THURSDAY APRIL f>. 102M TH E SPRINQPIELD NEWS j Van Buren Rutger. convtncedly up to love, her pity for foratance Where Van was sunk In self sect’»- On the night of the wreck. Van Thurston grew. : lug misery, Thurston's spirits were Ilut when, on the twenty seeen l '. really heroic in persisting against a evening out from Honolulu - tomorrow quacking uncenlideuce that kept him buoyant. The man had action at Iasi; they were to sight their first atoll— often awake had stolen on deck tu 1 , Intense, vital In lighting to save ill > the hour catte for the formal an­ j the mid watch to reassure himself woman hi» loved he could forget for nouncement of her bethrothal, the * Ills first glance told him the clouds j the mioment, thut he hud lost her for- I ever. were gathering for a squall girl was radiantly happy. v Where Van was soon sislden with Like most unadventurous persona. Ttuo, ut the moment when Mrs As he had done, Crawford spoke, it was upon the face Van rebelled at being thought timid fatigue. John seined fresher with l was Just thinking." she ) attempted farewell WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE Ia frown found herse.f of John Thurston thut Palmyra'* eyes Itefore rousing the watch he pnuaod every hour. explained, "that Palm Tree doesn’t I she moved to speak, .uuuu Palmyra Tree and her parents, with I | explained. It had been decided Io leave the suitors Van Buren at all realise what Burke may be ttvt-helpless, returned the miullc. rested, and she could but wince ut the to make sure the clouds meant wind Palmyra's two n Thurston and some ting into his mind t believe the little ' The brown man. thus countenanced. Hash of pain there revealed. Hut no As he studied the aky he gradually women Io the cabin where the/ .»ad Rutger and Joh the I fraud's quite puffed up over the idea I lab. the square linger upon her own VMI1 OB hor t,,rt), hu| night. became uwure of a low Hound as of been penned, rather thun risk t'.e other friends, are cruising i breast. Having thus identified the gl I 1 ,>o U nhappv oven the face of a an express train far away. Startled, ugly surf that broke about the after lie's made something of a conquest. Yacht Rainbow. he swept the son; then laughed In com pa n Ion Thurston answered rather absently. as the being of the drama, he raised rejected suitor. Palmyra's startled by seeing a hand Ilut Van. In his self accusing frenty, "Anyhow." he said. "Burkes over the his hand, with extended artn. straight So It was. that night, am Palmyra self contempt More than once lately thrust in through the port of her over his head She thought he In lay asleep in her stateroom, her laxly In dreama or waking he hail sprung was conscious only that he hail placed side at Honolulu and gone forever." cabin., makes a secret invest igatl» ' voked the One above. But she gave gently moving with the lift and full of up at that fancied sound of surf The his betrothed In the hands of death, She assented. and discovers a stowaway—a man so John was silent tor some time. this up when she saw that waggled, the yacht In the mld-Pacific calm, yacht should not have land aboard that ho must save her. mild in appearance that she is dis­ He rushed toward the cabin com- Then: “I'd like to go. too." he burst fluttered the fingers there was a tender smile upon her until lute the next day. To cull nut appointed—and tells him so. He com­ When she shook her head, regret- lips. there was an Island a lee. If there panlnnway. Before anyone noticed, he out. "1. I've been trying to tell you mands her to glance at the door. She I ve taken your advice: asked her to fully, he abandoned the upraised hand And the tender smile was still lin­ were none, would be to make himself hail thrown It open In the face of an­ obeys and sees a huge, tierce, copper- other sea A second later he was as futile. He brought out a ring. gering. In an alluring warmth and absurd become my wife hued man—with a ten inch knife held Staring now up at the blackening "»ept down Its steps by the flood'rg she answered without mov- J Palmyra Tree had never seen such .» BWWe)ne„, M nd when the Hain- "Yes. between grinnig lips! Burke, the ring: tortoise shell inlaid with silver. bow. caught all unaware by a sudden sky, again off Into ths gloom of sea, water tng. "I know.” stowaway. explains that it is a Joke. There were letters on It; seemingly squall, came down with a crash upon he stood, buluncmi' In suspense be- . Catching up l*almyru he atniRgl« «. "She told you?" he exclaimed But Palmyra is shaken. Next day. one weird, thrice repeated and aep- the teeth of a reef—that should nqt tween his fear of storm and leeshore, hack and out again on the deck (inly "No. You did.” Burke and the brown man go up on and his dread of ridicule For this first then, ut a warning cry, did he seem I suppose I do j erated by discs the word “N-l." have been there. He wws chagrined, dack. The stowaway entertains them Olive pointed to the letters, then as the Rainbow I time Van held life and death In his const 'ously to prscelvs what for .