V- Oí o . t j b l ü j y B o o tt f o r M a d e -in - Oregon Product». THE SPRINGFIELD A GOUNTV POLITICS 10 GEMER ON SHERIFF H O LD S M E E T IN G S H ER E B A P T IS T C H U R C H DRAW ; C H U R C H S E R V IC E S E T Vacancies Appear in Teaching S ta ff L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N N U M B E R 15 BP1UNGP1ELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY A P R IL I», 1928 R E V IV A L M E E T IN G S AT “The Paopla'a Paper" D A N N ER M O TO R F IR M S T A R T S W ORK ON N EW G A SO LIN E S T A T IO N With the object of tnereaalag the services ut the garage, the E. R. Danner School Board Must Elsct At Motor company this week began the Least Four Teachers For remodeling of the front portion of Events for Commencement Ex« tbe building at the corner of Fifth ercises are Tentatively Set; Next School Year and A streets. Baccalaureate to Open Pro« At least tour vacancle. In the teach­ A service station will be Iriatalled gram; Play and Reception by ing staff of the Springfield .chool« across the front corner of the build­ tor Job; All Other Candidates (hF Juniors Also Backed. win have to be Mled by the board of ing. are Listed. ’ The topic tonight will ha "Enchant education, It waa learned tod.»y. ?V»sr Beginning May 1, when It is ex­ With the schedule tor graduation ■ ad Ground." Other »Object» follow; . teacher« will not return tbe contracts pected that the Job will be completed, Four Strong candidate, lined up for Kr|(jMy night. "The llaptlat Who Went extended to them ta»t week when the the company will remain, open even­ week tentatively complete. It was aa* the Job and Intere.t centering chiefly 110 n „ || but Got Hack;" Saturday, nounced at the high school thia morn* board re-elected the entire faculty ing«, Mr. Danner «aid. Thia will Ing that some 27 seniors are eligible around th l. ufflee. the race fur .herlfT night. "The Trial o t Je.u «;’ Sunday benefit mill workers here and out-of- personnel. to form the graduating class this p rem ia., «o furel.h a pol.tttal thrill m om to, " Are the Itomand. et God Mr» Elizabeth Page, first grade town who are not able to bring their * . . , Keaaonable; Sunday night, The teacher In the Lincoln .chool, ha« re­ car. to town during the regular or two when the voter, go to the , CH,,er M , , arrt been tendered j high school baseball team former county Judge and «herlff and Eugene. Those now on toe senior class roll Hugh II. Earle. Both are considered I Morning m a ., will be held at the ’ Although the announcement 1« not and accepted by the council. I will PlaY ,ta second regular game to- are: Elaine Archambeau, Dorothy atrong men and are .aid to have Catholic church under the direction dcfinlte, Mr Kenyon said he expected 8om* ,lm ® n<,ll,1ed ,he cou‘’<’*1 1 morrow afternoon against Cottage 1 Bailey. Theo Bartholomew. Sibyl Car­ backing throughout the county. lo t Rev D. P. Curley, pastor to sew the park movement defeated. ,h »t he would resign and stated that GroT^ here ney, Chester Chase, William Cos, For county commlsaloner three men ■ At the Methodist church. Rev, One objection, he pointed out. >• « » e did not give further word the The Grove teams are always close Juanita Crabtree, Kenneth Geiger, are out. Clinton Hurd, republican, Gabriel Sykes, pastor, will «peak In that the city would have to employ co u n cll.h ou ld look for a new man rivals for the Springfield athletes and Harry Gerlach, Wilma Hack, Elbert Mr. Davis has been acting as traf- a stiff game is expected. seeks the long term and Martin H the morning on "The Valley of Dry some person to take care of the sta : Harper, Richard Harpole, Chest* Anderson, republican filed tor the Bones." and In the evening on "Chriat- lion In order that It would be In good * ofllcer in the absence of Mr. Moore In a game played here last Friday Hayden, Gladts House. Isallne Kester, «hort term J H. Moffitt will oppose ( ianlzlng the Home.” Sunday school repair. Another la that the service whrt v ad called to Portland as a wit­ afternoon, the University high school Dorene Larimer, Ofa Luce. Ruth Mc­ Anderson as a democratic candidate. 11« at 9:46o'elo.