A ° r ü . L ib r B o o ti For M a d e -in - Oregon Producta. THE SPRINGFIELD NE Wo TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH POLICE CHIEF. JOB L odge In itiation S ets R ecord H ere A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 14 RPIUNOF1HLD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY APRIL 12, 1828 TWO BATH HOUSES TO SPRINGFIELD TEAM TO BE BUILT AT RIVER BY PLAY FIRST BASEBALL SPRINGFIELD CLUB GAME ON OWN DIAMOND “Th« Psopls's Paper" COUNTY CLERK TALKS TO LIONS CLUB HERE AT FRIDAY LUNCHEON 00776491 ALL TEACHERS OF CUT RE-ELECTED An address on tho 'timely subject Two Imiti houses will I»« construct- Neighbors of Woodcraft Circle First game of the baseball season of registration for voting will be the oil on Iho river hanks her«, Il w a it for Springfield lilxti school will be Has Visitors From Other feature of the Lions club luncheon ______ I piny oil here tomorrow afternoon, i t , decided at a meeting of the Women a Chapters Near Here Friday noon. W. B. Dillard. Lane Board of Education Express«« Smitaon Made Fire Chief Only ; was announced today by Hack Har Civic club Tuesday night. A commit county clerk, will speak on that sub Satisfaction with work don« the of the women’« organisation ha» With visitors from «everal lodges A n d Street Commissioner per, manager of the loam The Beason open« with a ««me I been working on arrangement« for In the vicinity, lin e Circle, No 45, JecL by Faculties of Three School« With only a few days left In which And of Police And Chief C h ief Ot police Com vo - lfau Unlvnrglty h|gb , ih(K)1 , h„ batb houses for some time and Nel(fhbor, ,,f Woodcraft Initiated 27 — Some Have Long Teaching voters of this county may register. billed; S te w a rt Plan not ' o , ' i l(.anl the local diamond. | reported on the finding» at thia ,.and,(|attber lwui,a have be ,« •„ set for ...r April n P... , ,,he„ epla<.e Mra Bessie 8 Paris, elected at a previous meeting of the Discussion ot the proposed lighting f ir e chief by the mayor and h l. ap o(her wl„ grbe(1. | 23rd to 28th. members will work on I Mrg Ethe, |>o<)1<. Mrg M board, with Increase of salary voted polntments were ratified by tho )h( d„ wn I arrangements and report at the meet- >>w,erk.k Mrg Bthel Neet. Ruby o for the new bridge is also on schedule to the gramme r and Junior high for the luncheon. Manager Merrill council. . , hB valley are heard from. Larger I *®g °n April 14. Owens, Mrs. Jennie Vera Murphy, Mountain States Power com- school principals and provision made Councilman George Blewnrt pro- h)gh havp , gepgrn> ,eagu„ The club will conduct a cooked Marlon W. Severson, Mrs. Bertha C. : [>any office at Albany wll, be the i for A. J. Morgan to retain his post as posed that the oltRa of chief of police (, (he amaller high schools are foo Mrs. Florence Wooley, speaker on this topic. The company supervising-principal of the high and traffle ofllcer he combined hut he , toge, hBr< mnU| Ilg tl difficult f‘>unt* 'n room of the Ketels drug Goldie G Whites, Mrs. Mary Eliza- bag gb?njfled Ra willingness to Install school. vas overruled by the other council-j fof # gcho))le the g|ga <>f lhe „„„ here »t,’re ThP Male wl,H J * * 1" helh ^ Walker. Wardlow, Miss jjghts at the ■ lowest = T » Hazel . s t r cost u t practlc- s : » / s r s s r ; men. who voted In favor of the trans­ to schedule «tames. fer of the chief of police duties to until tne tea IS soiu. j Reynold M. Briggs. Mrs. Nellie Carr, the c(ty [ay for , he maintenance and Lincoln school teachers are: Laur- the Street commissioner as It had C Q N T R A C T 0 N C O U N T Y A call was made for books for the Noah I-ee Helterbrand, Mrs. Helen (hat the gUte hlghw^ y commission 1 ence Moffitt, principal; Mrs. Eliza- been previous Io two years ago. No library, especially for the use of 1 Amelia Rust, Miss Doris Braat. Mrs. bear the cogt of jnBta.lla.tion. j beth Page, Mrs. Opal Roberts, Miss ROAD IS AWARDED TO traffic officer was appointed by the children. Ainanda Lingo, Mrs. Bessie Smith, j The Ow, patroi of lroop No. 11 of Edna Platt, Miss Doris Braat,, Mrs. mayor although a number of applica­ S. H. NEEF OF SALEM Miss Clara Wagner. Springfield Boy Scouts arili be the Mary Walker. Mrs. Katherine Dun­ tions were received both for t r a f f ic A supper in the lodge hall followed (n)egt of th# c,ub at luncheon to- can. Mrs. Ella Iximbard. Miss J essi- REVIVAL MEETING IS officer and chief of police. Herbert I Contract for building of a mile and the Initiatory ceremony. morrow. This patrol is the winner in mine Nelson, Miss Elizabeth James. OPENED BY BAPTISTS; Jordan had submitted an application > tt quarter of county road on the up- Personnel is Listed Several candidate« whose papers the achievement contest which has for chief of police; Herbert Moo.