A TIW RBDAY APRIL 12, 1928 I PAGE SIX SINGERSREAOÏFOR HIGH SCHOOL P H I charming (han her photograph. Unexpected guests in the person» ot Sir Percival Chetwood and M Keno LeMon arrive and are welcomed as distinguished noblemen, by Mr Mont­ gomery, and invited to remain tor the festivities. That night while the guests are dancing, a robbery takes place and suspicion is turned on Goorge who is forced to disclose his identity. Things look dark for hint until the guilty parties are brought to Justice. A telegram from th • real "Bob" announcing his marriage leaves Geoege free to finish the story in the approved fashion. Red Hair Blue Sea lie leered at her humorously. Her hands clenched until the sharp nalla brought the blood. •'Don't bltuiM’ me " he cried In a sudden flame of emotion "Don't blame me. B.amc yourself I fought agin It rutlit along Didn't I warn you? Warn y'how you'll »el n poor starved devil like me a lire? Bui you? Y’Just had t'keep hanging around: you who was like, like God» daughter. Hanging around and hung ing around ’till jf’had me fair wild The flame of that fire leaped Into hla eyee. "I swore then I'd have you Luckv lor yer folks I saw how I trap y'on here For. If need »»». I’d of killed every soul of 'em In cold blood." She shrank into loathing Burke was silent, conquering I hat evil flame of pasalon. Then shortly: “Original Noah," the man Jeered; "he wont It blind. But me - I know our mountain |op. every Inch o il. And, girl,” he warned, "when the Ark does hit dry land, make no mistake You'll never see arey one o'yer folks again For you, they've perished off the fare o'the earth. The flood's made a clean sweep. In all creation there's only you—and me." Exaltation was In his guso; ob­ scure, Intimidating "Come, girl, y'shall he a queen." (TO BE CONTINUED) M. W. A. MsaBng Sat Springfield Camp of the Modern Woodmen of America »III meet In regular session on Wednesday avail­ ing. April 1». at the W O W hall Royal Neighbors will assist In the program which follows the business meeting Refreshments will be served The committee III charge has urg«,l that all member» attend blossom. (Continued from Page 3) student I had for my South Sen lec­ I Burke bellowed his rage. He had awning the vessel over so tures. seems as tf she hud ought t he first t'lay aboard a genuine South Seu ' that Palmyra, all unaware, stood In : the line of fire, Thurston could not trader.” “Once in a Blue Moon" to Be Thurston acquiesced. But as Burke shoot again. given Friday Evening— Miss was being carried down to the boats. At his trlufiiph, Burke regained his Worker's Hand Injured Grace Potter Directs Three- John turned to Johannsen. acting good humor. The wound had proved Ills hand caught between a choker mate, and said: "You yourself be one unimportant. “Joh ns the only man Act Musical Comedy. Huck line and » 1"« «< lhl* Fisher Lumber of our three men to go aboard and— In that bunch," he conceded a i lahly Harper is Play Manager. mill at Marcola Tuesday afternoon, stay.” "If he was stealing my girl I'd give C. II. Lauder» received a painful In­ With the stage set and ail arrange­ Tile big sailor gave hlin a look to him more than a sore arm." jury to that member. He wss ments mad«, everything is ready for see if the ordsr had more than rou­ Palmyra was desperate. Behind brought here for treatment. Il was tine significance, then lumbered after i her, her ban,I closed on an Iron be- the curtain at the high school where SIX DEATHS AND FIVE found necessary to take several the boys' ami girls' glee clubs »'Hl I laying plu. "You— you brute!" sue BIRTHS IN PAST MONTH Burke. stitches In order to cloae the wound In the boat the girl's mind was I cried. "Turn — this — vessel — back. present their annual operetta tomor­ The thumb of the right hand was row evening at 8 o'clock. After sev­ gradually brought back to the some­ Deaths reported in Springfield for , Turn It back Instantly!" badly lacerated. eral weeks of rehearsing, the cast Is March outnumbered births, according thing in Burke's manner which she I She Jerked the pin from its socket; ready for the three-act musical play, to statistics for the month tn the had not been able to analyse. For | took a step toward him, her eyes . Portland People