- It On a craft such look tike that," he said. with wild tales of an adventuresome •On the contrary. You've been to the girl amt once more held aloft Interest naturally centers about the hands—and could not decide what to wus that delivered these blows, htop- life—which his listeners refuse to be­ do. 1 ping short, he looked back. A crest splendid." She glanced up friendly. the hand with the moving fingers. navigation. lieve! Now read on! But again she shook her head. The sound of surf being at Its mini- ' reared above the wreck, gather ng But I still think It was the right What better then for Mr*. Crawford CHAPTER III. The brown man stood baffled. Then, mum after two days' rains, the first t Itself Ilk«' some animate beast for ths thing to do. A week or two hence— In her amiable Intrigue than to set Enem ies— and Friends breath of the squall was upon the spring Van. horror stricken, start« d absolutely no hope Oh, why didn t grinning anew, he hurried forward. up Van Buren Rutger as a gentleman Some sixteen days later in Mrs you speak in California? She origi­ The savage, preseutly returning, navigator? How more pleasantly Im- yacht before Van waa galvanized into one way. another; stood still frozen In Crawford's cabin a conference was un I'm sure of it. i thrust into the girl's hand a litho- nally liked you best. i portant than, handsome, graceful. action by dlscoverlngt broad on the ; his tracks In an Instant the sea would have der way. Does still, if she only knew. Or." graph, an advertisement of Egyptian Jaunty In his white uniform he poised port how, a dim low lying something "But, my dear, my dear," Palmyra’s Constance added ruefully, “would if cigarettes. beep upon him From that slippery against the sky—the idlouettu af with sextant to take the sun or bent mother was protesting, "how can you listing deck both man and girl would. He pointed to the silver letters of • they'd let her alone." ■ over the charts ,with Constance and palms. say everything's going ri?ht. when . He laughed with some bitterness. the ring and pronounced the word In all chance, huve been carried over­ But even ns the domed Rainbow ' the Wumpolda and Palmyra. Palm spends most of her time listen­ “Oh 1 know what you mean.' board to death “Nl." then to her with a second."Ni,” thus lay between hammer and anvil, In so featuring Van us a yachttnnn ing to that, that miserable stowaway: In the blinding roar, all she knew and to the picture with a third. He He fell into a sudden petulance. I —he was no more thun a fairly com­ she could have been extricated had that—human toad. Her father is be­ was tiiat Van's arm s w ere round her. When Thurston spoke again it was | dropped the ring into her fiugep. not Captain Pederaen himself gone to petent amateur—the hostesa had that she held her safe. Never did she side himself with anxiety." apparently in an effort to get into a At last the girl who was named meant that Pederson In the back­ pieces. The man made a deprecatory sound suspect II was to another pair of arms Paimtree understood. For there in In the precious remaining moments more cheerful vein. ground should unostentatiously check I “Events,” said the hostess impress­ “Seemingly.” he said. “I have an the advertisement was a paimtree. up oil his work at every point j a bewildered crew tried to execute Sue owed her life. ively. “have only too well shown that other well-wisher aboard." Of all these revelations, these mani­ I The upraised hand had symbolised > Incoherent orders, while th yacht But . . . I. that we intervened Just in time With a pocket flashlight he made the palm—herself. Olive but sought i The sailing master was a man vain, I ! waa beaten down upon the walling festations of the woaknesa of Van Your daughter was on the verge of visible for her a small object of w o to give her a ring with her name up- Buren Rutger, the strength of John self-important. Jealous o( his preroga- coral falling in love with John Thurston.” ven fibre: a bark cord wound round ' on it 'I hurston, the girl noted none. On tlves, touchy as to his dignity. Following the crash upon the reef. The father uttered a protest. a packet perhaps two jnches square. When the hour of ieavetaking came. the night of her betrothal she would Not understundlng Mrs. Crawford's Thurston picked himself up and "I don't see we've gained anything.” "When 1 came on deck this morn- however, he seemed to have re-enter- scarcely have been like, under any motive, he chose to regard the ar- scrambled to the dack Just as a sea "But where are your eyes?” de­ ing." he explained, Ollve incarnated ed the silence, tnd the fare-wells de- circumstances, to draw