PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY APRIL 12, 1928 TRAIN BCHKDULR BprlngfUlg Stoga Northbound No. 32 No. 1« GET RESULTS: BUYING 0XSTIJLN6' . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 2:11 '-J. "... NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION FOREST EXCHANGE No. 017838 Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Roaeburg, Ore­ gon, March 7th. 1028. NOTICE la hereby given that Wli 1 llarn Earl Cochran. of S. 46th and L Streets, Tacoma, Wa«h , filed Applica­ tion No. 017838. under the Act of ....................... 4:97 A. M Southbound No. 16 .............. 9:83 P M No 31 .. ................................... 9:46 Coach Special for Klamath and beyond, on flag at 3:01 P. M on change the SEH ’ WH. Sec. 18. and NEH NWH. and NH NEH. Sec. 19. Sunday. Tuesday and Friday j Tp. 16 8., R. 9 West, within the Slus- law National E»r>--t; for timber of FOR BALE—Carbon paper In large equal value to be cut from approxl aheeta, 26x39 Inches, suitable for matelv 13 acres, within the SH SWH. making tracings. The News Office s *‘‘ 7- and NEH NW>4, Sec. 18, Tp ______ 20 8 . R 4 E , and SEH SEH, Sec 12. Tp 20 8 , R 3 East, W M„ within NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, the Cascade National Forest. FOREST EXCHANGE The purpose of this notice Is to al­ No 017842 low all persons claiming the lands Department of the Interior. United ge|w ted, 'or having bona fide objec- Statea Land Office. Roseburg, Ore- tlons to auch application, an opportun- I qon, March 7th, 1928. Jty to file their protest with the Regia- I NOTICE la hereby given that H I fer of the v . 8 Land Office at Rose- ! Newell, of Dekum Building, Portland, burg. Oregon. Any such protests or : Oregon, filed application No. 017842 objections must be filed In thia office under the Act of March 20. 1922 142 within thirty days from the date ot Stat., 4651, to exchange the NH of the first publication of this notice, Section 34. Tp 15 8.. Range 9 West, beginning March 15, 1928. W M , containing 320 acres within the Non-coal Sluslaw National Forest, for approxl- ’ HAMILL A. (ANADAY, Register, matrix 18 acres timber within the ¡4 16-22-29- A 6-12- EH. Bee. 1, EH EH. Sec. 12, Tp 20 8. ___________________ .7 OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. The Wasco County Pioneer assocl* tlon will hold their seventh annua, reunion In The Dalles Thursday ¡rfay 3. The state board of control obtained deeds to approximately 26 acres ol land which will be made a part ol Champoeg park Voters of Hood River on April 24 will be asked to approve a bond Issui of 8850.000 for construction of a gray Ity water system. William McVay, Coos county ranch er, sufferetl two broken arms Sunda) while attempting to save cattle from a barn destroyed In a storm. PULP WOOD WANTED We apeclalltu lu awlaa hruiiet wutet repairing. Hoyt'» 321 Main Street, tf if you wish to nell White Fir or Hem Old Growth Fir. Second Growth Fir, lock Pulp Wood write D. A. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Oak, Aab. All length*. Phone Spring Notice la hereby given thut the un ' Kennedy, Hotel Carlton, Portland, Bcht 104. tf. deralgned on April 7th, 1928, waa. hy I Oregon. M 8 16-22-29: A 6-12 the County Court of l-anc County, i Oregon, appointed executrix of the SEPTIC TANKS— PAINTING and Kalimnilnlng In all It» ««tale of Frederick Deffenbacher de­ branch«!. Reduced Prlcea. Roy ceased and hua qualified aa auch ex- \ Ready for you to Install Fof family of five — 921.00, Eugene Koch. Call 126 J. erutrlx. All peraona having claim» amlnat For family of eight — 928.00, Eugene t I L PAINTING INSTRUCTIONS aald e»tate ar« hereby required to Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile preaent them duly verified un by law given by Mra. Adelaide Lee. Htu required to »ahi executrix at the law : and Chimney Blocks. (hnta taken from 11 yearn up. 603 office ofi Alta Klug, 794 Willamette , EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. Weal I) afreet. tf. street, Eugene, Oregon, within MtX j ALIAS SUMMONS month« from the first publication