THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY APRIL 6, 1928 PAGE THREB TRAIN BCHCOULB Springfield Stop* Northbound No. 32.... 2 33 P. M INO. 16 ..___________ 4:37 A. M. Fla« 1 Southbound No. 15 ... 8:33 P, M. Flag I No. 31 ... . 4:46 A M Coach Special for Klamath Falla and beyond, on flag at 2:91 P. M on . Sunday. Tuesday and Friday. Roeeburg resident* have approved the Iaauance of 125,000 honoa for the purchase and Improvement of an air­ port. The vote, at the special city election stood 807 yea and 361 no. The Soapatone bridge on the ttoose- Brief Resume of Happenings of veil highway ten milea north of Wheeler waa officially opened last the Week Collected for week. The structure la of concrete and replaces a wooden bridge con­ Our Readers. structed In 1915. W. J. Walker opened a new cr--asn- With State Forester Elliott and Dep- FO R HA LB—Carbon paper In large aheeta, 24x39 Inchea. auttable for ery and cheese factory at hit ranch on titles King and McCarthy of Salem and several other out-of-town official* making tracings. The New* Office Pistol river, Curry county, Monday. P U L P W OOD W A N T E D We specialize In awlaa braclet watch FOR SALE WOOD present, the Union County Fire a sso Between 400 and 700 Shrlners were repairing. Hoyt'« 321 Main Street, tf If you wlah to aell White Fir or Hem­ elation held its annual meeting In La NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, In St. Helens last week for the quar­ Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, lock Pulp WiMid write D. A. FOREST EXCHANGE Grande last week. terly meeting of the Columbia River Kennedy, Hotel Carlton, Portland, Oak, A uh. All lenglbs. Phone Spring No 017842 UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRYS­ E. J. Dixon, Portland, manager of field 104. if TA LS— Fancy ahapea and regulars, Oregon. M 8 16-22-2»:A 5 12 Department of the Interior, United Shrine club. the Pacific Co-operative Poultry Pro­ States Land Office, Roeeburg, Ore­ The first payment of 1928 to the llo y t'a Ua»h S tore. tf SEPTIC TANK8— gon. March 7th, 1928. ducers’ association, waa elected presi­ PAINTING Mtf I-.'1 " i Ining In all It* NOTICE la hereby given that H I Klamath Indians, one of 3300 to each dent of the Oregon Cooperative cous­ Ready for you to Inatall brauchen. itcduced Prices. Iloy Fof family of five —- »21.90, Eugene Newell, of D«-kum Building, Portland, of the 1274 members of the tribe, was el I at the close of a two-day aessloa SUM M O NS filed application No. 017842. made last week. K h Call 136-J. For family of eight — »28 00, Eugene Oregon, In Eugene last week. IN T H E CIR CU IT C OU RT O F T U B Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile under the Act of March 20. 1922 (42 Mrs. Sarah Woodruff last week cel­ Slat . 485), to exchange the NH of More than 35000 worth of the de­ S T A T E O F OREGON F o il T H E tIL PAINTING INSTRUCTIONS Section 34, Tp. 15 8., Range 9 W est ebrated her 97th birthday anniversary and Chimney Block*. COUNTY O F LANE linquent land in the Medford Irriga­ given by Mm. Adululdn Lee. 8til- Eilna Bowen, W M . co ntaining 320 acres within the PlulntllT, va. Glenn at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. tion district has been disposed of la E U G E N E CO N C R ETE P IPE CO. Slualnw National Forest, for approxi­ ibnlH taken (rum 11 yearn up. 603 Bowen, Defendant. P. Babcock In Salem.. mately 18 acres timber within the the last two weeks since the land was West D atreet. If. To (lien Bowen the above named A L IA S SUM M O NS EH. Sec 1, EH EH. Sec. 12. Tp. 20 S. The Lane County Christian Endeav­ placed In the hands of the Medford defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE S T A T E ? " or union held Its 13th annual conven- realty board for sale. NOTICE TO CREOITORS .n'o.