PACE THR1 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 22, 1928 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice In hereby given that the on- deralgii*-d hse been appointed by the County Court of I^ane County, Oregon, I administrator of the estate of Oeorgla I Ilett, Deceased, late a resident of i l jn the above eutitlet. suit wtthln four E ministrator of the estate of Sarah has filed his final report and account grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat- for the County of la n e been appointed ................■............—— ------— - -'-r- | weeks from the date of the first pub- Douglas Lloyd, deceased, by the as such, with the Clerk of the County m eet and for such other relief as t* executor of the lust will and Testa Court of la n e County, Oregon, and the the Court may seem meet. S U M M O N 8 > llcatlon of this summons, and you are County Court of Lane Oounty, Oregon. Court hgg gpt the 7th d men! and estate of James II. Male, This summons Is served upon you i*i T u g n n i'iiim r n i'ir r nir -riiF i hereby notified that If you fall to r. All persons having claims against said | of Apr„ 192g at 10:00 o,cIock ,n deceased and all persons having claims by publication In the Springfield New«, sta te o f OREGON F o r TIIF “nHW«r herein within the time afore against said estate are hereby notified PTATE Ok OREGON FOR THE p,ft,ntlff w ||, apply HU,d Cou rt estate are required to VTonent *J»® forenoon In the County Court Room In a newspaper of general circulation same with the proper voucher, to the , he Court Court Houge gt Eu to present the same properly verified COUNTY OF LANK at ocn the m law n i office of a i^ Geo 1 - Lane County, Oregon, aa the time and pursuant to an order of the Honor­ , . the . . relief demanded , . . In . her com undersigned to me at the FIRST NATIONAL Gladys A. Tuxonn, Plaintiff, vs. Al J ., ' for . . . . >•<» . T . i i . o i T ,'; tv t ' Plaint, to-wlt: for a decree of absolute BANK of Springfield, Oregon, on or Melvin Miller. 880 Wlltametb place to hear objections to the same, able J. T. Brand Judge of the Clr- 1 « T i i v v i u i , ’ i l l ’ TUP STATIC divorce from the bonds of matrimony In Eugene. Oregon, within six months | and f(jr the flna, gettlement of cult Court of the State of Oregon for before six months from the date of OF ORBOON: You are hereby re-. n,,w • ul’«l"Gng ^¿3®,®!? i from ,hp ', ",p of ,h l" ¡estate this notice. Dated March 7th, 1928 the County of Lane, duly made and ® . h dr n i i » » Dated nt Eugene, Oregon, this 1st day WM. <1. HUGHES, executor of tho qulred to appear and answer the com 1“ HAROLD J W EIJ.S, Administrator. ‘ pntered of record on the 12th day of estate of James It. Male, deceased plaint Bled ig a ln .t you In the above for other relief as the court shall deem I of March. 1928 March 1928 ordering this summons to WELLS ft WELLS, Attorneys. CHARLES B JOHNSON. Admlnls FRANK A. D el’t'E, Attorney for entitled suit on or before four weeks be published once each week for four M 8-15-22-29: Ap. 5: proper. trator of the estate of Sarah Douglas from the date of first publication of the executor. successive and consecutive weeks In This summons Is published In the Lloyd, deceased. M 8-15 22 29: Ap 5: __ the said Springfield News and that this summons, or for want thereof. the plaintiff will apply to the court ^ ' " ¿ field X h News, e T V a newspaper Springfield, printed Lane Mar. 1 8-15-22-29. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE the date of the first publication will for the relief prayed for In the com­ County. Oregon, by virtue of an order ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE be March 15th, 1928, and the date of 8 U M M O N 8 plaint, to-wlt: For a decree of dissolv­ of the Hon. G F. Sklpworth, Judge of Notice Is hereby given that by rlr- the last publication will be April 12th, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tue of an execution and order of sale 1928. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ing the marriage contract now exist said court, dated Marc,. 