of Salem's annual blossom day baa B la n k P ro m ls o ry notes and receipt» IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE R. ? Ee" c i ir i" rt oSeC,l?nnR w i i ° v - i x r v HKD. STOVE. DRESSER. DISHES. thi« notice April 12th. 1928 elusive. RW'4, Sec. 10. NH NWH, 1 , , , \ . been set for April 15, according to an­ STATE OF OREOON FOR ARABELL COOTER, Executrix. Tulia, Wunhboard, all for »40, or Sec. 15, Sections 1« to 20 Inclusive. Panted and in stock at the News nouncement made by King Bing Qal LANE COUNTY AI-TA KING. Attorney. aepurately. Inquire Archway Pool Ap. 12 19 26: Ma 3 10: Clara H. Know lea, Pla.-itlff, va. Mau­ Tp. 20 8 . R 4 East. W M., within °®<*- sen berry of the Salem Cherrians. Hall. A12 the Cascade National Forest. | ------------------------------ rice E. Knowles, Defendant. 8 U MM O N S - A new postoffice for Klamath Fall» The purpose of this notice Is to To Maurice E. Knowles, defendant. NOTICE OF CONTEST IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE allow at, persons claiming the lands , to coat not more than 9226.000 is reo IN THE N-.ME OF THE STATE (For Publication) S T A T E HE OREGON EOR T H E NOTICE TO CREDITORS i »E i >REG< iN You an- h'-i > hy «urn selected, or having bona fide objec-; 016961 ommended in the final report to con. COUNTY OF LANE Contest 3970 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That K« of Sec. 1. SE>4 of aoU e e 1» April 6th. im i an to appear and anawer for want for other relief aa the court »hall deem SEH of Sec. 5, NEH of NEH of Sec. March aggregated »266 000, the post COUNTY OF LANE. MAGGIE STEWART, Adflitnlatra- thereof the plaintiff will apply to the proper. trlx of Eatate of Robert K. Stewart, Court for the relief In her complaint Thia summons la published In the William J. Grlgg, Plaintiff, vs. Ina 8. and Lot 1 of Section 9. Township office department announced recently May Grlgg, Defendant. 20 S, Range 1 E.. Willamette Meri- increasing 2.04 per cent over March deceaaed. agalnat you demanded and prayed for Springfield News, a newspaper printed To Ida May Grlgg. Defendant: dian, and as grounds for his contest Harris, Hralih & Bryson, Attya for to-wit: and publlahed In Springfield, I-ane In the name of the State of Oregnn: j he alleges that said Martin Hansen ot last year. Adtnrx. Oregon, by virtue of an order For a judgment nnd decree of County. You are hereby summonsed and re-! filed on above land April 28, 1927, The government forest service ha» Ap 6-12-192«: M 8: of the Hon. G F. Bklpwoath, Judge of divorce dissolving the bonda of matri­ qulred1 to appear and answer the com- stayed on land Sept. 28 rnd 29th, appropriated about »30.009 to be used court, aated Marc-. 16th, 1928. mony now nnd heretofore exlatlng be­ aald Date of first publication hereof Is plaint of the plaintiff in the above en­ 1927, left and has never been back. on a new road into the forest above tween the Plaintiff. Edna Bowen and titled suit on or before the last day That he has made no improvements 22. 1928. S U M M O N 8 the defendant. Glenn Bowen An the March SMITH A- EVANS, Attorneys for of time prescribed in the order for and has not complied with the law In Estacada. Thia road will connect with ground» of cruel and Inhuman treat IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE the Garfield road. Plaintiff, Office and Poatoffice Address publication of summons hereafter re­ any way. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE nient and for «uch other relief as to 434-6-6 Miner Bldg, Eugene, Oregon. ferred to, to-wit: On or before the) You are. therefore, further notified A check for »34,247.52. representing the Court may aeem meet 26th day of April, 1928; ano you are that the said allegations wul be taken COUNTY OF LANE. M 22-29: A. 5-12-19: Thia aummona la nerved upon you hereby notified that If you fail to so i as confessed, and yonr said entry the county’s share of receipts from George W. Wetael. Plaintiff, v». Harry appear or answer for want thereof will be cancelled without further sales of government timber during T. Shea, aa e xe cutor