I PAÖETOUR " THE SPMNGPIHLD NBW8 ........... . » " J A W HOW 1H) WE MEASURE U P ? T here are eighteen essential points which art» deciding facto rs in the selection of a com m unity Published Every Thursday at by an industry for a n Industrial location, acco rd ­ Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by ing to th e Oregon Public Utility. They are THE W IL L A M E T T E PRESS 1. Land at fair prices. H. K. M A X E Y , Editor.___________ 2. R easonable tax es. 3. Good shipping facilities and favorable j fettered as second class m atter, February 24, 1903 a t the frleg h t rates. postoffice, Springfield. Oregon 4. A dequate and reliable electric pow er a t low M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RATE rates. One year in Advance......... $1.75 Three M o n th s -------- 76c . 5. C onstructive banking, ................$1.00 Single C o p y ------------ he fex Months ... ti. Good housing at reasonable rentals. 7 P ure w ater In sufficient q u an tities. T H U R S D A Y A P R IL 5. 192S 8. Good street c a r service. Ik Safe sew age disposal system . W HAT IS A TOWN W ITHOUT A BAND? 10. Good schools. Springfield should have a band. A baud adds 11. C hurches which include to leran ce am ong a g reat deal to th e m orale of any com m unity. It is a real pleasure on sum m er nights to have band , th eir virtues. co n c erts and would cen ter interest in th is com - ■ 12. D ependable fire and police protection. 13. Skilled m edical, surgical and d en tal service. niu n ity for miles around. R egardless of w hat has 14. G as service. happened to bands hereto fo re organized in 15. IT ogressive m erchants. Springfield this city should have a band. it;. A fair and independent electo rate. Sherwood Anderson, famous novelist and short story ; 17. A dequate telephone service. w rite r, created a sensation last November when ha left IS. A com m unity spirit friendly to Industrial N ew York City aud became publisher of two little weekly- THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS papers down among the Blue Ridge Mountains. About the first thing he did was start a campaign for the M arion band. He likes a hand "better than almost anything else in town," he says. H is appeals, w ritten in the inim itable Sherwood Anderson style, not only stirred up support among the people of Marlon but brought contributions trom Otto Kahn. International banker, H . L. Mencken, noted w rite r and critic. Horace Liveright, well known publisher, and other national figures "W hat does a band mean to town?" Anderson asks in one of his first stories. “ Better ask what is a town w ith ­ out a band? L ife in a town goes on. just so. You know­ how it is. Merchants selling goods, lawyers fighting their cases, farm ers coming into town to buy goods. Spring, summer, fall, winter. People in th eir houses, women cook­ ing, m aking beds. L ife is dull enough. "One of the first signs of the decay of a town is when it cannot get up enthusiasm to support a band. The M arion band needs support.’’ a<- ' d o p i ll e n t . DR. FRANK CRANESAYS THURSDAY APRIL fi. IWH .lu J U a About IfifUt* Health Things You Should Know TWr.il by John Juw^hUadne«, M . D .’ — -------------------------- -2-Te MENTAL DISEASE W hen eminent specialist« hold directly opposite views us to what is w rong with a m urderer— o r whether there is anything wr-qig w ith him at all. it is little wonder that thoughtful people lose more or les« confidence in so-called medical science. T h a t luxury adds license, is par­ ticularly true of youth. Even men grow astoundingly indifferent to moral law, when the fat purse so easily procures the intoxicant. W hen our young people hear dis­ cussions by their elders, a t to whether Jesus Chris» was legiti­ mate child, and that brutal m ur­ derers need trained nurses and san­ itary diet instead of a hangman's noose— pray, what may we expect? W e are very sure that youth is susceptible to suggestion, with the mind in the form ative stage, and, when said veuth is relieved hy so­ ciety, of all parental espionage— and, when said youth has his mind fed twice a day by a capable press, on the most »alaeious crime news obtainable— we are not long in w it­ nessing the reaction. A boy drunken with