* Rooat F o r M a d a -in - O ragon P roducta. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH EASIER WILL BE “The People's Paper*’ A o ( O. I n RPiUNGFlt&LD, IJKNK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY MARCH 29, 1928 L IV E NEW SPAPER " • L IV E T O W N Lib ¡ ä l y NUMBER 12 S IM M BID WINS iE FOUR-H CLUB WORK IS COTTAGE GROVE BRINGS FRIENDSHIP GREETINGS PROVING SUCCESS AT TO CHAMBER MEETING SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL 13727358 Faith In the future of Oregon a« one Success Is unending the launching of tho greatest states was voiced hy of 4 II club work In the Hprlngflell the visiting delegation of Iho Coltug* Junior high school, according to I’riu- i Lindstrom and Fiegensen t o Grove Chamber of Commerce ul the Cantata at Baptist Church la I meeting of the Springfield Chamber clpul Lawrence MolfatL County Club Start Work Shortly on Spring- Planned Sunday Evening, i Friday night Included In Iho visitors' Leader Arnold Collier visited the ‘ field Span; R ig h t-o f-W a y school some time ago and started the April 8; Services of Day Will I committee on (he friendship (our wore organisation of several dubs, with the Clearing to be Finished Im­ Culminate Evangelistic Cam­ ! M. C. Bressler, K K. Mill». Elbert result that interest In the work de-l mediately by County Court. 1 Hoile, Rev. Tnylor, Charles O. veloped Immediately among the i paign at M. E. Church, I Knowles, Crunk Steven«, and secre- youngsters and six clubs have been 1 Crews of the contracting firm ot Easter Is to be upproprlulely ob­ j inry Mendenhall of (he Hottage drove organised. Lindstrom and Fiegensen will arrive served In Kprlnxtleld April 8 with chum her. Two of these are camp cookery Bhortly to begin actual work on thJ AH I lie visitors stressed (he Import- «Tubs, with membership among th e . services and special features at the ' new »prlngfleld highway bridge »cross local churches, according to announce­ i unco of closer harmony between the boys About nine boys belong to each ‘ ments made this week. Christ’s tri­ commercial bodies of Lane county, club. Study of methrsls of preparing j the Willamette river, following the umph over death In rising from the ¡.prlii 'iclil Chamber accepted an Invl- food over a camp fire la the chief ; awarding of the contract to that con- tomb will he irnde the theme for prin­ I tntlnn Io be present «1 the next meet- object of the club work, and valuable | 1 cern at the highway commission meet- cipal features of the services, Includ­ Ina of the Cottage Grove chain her In experience In this regard was obtain-^ ' Ing Tuesday. A bid of $127,300 won April. ing special music. od on a field trip this week. the contract for the construction of A enntata. "Darkness And Dawn." C. K. Kenyon, chairman of tho com A poultry club has been organised I will la, given by a large choir lit the mlttee on rest room, reported on plans with seven boys as members. These j the bridge. Baptist church Easter evening, begin­ , tor a building After discussion It was boys are raising chickens, and will Clearing of the title to the right-of- ning at 7 :30 o’clock, according to Rev. 1 agreed that a room for the public exhibit them ut annual expositions way will be rushed through Immedi­ ('. II Blom, the pastor. Wilfred Cook ' library be added to the building. A conducted In the county, and perhaps ately by the county court, according to will direct the singers In this present­ ! petition will he circulated to put this elsewhere. Clinton Hurd, county commissioner. ation. The choir has been practicing proposal on III« ballot at the primary Two girls cooking clubs, with about He said that It Is expected condemna­ on the cantata for some time, and election. eight or nine members each, aro now tion proceedings will be started with The chamber Instructed the brldg-- functioning. The girls are taking en­ those who have heard the rehearsal» In a short time In the case of the say that the presentation will bn well committee to look after the proper thusiastic Interest In the club projects. Th« four presidential possibilities for the Democratic nomination. Thurman property on this side of the Governor Alfred Emanuel Smith of New York, Senator James A. lighting of the new bridge and to worth listening to. A flower club ban been organlxed river, which is the only portion of the Reed of Missouri, Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Montana, Governor Easter will culminate a twoweeks check up the plans to see If