-e Willamette la-tween Jasper and OTHER SERVICES SET have not been received from the , been running for the past two High school teachers are: A. J. for chief of police and traffic officer; Fg|| creek was awarded yesterd-.y by Morgan, principal; Oscar GladdlslL grand lodge will be Initiated at the months.. W It. Dsvls for traffic officer snd Gus the county court to Samuel II Neef With the opening of evangelistic next meeting of the lodge In tw o . Miss Grace Potter, Miss Franc!« --------- A. Becker, for traffle officer. I ,,, Salem The hid of the Salem con- meetings In the Baptist church last Hodge. Miss Pauline Miller, Mist weeks. GRANDMA LEPLEY HAS Mr. Hmltson will receive 1140 a I tractor was 215,582.25. night the services at that dhurch thia Lydia Osgood, Mrs. Georgina Peter­ The large number ot candidates N O USE FOR LIQUOR month as fire chief and Mr. Valller This Work will be a continuation week end will be one of the feature« u k ~ , " - 7 n^ ” lg " c o T ^ ' t o r son. Miss Catherine Tinkham, Miss w ill ha,ve «16 added to his salary as ((f lbe construction done last year and J In church circles ] by the recent membership drive con- OR GOVERNOR SMITH Clara Wagner, Leonard Mayfield. hy (he ()fflter8 un(Jer the street commissioner as chief of police. w„j m,.lln nn improved route from | Rev. H. August Hunderup. a young Brattain school staff Includes: Mrs. ! southern evangelist. Is In charge ot direction of Mrs. Egglmann and Mrs. A petition rom Oscar and K E. , bat district Into Springfield. A1 Smith will not have a China­ Ora Read Hemenway, principal; Mrs. Lee Io vacate the stub end of W e,t ' There are two of a » the and Preaching: He , C 1 IIPIC Itiö l"'* section« w BSV road, I bo«“ »»• Biella 7LC1UX u Blackerby, io tn riu /, Baker, district or- man’s chance of becoming president Mar|orle Laselle, Miss Altle Mann­ D Street leading to the river between one In the Hilla creak area and the | h»« Preached In Texas. Alabama, Miu- gan|ter of lodg(1 ot the United States if Grandma ing. Mrs. Crystal Male. Miss Mary blocks 57 ami 68 was received by the olher near Fall creek The road will ! »»-"PP* *“<> ° ther "ou'hern sta te, a . Voris. Miss Anne Gorrie. Miss Crystal Visitors were here from Eugene, Lepley's vote will keep him from IL council and referred to the street eliminate three grade Crossing, on • • Jn —<«r«l of the Pacific Waltervtlle, Coburg, Cottage Grove, Yesterday, Grandma Lepley, who is Bryan. committee. 91. registered at the city hall. Asked thè Cascade line of the Southern Northwest s U te . Several of these teachers have Ion« and Oakland. His topics up to Bunday evening Creswell The council voted to clear the tille . ,,acy ,c Mrs. Blackerby was here to attend Jto what P°»Ucal party she belonged teaching records in the schools here. Thursday, “Four to a piece of property Councilman ! Other bidders for the Job were; • are as follow«; I she said she’d rather be a prohibition­ In Point of service, Mrs. Page Is the I Pictures on a Fishing Trip” ; Friday, the class Initiation. Mi-Kiln bought from the city about | ist than anything, but as there is no senior member of the faculty of the Washburne and Hall, Eugene, |17,- “Hkygrammlng vs Wlndjammlng"; five years ago. He said that the title ' such party before the primaries she school system. She has taught here GW4 76; Kelly and Sullivan, Wear««, Saturday. "Enchanted Ground**; Sun­ DR. DOW NEW DENTIST given him was clouded and that he | contended herself with being a demo­ for 22 years. Mrs. Roberts and Mite 220,694; J H. Shoemaker, Portland. day morning. “The Biggest Business could not dispose of I*1’* property. , IN DR. DIPPEL'S PLACE c ra t. James tie for second honors, eack j 214.472; Guy F. Pyle, Eugene. 