» th c k b p a v m a r c ii 2», i»2R PAGE THREW THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TRAIN SCHEDULI 8prlngfleld Stops derslgio d has been appointed by the Northbound County Court of I-ane County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Georgia No. 32 ..................................... 2:33 P M Hett, Deceased, late a resident of 1 No. 16 ..................... 4:27 A. M Flag Lane County. All person« having Southbound clnlmi against her estate should pres­ 9:33 P M Flag) ent the same duly verified to the un­ No. 16 .. 6 46 A M dersigned, at the office of 8. D. Allen, j No. 31 ... Hovey Building. Eugene, Oregon, Coach Special for Klamath Fall» within «lx month« form thia date, . and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. M. on February 23, 1928. 1 Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. HARRY C. KEELER, Administra­ tor. FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large F. 23: M 18-15-; sheet«, 26x39 Inches, suitable for making tracings. The New« offle« N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Notice Is hereby given that the un- Classified Ads .BUYING 0 2 SELLINO' GET RESULTS PULP WOOD WANTED W e specialize m sw lsi braclet watch N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S repairing. Hoyt'« 321 Main Street, tf If you wish to sell White Fir or Hem Notice Is hereby given that the tin Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, lock l*ulp Wood write D. A, derslcned has been appointed Admin­ Oak, Ash. AU length«. Phone Spring- Kennedy, Hotel Carlton, Portland, istrator of the Estate of Earl 8 UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRYS­ M l 104. ¡f TALS—Fancy abapca and regulars. Oregon. M 8 15 22-29: A 5 12 Powell, deceased, by the County Court of Lane County. Oregon. All H o y t's C ash S to re. tf 8 E P T IC T A N K 8 - persons having claims agalnat the PAINTING and Kalsomlnlng In all It« said estate are herby notified to pres­ Reudy for you to install , branch»*. Reduced Price«. Hoy Fof family of five — 12100, Eugene ent the same, properly verified, to tho SUM M O N S Koch. Cull 125 J. undersigned at the office of Wells A For family of eight —* 128 00, Eugene IN T H E C IR C U IT COU RT O F T H E Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile Well», Rank of Commerce Bldg Eu­ gene. I.i>ne Countv, Oregon, within S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E t I L PA IN TIN G IN ST R U C TIO N S »lx months from th<- date of the first and Chimney Blocks. C O U N T Y O F L A N E given by Mr*. A d elaid e Lee. Htu publication of this notice. Edna Bowen, Plaintiff, vs. Glenn E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. d en i« ta k e n front 11 year» up. 603 Date of first publication, March 1, Bowen, Defendant. 1928 • W est I I »treet. tf, A L IA S S U M M O N S To Glen Bowen the nbove named HAROLD J WELLR Administrator. defendant. WELLS A WELLR. Attorneys. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE NAME OF THE STATE N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Mar. 1 8-1522-29 STATE OF OREGON FOR OF OREGON, you are hereby required LANE COUNTY NOTION IS HEREBY GIVEN. That to nppear and unswi-r the complaint N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S the undersigned, ha* by the Coun fill'd uintlnsl you In Hie above entitled I Clara II. Knowles, Plaintiff, vs. Mau­ rice E. Knowles, Defendant. Notice is herby given that Charles ty Court O f the State of Oregon Court and Cause on or before the 12th To M au rice E. K now les, defendant. E Johnson has been appointed ad­ for the County of Lane been appointed day of April 1928 said date being IN THE N/.ME OF THE STATE ministrator of the estate of Sarah executor of the lu«t will and Testa more than four'weeks from the date nt nient and ««tale of Janie* Il Male, the first publication of this summons OF OREGON: You are hereby sum­ Douglas Lloyd, deceased, by tho moned and required to appear nnd Countv Court of Lane County. Oregon deceased and all person« having clulni.i agaltiHl aald estate are hereby notified herein entered of record and If you fall answer the complaint of the plaintiff All persons having claims against said to present the Hunt" properly verified so to appear and answer for want In the above entitle suit — Ithln four estate are required to present the to me nt the FIRST NATIONAL thereof the plaintiff will apply to the weeks from the date of the first pub­ same with the proper voucher», to the HANK of Springfield, Oregon, on or Court for life relief In her complaint lication of this summons, nnd you are undersigned at the law office of Geo. before month* from the date of against you demanded and prayed for hereby notified that if you fall to Melvin Miller, 860 W illamette Street answer herein within tho time afore­ In Eugene, Oreein. within six months to-«fit: till* notice Dated March 7th. 192:: said Court from the date of this notice. WM. (I. H U G H E S, ex e c u to r of tho For a Judgment nnd decree of said, plaintiff will apply e s ta te of Ja m e s, It Male, d eceased . divorce dissolving the bonds of matri­ for tho relief demanded In her com­ Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 1st day ’ FRANK A. DePUB, Attorney for mony now nnd heretofore existing be­ plaint, to-wit: for a decree of absolute of March. 