-nTin.t' tlon at Creswell recently. A regis­ OF OREGON, you a re h ereb y req u ired LANK COUNTY Residents of Butte Falls are seeking Sec. 15, Sections 15 to 20 Inclusive, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That to appear and answer the complaint I ' ” ~ 7' tration of 150 attended. means of continuing the local bank. „ „ , „ , . . . .......... the undersigned, haa by the Conn Bled atraltiM you In th e above entitled ”, Mau‘ . | Tp. 20 S R 4 East. W. M., within i jbp Cascade National Forest. The Yamhill county Federation of | owned and operated for two d«cad< ty Court o f the State of Oregon 'Court und Cause on or before the 12th i rice E. Knowles, Ib.-fendant. The purpose of this notice Is to Women’s clubs will meet in Dayton by George W. Barker, who ended hk* for the County of lame been appointed day o f April 1928 said date being i To Maurice E. Knowtes, defendant. executor of the lust will and Teats more than four iweeka from the date of ; IN THE N ome OF THE STATE , | low an persons claiming the lands Saturday, May 19, Instead of May 26. life last week aa result of worry, ment and estate of James II Male, the first publication of thia summons Ol- O REG ON : lo u nre hereby sum- selected, or having bona flde objec- | Butte Falls is one of the busiest a m aB moned and required to appear and ,)ona to such application, an oppor as waa previously planned. deceased and all persona having claims against aald estate are hereby notified herein entered of record and If you fall answer the complaint of the plaintiff ' tunltv to flle their protest with the L. L, Montague, representing a large timber center* In Oregon, to present the same properly verified so to appear and answer for want In the above entitle,, gull —Ithln four Register of the U. 8 Land Office at bridge financing company, la asking The Salem chamber of commerw to no, at the FIIIHT NATIONAL thereof the plaintiff will apply to the , weeks from the date nt the first pub- | Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protests ______ ____ ___ for a franchise for a steel toll bridge went on record favoring the IssuaM* must ___ be _____ filed _ In _ this BANK of Spring-field, Oregon, on or Court for the relief In her complaint lhatlon of this summons, and you are , ^j, objections before six months from the date of gainst you demanded and prayed for hereby notified that If you fall to I office within thirty days from the across the Columbia river at Arllng- of bonds in the amount of 350,000 fog to wit: answer herein within the time afore , dalP , bp flrR, publication of this ,on I the establishment of sn airport th em this notice Dnled March 7th, 1928 For a Judgment nnd w. L 8bH C oon notice, beginning March 15, 1928. | and decree of I8 d’. J* 8 WM. G HUGHES, executor of the Construction of a reduction plant The proposal probably will be referred .. ■ _ . Non-coal. divorce dissolving the bonds of matri­ for the relief demanded In her com­ •sta te of James B Male, deceased. this year at the Mother Lode mine to the votera of Salem at the time 08 HAMILL A CANADAY, Register. FRANK A. De PUB. Attorney for mony now and heretofore existing be plaint, to-wlt: for a decree of absolute 'tween "the Plaint I ff. * ¿ in a Bowen" and dl' or‘ 1’ from the bonds of matrimony M 15-22 29: A. 512: near Baker, will be an Immediate n - holding the primary election May K (he executor. the defendant, Glenn Bowen on the now subsisting between the above M 8162229: Ap 6: suit of a recent refinancing of the The new Tillamook National Bank named parties and for the resumption grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat . , . . . 8 U M M O N 8 will open Monday, April 9, according ment and for such other relief as to b> plaintiff of her. maiden name, and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE P’’aPfirtF for other relief as the court shall deem The city of Ashland baa purchased to an announcement made by H. H. the Court may seem meet. SUM M O N S STATE OF OREGON FOR THE proper. COUNTY OF LANE This summons is served upon yon the Balfour-Guthrie tract of 93 acree Rosenberg, president of the in atlt» IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE This summons Is published In the STATE OF OREGON, FOR LANK by publication In the Springfield News. 8pr,n(ffle,d N,.w, „ n, WHpaper printed William J. Grigg, Plaintiff, vs. Ina near that city to provide for the In- , tlon. The quarters formerly o cc » May Grigg. Defendant. COUNTY. a newspaper of general circulation and published In Springfield, Lane creasing demand for a landing place pied by the Tillamook County bank To Ida May Grigg. Defendant: Clifford Sumner, Plaintiff, vs Agnes pursuant to an order of the Honor- County, Oregon, by virtue of an order will he used and have been remodeled In the name of the State of Oregon: for airplanes. Sumper, Defendant able J. T. Brand Judge of the Clr- | of the lion. G F. Dklpworth, Judge of You are hereby summonsed and re­ To Agnes Sumner, the above named cult Court of the State of Oregon for said court, dated Marce 15th, 1928. Kicked In the temple by a work tor the opening. quired’ to appear and answer the com­ d e fe n d a n t: Columbia county has accepted the County of Lane. duly made and Date of first publication hereof Is plaint ,__ k._______________ _ horse, Henry, the 6-yearold son of of (he plaintiff In the above en 22, a 1928. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF entered of record on the 12th dny of | March title d N suit on or l » r before th e la s t day Mr. and Mrs. Van Eamond, died at * petitions for four new roads, two oi (•n n i'n ii L’ i r t x ’o a .. e u li » » Il O P I lir c III»' ir to A: EVANS. for i <>f , tini»* . _ .. j « OREGON: Yon are hereby required March 1928 ordering this summons . • SMI IH /.m . • »2 . Attorneys a i4 preBcrib«*eoa as such. All persons having claims thl“ court mav seem Just and proper of th e la st W ill and T e sta m e n t of 29th day of March. 1928, directing pub e salmon will be liberated from the i * against said estate are hereby notified This summons Is published pursuant I’h illas B lais, deeeastsi, by th e C ounty thereof once a week for fo u r' j ! The first Great Northern train out and required to present the same with licatlon to an order, for the same, of the s u .c s s lv e weeks in said newspaper. Ceding ponds of the commercial! of Portland for Klamath Falls by way the proper vouchers therefor and verl- C ourt of lam e C ounty, O regon. Honorable J. T Brand. Circuit which order requires you to appear hatchery at Enterprise, according to . All p erso n s h av in g claim s a g a in st 1 Dvl In th e m a n n e r re q u ire d by law of the new Bend-Chemult-SoutherB Judge of Lane Countv. Oregon, made nnd answer the complaint on or before reports given out recently. "«M a d m ln is tm to r at th e law office four weeks from the date of the first Pacific route, is scheduled to leave nnd entered March 4, 1928, and the said e s ta te arc req u ired to p resen t I M. P eterso n a t 234 Main stre e t, Platinum and other precious metals flrst publication hereof Is made on the them , w ith p ro p er vouchers, w ithin publication of this summons Thursday night. May 10. The traits six m o n th s from th e 22nd day of S pringfield, l,n n e C ounty. O regon, The day of the first publication of In paying quantities are reported to according to present plans, will iu e 8th dny of March. 1928 nnd the last within six months from the date of publication hereof Is made on the March. 