speed-mania, his pockets bulging with money, en­ vious of the publicity accorded hold bad boys with knife and ^un, w ill kill for the fun and notoriety of it I Insane? Dem entia praecox? Call it w hat you w ill— if you sow criminal- neglect, you w ill reap dismembered bodies of little girla. I t is easier to nip “dementia praecox” in the bud than it is to get clear of a murder charge on the grounds of insanity. W e never heard of dementia praecox when parents took time to train their children properly. There is food for reflection, when Mam m a bob» her hair and her skirts— and when Dad spends his Sundays cussing the caddie) M ental health, moral health, is secured only by observ­ ance of the strict code that train« yo u ri ur i» tbs w v he skopld go S IN G IN G People spend a vast deal of m oney every year in listening to singing. But th e trouble is they sim ply listen to it. They are au ditors and not singers. We like to crow d the bleachers, w atch baseball and foot-ball and ten n is gam es, and we like to go to g ran d opera and concerts aud vaudeville and h e a r th em sing. B ut th e best part of singing is th e reactio n up­ on th e sin g er himself. • • • We a re notoriously bad singers. A spokane boy got $2000 dam ages from a rela- I We hire choirs in ch u rch es to sing for us when tive in a suit over an autom obile colision. we o u g h t to be singing ourselves. Seem s th a t the boy had his tongue out w hen the Do It yourself, is th e best advice in physical c a r stru ck . H e bit a hole in it w hich now causes culture. him to lisp. M orale— Be careful w hen you give Let us not have so m any th in g s done for us, but anybody a ride th a t th ey d o n ’t bite them selves. do them our selves, and we will be b e tte r off. It • • • : niay be p leasan t to have a m asseu r o r a m asseuse H oover seem s to have th e inside tra c k in th e w ork a t you, b u t the best form of exercise is a u to ­ rac e fo r th e R epublican n om ination for president, m otive. S m ith also seem s to have th e sam e lane a m o n g ; Get out and ta k e a walk or play a gam e or do i th e D em ocrats but it is w et and slippery. Its a som ething th a t s ta r ts th e sw eat and th u s im - I rac e w here the dark horse will figure unexpected- prove the sew age system of the body, som ething ly a t th e p arty conventions. th a t circulates the blood rapidly. • • • Exercise should be tak en judiciously, of course, | but the best form of exercise is mild exercise T he wood seasoning plant at C ottage Grove saves one-third in freight ra te s on th e lum ber which you do regularly. Irreg u fer exercise or ex­ th a t h a s gone th ro u g h it. Think of the hundreds ercise once in a while is about as good as none of th o u san d s of dollars th a t m ight be kept in Ore- a t a »- M any people are constanlv m aking sp u rts to ­ N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S gon if all th e lum ber shipped m ight go th ro u g h such a plant. How long will we continue to pay w ard physical culture, but sp u rts are not w hat we N O T IC E 1» H E R E B Y G IV E N That need. We require regularity. freig h t on m oisture in th e wood? the undersigned has been appointed • • • Take any form of physical exercise, any system , hy the County Court of Ijim - County. ns adtulnistralrlx of the H ave you ever stopped to th ink th a t if you are for they all em brace the sam e points, only adopt Oregon, estate of Robert K. Stew art, deceased som e system th a t will bring the unused m uscles n o t registered you can'!» vote on election day. All persons having claims against said e body into play. estate are hereby notified to present And you c a n ’t reg iste r a fte r April 17. B e tte r of T th here is no b e tte r healthful exercise th an sin g ­ the same duly verified and with pro reg iste r today a t the city hall. ing, provided we do the singing ourselves. per vouchers to said adm inistratrix al • • • Public school tea c h e rs tell us th a t alm ost any the office of Harris, Sm ith A Bryson. No co u n try h as ever prospered in the history of n um ber of youths can be tau g h t to sing and it is Broadway Building. Eugene. Oregon, w ithin six months from the date of th e world which bought m ost of its