1928 CHARLES E JOHNSON. Adminis­ the executor. tween the Plaintiff, Edna Bowen nnd divorce from the bonds of matrimony M »16 22 28: Ap 6: the defendant, Glenn llowen on the now subsisting between the above trator of the estate of Sarah Douglas ground« of cruel and Inhuman treat named purtles and for the resumption Lloyd, deceased. Mar. 1-8-16-22-29. m eat and for such other relief as to by plaintiff of her maiden name and for other relief as the court shall deem SUM M O N S the Court may seem meet. proper. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Thia summons is served upon you IN THE CIHt t IT COURT OF THE This summons Is published In the FOREST .EXCHANGE STATE (>F OREGON. FOR LANE by imbllnatlon In the Springfield News, Springfield News, a newspaper printed No. 017823 COV NT Y. a newspaper of general circulation and published in Springfield, Iatne Clifford Sumner, Plaintiff, vs. Agnes pursuant to an order of the Honor­ C ounty. Oregon, by virtue of an order D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, U n ited Sumner. Defendant. able J. T. Brand Judge of the Cir­ of the Hon. G F Sklpworth, Judge of 8 ta te s Land Office. Roseburg, O re­ To Agnes Sumner, the above named cuit Court of the State of Oregon for said court, dated Marci. 15th, 1928. gon. F eb ru a ry 23. 8928. defendant: NOTICE Is hereby given that Mrs Ihtte of first publication hereof Is the County of Lane, duly made and Nancv Wilson, of Alsea, Oregon, filed IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF entered of record on the 12th day of March 22. 1928 SMITH A EVANS, Attorneys for Application No. 017823. under the Act OREGON: You are hereby required March 1928 ordering (his summons to to appear and answer the complaint be imbllshed once each week for four Plaintiff, Office and Postofflce Address of March 20. 1922, (42 Stat., 465). to filed against you In the nbove entitled successive nnd consecutive weeks In 434-5-6 Miner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. exchange the NWH. Section 9. Town­ M 22 29: A. 5-12-19: ship 15. S , Range 10 West, W M, court and cause, on or before the ex­ the said Springfield News and that containing 160 acres, within the Slus- piration of the time prescribed in the the date of the first publication will law National Forest, In exchange for Order for Publication, to wit: On .tr he March 16th. 1928. nnd the date of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S timber of an equal value to be cut before the expiration of four weeks the I a s i puhlii atli'll will tie April 12th, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE from anproximatelv 10 acres In the from the date of the first publication 192» STATE OF OREGON FOR hereof, nnd If you fall to appear or SH SW H. Sec. 7. NEH NW H, Sec. FRANK A. D el’UE, Attorney for the LANE COUNTY 18. Township 20 9. Range 4 East., and answer for want thereof, plaintiff will Plaintiff, Residence, Springfield, Ore­ In the M atter of the Estate of Louise npplv to the court for the relief prav gon. RE’i SEH. Sec. 12. Tp. 20 8.. Range M Beltlehelm, Deceased. ed for In the complaint which is In 3 East. W. M. wrlthln the Cascade M if,-22-29: A 5-12: Notice is hereby given to all persons substance an follows: National Forest. whom It may concern that the under­ For a decree of the court dissolving The purpose of this notice Is to signed has been appointed administra­ the marriage contract now existing he allow all persons claiming the land N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S tor of the estate of Ixiulse M. Bettle- ♦tween plaintiff nnd defendant nnd for selected, or having some bona fide Notice Is hereby given thut Clara helm. Deceased, and has duly qualified objections to such application, an op­ such other nnd further relief as to M Blais has been appointed executrix us such. All persons having claims this court may seem Just nnd proper portunity to file their protest with the This summons Is published pursuant of the last Will and Testament of agalnat said estate are hereby notified Register of the V. 8. Land Office at Phlllas Blais, deceased, by the County and required to present the same with to an order, for the snme, of the Oregon the proper vouchers therefor and veri­ Roseburg. Honornhle J. T Brand, Circuit Court of lame County, Oregon. Anv such protest or objection must fied in the manner required by law All persons having claims against Judge of Lane Countv, Oregon, made be filed In this office within thirty nnd entered March 6. 