16th. 192». FOREST EXCHANGE lug between plaintiff nnd defendant In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for ’he STATE OF OREGON, FOR LANK No. 017823 Date of first publication hereof Is and for an absolute divorce from de­ , cult Court of Lane Countv, Oregon, Plaintiff, Residence, Springfield, Ora- COUNTY. March 22. 1928. Department of the Interior, United on thg 2?th day nf FebruarT 1928 )n gon Clifford Sumner. Plaintiff, vs. Agne- fendant: nnd that the care, custody SMITH ft EVANS. Attorneys for States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore­ a suit wherein on the 23rd day of M 15-22-29: A. 5-12: and control of said mlt|or child. laroy Sumner. Defendant I ’lnliltIff. Office and f’ostofflce Address gon, February 23. 1928 February, 1928, in said court John C. To Agnes Sumner, the above named G. Tuxonn. be awarded to the plaintIff.- 434-5-8 Miner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. N O TICE is h e re b y given th a t Mrs. Beck, plaintiff, recovered Judgment Thls summons Is published once NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, defendant: M 22 29: A. 5-12-19: i J\ p p m - ill Itili ta i each week for four consecutive weeks ’ i » J, against the defendant Bruce L. David. FOREST EXCHANGE IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF In the Springfield News, a weekly I Application No. 017823, under the Art an<} Rate j ^ ^ ,, for the sum of |g 28.53 I No. 017842 ORBOON: You are hereby required newspaper published nt Springfield, lo f March 20. 1922, Í42 S la t, 4851, to aW¿ ^ : n ,Í,r± ^ r ^ Í Í 6^ L ^ . Pear Department of N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S the InteHor. United to appear and answer the complaint lame County. Oregon, by order of the exchange the NW%. Section 9. Town . „ „ annum from and after September 3, -pi|E COUNTY COURT OF THE States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ filed against you In the above entitled Hon. G F Sklpworth. Judge of the ship 15. S„ Range 10 West, w : ., j 927. and for the further sum of STATE I’F f,REGON FOR gon. March 7tb. 1928. court nnd cause, on or before the ex­ above Court, made on the Hilh day »ntalnlng 180 acres, within the Sins- . ?no „ttiimiw» fees a n i l t h e c o s t « LANE COUNTY NOTICE is hereby given that H. L piration of the time prescribed In the Order for Publication, to-wlt: On >r of before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication hereof, nnd tf you fall to appear or answer for want thoreof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief pray ed for In the complaint which Is In substance ns follows: ' a ®.J?*’? - J ’™ : The p u rp o se of th is n o tice is to h t t ^ C f e « ; c ^ U ^ T s ÌR 5 ? , ^ 18 acres timber within the X l* n X Ä , sam e’whh :
  • * of Sept- dava from the date of the first publica |n order to satisfy said Judrtnent, in selected, or having bona fide objec­ nnd entered March 6, 1928, and the them, with proper voucher«, within oir.'ber. 1928. tion of this notice, beginning March terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit tions to such application, an oppor- first publication hereof Is ninde on the six months front the 22nd day o f . Dated and first published this 8th 1, 1928. Non-coal Bnd accruing costs. I will on Saturday tunlty to file their protest with the 8th day of March, 1928 and the last HAMILL A CANADAY. Register. the 31st day of March. 1928. at the Register of the U. S. Land Office at March. 3928, to said executrix at the dav of March, 1928 publication hereof Is made on the law office of L. L. Ray at the Miner Mar. 1-8-15-252-29. hour of one o’clock In the afternoon Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protest» j m PETERSON, Administrator of 6th dav of April. 1928 I of said day. at the Southwest front or objections must be filed In thia B uilding E ugene, O regon. said estate. HOWARD M BROWNELL. Attor­ door of the County Court House in , office within thirty days from tha • NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION CLARA M BLAIS. Executrix. M 8-15-22-29: Ap 5: ney for Plaintiff. Residence: 177 East Eugv-ne, I^ne County. Oregon, offer date of the first publication of thia FOREST EXCHANGE L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. 