provisions with one girl as a member. Others are right-of-way as yet unobtained. InablF Albert G Ritchie of Maryland. evangelistic campaign at the Method­ have been made for the same during preparing to Join this club. lty of the county court and the owner ist Episcopal church, with the result construction. to come to terms must result In tak­ GIRLS TO DESCRIBE that a number of Important features The pulp wood committee reported ROBERT K. STEWART ing the matter to court, he said. are planned. New members gained that there was evidently much pulp IDEAL HUSBANDS IN Springfield's new bridge will be com- DIES AT LANE HOME during the campaign will be taken In ! wood In lame county. That the poten- CONTEST AT CHURCH pleted within the present year, and on that day. Special music Is being tlal supply was sultlclent for two or Robert Keller Stewart. 71, one of will bring about realization of the planned. The features of Easter Sun- three mills but that not sufficient Im an early pioneer family of Oregon, Young men ambitious to make ideal hopes of a large number of local peo­ C h arles M u rra y , Eugene shoe sales­ day at the church are In churge of mediately accessible timber hud yet died at his home at Pleasant Hill last husbands may get some pertinent ! ple, who have fought for the bridge Rev. J. B Coan, who will preach t„-en listed Witrk is being done dally Friday night. The funeral was held m an, v.'as found g u ilty of manslaugh pointers at the Methodist Episcopal ! for several years. Lindstrom and te r by a Jury in c irc u it cou rt re p o rt­ Eaater sermons at the services. on this pulp’ survey. at the Pine Grove church and Inter­ ing thia m o rn ing a fte r being out since church next Tuesday night when - Fiegensen are a reputable firm, a o Prog ram Planned by C h ris tia n s Cold Alt* Plant Wonder ment was at Pine Grove cemetery. In yesterday. T h e m a x im u m sentence Springfield girls will submit essays i cording to Mr. Hurd -»nd a satisfac­ Three-hundred fifty at Sunday The cold air seasoning plant at Cot­ charge of the Charles Poole undertak­ on the charge is 15 year«. M u rra y on "My Ideal of a Husband,” at the - tory Job on the bridge may be expect- school Easter Sunday la the objective tage Grove was described by Secre­ ing chapel here. ran down and k ille d W illia m M a rtin meeting conducted by Rev. J. B. ed. of the Christian church. A special tary Mendenhnll. Another one of these When he was 15 years of age, Mr. when his car w en t w ild a t T h irte e n th Coan. A prize of $5 for the best I First work on the span will be at program will lie given with Mrs. plants will be built soon by the Stand­ Stewart emigrated to Oregon with his and A ld e r s treet in Eugene several essay has been offered by Rev. Coan, the points on either side of the river 1 erey Tyson In charge. ard Bridge company. Timber placed parents, and aiter a few months real- J weeka afl0 who Is conducting revival services at i where its ends will touch the banks. Easter will he fittingly observed at In this plant for 60 to 80 'days loses dence at Salem moved to Linn county , __ ■ the church. Approaches will be constructed as tnw the Catholic church. I a third In weight, does not shrink and About two and a half years ago he work proceeds. Plans for the span An interesting feature of Rev. Mr The Mission Is planning special ser­ j gains In strength. If all the 5000 cars bought a small farm at Pleasant Hill. TEACHER APPOINTMENTS I Coan's services Is a question forum have been completed by the state vices In observance of the day. I of lymber shipped from cottage Grove November 25. 1885. he was united in SCHEDULED TO COME UP i conducted nightly. Mrs. C. J. Pike highway commission and announced. I last year had gone through one of marriage to Miss Maggie Leslie of The bid of $127.300 was better than AT BOARD MEET IN APRIL Who is assisting-him. has organized SPRINGFIELD WILL HELP these plants several hundred thousand Halsey. Mrs. Stewart died In 1899. an 1 -------- ! a class in religious instruction in con- expected. It Is understood. Presence IN INDUSTRIAL SURVEY 1 dollars In freight would have been In 1903 he married Mrs. Maggie of the bridge crews in Springfield will Appointment of teachers for 1928-29 nection with the meeting, ■ saved. Settle, who survives him. will be a major Item at the monthly I The question of petting was dls- be a benefit to local business. It Is ex­ Plans to cooperate with Eugene Other remaining relatives are one meetlntt" of the