Here—Alene Lari “Once in a Blue Moon. ’ hands of Dr. W. M. Pollard, city reg­ now it was so noticably upon him | aflame. "You go back to that island!" nor. Maude Oorrle and Lucy Bchwer- Miss Grace Potter, director of istrar. One physician has not yet that he was either constrained, ab­ From behind, a hand closed on her Ing. all of Portland. visited their par­ music in the schools here, directed made his report and this ratio may sent or too painstakingly voluble. ents here last week end. "And how is Olive?” she asked in wrist. Olive, grinning, took t*P> be- the production. Huck Harper is gen­ be changed. an awkward Interval. “He’s with I tying pin from her finger., .« If eral manager of the ptay. Six deaths and five births were re­ they had been a baby's and y'urned Principals of the cast, in order of FORCED TO SLEEP IN corded for the months. This does not you. of course?" appearance are: Moon Lady, Ruth Carl­ Ponape Burke assented. "Sort of It to the rack. CHAIR— GAS SO BAD include a number of bjrtns to Sprimr- ton; Mrs. Montgomery. Gladis House; In charge aboard." he explained. 'I | l*almyra sank against the cabin, ,d parents at the Eugene hospitals Hop Sing Hi, Lloyd Mattison; Sui- ain't gut no mate. Still talking about helpless. "Nights I sat up In a chair, 1 had and likewise does not account for anne, Vernice Hawke; Sylvia, Dorene deaths of Spring----- people in Bu­ you: yer name and yer—red hair." Not by accident had the Pigeon of such stomach gas. I look Adlnrlka Larimer; Leatrice, Ruth Bettis; Mrs. The boat rounded the stern and Noah risen from the sea upon the and nothing I eat hurts me now. I tene. Lila Lavender, Waive Peterson; Billy then the girl looked up to find—as If scene of their disaster Back In the sleep fine." Mrs Glenn Butler. These statistics should be reported Maxwell, Ofa Luce; Sir Percival Chet­ Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler- in the person's home town. Dr. Poll-- his eyes had never ceased to follow— days before Honolulu (his spider of wood, Laurence Roof; Monsieur Rene the grinning stare of the man Olive a Burke had spun his web. He had Ika relieves gas on the stomach and | ard states, tn order that the proper Le Mon. Roy Streamer: Betty Mor­ fixed upon her Just as it had faded talked of the atolls In the terms of a removes astonishing amounts of old record can be kept. ton, Melba Mellon; Mr. Babbit Mor­ out at Honolulu purudlse until the voyagers were waste matter trom the system Makes Looneys Move Away—Mr and Mrs ton, Gerald Morrison; George Taylor, His great naked body rose above eager to behold. He had convinced you enjoy your meals and sleeiabetter. SPRINGFIELD BOYS WILL Bill Loney. who have resided In Paul Potter; Mooney, a policeman. the rail and a thick bare arm cam« i Pedersen that, to take advantage of No matter what you have tried for PRESENT KNOT EXHIBIT extending Itself down toward her. In prevailing winds and current, he must Springfield during the past two years, your stomach and bowels, Adlerika Thayer McMurray; Skylark Roam, a moved to ttalem thia week. Mrs. (lay his course from Honolulu first *o detective. Richard Harpole. exorably. Looney has been employeil by the will surprise you. Flunery’s Drug Springfield Boy Scout troops will Chorus Personnel Given The square fingers closed and her the north Gilberts—Butarltarl or Store. Long plumbing company. ! present a stunt in the circus which The choruses contain the following own hand was swallowed, disappeared Apaiang—and thence make north and - ....... ........................ Mi .i I — ernie the echievement roundup of west Into the Marshalls and the Car­ singers; Maxine Snodgrass, Melba in that grip clear to the wrist. There Mellon, Gladis House. Dorene Lari Lane county troop« tn Eugene came a pull, as if the arm were to olines. Burke had followed, then, holding mer. Waive Peterson, Lena Frixell, April 20. follow the hand In. and then Palmyra Four boys probably represent found herself on deck and standing j back the fast sailing Lupe-a Noa to I Frances Frisell, Louisa McDowell, i match the yacht's pace. Fortune had j Jessie Beals, Ruth Carlton, Wilma i Springfield in the demonstration. free. Hack. Eileen Schantol. Doris Myers. Clayton Barber, scout