218,- In the World” ; Sunday evening, Mrs. Lepley does not remember having taught 10 years here. Mine R Plerrle requested the council to "Nobody Home.” Dr. W N. Dow. of Portland, has how many times she has voted, but Nelson Is next with 9 years to hef allow him to put In a concrete curb , ____________________ Sunday school and B. Y. P. U. wlM taken over the practice of Dr. S. she does know that every time she credit and Mr. Morgan, Mrs. Male and In front of his proptry on Mill street. A N N U A L S P R IN G CLEANUP be held at the usual hours Sunday. Ralph Dlppel and Is now In charge of has had a chance she has cast her Mrs. Lombard each have taught The street committee was authorised SET FOR APRIL 23 TO 26, The chief feature of the Christian , be office In the hirst National Bank ! ballot against liquor. She voted seven years. Mrs. Hemenway and to give him the grade for the curb I church services will be the postponed i buii(j|ng. Dr. Dow has been prnctlc-1 against alcohol when the nation went Mrs. Duncan have been In the system five feet from the sidewalk. The annua! spring cleanup of the , jjagter cantata. "Death and Life,” | (ng Portland and is .graduate of dry. Chamber of Commerce committee, on for five years. Others hare bee« city by the street department was which will be given at the evening j the North pacific Dental college. He More than 175 voters were register­ here for from one to four years. library and rest room appeared before set for April 23 to 26 by the Spring- hour. At the Sunday school a mixed la married and has a wife and six ed up to last night, I. M. Peterson, the council and submitted plans for The only other business the boar« who is in charge of the registering transacted Tuesday night was allow­ the proposed building. The council field City council Monday evening At quartet composed of the following year old son. that time the city will haul rubbish singers will present a number, Cather­ Dr. Dow la a wounded overseas for the four precincts here, reported. desires the Chamber of Commerce to ing of regular monthly claims. Initiate a petition to put the matter and other collections of the winter ine Hemenway, sprann, Nellie Luce, veteran. He served In France 13 Many of these had re-registered be­ Election by the board does not months away from residences In the alto, William Green, tenor. Ofa Luce, months In the famous 23rd Infantry cause of changing addresses since on the ballot. It la estimated that mean that the teachers have accept­ city free of charge. bass. Rev. S. E. Childers, pastor, will of the Second Division, being wound­ the coat of consctructlon of the build­ the last election. ed the positions for another year. Cooperation with the street depart­ preach on the topic, "Paul's First ed at Chateau Thierry. ing proposed would be about 24.040- Contracts will be forwarded to each Letter to the Thessolonlan Church.” ment In order that a thorough Job He com es to Springfield well re­ The fire and water committee re­ DR. W. H. POLLARD WILL of them and they will signify their at the morning church service and commended and has confidence that can be done and the city prepared ported to the council that the general intentlcns by returning the paper« NOT SEEK ELECTION Claude Neely chorus director, will he wrill receive a liberal patronage alarm fire whistle at the Mountain for a healthy summer. Is urged by tho either signed or unsigned. It Is under­ mayor and city officials. Rubbish of sing a solo. here. AS COUNTY CORONER States plant would be sounded In case stood that Mrs. Page, at least, will of fire between the hours of 7 p. m. all kinds should be placed In boxes o r , At 7;3o o'clock. Rev. Mr. Childers «Dr. Dlppel had first arranged to not continue her position here. Although he has been encouraged sacks and piled on the curbing so wm present the third of a series of dispose of his business to a professor and 6 a. m This la to get out volun­ (hat la can be trucked away without | sprmons on "The Story of the In the dental college at Portland but by local and outside people to seek teers for any fire occurlng during the delay. The collection will be made j church,” preceding the cantata, the transaction did not take place. the office. Dr. W. H. Pollard this BRIDGE WORK STARTS night. a street at a lime and It Is therefore Christian Endeavor convenes at «:I0 morning announced that he wtll not TH IS WEEK; PIERS TO necesaary that all the rubbish be put ' „'clock. The topic will be "The OFFICER MOORE TAKES be a candidate for Lane county coro­ FISHING SEASON TO CO IN AS FIRST STEP ner. out at one time. i Danger of