-k and Epworth League stations provide virtually the same ness '» In a **»>• trial. T“« The new offleer will team defeated the lcals by a score Intyre, Carl McKIbnls, Hartford Mc­ take over his duties on May 1. Ben Keeney will be opposed hy at 6:30 o'clock. Vey. Melba Mellon. Lane Morse, Dortt of 12 to 7. conveniences. • Frank Fay Eddy, ex-l’nltarlan Mints j ------------------------------ Myers, LeRoy NJce, Bertha Paddock, Those who favor the station point G irls League Nominates ter. for the office of county assessor CARL B O SSER M A N DIES Paul Parker, Lester Patrick, Viola I. M. P E T E R S O N M AY GO TO out that the building could include and E. V. I-ee yesterday filed fori A T EU G EN E H O S P IT A L Officers of the coming year were Penselln, Arthur Potter. Ormell Red­ the city library and In that case there LEAGUE M E E T IN G A P R IL 28 ding. Elizabeth Rice, Margaret San- county clerk «gainst W. B. Dillard, A F T E R B R IE F IL L N E S S would be someone to care for the nominated this week by the Girls Incumbent. League of the high school. Nominees I. M Peterson, city attorney and i k«”r' Ota Sa’'leR' Winlfrld Tyson, building without additional expense. are: For president, Maxine Snodgrasa. recorder, will represent Springfield at ! Hl,da Wagner, Annette William», After having lived In Springfield Former Resident Runs The chamber Is not yet ready to latura McDowell, Nadine McMurray, P. M Morse. Incumbent. Is the only ! „Ince he was a young mun, Carl 1 Chartress WIlUs. crop the park Idea. Mr. Kenyon said. Esther McPherson and Margaret a tweeting o t the League of Oregon candidate for the county »nrveyor Bosserman died at the Eugene ho«- The graduation class wtll be of Cities in Portland on April 2S, Mayor Swarts; secretary - treasurer, Okria and E J Moore. Incnmbent. 1« unop- pn a| Wednesday mqrnlng at 11 G. G. Bushman announced this week. about the usual size, Mr. Morgan said. Lodge Program Held Mooney. Elma Lansberry, Nloma Le- post'd for county school superintend- o'clock at the age of 46 years and 19 The mayor usually attends the Seniors are planning to publish aa ent. I days. His death followed an lines« Members of the Modern Woodmen Vee; social promoter, Lucille Rich­ meetings also, but at that date will eight-page folder giving the class ht»- mond, Jule Pollard, Lena Frizell, Springfield will find some Interest j of pneumonia which lasted little more of America lodge and the Royal be In eastern Oregon to attend the tory, poem, graduation events and the In the rare for county coroner, since than a week. Neighbors chapter enjoyed a program Bernice Cline; reporter, Catherine wedding of one of his nelces. material usually included in the W. F. Walker, until recently a reel Ho was a son of Robert and Rosa at the W, G. W. hall last night. The Jack, Vernlce Hawke and Ruth Bettis. Mr. Pete-'scn said he would attend Maple Leaf, high school annual,.which dent of this City, Is opposing W. W. Thurman Bosserman and wa» born on program of readings and music fol­ the Portland meeting If it is the an- was abolished for this year. Leaves for Arizona— Lyman Yoc- Brnnstettef’ *tio now holds the of­ a fnwn near Junction City, Maroh 29. lowed business sessions of the two nual session, but that It will not be fice. Dr. W. H. Pollard, local physi­ 1882. groups. Refreshments were served key and G. R. Snider left Tuesday for necessary to go If It Is only a regular A N N U A L H IG H SCHOOL Arizona. In hl« young manhood the family those attending cian. announced h i would run. but meeting of the league. - Q P E R E T T A R E C E IV E S later reversed his decision when ho moved to i*prlngfleld where they have Revival mooting« at the llaptlat church are Increasing In attendance and Internet each day, We». C. II. j Lewis M. Kletiing, Prohibition main, paular, announced today ie ntv . Ac-enL Is Republican Dark ins the announcement, tor the re * » r i n n n .. r . r l h . r k . v maind«r of the wnek. Hen H. August Horse to Opp e Hunderup, evangelist, I. In charge of- would not be able to give the office the proper amount of time. Two republicans are out for the office of constable. They are John L. Marsh, Incumbent, and A. A. Brans- tetter. Clyde H. Sedgwick and Ran­ dolph Holt seek the office of Justice ♦ of the pence tor the Creswell, Orch­ ard and Cloverdale precincts. 8ince lived. Here the father passed awny several yearn agio and since then Carl, as he hna been always been known, assumed the support of the aged mother and the other mem­ bers of the home. During most of these years here In Springfield he baa been an employee of the Booth- Kelly Lumber crtinpnny. He was an honored member of tho State Posts Sought For district attorney the republi­ Woodmen of the World having served cans who have filed are: E. V. Slat­ In all the offices of the lodge, and a tery, J Ben Hall, Donald Husband, member of the 4-L. He leaves besides his aged mother, and James King. Democrats who have filed for this post are John 3. Mrs. Rosa Bosaerman, three brothers. Willard of Marshfield, Lester and Medley, Incumbent, and Alta King For representatives In the state I Fred of Springfield, five sisters. Mrs b glHlature, the republicans who have W B. Sapplngfleld. Grand Vlew, filed are E. O. Potter. L. 8. McCready, Washlngton, Mrs. Clair Baker, Port­ land, Oregon, Mrs. L. J. Crow, Mrs. Emmett Howard and M. 8. Barker. Thnt the mUiJorlty of Springfield Delbert McBee and Mr«. Russell people will voto In the primaries ,« Keenen of Springfield, and other more Indicated by the heavy registration. l