supplies from an a rt th a t we should all cultivate. the first publication of this notice a foreign land. No city will ever prosper if its T here is no b e tte r m usic th a n co n g regational Date of first puhlleatlon of this people send a big p art of th eir m oney to mail singing. notice Is April 5th. 1928. IE S T E W A R T . Adniintstra order houses. T he G erm ans, all of them , can sing th eir n a ­ trix M A of G G Estate of Robert K Stew art, • • • tional hym n, and th e British non-conform ist c o n ­ deceased. A m erc h an t who does not advertise is usually g regations are vocal. H arris, Smith & Bryson, Attya. for a b o u t a s successful as a deaf and dum b m an We alone a re too m uch inclined to be m ere Admrx. Ap. 5-12-1926: M 3: would be as traveling salesm an. au ditors and not doers. If you smoke for pleasure FOREST EXCHANGE No. U17H38 Department of the Interior, United States Lend Office, Roseburg. Ore­ gon. March 7th, 1998. N O T IC E in hereby given that W II I In in Earl Cochrun, of S. 4Bth Btul I, Street«, Tacoma. Wash . fil.-d Applica­ tion N i l . 017X118. under the Act ol March 20, 1932. (42 Sint. 4(15), tu ex­ change the S E C s \V (4 , is, gait N E 'i N W * . mid N H N E t i . «•«’ ’ » Tp. Hi B., It. !• West, within the Blue law National Forest; for tim ber nt equal vnlue to he cut from npprotl tnatelv 18 acres, within the H l* H W 4 , 8»e 7. and n e >, N W If . Sec IS, Tp 20 S . R 4 K . etui SK'.* S B U . fe e 12. Tp. 90 S R 3 Hast. W M . within the Cascade National Foreel. The purpose of this notice is io «1 lew all persons claim ing 'the lands selected, or having bona fide ohjec- Ilona (o such application, an oppurtun Ity to file their protest w ild the Regis ter of the U. S Land Office at Rose burg. Oregon. Any such protests or objections must lie filed In this office w ithin th irty days from the date of the first publication of this notice, beginning March IB. 1928. Non-coal H A M IL L A i ANA DA Y. Register. M 15-22 29 A. 6 13 DON’T LOOSE YOUR TEMPER. — fixing autom obile fires. T h at I k o u r Job- and th e few c e n ts you m ight s g re doing It yourself in hardly w orth while when you consider the clothes you soil doing It— th e lim e you lose- and th e effect It has upon your good disposition. We a re equipped to serve you in any m anner. Make our statio n your autom obile h e a d q u arte rs for tires, tulteH, gas. oil and air! We w ant to serve you! “A ” Street Service Station LOGAN & OWEN. Props. 5 th and A S tre e ts - - - Offices— 831 Miner Building. I uses should b 20 S . R .1 K , Secs 4 Io 9 Inclusive, HW I4. N'-p N W H , Sec IB, Secs III Io 20 Inclusive. Tp. 20 S . R 4 East. W M , w ltlilo Ihe Cuscnde National Eoreat. The purpoeu of thia mdlce Is to al­ low all peraons claliiilng l,ie land selected, or huvlus lionu tide olijec lions to such application, an oppor­ tunity to file their proleat with the ileglatur of the U. S, Laud Office it Roaehurg. Oregon Any such -pro­ tests or objections must be filed In this Office w ithin Ih iriv days from dm date of the first publication of this notice, beginning April 6, 1928. Non-coal. H A M IL L A. CANADA t’. Register Ap. 5 12 18 24: M. 8: NOTIC'D ro K I»I’ HH1CATION » ; i $ w a y ? z M RS h Such a s a re «old a t c u t prices, very often, provoke Irritation and discom fort. T h e m ech an i­ cal d efect m ay b e ju st enough to th ro w th e eyes o u t of bal­ ance, cau sin g a r a th e r serious drain on the nervous system of a sensitive patient. Ask for a m ak e of lenses w here th e q uality goes back, even to the raw m aterial from w hich the lenses are m ade. O ur M otto: Q uality — in­ stead of an Inferior product. Dr. Ella C. Meade Optometrist W ATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 » Ave. W est Roger e, Oregon Me Ute”’ Ask your local Southern Pacific agent to help you plan your trip. No matter where you plan to go, talk it over with him. Let him tell you al»out schedules and fares, check your baggage, arrange all travel details. You Save when you buy roundtrip tickets on sale daily at reduced cost. Return limits to suit your plans. Help build your home community; buy from your local agent. < 5-30 weekend roundtrip fare to Portland. Southern Pacific CARL OLSON, Agent