commissioner, Johansen had already clamored to favored. • Informed as to the lagoons they Ruth Bettis, Betty Anderson, Audrey announced this week. The boy» are the deck. Daniels. Naomi LeVee, Jule Pollard. yet to be selected. "We got t'keep four boats moving." would make, their order, he had They will have charge of the knot- Burke explained. “One pulhng ashore meant to outsail them to an anchor- ' Audrey Smith. Evelyn Manley, Au­ drey Shultx, Nellie Sankey. Vernice tying demonstration one of the chief empty, one loading there, one coming age and, lying there unsuspected, to Hawke, Irma Crider. Miriam Rice. stunts of the circus. out with cargo, one discharging here seise the girl at some favorable nfnni And then, the fleet 1 Richard Harpole, Ofa Luce, Gerald Each o'yer boats' crews'll bring me a ent ashore. It is the best machine of Its kind In I^ane county. Handles Morrison, Roy Streamer. Thayer Me- TWO CANDIDATES ADDED load and take back an empty at once. I Pigeon away with none In all those j Murray, Freeman Squires, William LANE COUNTY ASPIRANTS I'll clear the boat y'leave So now, 1 wild seas save the fat old Rainbow , any wreck up to 20 Tons. Cox, Paul Potter, Chester Chase, you Rainbow boys, t'start her off. pass to pursue, what could have been more , Arthur Potter. Hartford McVey, Two additional candidates filed for up the stuff in my own boat and take easy? A sob of self-pity shook the girl, j When you break down or have a smashup. call u#. We are Lester Patrick, Albert Harper, Carl cunty offices at the Lane county her ashore, while my kanakas tackle though even now she did not. In her j McKInnis. cuorthouse this week. John L. Marsh the launch." sure to bring you in and do It In a hurry. The high school orchestra, also u n -• win seek- re-election as constable. He The girl's voice rose In surprise: Innocence, comprehend the depth if | der the direction of Miss Potter, will wm have opposition for this office In "Oh, but they're not going already?" his infamy. The man himself, leaning over the play between the three acts, other the person of Asa Branstetter. Burke looked, grinning, from her to stunts will also be presented in the Clyde H. Sedgwick has added hia the naked savages of his crew. "Sort wheel, sought, with an honest co n -, i cern, to soothe her. Even she realised interlude. name to the list of those desiring to o' wild like, eh?” he asked. Members of the orchestra are: But Johannsen reassured her: I'm ' that he was moved by a real earnest­ become a justice of the peace. ness of emotion, conviction. Violins, Jack Danner, Elisabeth Rice, James K. King, Eugene attorney, ordered to stay, miss.” He gripped his hands upon the Charles Narfvornik, Maxine Swarts, who bad already annunoced his candi­ Burke shot him a glance. "Sure." Betty Anderson, Harlan Duncan; dacy for district attorney, filed with Then to the other two: "Yohannsen'll wheel In an excess of disdain. "Ci*f yer eyes out for yer mother. trumpet. Ofa Luce; clarinet. Miss the secretary of state on Tuesday. tinker up the motor so, next trip, the That can't be helped. Hut the rest Potter; piano, Lena Frixell. His slogan is: “I pledge rigid en­ launch won't have t’be palled In.” forcement and courteous conduct in A minute later the boat had cast o' them dickey birds?” He snorted In Miss Tyson Plays , Wm. RODENBOUOH, Prop off and the sailors were settling to • derision. "Why, they. . . .Y'thlnk I Miss Winifrid Tyson will play the administration.” their work. Johannsen, watching now you'll mlss'em. But watt. To-1 piano score which accompanies the 633 Main Street Springfield, Oregon them, stood negligently kt the ralL morrow, next day. You'll be laugh- Meetings are Successful operetta. Rates to Oarages "Handle her gently, boys," called ing, too, laughing at all of 'em—at Maxine Snodgrass is in charge of j --------- Van. And then. . . He spoke the ticket sale and properties, and ' Pre-Easter evangelistic meetings Burke. "She's getting old.” The boat was now clear by perhaps with the impressiveness of certitude. Miss Lydia Osgood, faculty member, ' at the Methodist church proved buc - "Then you'll be thanking me." coached members of the cast in speak-' cessful, members of the church in ten fathoms. Suddenly Ponape