Springfield school cussed at length by the minister on pected. Chamber of Commerce and the Uni­ FEDERATION MOVEMENT The bridge will be of steel andcon- son. Harry, of West Stayton; a daugh- j lHMrd Monday April 9 at 7:30 P. M Tuesday night, as a result of a ques- versity of Oregon In an Industrial sur­ ter, Mrs. Georgia Hover, of Halsey, <#t the pirst National bank. The board tlon turned In at the question forum. ' crete. It will be 850 feet long over alL AMONG CLUBS I S LAID vey of the county were made by other threw step sons, Elmpr and Merle a,ready tfas re appointed principals of He declared that young men who find The concrete approaches are arched. chambers of commerce Friday evening ON TABLE AT MEETING Settle, of Eugene, and Pete Settle, o f ' ,he three achools. girls who pet with then) can best oe being alike on both skies of the river. at a m eeting at the Eugene hotel Pleasant Hill; one sister. Mrs James R Jg beMeved thal e l e c t i o n of assured the girls will pet with any Each approach is 150 feet long and the The movement to federate local wo­ Delegates from Springfield, Cott'ige Rector, of Halsey. nearly all teachers will be the board’s number of other fellows, and. assert­ steel is 550 feet, forming one continu­ Glove, Junction City and the Sluslaw men’s dubs was laid on the table at Mr Stewart wws well known In Linn actton this year, although some ed that young men should not want ous span resting on piers. Chamber of Commerce were present a meeting of delegates last Tuesday and I-ane counties. His last Illness , ckangeg may be made; Board mem- for their wives girls who have In­ The $127,300 represents the entire and met with the Eugene chamber night, when It was revealed that not was of several months duration and j t,ergj ¡n general, seem to be satisfied dulged in petting with other men. cost of the bridge and approaches, as all clubs were ready to Join the com­ ofiiccis. well as piers. It does not include tM the last few day’B was very serious. , wjth the workjng of the school system Troni Springfield were Jess Seavey. bined group proposed. Further con­ He was a ntenvber of the Methodist . thlg year The teacher turnover :n fills on either side of the river, or the RESTROOM AND LIBRARY W C. Wright, W. A. Taylor. F. B. sideration will be given to the plan. church and the Woodmen of paving which is to be placed eventual- the | Springfield is usually very light, and The Civic club, the Parent Teachers PLAN TALKED; COUNCIL Hamlin, 1. M. Peterson, and H. E. ly on the fills, thus linking Eugene World. this year Is not expected to be an Maxey The latter two have been ap­ association, and a few other, clubs TO HEAR PROPOSITION and Springfield with concrete road- exception. pointed to compose an advisory com­ agreed to Join the federation at tho Sme time must elapse before way. WOODCRAFT LODGE TO No hint as to what salary changes. mittee for the itprlngfleld district In meeting. Plans for combining a restroom and paT)ng gg the flfli mugt be allowed It any, may be effected, has been given public library Instead of constructing 1 lkinatlon of books to the pa bile INITIATE 38 APRIL 11; connection with the gathering of In­ io *-r- i i i ea irv'b y the board members. Slight raises a restroom separately will be placed to settle. library was asked for publicly at the dustrial data here. r CONTEST IS AT AN END, J t field people Interested In bulb culture when David Evans, candidate for dis­ dition, and lodged In the city Jail for Mrs. T. H. Hulburt, former Springfield trict attorney, announced his with­ have been Invited to attend. continue his practice here Indefinitely., the night, was taken to the city limits O peratta is Postponed people now living at Albany, war« Dr. Dippel hopes eventually to go to I Effect of hot weather treatment on drawal from the race. yesterday and advised not to return The operetta, planned for the high Other candidates on the republican week-end visitors here. They visited to Springfield. The man had been school auditorium for Saturday night, San Francisco to take up work In oral growth of narcissus, treatment for drinking denatured alcohol, and1 when has been postponed until April 13, It surgery at the University of Callfor- greater and lesser fly control will he ticket include J. B. Hall, Eugene V. at the Walter Lipas, Henry Hanses and Asa Peddicord homes. Slattery, and Donald Husband. features. arrested was unuhle to give his name. was announced this week. nla. M urraylis .Guilty o f M anslaughter