7tli Avenue, Eugene, Oregon. for sale and sell for cash, at public notice, beginning March 15. 1928. No. 017816 M 22-39: A. 5-12-19: N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S M 8 15 22 29: Ap 5: auction, pro- Non-coal. Department of the Interior, United J t subject to redemption . . . as .... I IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore-. vided by law. all of the right, t itle , HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. STATE OF OREGON FOR M 15-22-29: A. 5-12: gon, February 18. 1928. , and interest ot said defendants Bruce ( LANE COUNTY NOTICE Is hereby given that Mrs. L. David and Kate David, Fireman s ■ ------------------------------ In the Matter of the Estate of Rhin xnnìe" Warwick, widow of W “ S War- Fund Insurance " Company, * a corpora-1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION nido Vincent, deceased I wick deceased.’ of Ooldendale. Wash-i Gon, Niagara Fire Insurance Com-: FOREST EXCHANGE The having been !>P , ì |ngtôn 017816. - panv. a corporation. Security Insur-> - — undersigned ---- . ¡1,1,11, filed ,,,x’,, Application ........ . No. . u, __._—. No. 017838 pointed by the County Court of the ; undpr thp Ac, of Maprh 20. 1922 (42 ance Company, a corporation, and all Department of the interior. United State of Oregon for L ine County, ad stR, 4fiR) , o PX(.hange the SE’i persons claiming by, through or under stateg Land Office. Roseburg, Ore- All kinds of Coal. Coke and mlnlstratbr of the estate of R hinaldojg w ^ s w ,^ SE^ Spc 22; SV4 NW>4. them or any or either of them fn and gen Mgrch 7th 1928 . Briquets Vincent, deceased, and having quail-1 ^ ,, ¿ W i 2g. and NE14, , to said premises NOTICE Is hereby given that Wil­ lied, notice Is hereby given to the gp(t Tp 14 S , Rang»1 9 West, W. FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of liam Earl Cochran, of S. 45th and L P A IN T IN G — RAINIER COAL CO. creditors of, and all persons having ^ . containing 320 acres, within the ' Lane County. Oregon Streets. Tacoma. Wash., filed Appllc*- P A P E R H A N G IN G Mar. 1-8-15-22-29. claims against said deceased, to pres siuslaw National Forest, in exchange tlon No. 017838. undier the Act of 15 E. 7th St. Phone 412 — K A L S O M IN IN G ent them, as required by law^ within yor j(mber of an equal value to be cut March 20, 1922, (42 Stat. 465), to ex­ Eugene, Ore. 805 O. Street six months after the first publication 1 from approXimatelv 26 acres within NOTICE OF SHERIF F S SALE ____ _ the S” i'. ^W U. Sec. 18. and change of this notice to the Raid W a lt e r s , h(1 g w u Spc 7 *^14 NW^i , .... NEU , Sec. 13, TÒN IN FÖRBCL08URE NEU NW U. ........... and N% Vincent nt 434 Miner J 5"’ I See. 18, Tp 20 B„ Range 4 E.. and Nottc<, ,g hereby given that by vir- Tp. 15 S.. R 9 West, within the Siua- gene, Oregon. Data of first publication gRV, SR,4 gpc , , Tp 20 g , R 3 {up of an pxpcutlon and order of saiP law National Forest: for timber o< Re*. Phons l«0 Plano Moving I hereof the 8 day of WUrrtb 1928. East w M within the Cascade Na- ? foreciO8Urp issued out of the C ir-eq u al value to be cut from approx»- 1 W Al,TER S_ VINVEVr. A d ’ ttonal Forest. ‘ cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, | mately 13 acres, within the S tt SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER trator of the Estate of Rhlnaldo Ain- Thp purpoge of fh|s notice Is to ; on the i7th day of February, 1928. In Sec. 7. and NE*4 NW«4- Sec. 18, T p . WIÙL19 BÍRT8CH, Prop. W. F. WALKER cent, M . allow all persons claiming the lands ; „ gu)t wherein on the 25th day of 20 S.. R 4 E , and SE*4 SE14. Sec 1«, OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE SMITH ft EVANS, Attorneys for or having bona fide objec- p Pbruarv. 