1928. to said executrix nt the the first publication of this notice, to- *b*8 sVm,mn?8 J S have been found on the 320-acre ranch special and will carry members of . of law office of L. L. Ray at the Miner 5th dav of April, 1928. wit: on or before the 8th day1 of Sept- i I*”*..’llY. a8t PublicaU°n 18 of Ernest Bohna on the Big Nestucca the Portland chamber of commerce HOWARD M BROWNELL. Attor­ Building Eugene, Oregon. m nher 1928 J April 26th. 1928. river In Tillamook county. CLARA M BLAIS, Executrix. ney for Plaintiff Residence: 177 Eaat and other citizens to the new rail cele> Dated and first published this 8th J B HALb- Attorney for Plaintiff, L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. 7th Avenue, Eugene. Oregon 206 Tlffanv Building. Eugene, Oregon. Benjamin F. Craigen. lifelong resi­ bratlon to be staged at Klamath FallSk day of March. 1928. M 8-15-22-29: Ap 5: M 22-219: A. 6-12-19: M. 29: A. 512-19-26 dent of the Weston country, dropped May 11 and 12. I. M PETERSON. A dm inlsfetor of said estate. dead Saturday afternoon while walk­ Citizens of Rainier, in a closely c o » NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION M S-15-22-29: Ap 5: ing along the road beyond Shiloh tested special election, rejected a pro­ FOREST EXCHANGE church on Weston mountain. No posed amendment to the city charts» N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S _ . , .. 017866 , . . .. . im -riii.' rn T TM T V r n i ’ n -r o p T H F Department of the Interior, United New street lights to be installed In changing the municipal government IN T H E COI N j 1 ( Ol K T i)r T H E I a n r< DnsahiirNl Or». States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ the residential districts of Eugene will from Its present form to the com m ie STATE OF OREGON FOR gon, March 23, 1928. LANE COUNTY NOTICE Is hereby given that John cost between 312,000 and »13,000, ac- slon plan, and approved a tax meas­ All klndB of Coal, Coke anti I In the Matter of the Estate of Rhin- H. May. of Yachats, Oregon, filed ap- cording to Carl A. McClain, superin- ure providing for special fire prole» Briquets aldo Vincent, deceased. plication No. 017866, under the Act of ,„nripn, of thp water board tlon for the DuBois-Kettenring sawe d 1 1 1 The undersigned having been ap- March 20. 1922 (42 Stat. 465). to e x -; W. F. WALKER RAINIER COAL CO. | pointed by the County Court of the change the NH NW14 NE14, N>4 T. F. Rea, pioneer mining man and mill. The charter amendment wao i »late of Oregon for Lane County, ad- N EU NW U. SW H NEU NW>4. NH a resident of Baker county since 1862, voted down. 125 to 106, and the special 15 E. 7th St. Phone 412 j mlnlstrator of the estate of Rhlnaldo N i ^ ^ S W ^ N w i ^ n T ^ l t W ^ l died ln Baker 'at8tf W" k nera? Howard tax approved, 107 to 74. Eugene, Ore. Vincent, deceased, and having quall- Following a number of meeting» ■ fled, notice is hereby given to the SW1J NWK*. Sec. 34, Tp 14 S., R 11 Bea wai 8 scout for General Howard of, ---- and — all ---------- persons --------- having with ranchers who are raising sheep 228 Main 8L Residence 125 C 8t ■ creditors - ----- - —. c West, within the Siuslaw National during the early Indian ware. 1 claims against said deceased, to pres- Forest. Tor timber of an equal value Thrnnah a raluvenation of the in the Marshfield vicinity, H. A. Lind­ 62 J 62 M Ree, Phone 140 Plano Moving ent them, as required by law, within j t0 he rut from approximately three , L «. k » >h gren. expert from the Oregon Agri­ ! six months after the first publication acres within the EH Sec. 1, EH EH. Marshf*eld chamber of commerce the Full Auto Equipment SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER j of this notice to the said Walter S. ; sec. 12. Tp. 20 8., R. 3 E„ Secs. 4 to membership has been built up to a cultural college, and Harvey 8. Hale, Lady Assistant WILLI» BERTBCH, Prop. Vincent at 434 Miner Building. Eu- 9 Inclusive. SW H. Sec. 10. NH N W « ,, total of 286. with a good prospect of county agent, made a statement which OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE gene, Oregon Date of flrst publication s ec. 15, s eC8 16 to 20 inclusive, Tp. „ .,.1 o t i0 0 showed the sheep industry had grow» hen-of the 8 day of March, 1928. 