of the Ia»t will by publication In the Springfield New», the plaintiff will apply to the above i right to be heard, either before this 1927. has been received by the trea* NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION and testament of Francla Joaeph a newspaper of general circulation entitled court for the relief prayed for ; office or on appeal. If you fall to file FOREST EXCHANGE Schofield, deceaaed; Horry T Shea; pursuant to an order of the Honor­ In the complaint, that Is, a decree dis- in this office within twenty days after urer of Klamath county. No. 017886 R udolph A S c b o to M : W ln a lo w H able J. T. Brand Judge of the Cir­ 8. A. Blakely, logging superintend­ Schofield; and I*. J. Bartle. A. A. cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Department of the Interlo*, United solving the mairtage contract and for the FOURTH publication of this no- I Gee. your answer, under oath, speci- ent of the Brooke-Scanlon Lumbei Roger», Robert W. Earl, and F N. the County of I-ane, duly made and States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ an absolute divorce from you. This summons is published in the j fically responding to these allega- McAllatar, a« member» of the I-one entered of record on the 12th day of gon. March 29, 1928. company of Bend, was elected presi­ County Chapter American R e d March 1928 ordering thia aummona to NOTICE Is hereby Riven that Sprlngfleld News of Springfield, Ore- tlons of contest, together with due Croaa, a voluntary association, De­ be publlahed once each week for four Joseph T Mustoe, of Albany. Ore., gon, under and by virtue of an order , proof that you have served a copy of dent of the Deschutes-Jefferson For of the Hon. O. F. Dkipworth, Judge of your answer on the said contestant eat Protective association. fendant« aucceaalve and conaecutlve weeks In filed Application No. 017886. under the To Rudolph A Schofield and Wlnalow the said Springfield News and that Act of March 20. 1922 (42 Stat., 465), the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- j either In person or by registered The train on the Sumpter Valley H. Schofield. Defendant»: the date of the first publication will to exchange the 8H NE*4hW%, SH gon for the county of Lane, dated this mall. You should state in your answer railroad was derailed Saturday. Th« IN THE NAME OF THE STATE be March 16th, 1928. nnd the date of NWH SEH. »W H S t-x . W H SEH 29th dwy of March, 1928, directing pub- OF OREGON: You nre hereby re­ the last publication will be April 12th, SW H. WH SEH SEH SW H. Sec­ licatlon thereof once a week for four the name of the post office to which engins left the track three times and quired to apte-ar and anawer the com 1928. tion 6, A NWH NEH. Sec. 8, Tp. 11 successive weeks in said newspaper, you desire future notices to be sent finally rolled down an embankment, which order requires you to appear to you. plaint flli-d against you In the above FRANK A. DePUE. Attorney for the 8 , Range 10 West, within the Sluslaw and answer the complaint on or before HAMILL A. CANADAY. Reg'ster. but no one was seriously injured. entitled auli within four week« from Plaintiff, Realdence, Springfield, Ore­ National F orest for timber of an C. E. Linton, president of the Or» the date of the tlrat publication of gon. equal value to be cut from approxi­ four weeks from the date of the first Date of first publication April 12, 1928 , Date second publication April 19, 1928 gon Beaches Roosevelt Highway ass» thia aummona. and If you fall to ap­ mately 6 acres within the EH. Section publication of this summons. M 16-22-29: A. 6-12: I The day of the first publication of Date third publication. April 26, 1928 pear and anawer herein within aald 1. EH EH. Sec. 12. Tp 20 S„ R 3 E., elation, has set April 14 as the date on time, for want thereof, the plaintiff Secs. 1 to 9 Inclusive, SW H, Sec. 10. this summons is 29th of March. 