Burke, with an ing their parts. charge reported following the final After an absence of four years at meetitng last Sunday. Several new agility unexpected in that plump college. Bob Harrington is expected to members were added to the member body, leaped forward and lunged at return to the home of his foster aunt, ship through the efforts of Rev, J. B. the unsuspecting Johan nsen's back. Mrs. Mary Montgomery, whose daugh- Coan of Eugene who conducted the The next secon 1 the sailor was In the ter, Sylvia, was his boyhood sweet­ preaching and Mrs. C. J. Pike of Oak­ water. Burke whirled, whipped out an heart. Having fallen in love with an­ ridge. who was in charge of the sing­ other girl at college, he sends his ing and children's work during the order, sprang to the s h e e t The chum George Taylor, who closely re­ two weeks. Both the evangelists re­ kanakas worked like mad. Another sembles him, to substitute for him at turned to their homes following the order and the sails filled, the deck listed down and the Pigeon of Noah the week-end party. George has al­ final meeting was under way. ways been anxious to meet Sylvia, The man at the wheel burst into UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRYS- whose picture greatly attracts him. He arrives amid preparations for a TALS—Fancy shapes and regulars. that tittering laugh of his, now tf. strained, false, sharp-edged with ex­ Spanish Fiesta and finds Sylvia more Hovt's Cash Store. citement, exultation. “Remember, girl?” he cried. "BI- low on the Rainbow—night black? Wanted t'seare ’em a bit, says you I Pirates, bucket o' blood?" his laugh rose into a crow of triumph. “W 11, kid, what about this here? Give 'em a hell of a startle, eh Palmle?” As the Lupe-a-Noa filled away, the 1 girl ran to the rail and sent ov>. r the water a frantic cry. In the boat the two sailors sat, rigid, their oars poised. The red face of Johannsen emerged from the sea. CME Quality Granite dripping, blank with incredulity, con­ i F lo o r E nam el is a vulsed with anger. Ponape Burke’s T H IS EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY PERM ITS YOU Tf) HAVE durable high gloss finish ADVICE OR DEMONSTRATION^ IN TH E PR O PER CAREXJE strategy had deprived them of the m ade to stand the wear launch In which they could have ov -:•• THE COMPLEXION — THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO hauled the schooner. CHARGE EOR THIS SERVICE — IT IS ONE and tear of ft oor use. It is |. Ashore, the castaways stood per- OE OUR FEATURES easy to apply and dries ; plexed, alarmed. Palmyra's action, quickly with a tough clay- 1 rather than her voice, threw them In- tic finish that is easily I to panic. They pohited, shouted, rat, kept clean. It will not tu rn here and there, futile, absurd. w hite from water marks. 1 To Van Buren llutger rushed the T his offer comprises any ; girl’s mother with something In. her one of ten colors. Get INSURE THE ATTRACTIVENESS AND PERSONAL CHARM THAT hands. It, was a rifle. As one of his EVERY WOMAN DESIRES. yours at this Special Price. accomplishments, Tan had won tro­ phies on the range. But now, con­ fronted by that violence his training had taucht him never touch the life STEP INTO THE STORE, write or phone us, and select ot a gentleman, he faltered, palsied a time most convenient for you to have the services of this in a fear of wounding the girl herselt. Toilet Goods Specialist in your own home. Then John Thurston snatched the rifle. There was a flash and a bullet struck the Lupe-a-Noa, shattering the glass on the binnacle. A second flash, and Burke himself staggered back. But before the schooner could fall off, he clutched the wheel again with one hand. As his left arm hung, the spot of blood, spreading slowly on the white cotton, was like some brilliant We A re Proud o f Our New - WRECKER AND SERVICE CAR Phone 95 Service Garage Beauty-- Is One-fourth Nature and Three-fourths Care ... The Rexall Store offer» its patrons, the exclusive service of a Toilet Goods Specialist during the week A pril 16 to A pril 21 A You Save Cara N om e 60c One Full Quart of Acme Quality Granite Floor Enamel and a 3-inch Brush for only $1.25 Toilet Preparations : : FLANERY’S DRUG STORE WRIGHT (8b SONS The j Ston