20 8., Range 4 East. W M.. within the ‘ 88lhlD« th8 set goal of 400 633 Main Street WALTER S. V1NVENT, Adminis­ Cascade National Forest. Governor Patterson has extended over 100 per cent In Coos county 1» Successor to Button Transfer trator of the Estate of Rhlnaldo Vin­ The purpose of this notice is to al­ the reprieve of James Willos up to the past year, there now being 13 00» DR. 3. RALPH DIPPEL cent, deceased. sheep, other than lambs on ths ranges^ low all persons claiming the lands SMITH & EVANS. Attorneys for selected, or having bona flde objec­ and Including April 12. This will make as against 6600 last year. DENTIST the date of his execution the same aa Administrator. 434 Miner Bldg., Eu­ tions »o sucn application, an opporun- WM. O. HUGHES The past several weeks have prw gene, Oregon. I Ity to flle their protest with the Reg- that set for Ellsworth Kelley, rrlday vided one of ’the most favorabi» Phone 43 PIRK AND AUTO INSURANCE M. 8-15-22-29: Ap. 5: I liter of the U. S. I^nd Office at Rose? April 13. First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield NOTARY PUBLIC springs (or lambing operations to b» , burg. Oregon. Any such protests or The cornerstone of the new Red­ experienced in Wallowa county in • objections must be filed In this of­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Office at fice within thirty days fro.m, the date mond hotel «as laid Saturday ln the number of years, according to sheep FOREST EXCHANGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of the first publication of this notice, presence of a large crowd. The build­ owners, the greater part of whom have No. 017855 Springfield, Oregon beginning March 29, 1928. ing will be three stories ln height, finished lambing at thia time. BveB Department of the Interior, United Noncoal, will contain 59 rooms and will cost Statee Land Office. Roeeburg, Ore­ the large (locks are reporting pe»> H A M IL L A. CANADAY, Register. MAX STOVE WORKS »150,000. gon., March 15, 1928. M. 29: A. 5-12-19-26 centages of better than 100 per ceBf DR. N. W. EMERY Will take your Old Style Range NOTICE Is hereby given that Although "lack of funds" will pro- while ln the small flocks above 19P Arthur O. Pope, of Swlsshome, Ore­ In exchange on a Later One. D B N T IB T NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i hlbit any construction of extension per cent has been reported by a nuns» gon, filed Application No. 017855, un­ FOREST EXCHANGE work In the Wallowa forest this year, her ot farmers. Button Bldg. Rhone 20-J der the Act of March 20, 1922 (42 Main near Mill St., Springfield No. 017845 , . A . Stat., 465), to exchange the WH SW ’i Department of the Interior, United the forest service will be allowed Reeldence Rhone 1BS-M The fish ladder at the Wincbeste» SW H , NEH sw h s w h . n h SEH States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- »7000 for the maintenance of roads power dam five milee north of Roe» S W H S W H . SW H S E H S W H S W ’-i, Springfield, Oregon gon, March 8, 1928. J and trails. burg was destroyed last week by • Sec. 14; WH » E H N E H . S E H 8 E H NOTICE Is hereby given that the : . . . .... ... w NEH. SWH NEH SEH NEH. NH Corvallis State Bank of Corvallis, Ore-1 Approximately »374,000 will be charge of dynamite, one whole sectloB ¡NEH SEH NEH. Sec. 22; NWH gon, filed Application No. 017845, un- 1 spent for improvements tn Oregon by of the fishway being blown away, co«» General Law Practice All kinds of gravel for con­ N W H N W H . N H S W , N W H N W H . der the Act of March 20, 1922 (42 the O.-W. R A N . company this turn- pletely blocking the river to the prop SW H »W H N W H N W H. SEH N EH crete r r road work. We NWH NWH. EH*SEH NWH' n W1?. 