PAGE FIVE THE SPRING FIELD NEWS THURSDAY APRII. 12, 102« TOWN AND VICINITY >nce M rs. Sim m ons H e r» — M rs E. A. DANNER MOTOR COMPANY Simmons of Camp Creek spent Wed­ PLANS SERVICE STATION nesday in town on business. Although definite announcement i I lias not yet been made, It was under- ' In M em ory of H e n ry Chase | stood today that the E. It Danner ' Mita Pollard Back—Ml*» J tile Poll Sitter Pass»*—J T Dnituldaon Ima We know not where Heaven lies | motor company Is planning to Install ! rwelveil wonl of Un' death nt hit ard return'll from AHblnud early this Where no III or sorrows dw elt a service station at their building at j week utter spending Knitter there sister, Mao Ilari «e II, nf A rk u ilta *. But comforting, this truth we know. H e a tim Hetinng e perum at r e jjp a m a d d r tu the corner of Fifth and A streets, j vlwltliig with friendii, That with him all Is well. J/>« Flo. •» tare o / Ibi» n tw tp a p e t. Visit In Portland-M r, mid Mr*. .1 Decision as to whether or not to N '.ui.vniiilli up ■Hl Ills* p a i l w e«k Stevtnt to Move— Mr and Min make the change will he made some It Is hard sometimes to understand. Welby Stevens will move lb'* week ••ml In Portland. time today. It was stated. But still somehow we know. serloua Intentions, when very young: to their rum b two mile* north of Hila If the station Is Installed the from ' Through all the darkness still there The New Style V is iti 81st.. - - Mr*, G ra c e M ay hut again I must admit there is no display room would give way to th-j i city. shines spent Kumia, ai th e of h e r Dear Ml»* Flo: — set age when these should begin. It new arrangement The corner of tne I God's love that will not let us go. Orace Male Here— Ml** Grain Male I am a young girl of sixteen slater, .Mm. Ileal*, III lilt'VIllllS. all depends on the girl—and how old building would he cut off and the spent the Easter v tout Ion with her und not counted hud looklulg. I she Is for her age. driveway Into the station would he We know God reigns eternally. P ltn e r y at D a lla t— F It. Flaliery parent«, Mr. and Mr«. M M Male, Ute rouge, powder und lip stick, And know we need never fear A girl should get married when at a 45-afl„r wl„ Stan Monday Mr and Mrs. Vaaby I beHt men—modest, hard working, Colors! about her face and head. I continued to Port.anu for a brief I c,„ you, hg who have , ome seri­ We adhere strictly to the municipal visit. ous purpose in life and are always laws on sanitation, as well as you? courteous and gentlemanly. Fickle construction specifications, when we hoys should he avoided ^»s husbands, undertake a Job of plumbing for you. as they generally keep on being In addition we pledge our reputation z that the materials we use are of the fickle all their lives. quality. Our workmanship How old should a girl be when she starts using rouge, lipstick, etc.? If ft girl chooses to use the aids to jar plumbing contracts we have ex- - 4 No. 445 is full- R I • Ç A T 1 •" Q I I N Â v-sw il I l Q c i r r F 1x1« u j 1 * a i l o beauty, I think It Is up to her, entire- eclIted so satisfactorily. fashioned and a splendid hose for ly, when she begins using them, al­ so small a price. though of course I would not advise The c o l o r s are Don’t Fail to Sec this Great Super-Production ; y iung girls to use them modish. 527 MAIN ST. Girls may have friendships with I 'RIM SPRINGFIELD. OREGON boys at any age, provided the friend­ ships are purely friendships. 1 do not think they should develop any Dr. Royal Q ick Spring Cleanup Good Looks and Economy A BELL THEATRE W. N. LONG Son Is Born—A son was born to i Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Beeson of Coburg i on April 10. George Neff Here—George Neff of i Thuraton was a visitor here this ! morning. SPRINGFIELD FOLKS » 6E M T OIMMY OUT FOR SOfSE EGGS, P A — / HOW Do VOU W ANT YOURS — -r ^OFT OR H A R D ? Grading Second Street — Street i Commissioner George Valller this j morning began work of grading j second, using the scarifier. Leave for North— Baxter Young Mr. and Mr*. Momra and Mrs. Barnes of Eugene, left this morning for a business trip to Seattle, Bellingham and points In Canada. They will be gone some time. a ^|ayer picture Adfaitsion 25 to 50c Kafourys Have Daughter— Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Knfoury are parents of an eight-pound daughter born In the Salem general hospital at Salem last Wednesday. The daughter's name w Barbara. Mr. Fafoury Is proprietor of the Kafoury firm, here, having re­ cently purchased the business of the Farmers’ Exchange. ß y J. F . K e te ls G o s h , M A - I T h o u g h t You M E A N T c a n d y E A S T E R E G G S —/ 6 0 I W E N T TO zi- A N D GOT G O M E .^ * Easter time is candy time. Here you choose tempting sweets for every member of the family, from chocolate Easter eggs for Jimmie, to a gorg­ eously beribboned five pound box for Mother, for Sister Sue, or for the “sweetest girl in all the world.” We Give Green Discount Stamps