1928. Date fourth publication May 3, 1928. which that association will hold its NOTICE TO CREDITORS will apply to the Court for the relief NH NWH- Sec 15. Sees. 16 to 20 The day of the last publication is STA TEM EN T semi-annual meeting In Waldport. Notice Is hereby given that Clara Inclusive. Tp. 20 S.. R. 1 East, W. M„ April 26th, 1928. prayed for In the complaint filed In M Blais has been appointed executrix within the Cascade National F orest oni the above entitled cau»e. HAL¿ '! iíi,,Ornr '' for P'alnt,fr' of Owenrship, Management, Clrcula- While Ike Dunford. Jackson county THIS SUM Mt. NS la nerved upon of the last Will and Testament of The purpose of this notice Is to al­ 206 Tiffany Building. Eugene. Oregon. tion. Etc., Required by the Act of jailer, was eating his breakfast Sun­ M. 29. A. 6-12-19-26 you by publication thereof, once each Ph ilia» Blais, deceased, by the County low all persons claiming the land Congress of A u -u s t 24. 1912, day morning, a thief entered the 06 week for four aucceaalve week», pur Court of I-ane County, Oregon. selected, or having bona fide objec­ ' Of The Springfield News published f l » i n the basement of the courthouaa auant to an order of the Hon. C. P. tions to such application, an oppor­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION All persons having! claims against Barnard, Judge of the County Court tunity to file their protest with the FOREST EXCHANGE ' weekly at Springfield. Oregon, for and took »200 from the jailer's desk. for Lane County. State of Oregon: »aid estate are required to present Register of the U. S. Land Office at No. 017866 'April. 1928. them, with proper vouchers, -within Automobile thieves stole Patrol­ and the flrat date of the publication Roseburg, Oregon Any such pro­ six months from the 22nd day of tests or objections must be filed In Department of the Interior, United Before me, h notary public in and man John Skelly's car in front of th« of thia aummona la April 6, 1928 States Land .Office. Roseburg, Ore- March, 1928, to said executrix at the for the State and County aforesaid. police station at The Dalles. Tele­ E O IMMEI-; FRED E SMITH; this office within thirty days from the i gon, March 23. 1928. DAVID B EVrtNS; Attorneya for law office of L. L. Ray at the Miner date of the first publication of this NOTICE is hereby given that John personally appeared H. E. Maxev. Building Eugene, Oregon. phone calls to adjoining towns failed Plaintiff Realdence and poatofllce nd notice, beginning April 6, 1928. ;H. May, of \ achats, Oregon filed ap- wh having been duly sworn accord- CLARA M BLAIS. Executrix. to reveal any trace of the automobile. dress of each attorney. Eugene, Ore­ Non-coal. plication No. 017866, under the Act of . ,, . , L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. March 20. 1922 (12 Stat. 4651. to ex- *n law- diapoees and says that he ,s gon. HAMILL A. CANADA f. Register. Henry William Hagemann, promin­ M 22-29: A. 5-12-19: Ap. 5-12-19-26: M 3: , change the NH NWH NEH. NH »he editor and publisher of The Ap. 5-12-19-26: M. 3: NEH NW H, SWH NEH NWH. NH Springfield News and that the follow- ent farmer and prunegrower of Logan, N U S H E8 W H ^ ’H.Ha n T s H ISWH' ,n^ ‘^ »<> »he ^ t of his knowledge in Clackamas county, was killed in­ stantly last week. His neck was NOTICE TO CREDITORS NW 1'-. S pc ?4. 14 S.. R 11 an^ belief, a true statement of the broken when he fell from a load ol NOTICE 1» HEREBY GIVEN: That West, within the Sluslaw National ownership, management, e t c , of the straw. i Forest, for timber of on equal value aforesaid publication for the date L. L. Ray has been Appointed admin!« A total of 2500 baby chicks havi trntor of the estate of Carl Adam«, de i to be cut from approximately three gj,own ¡n ,j,e above caption, required , . . . . ceased, hy the County Court for Lniv acres within the EH Sec 1. EH EH. . been presented to ihe Children's Farm All kinds of Coal, Coke and County In the State of Oregon. All Sec. 12. Tp. 20 S.. R 3 E„ Secs 1 to b>’ »he Aet of AuSt>st 21, 191-, eui- Home of Corvallis by friends of the Briquets 9 inclusive. SW H. Sec. 10, NH NWH- bodied in section 111, Postal Laws persons having claims against said institution. This is the beginning ol an