8tnt.. 465), to exchange SWH SEH. j mer, It was announced by Walter H. ress of fish up the stream. It Is b» I. M. PETERSON make a specialty of crushed EH SWH NWH. Sec 23, Tp. 16 8.. Sec- 10' nnd NWH of NEH. Sec. 15, Ouild> superintendent. The largest lleved that fish poachers were respo» Attorney-at-Law rock and rock sand. Bunk­ Range 9 West, within tho Siuslaw Township 15 S„ Range 10 West, with- . b «137000 includes widening of Bible for tbs crime, as the officer* City Hall Building National Forest, for timber of an : In the Siuslaw National Forest, For i ' ’ ’ ’ ’ , ers at foot of Main on Mill equal value to be cut from approxl-, timber of an equal value to be cut , cut8 and 1,118 on the n,8ln llne ®8n have had a great deal of trouble IB street. Springfield, Ore. mntely 7 acres within the EH of Sec- from approximately 3H acres within Meachem and Huron, a nine-mile the past few years over Illegal fislp HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. tlon 1. E^4 EH. Section 12. Tp. 20 S , EH Sec. 1, EH EH. Sec. 12. Tp. 20 8tretch. lng at Winchester. R. 3 Enst; Sections 4 to 9 Inclusive. S . R. 3 East. Secs 4 to 9. Inclusive; - tv t non Portland took sixth place ln the SWH. Section 10; NH NW H. Section SWH. Sec. 10: NH NW H. Sec 16. Decision to submit a »36.000 bond M. O. HOGE 15; Sections 16 to 20 Inclusive, Tp. 20 Secs. 16 to 20, Inclusive, Tp. 20 9 . R. 4 Issue to the people of Coos bay to ac- United States for 1927 ln fire prevs 8.. R. 4 East, W. M. within the Cas- J Ra„t. W. M . within the Cascade Na- quire an airport was made recently tlon in class 2 cities, according Attorn ey-it-Law cade National Forest. tlonal Forest. : by a Joint airport committee of North word received by W. N. Wcinbaum J E W E L E R Practise U. S. and State The purpose of this notice Is to a l-, The purpose of thia notice Is to al- | D - _ d a n d Marshfield civic orcanisa- the Portland chamber of cummer«* low all persons claiming the lands 1 ,ow persons claiming the lands ' Bend 8” d »f ® L 0,r«8“ ,,8 Repairing n Specialty Courts selected; or having bona flde objec- selected, or having hona flde objec- tions. The question will be voted on from the United States chamber a* Springfield, Oregon Rutene, Oregon tions to such appuent on. an oppor tions to such application, an npportun- May 18. commerce. to flle their protest with the I |fy to flle their protest wfith the Regls- Multitudes of goldeu daffodils mar­ A council-manager form ot pover» Sam: “Down where I come from we tunity Roglster of the IT. 9 Land Office nt 1 for of the U. S. Land Office at Rose feed our lions Ice, otherwise they’d Roseburg, Oregon. Any such protests > burg. Oregon. Any such protests or shalled In brilliant array before a ment for the city of Salem will be pro­ FRANK A. DE PUE lay hard-bolledi eggs.” or objections must he filed In this of- , objections must be filed ln this office background of palms and spaced by posed ln a charter amehdment to h* flee within thirty dnys from the dnte : within thirty days from the ffhte of Ivy-wreathed columns greeted Dower referred to the voters at the time oi ATTORNEY AT LAW Bo: “Why man, that ain’t nothing. of the flrst publication of th 1 n o tice,! tho flrst publication of this notice, lovers at the opening of Forest holding the primary election, aooor*« beginning March 15, 1928, NOTARY PUBLIC Out In our country It’s so dry you beginning March 22, 1928 Grove’s third annual daffodil show lug to announcement made by Mayo* Non-coal. j Non-coal have to pin the postage stamps on the last .week- . . . ... , . j. . Springfield, T-.A- LiveaM- ------ - HAMILL A CANADAY, Register. HAMILL A, CANADAY, Register. Sutton letters to keep them from falling off.” M. 22-29: A. 5-12 19: 1 M. 16-22-29; A. 6-13: Oregon Building dÀds EY GET RESULT^ _ Gassi OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W . Roof 2