Slang and Cheap Talk." STAND IN PORTLAND BE GOOD. SAYS ROACH “After considering every phase ot This Is expected to be a heavy Carl McKInnls will be the leader, Piers on each bank of the river tourist travel season and a thorough | Rev. Gabriel Sykes, pastor of the the situation, I find that I would not Herbert Moore, Springfield traffic for the new Springfield bridge will be The 1928 flnshlng season, which cleanup will do much to Improve the I Methodist church, will deliver his have the necessary time to give to officer, was called to Portland t h is , . . ’started probably this week it wa« noi-ns op. uh on April /»pi., 16. i , will be one of the | appearance of the town an _ well as Its first sermon since his recent opera­ . . . .. .__ , 1 the campaign and the office if elect week to act as a witness in a federal . . _ ................... ............ announced by 4teel and concrete best In many years. In the opinion of health and sanitation. tion and illness at the Sunday morn- trial in progress there. The man be­ ed,” Dr. Pollard said. “I still con­ workers for Lindstrom and Fiegersoa, Rodney Roach, deputy state game tend. however, that the office should lng service. He will speak on “The ing tried was arrested by Officer Portland contractors who visited here warden. Many more fishermen will Lost /Christ” in the morning and Moore on the Mohawk road about be In the hands of a physician rather early this week. whip the streams this year than last FLOWER THIEVES BUSY than an undertaker.” "Eplcuris, or Let Us Be Happy" In IN TWO GARDENS HERE the evening. Bunday school Is at two months ago. He is facing a In the opinion of Mr. Roach. Some time ago the Springfield j The had expected to begin work on statutory charge which Involves al­ "I can't see how It can help but doctor announced that he was con­ Monday, but found that the state 9:45 o’clock and Epworth League leged kidnaping of a young girl. Whoever persists in stealing be excellent fishing this year," said sidering the post. He has received highway commission had not yet set meets at 6:30 o’clock p. m. William Davis is acting as traffic Mr. Roach. "The plan of placing flowers from the yard of his home the stakes for the opening of the Mass will be conducted at the officer while Mr. Moore is away. Of­ communications from friends through­ larger fish In the streams, rather than at 214 North Second street, had bet­ work. P. M. Morse, Lane county sur­ out the county urging him to file for Roman Catholic church at the usual ficer Moore has notified the city coun­ (he young ones who die off more eas- ter lx.- prepared for an emergency, veyor, stated that he had not been cil that he will tender his recognition the office. lly, has been carried out thia year and j Harry Stewart announced Monday time by Rev. D. P. Curley, pastor. advised when work will start on the If he had run he would have op- Services will be held both morning to become effiective May 1, and it is , last, with the result that the stieam s morning when he found that hla tulip bridge. should be full of trout.” ! bed had been looted for the second and evening at the Bible Standard held probable that Davis will succeed p08ed W' F' Wall"*r' Eugen® m°irti- First work to be done will be the clan, and former resident of this city, him. Mission. High »liter will have no 111 effect 1 lime within a week. and W. W. Branstetter, incumbent, construction of the piers on each on the fishing, provided1 the streams ! Thursday night last week someone bank. These will be completed and who is also an undertaker. are receding when the Season opens, I t„ok a|| (|)Q blooms which had been crews krill be ready to begin the according to Mr. Roach. Fishing It j nursed from bulbs last fall. Then middle piers by the first of July. FISHING SEASON TO belter, he suld, when water Is falling. | agialn Sunday night, blossoms which The concrete and steel bridge, with OPEN SUNDAY APRIL 15 a walk tor pederstrians on each side -......... - ......... Iliad com e'forth since the first theft were nlso taken. , ot the space for vehicular traffic, will WRECKER CAR ADDED TO With one of the greatest A s h i n g , ^ approximatel5. , 150>000, it was O. II. Jarrett whp lives next door SERVICE GARAGE PLANT reported that 80 hyai'lnt bulbs had meccas of the northwest at their With a goal of 350 for Sunday At the morning church service, the