comparisons, rangement as an Imputation upon his came roaring aboard. fhived by A manded the hostess. "As I said in himself before me looked about 1 volved upon Ponape Burke. «nd here darkness and groping con­ seamanship, his fitness—which he spring Into the r tod ng he waited a California, Van, with his refined per­ furtively. Jerked my coat-tails up. As this little stowaway reached her fusion and« the voice of waters con- whose con sonality. fits into the yacht s cabin fastened this around my waist. Then In his round he achieved a simple himself doubted—longer to command. ' chance to reach Pedersen, Seising the * »Plced with Thurstton himself to hide Van soon discovered then that this dltlon he had sensed like The Young King Charles' into a he gave me a friendly grin and van­ eloquence of feeling. "You’ve been I t..e truth. gilded frame. Thurston, on the con­ kind t'me miss," he said 1 ain’t a-go- sick and sulky old man was only mak- sailing master he whirled him around Palmyra's love weathered the atorm, ished." , Ing an outward show; In reality hav- ' “You're drunk." he cried "Dr. or trary, is a great, robust being. He ing to forget It. Nor you." ! unquestioning, serene. "But," she puzzled, "what Is It?" looks well enough ashore, but here, She shook hands with an unassum- ing nothing whatever to do with the crazy." (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) "Inside there' a bit of fine mat, The other quailed under the steely in these little compartments, on this seven hairs and a tooth, good luck ed friendliness. "I'm sure,” she said, uavagatlon, leaving the fate of the | yacht absolutely in Van's own hands. light In Thurston's eye narrow deck, his hands and feet seem i "we shall meet again." WASHES. CARRIES COAL, charm.” "(let below.” A certain Inability to take a stand In the way. Sharply he glanced at her. as It “But, but why. . .?” "I'll take charge," Thurston an In anything unpleasant, difficult, to WOMAN CAINS 18 POUNDS She paused to smile at them re-as- ' eager to know whether she really had “How should I know? nnunced. such a hope. Then he shrugged, la-! m»ke “P h,B m,nd and ln *“ w,“’r' suringly. She was thoughtful. “At any rate, The pumps showed that the wreck "I wash, Iron and carry coal and It's a large ocean lady. KpncY« *«*Pt Van at first from telling "Surely, with John at his worst. she said finally, “he seems to be wish-; land-wise With you and me lt'a Just lights pass- ’ “ >• hostess. Later be continued with was taking water badly. Ruch h >ata don't get tired since taking Vluol. Van at ms best—need we fear?” ing you good luck.” as could be launched were got ready. Aleo, I have gained 10 pound«."—-Mrs. Meanwhile, Constance Cra vford She examined the amulet again with ing in the dark; a hail, and then— ;» “ object. He knew she did not truly The men obeyed unqueatlonlngly. B. Corteae. ' rely upon him in this showy fraud of was forward at the Rainbow’s bow, an absent attention. Then, the smile nothing ” Vlnol ta a delicious compound of A minute later Palmyra's pirates • navigation; he suspected Palmyra was They liked, respected Thurston. He ■ailing through the tropic night up< > fading from her lips: “John, promise knew little of ships but thev recox- I co À been responding to the conditions where Happiness is queen. We’ve dozens of other created by the wily Mrs. Crawford. She was to sail across the trackless T h e New Series floors, too — Armstrong’s OAKLAND As the breeze, with each knot of sea as those brown mariners of old. Linoleum Floors in the new P O N T IA C S IX All-American Six westing, had been sinking more dan- As the girl, thug deep ln reverie, spring designs . , color­ stood watching the distant peaks, fche I gerously Into the doldrums, the breath ful floors for every room in &r. became aware of a presence at her of her own feeling had stirred, risen your house. side. Turning, she started upon en­ fresh, fair, constant, until it reached x X I I Price« a t F a c to ry the deep sweep of a maiden's first Don’t wait . . . come countering the brown man Olive. in today! He gave tongue to a few syllables, acknowledged love. Gladly she was confessing It now, paused perplexed, then fell hack upon pantomime. The hour of departure this belated recognition of love for had come. Soon Burke and he would the man of her parent’s choice, Van go over the side and, forever, Into ob­ Buren Rutger. A .................................. L M OTO And she must have treated John » g tO O V C T S Hardware, Furniture, Paint livion. Thurston abominably. With each Palmyra smiled. She tried to over­ Phone 18 - Vitus Block come her aversion, to respond to his moment that she gave herself more Red Hair » Blue Sea an By STANLEY P. OSBORN OAKLAN D So Little to Pay for So Much in Rug Beauty J W. R Dawson Eugene Motor Co. ) »1045 »„*1265 Wright & Sons *745 *875 OAKLAND-PONTIAC A • à