1928, C. E. Ruth. Plaintiff. Tp. 20 S„ R 3 East. W. M.. withlR 633 Main Street Administrator, 434 Miner Bldg., isu- tkmg fo Ruph app i|„ ,tion. an oppor- rpcovprp(] Judgment against Alvin M. the Cascade National Forest. Bucceaaor to Sutton Transfer giene, Oregon. tunlty to file their protest with the : gppneer. a single man. and further ‘ The purpose of this notice Is to al- M. 8 15-22-29: Ap. 5: Register of the U. S. Ijind Office "4 , decreeing that said Judgment and’ the low all persons claiming the land* Roseburg. Oregon Any such protests ,)pI1 o{ pia |ntiff wag superior fo the selected, or having bona fide objee* 238 Main St. Residence 125 C 8t or objections must be filed Ir. this of­ rights of all other defendants herein tions to such application, an opportua SUM M O NS «2 J «» M WM. G. HUGHES ¡IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH E| fice within thirty days from the date and which judgment was and is in the ; Itv to file their protest with the Regl*- STATE OF OREGON FOR THE | of the first publication Jif this notice,, sum of »2136 65 together with the ter of the U. S. Land Office at Roa*- FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Full Auto Equipment beginning March 1, 1928. Non-coal ' further gum Of 8200.00 A. ornevs fees . burg. Oregon. Any such protests of COUNTY OF LANE NOTARY PUBLIC Lady Assistant HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. and Interest thereon and 1 a said Judg-1 objections must be filed in this offic* Fred Marshall. Plaintiff, vs. Nettle Mar. 1-8-15-22-29. Offlaa at ment at 10% per annum from Feb. ! within thirty days from’ the date o f Marshall, Defendant, 25th, 1928. and for tne costs and ac-1 the first publication of this notice, To Nettle Marshall, the above named FIRST NATIONAL BANK crulng costs of this sale, and which beginning March 15, 1928. SUM M O NS defendant: S^rtnofiald, Oregon IN THE NAME OF THE STATE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Judgment was enrolled and docketed j Non-coal DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL In the Clerks office oi Lane County, | HAMILL A. IANADAY, Register. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ STATE OF OREGON FOR M. 15-22-29: A. 5-12: Orgeon, on the 25th day of February LANE COUNTY quired to appear and answer the com­ DENTIST DR. N. W. EMERY plaint filed againHt you In the above Emma Kathern Mitchell, plaintiff, v. 1928, and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION SAID EXECUTION and ordor of | entitled Court and cause on or before Geogre F. Mitchell, defendant. Phon* 43 FOREST EXCHANGE DENTIST the 22nd day of March. 1928, said To George F Mitchell, defendant: sale commanding me in ae name o f , No. 017845 Flrwt N at‘1 Bank Bldg., Springfield 1 date being more than four weeks from IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the State of Oregon in order to satisfy Sutton E ld» Phon« 20-J the date of the first publication of OF OREGON, you are hereby required t said execution and Judgment, at Department of the Interior, U n ite» Rasldonca Phon« 163-M States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ this summons herein entered of re­ to appear and answer the complaint 1 torneys fees interest, and' cost and ex­ gon, March 8, 1928. cord andi if you fall so appear and which has been filed against you In pense and accruing costs to sell the Springfield, Oregon NOTICE is hereby given that tha answer for want thereof the plaintiff the above entitled Court and cause following described real property, Corvallis State Bank of Corvallis. Ore­ will apply to the Court for the relief within four weeks from the date of the to-wlt: Lot Eight (8) In Block One (1) gon, filed Application No. 017845, un­ In his complaint demanded and pray­ first publication of this summons; and MAX STOVE WORKS If vou fall to so appear and answer Agate Plat, an Addition to Eugene, der the Act of March 20, 1922 (4J General 1-aw Practice ed for, to-wlt: Will take your Old Style Range For a Judgment and decree of di­ the plaintiff will apply to the Court L ine County, Oregon, as shown by Stat., 465), to exchange SW>4 SE44, for In her com- the recorded map of platt thereof. vorce dissolving the bonds of matrl- for the __ relief prnved _ _ Sec. 10. and NW*i of NE14. Sec. 15, In exchange on a Later One. I. M. PETERSON — ' - Now therefore. mony now and heretofore existing be- plaint, to-wlt for a decree dissolving iMW-T„vreM\rMF THF STATF - Tnwnshlp 16 S„ Range 10 West, wltb- Attorncy-at-Luw THE NAME F TH E STA TE | v a fin v n iiu a l e F for tween the plaintiff, Fred Marshall, and , the marriage contract now existing OF IN OKEOON, in O compliance wnn f f ” an 'eaual' Ff o o r e ^ st, e cut Main near Mill St., Springfield City Hnll Building the defendant, Nettle Marshall, on the bptwppn the plaintiff nnd defendant OF OREGON, In compliance with said execution and order of sale and appfrosima?(,,y 3u acres within grounds of cruel nnd inhuman treat-, .,nd divorcing the plaintiff from the . Springfield, Ore. ment and for such other relief as to def(*ndnnt. and that the plaintiff be to satisfy said Judgment, Interest, at- E>4 Sec. 1, EX4 E14. Sec. 12, Tp. 20 the Court my seem meet. j awarded the care, custody and control torneys fees, and costs of sale, I will 8., R. 3 East. Secs. 4 to 9. inclusive; On Saturday the 31st day of March S W ii. Sec. 10; N% NW>4, Sec. 15, | This sumons Is served upon you by 1 of Robert George Mitchell nnd Cheles- , publication thereof In the Springfield! t)a jrpnp Mitchell, the two minor 1928, nt the hour of One O’clock P. Secs. 16 to 20, Inclusive. Tp. 20 9., R. 4 M. in the afternoon of said day at the M. G. HOGE All kinds of grave! for con­ ! News pursuant to an order of the ; children of plnintiff nnd defendant This sumons Is served upon vou bv Southwest front door of the County East. W M , within the Cascade Na­ lion. G. F. Sklpworth Judge of the crete r r road work. We Attomey-at-Law F orest Circuit Court of the State of Oregon publication In accordance with an Court House, In Eugene, Lane County, tional The purpose of this notice is to ab make a specialty of crushed Oregon, offer for sale and sell for for tho County of Lane, duly made order made amt entered by the Hon. Practise U. S. and State low all persons claiming the land» rock and rock sand. Bunk­ I and entered of record on the twenty O F. Sklpworth. Judge of the above cssh, at public auction, subject to re­ ' , selected, Courts or having bona fide objee- first day of February, 1928. ordering entitled Court, directing that service demption ns provided by law, the Cons to such application, an opportun­ ers at foot of Main on Mill of sumons be made by tho publication said premises and all of the right title Risene, Oregon that this sumtnons be published once street. to file their protest with the Regis­ each woek for four successive nnd thereof once each week for tour suc- and Interest of said defendant therein ity ter of the U. S. Land Office at Rose­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. eonsecutlve weeks In tho Springfield cessive weeks In the Springfield News and of all persons claiming by, burg, Oregon. Any such protests or News anil that the dai« ot the first a newspaper of general circulation through or under them or either of objections must he filed In this office themi in and to said premises and the published In Lane County, Oregon. publication will be February 23rd. FRANK A. DE PUE Date of first publication the 1st day r’shts and appurtenances thereunto within thlrtv days from the date of 1928 and the date of tho last publica­ the first publication of this notice, ATTORNEY AT LAW belonging. of March. 1928 tion will be March 22nd, 1928. FRANK E. TAYLCR, Sheriff of beginning March 16, 1928. * DONALD YOUNG, A ttorney for FRANK A. DePUE. Attorney for NOTARY PUBLIC Non-coal J E W E L E R Plaintiff, Residence, Springfield, Ore- plaintiff, 860 Willamette Street, Eu Lane County, Or. gon. HAMILT, A. CANADAT, R egister, By BEULAH I. BRINN1CK, Deputy. Reiwilrlng a Specialty gon. . . _____ I Rene, Oregon. SI N E SS D IR E C T O L. MaLosh CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. D. W . Roof Sutton Building Springfield, ‘ Oregon Springfield, Oregon F. 23: U . * 5 15 22: Mar. 1-8-15-22-, Mar. 1-8-15-U-W. al. 15-22-29: A. 5-12: