldred llorcan, Marpre~ Del taken , t n I I evenings until 10 o'clock with the followin1 1ervice to all car owner, on ALL MAKES of cars: GENERAL REPAIR WORK IN SHOP, GAS, OIL AND AIR SERVICE. BATTERY SERVICE. PAROXYLINE PAINTING. AUTHORIZED LIOHT TESTINO STATION. GREAaE RACK AND ALEMITE SYSTEM. Ju1t tnatalled K. R. Wll1<>n Comblnatlon Machine to rebore and regrind c11tndera. FNI frN to UH Our RHt Room. You are w.eoome, E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS 5th and A Stt. Sprlncfield -~ ~ I I I _,..r,.wul' . I I I I t I • Cara Nome I I ,su.-1 I I - I I I I I 52.00 Flanery',s Drus Store GUNMETAL OXFORDS Lot 1000-Blark 1PU1meta1 IJhacber O&tnN Senalble lut Hea•J lealber aole Welt , onetractll>D All'tru,d rubbar btel Allotberproor of our a.tetan41q ■hoe Yalu A.LL SIZat "'• are eatbunlutlc ID •t • ,nt1n1 lb• , two ba)' to Joa $2.98 'M EN'S SHOES MEN'S OXFORDS Lot 101 Tan Dal. ml balllon UNI He,ny durable upper; air tread rubber laeel Sturdy, tblrlt. leetber eole, 11 . . ..,. drill lined Welt c oautrurtton Siu ' " to 11 l adoubtullJ tbe OREA TK8T SHOE VAi K O1'"1"1111lED TODA T $2.98 Brockton Bench-Made Oxford A kid 1boe ol Oood1ear welt cooatruc:UoD. Rubb,,r heel Wide roomy lut 9aperlor 1N>rl11naneblp and tllle leatber mark tllla eboe ae • wonderful buF et ' $4.98 Men•• Tan Blucher Oxford Estra 11 . . ..,. 1IM1e aole. Full eateadecl naap. OoodJ'Mr . . it c:outractlon. Leafa•r quarter llnln1 Falley 1lltcbln1. Allotber H· cepttu.l ba1 In tbl1 PGPlllar price r;roup or $3.98 If you sm.o ke for pleasure ! I 1-----------~----------- Nnt FrldaJ nenl11t1 April 20 Mar• ~~ eola bllla scbool Will slnt tile play j .. Mr. Bob· at tbe 'I bur■ton laall. Anda C&lYert. who ownA a ranch MEN'S SHO'ES =~=============~=====~=====================:!: weetern etatea ID wblcb IIOGDtaln Jarntt. Jimmie Pllllllp1, Marian Statn Po•r com,an1 operates. Tlaat Tlloaapaon, J~k LlndaeJ, Or a D t 1 THURSTON thla period of affluence wtll contlnae Bnnna.lleld, sammle Gott. Bblrler - - - - - - - at a moderate rate of IDC1'Mee dartns Bmtth, Jean Louck llarJort• Johaaon. lllaeee Kate and Irene Bu:ter Tlalt· lbe eomlDC 1ear la lbe opllllon of COD• Fena P'l1ber. 1 fd lut 8uda1 at llarcola. eertatln economlata. l'lftll A: Bebolanbtp: Edna J11ne llr. ud Mn Ra1 Baqta aUende~ -------- Senr■oD, Loi• JobaDNll, O.ra"1 tile Bible 8claool conference at Mabel GAS MADE HER CROSS, Andru, Harlan Duncan, Arcbte HIIL Ja■t Sunday atteruooll. CAN'T EAT OR SLEEP Artlnar Pencra. Jr., Ro1 Smllb, Allen IAwrence Baster bu 1oae to - Saeed, Kenneth Walter; atteDduce. WelldllDr; wbere be 11 emplo,ecl 1n "Wilen I ate I would bloet up wltla Kenn•• Walker Kenneth Cos. Har- I ODe of the campe. pa. I conldn't 1leep, wu crou ud len Duncan, Jam'e■ Remer.way, LJ■le llra. Haney Park.■ and Infant eon ner•oue. Adlerlka bu stnn me real I lretcalr, Leonard lloon, Artbar Pen• JMlYe ret111'1led home from lbe Pact- rellef,"-lln. II. MeJera. l'I'&, .Ir., Ro, Smith, Allen Sneed, te Clarletlan laoepltal. Adlerlka relle.ee ■tomacla ,ra■ and Loul■e Tnb1, Franklin Wardlow, Jin. Ernest Bert■cb and Mr■• Jobn IIOUrDHI ID TEN mlnate1. AcUDI OD Allee Neet, Ea■el Adami, Lorna Price attended lodce ID Spr1nsfteld BOTH upper and lower bowel, It re- Cbue, Irene .lobDI, Rutla Pollard, La, OD Wedneecla1 nenlna. mo•es old waate matter 1ou nenr Verne Pasb, Lora Tlaurmaa. Dorl• Lut Prlday afternoon lbe bue ball tlaoapt -wu Ill JOllr IJ■tem. Let Ad· Worle1. team■ from Santa Clara blcb ■claool lertka r;IYe your 1tomacb and bowel• I llxtlt I : ScboJar■blp: Ecbo Tom• • t o red to Tla1aratoa and pla1ecl tbP. a REAL cleautns and aee bow mucb aelb, Pearl Wllllum, Lela Petenon. tNma tbere. Tbaretoa boya won 11 better 10• feel. It will avprtN 10a. VIYlan RuDte; attendaare: Inln to , and tbe Tburatan ctrla won H Jl'lanery'■ Drup Store. Houe, Clair Radle,, Verlin POHJ, - .I. See Our Windows for Oreater V&JuH In Face Powder I - I06-tOI Wllle111ette It, • I will keep our Service Station Open , 11 I we ASSIST NATURE Olar Dnasleea Method or CblropractJc ud Blectro-Tlaerapr 11 tbe moat ef- lctent metlaod known to ual■t tbe Haman Boc11 ID rl1hUD1t It.elf •bell attacked bJ dleeue. A thol'OQCb eDDllnatJoll, without obU.Uon, wtll determine what t• poulble ID )'Oar caH. oar Pe1111 .. , and aroodle■- metbo4 or remoY1as Tonelle la a dellsht to thoae needln, 111ch an operatJoL DR. E. T. HELM Fovteeatll Year ID Orep>n OJ'FIClil lla'l FERRY ITRIClilT .... De, Pllone 10 .. G 0 j n g w A a -and that's what. made this cigarette famous- join the happy company of s mok ers who are . getting complete ment from smoking y 1 Save Time and Trouble Aak ,ow local Soudlem PacifK: agent to help you p1aA ~ trip. No macrer where you plan to go, talk it him. I.er him tell you about Khcdulcs and f--. cbeck your baggage, arr1113c all tnnl details. Oft!' with You Save _·ame s wbco you bay iounclctip tidccts on sale daily at reduced ai■t. ~m limics to suit your plao■. Help build your home community t buy from your local •sent. S 5,'JO weekend JOUDckrip fare to Portlmd. P8cilic CARL OLION, A.flt Today, u for many yean, Camel■ lead hy billion• and tber keep right on growla• OHN,LJ. ~ T . . _ c...-,, ,, ...... ...,_ "· C. •