1928. nnd the said estate are required to present to said administrator at the law office davs from the dnte of the first publica­ of I. M, Peterson at 234 Main street, first publication hereof Is made on the them, with proper vouchers, within tion of this notice, beginning March Sth «lav of M anh. 1928 and the H i six months from the 22nd day of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, 1. 1938 Non-coal within six months from the date of publication hereof Is made on the March. 1928, to said executrix at the HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. the first publication of this notice, to- law office of L. L. Ray at the Miner Bth -lav of April. 1928. Mar. 1-8-15-22-29. wlt: on or before the 8th day of Sept- HOWARD M. B RO W N ELL. Attor­ B u ild ing Eugene, O regon. emiher, 1928. ney fo r H a ln tlff R eald en ce: 177 E ast CLARA M BLAIS. E xecutrix. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dated and first published this 8th 7th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. FOREST EXCHANGE dav of M arch, 1928. M 8 16 22 29 Ap 6: M 22 39: A 5 12 19: No. 017816 I. M PETERSON, Administrator of D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, U nited said eatate. States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore­ M 8-15-22-29: Ap 5: FOR 8 A L E W OOD n I x ( b u s in e s s d i r e c t o r y ! All kinds of Coal, Coke and Briquets L. M a L o s h RAINIER COAL CO. 15 E. 7th St. Phone 412 Eugene, Ore. PAINTING— PAPERHANGING — KALSOMINING 805 G. Street gon, F e b ru a ry 18, 1928. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Rhin- nldo Vincent, deceased. The undersigned having been ap- _ ointed by the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Lane County, ad­ ministrator of the estate of Rhinaldo Vlaom t, (I. i easeil. and having quali­ fied. notice Is hereby given to the 1 Rna. Phone 160 Plano Moving CHAS. P. POOLE SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLIS BERTSCH, Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE 633 Main Street Successor to Button Transfer W. F. WALKER • F u n era l D irectors 228 Main St. 62 J WM. G. HUGHES FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Offloe at Residence 125 c 8t. 62 M Full Auto Equipment Lady Assistant FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, * Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST OCNTIST Phone 43 Button Bldg. Phons 2O-J Residence Phons 153-M First N a t’l Bank Bldg., Springfield Springfield, Oregon MAX STOVE WORKS General I-aw Practice Will take your Old Style Range In exchange on a Later One. 1. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-I-aw City Hall Building Main near Mill St., Bprlngfleld Springfield, Ore. SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO, M. O. HOGE Attorn ey-ai-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts Ph«ene, Oregon All kinds of gravel for con­ crete road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill •treet. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. rr FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW D. W . Roof NOTARY PUBLIC JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon Sutton Building 8prlngfietd, Oreg«n j ent them, as required by law. within six months after the first publication of this notice Io the said Walter S. Vincent at 434 Miner Building. Eu­ gene. Oregon. Date of fiyst publication hereof the 8 dav of March, 1928. WALTER S.' VINVENT, Adminis­ trator of the Estate of Rhinaldo Vin­ cent, deceased. SMITH A EVANS. Attorneys for Administrator, 434 Miner Bldg., Eu­ gene, Oregon. M. 8-15-22-29: Ap. 5: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION FOREST EXCHANGE No. 017855 D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, Unl'.ed States Land Office. Roseburg, O re­ gon., M arc h 15, 1928. NOTICE Is hereby given that Arthur O. Pope, of Swlsshofne. Ore­ gon, filed Application No. 017855, un- I der the Act of March 20, 1922 (42 Stat., 465), to exchange the WH SWH SW '4, NEH SWH SWM, NH SEH SWH SW U, 9W SEH SWH SW'4, Sec. 14; WH SEH NEH. SEH SEH NEH. SWH NEH SE'4 NEH. NH NEH SEH NEH. Sec. 22; NWH NW'4 NW H. NH SWH NWH NW H. SW'4 SWH NWH NWH. SF-H NEH NWH NW H. EH SEH NWH NW ’4, EH 8W U NWH. See- 23, Tp. 16 8 . Range 9 West, within the Sluslnw Nntlonnl Forest, for timber of an equal value to be cut from approxi­ mately 7 acres within the EH of Sec­ tion 1, EH EH . Sqptlon 12. Tp. 20 S . R. 3 East; Sections 4 to 9 Inclusive. SW'4, Section 10; NH NW H, Section 15; Sections 16 to 20 Inclusive, Tp. 20 S„ 11 -I East, W. M. w ithln-the Cas­ cade National Forest. selected, or having bona fide objec­ tions to such application, an oppor­ tunity to file their protest with the Ropbiter of the U. 9. I4. Sec. 18, and ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE NEH' NWH, and NH NEH. Sec I t. Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ Tp. 15 S.. R 9 West, within the Siu® tue of an execution and order of sale law National Forest: for timber ot in foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ equal value to be cut from approxi­ cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, mately 13 acres, within the SH SWH» on the 27th day of February, 1928, In 9ec. 7. and NEH NWH. Sec. IS. T>. a suit wherein on the 25th day of 20 S.. R 4 E., and SEH SEH. Sec It. February, 1928, C. E. Ruth, Plaintiff, Tp. 20 S . R 3 East. W. M„ w ith » recovered Judgment against Alvin M. the Cascade National Forest. Spencer, a single man, and further The purpose of this notice Is to al­ decreeing that said Judgment and the low all persons claiming the land« lien of plaintiff was superior to the selected, or having bona fide ohje® rights of all other defendants herein tlons to such application, an opportun­ and which Judgment was and Is In the ity to file their protest with the R egi« sum of $2136.65 together with the ter of the U. S. Land Office at R o s* further sum of $200 00 A ornevs fees burg. Oregon. Any such protests or and interest thereon and t a said Judg­ objections must he filed in this offle« ment at 10% per annum from Feb. within thirty days from the date of 25th, 1928, and for tile costs and ac­ the first publication of this notice» cruing costs of this sale, and which beginning March 16. 1928. Judgment was enrolled and docketed Non-coal In the Clerks office of Lane County, HAMILL A CANADAY, Register. Orgeon, on the 25th day of February M. 15-22-29: A. 5-12; 1928, and SAID EXECUTION and order of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION sale commanding me in ae name of FOREST EXCHANGE the State of Oregon in order to satisfy No. 017845 said execution and Judgment, at­ D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, U n ite d torneys fees Interest, and cost and ex­ S tates Land Office, Roseburg, Or«» pense and accruing costs to sell the gon, March 8, 1928. following described real property, NOTICE Is hereby given that th« to-wit: Corvallis State Bank of Corvallis, Ore­ Lot Eight (8) in Ulock One (1) gon, filed Application No. 017845, u«k Agate Plat, an Addition to Eugene, der the Act of March 20, 1922 <4t Lane County, Oregon, as shown by Stat., 465), to exchange SWH SEH» the recorded map of platt thereof. Sec. 10, and NWH of NEH, Sec. lfc Now therefore, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Township 15 S., Range 10 West, with­ OF OREGON, in compliance with in the Siuslaw National Forest, to r said execution and order of sale and 1 timber of an equal value to be cut to satisfy said Judgment. Interest, at­ I from approximately 3H acres within torneys fees, and costs of sale, I will ¡E H Sec. 1, EH EH. Sec. 12, Tp. 2d On Saturday the 31st day of March I S., R. 3 East, Secs. 4 to 9. Inclusive; 1928, at the hour of One O’clock P. [ SWH, Sec. 10; NH NWH. Sec. 1«, M. in the afternoon of said day at the ' Secs. 16 to-20, Inclusive, Tp. 20 9..R . 4 Southwest front door of the County I East. W. M„ within the Cascade N®- Court House, In Eugene, I-ane County, ; tional Forest. Oregon, offer for sale and sell for : The purpose of this notice Is to a> cash, at public auction, subject to re­ low all persons claiming the land« demption as provided by law, the selected, or having bona fide objec­ said premises and all of the right title tions to such application, an opportun­ and Interest of said defendant therein ity to file their protest with the Regis­ and of all persons claiming by, ter of the U. S. Land Office at Roe®- through or under them or either of burg, Oregon. Any such protests of them, in and to said premises and the objections must he filed In this offle« rights and appurtenances thereunto within thirty days from the date of belonging. the first publication of this notlc«, FRANK E. TAYLCR, Sheriff of beginning March 16, 1928. Ltne County, 'r gon. : Non-coal By BEULAH I BRINNTCK, Deputy. 1 HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. M. 16-32-29: A. 51$: Mar. 1-4-U-O-».