opening of the fishing season on estimated. been taken fronv his yard. l .. U.. P rvt« ♦/»»«- I 1 4 1 2 1 4 *1 1 IH»IIP 1 1 1 2 1 142111, Til<* tWO The Portland contractors have been A w re c k e r c a r 't o he used ror low - school on Easter Sunday members - f Rev. S. E. ___uers preached on the week preparing their equipment for given until February, 1929, to finish lng purposes was added io the equip | flr"‘ " w n s ’hp work subject "The Miracle of Miracles." „lent of the Service garage this week ' <’r llscovered a man s tho Christian church exceeded this Four responded at this service and the opening f the fishing season on the bridge for which Springfield resi­ Sunday, April 16. figure when 404 people crowded into ..I iw w iiiin m iiiw h.n fo o tp rin t In M r. J a r r e tt h yard. dents have clamored for the past sev­ three others placed their membership It was announced by William iiouen-1 • Already stories are In the air about eral years. They are the contractors the building for the services last Sun­ with the local v-.arch, making a total the big ones caught last year. b° iie b!’gPcartO|s of sizeable properTWO AUTO CRASHES ARE that built the McVeigh overhead sev­ day. This was the largest number of of thirteen for the day. The McKenzie will draw its usual tions and constructed to haul tile 1 REPORTED ON WEEK-END people ever to attend the Sunday A large audience attended the even­ share of anglers, but some fishermen eral years ago and have a reputation for good work. ing service and heard the second school in the church here. heaviest, loads. Mr. Rodenbough he- have their eyes on more distant S. O. Moshier, superintendent, was sermon on "The Story of the Church' lleves It to be the best constructed Two automobile accidents In. which streams in this vicinity and on the Fishing Licenses Issued and most practical car of Its kind no one was hurt nnd only slight dam­ in general charge of the arrungo- by Rev. Mr. Childers. coast. Mrs. Ara Hoyt Rea, one of Oregon's In the county and expressed himself age was done were reported early this nients for the day. Thirteen fishing licenses had been It was an enthusiaatlc audience that leading contraltos and instructor in week. Both happened at 6 o'clock as proud of the Job. Grand Officer Visits issued at the Wright and Sons hard­ witnessed the pageant "Life and Love voice, sang, "Christ Is Risen,” accom­ Wrecks weighing up to 20 tong, can Saturday evening. L. D. Porter, Corvallis, grand ware store up to noon today. They Tony Saxer, M street, nnd Leon J. Triumphant'' which w rs presented bv panied by Wlnlfrld Tyson on the be handled by the car. Neet, 222 C street, were the drivers the Bible school under the direction piano and Charles Nadvornlk on the master of the I. O. O. F. of Oregon were taken out by the following was a guest ot the Springfield lodge anglers: Henry O. Fandrem, O. B. of two cars which collided at the cor­ of Mrs. M. R. Adams nnd Mrs. W. P. violin. F uneral Services Held Tyson. ru„uwlng the pageant and as The cantata, "Death and Life,” at a meeting last n ight This was his Hardy, A. N. Fisher, D. B. Baltaman, Funeral services for the late Mis. ner of Seventh and C streets. J. P. Johnson, Miles Haley, Clayton l hoebe Gray wore held from the ' Opal Taliaferro, route 1 n n d as a result of the Decision Day ser­ which had been prepared by the official visit to the local lodge. Delegations from Eugene, Walter- Barber, Asa Rhlnevault, C. L. Ries, Charles P. Poole chapel Monday Chester Smith, motor route A. were vice, six young people became mem­ choir was omitted as the director, afternoon with Rev. S. E. Childers operating cars which met nt the cor­ bers of the church. The offering of Claude Neely was not able to be pres­ vllle, Coburg, Cottage Grove and Mar- all of Springfield, V. F. Caldwell, of the Christian church officiating. ner of Sixth nnd Main streets. Only $42.00 wiilen was taken nt the close ent. This cantata will be presented cola were present for the session. Re­ Vida, Joe Gravelle, Portland, Ralph Interment was In the Lorane ceme­ small dnniage was (lone to any of the of the program Is to go to the Aged Bunday evening, April 16, at 7:30 freshments were served following the Brlstoe, Cedar Flats, Owen Seaman, o'clock. Lowell. Ministers’ fund. ceremony. cars Involved. . tery. Attendance at Bible School Sets Record for Local Group