% B o o ti For M u d t-in - Oregon P rod uctt. THE SPRINGFIELD NE’.Vf TW EN TY-FIFTH YEAR « M IC S O I SLATE Fll# E.QF C. Hl’RINGFIKLD, laANK C O U N T Y . OREGON, b O P R E S E N T TO HEAR EUG ENE BANKER T E LL O F T R IP T O H A W A II Hurned to Death A LIVI NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 11 THURSDAY MARCH 22, 1028 $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 School , r B ond Issue S o ld i- "The People'» Paper" F IV E S P R IN G F IE L D M E N TO A TTEN D D IN N E R O F C H A M B E R M E N T O N IG H T CHASE 10 EBECT 2 HEWGREENHOUSES Steps toward the industrial Hiirve> Morn than 50 were present ttl the Dean Witter & Co. of Portland,1 to be made of I-ane county will be Methodist Brotherhood banquet Mon­ Buy» Schol Bond»; Old taken at a meeting to be held at Eu- p o s e s ancj Vegetables to be Pro- day night ut which C. D. llorer, K ill C * at » which X. I „.X. gtaao ffl. . w ■ ■ » • A làlL Î _ I* Issued Called gene tonight five »..rsmarin representa­ duced in New Units Which Cottage Grove Delegation to bo gene banker, told of hl» recent visit tives of the Sprlngfleld chamber of Will Cover One Acre; Work at Meeting Scheduled for Fri­ to the llawullan Islands. Mr llorer A total of »11.000 In b o nds w ere sold , commerce, one of the cooperating or­ was Introduced by the president of I by the Sprlngfleld school board at a I Will be Finished This Sum­ day Night; Rest Room, New the brotherhood, llurry Gillette. ganization». will be In attendance. mer Is Plan. 1 meeting Tuesday night to Dean Witter Bridge, Pulp Wood Among C. C. Wilson tth.l W A Mnbey were Iv Co... Port land bonding bouse. The W. C. Rebhan, Julius Fulop, W. A. --------- Matter» Up for Di»cu»»ion. Taylor. Jess Seavey and W. C. Wright I Work on two new gret/ihouses, one voted In a» new member, of the I bonds were sold at a little above par. brotherhood at the meeting. Resolu­ with Interest at 4*4 per cent. will be the SpringfleW representative. for rogeg and the other for vegetables, A vlell troiu the Cottage Grove tions of condolence were voted anl at the meeting, which opens with a «tart at Chase Gardens within the The transaction was carried out by i thuHibor, reports on he pulp wood Kent to the M. M Male family because dinner at 6 o'clock at the Eugene , gmal,er wh,c„ the school board to refund bonds »old 1 survey. furthering of plun» for the of the death of J H. Male. hotel In attendance al»o will be dele- , i originally to finance construction of J gates to the State chamber se c r e t* will be 50 by 235 feet, and will house N. W. Emery, F. U. Hamlin. W. G the Lincoln school These bonds i estnbllshntvtil of u new reel room In lea* session now under way on the , the roses, will be completed by June Hprlnnflel.nl end a general dleeueelon Hughe» and Charles P Poole wor were to be called In 1930, but the university campus. 1. The other, 50 by 450 feet will o( , lt> problem» are to be feature, ot j m u « d on « committee to plan lb hoard decided to refund them now j A thorough survey of the entire I : be finished by August 1. tomorrow uleht'e UMultlng of the , program for the Best me.,Unit I and thus to readjust the finances of | , county will be made as a result of th . j Report of the condition of the the district. fepringfleld chwmher of commerce. The plans being fosterec » ’ 1 "o’ is-« will bring the total number to thlr- Christian day school was made. Indi­ Interest of 5 per cent was stluplate.l j ae.ilon will atari at 7 30 o'clock in the I chambers of commerce. Springfield s covpr chamber quarter, above the Commer­ cating that the school work wus pro- In the case of the 1910 Issue, while i Margaret Drown, middle « e d ‘“d u str U lp r o a slb lllt^ w U lb e ln c ta d -, Qf gre».lug satisfactorily. this Issue has an Interest rate of 4*4 c ia l State bank G o v e rn « » of P » * A* W un ed in this investigation and through & h#lf Each member of the brotherhood per cent. York, who w u battered *nto un­ Friendship I» the chief purpose of cooperative measures t Is atres under gU8H. Twenty-five thoua- consciousness »nd then burned to the visit of the Grove boosters. ac­ bad a gu e.t' present at the Monday Members of the board expressed | I Industries can be located at various ; produced th,g yea, cording to President F. It Hamlin of I night meeting satisfaction with the result, of the i death by a fiend. Lane communities ylthout undeslr^ Karrteng. )n the Bew house and the local chamber. Pottage Grove and negotiation». The matter I. now be- able competition from within one of the old ones Cucumbers and Sprlngfleld have a number of things In D|pp£LS TO LEAVE Ing closed w ith Dean W itte r & Co. p £ R g |N S D R A W S P L A N S county. tomatoes will be raised In the new common, and a discussion of mutual FO R S O U T H A P R IL 1 FOR COMFORT STATJON vegetable house. problems will Im In order. Both cham­ F A R M A N IM A L S A S S IS T MRS. LOTTIE W HITIES bers are especially Interested In pro­ Between twenty-five and thirty peo­ ’’’ i Hr and Mr». H. Il IMppel are pre-, Plans for an attractive building, to IN R A D IO P R O G R A M DIES AT ACE OF 57 ple are employed at the gardens, posed railroad develnimw-nt» no 1 paring to leave Sprlngfleld on April I serve as a comfort station at Fourth which produce, besides the green­ pending ------w- | for San Francisco, where Or. Dtppel Stillwater, Okla., Mar. 22— (Auto- , an(j a streets, have been drawn by Mrs. Lottie M. Whitles, 57. died Fri­ house plants, about thirty acres ot C E. Kenyon »nd a committee have ’ Is to take a (l,ur«« In oral surgery at contractor, and take a course In oral surgery at cagU,r)—jn i,i„ radio talk to farmers, George Perkins, local, day night at 8:20 o’clock o c.ocg at a her home a a as . lìti» aa . a. a a l _ l l a __ — » - - .1 I made considerable ......... ... the (hp vnlverslty (>r California dental Car| p. Thompson of the Animal Hus- ,r are in the —— hands - of the th committee of at Glenwood. West Sprmgfield. The x - ------------------------------ ------------------- e .» of the#e !» • I W t r l H M ’ ! ! t . ,U o ( k o r v o •>» m i . M » a t h o f llr ln h n m a ._ n m m plans for a new rest room here. < department bandry I>epartinent at i the Oklahoma . a the chamber of o commerce headed by funeral was held Mnday » | Sprlngfl4.w and Eugene, the rest ot George Perkins has drawn plans for A number of social events have been A und M College enlists the help of g e Kenyon. , , , , - - - , . . ,he P° ° ,e Chapel • them being them being shipped shipped to to Los Los Angel,-• Angele» the building, showing an attractive h).w (n h„nor „( the departing Spring his barnyard a friends. . A gtucco building, with shingle ,n I^aurel Hlh cemetery. and Alaska, and as tar east as stucco structure. IK by 24 feet In dim -, ,lp,d residents. Mrs. ,W. C. Rebhan A» Thompson speuks over the raJTo, roo{t is g 24 feet In size. Is suggested Mrs. WTjltles was born In Kansas. Chicago. enslons. These will be submitted to ,.ntPrtalned at bridge at her home yes- he requently uses pig», calves and by Mr. . Perkins. A large entrance , the h, chamber, and plans for taking u p , tpr,|ay ;n b o n . . ihe 11 “ " * Many of the flowers are also shljh honor of Mrs. DlppeL a ( nxiiii. wnu «Aw.«» wgrw,----- — ranka, and six years later went to ped. going as far south as norther® the matter of finance before the coun number of rrlen(lg enjoyed the after- ___________________ w,.men's rest rooms on either and women's rest rooms on either gouth DahOta. At 20 she married California and north to British Colum­ ' “X " pulp' w Z i r v e y which has " Z ^ e ebapted. Onler of the C O T T A G E G R O V E M A N ».... .. nee w w hitles, n . ^ and they - - - lived - - at side, is proposed. The committee Is \ , — bia. Roses, carnations, potted platrts, . . _ «Via, UZ-ru»mtr4 . — . _ es_ be. ,, u n d er w ay u n d er th e sp o n so r E a stern S ta r, a t a social meeting| G E T S P R O P E R T Y H E R E ^ l ^ V k l t ^ w o entrance, into BU,ffa,° 2 Z and bulb flowers are specialties at _____ room, and making two entrances into • bef(jrp mov|ng here In 1926. ; Chase Gardens. There are n*w ons Tuesday night presented Mrs. Dippel ship of the chamber will be iwported With the purpose of building. Isaac room, and m aktnv tw o e n tra n c e s in ) s urviTOrg include the husband and , ba|f a muilon bulbs, covering over by a committee conducting the sur­ with an appropriate present. Webb, Cottage Grove, has traded pro-1 **** building. - , Knn m dve children: N. C., Springfield; John two acres, and including daffodils, vey So far. the committee has found perty In the Southern Lane county Between »lnnn and wou q , „ ot Springs, S. Dakota; S. E-, | tulips and Iris, being cared for there, evidence that there Is lenly of pulp P O L L A R D S T A T E S H IS .«.w .ai r-ty for Springfield property on East UP ,he Hulding and ma e it r, “ > I Austin, Minnensota; Mrs. Lillian Alice The green houses are heated by • w,md In the county to supply two P O L IC Y IN C A M P A IG N Maln street, Springfield, It was an- use- *1 ,s estimated. an a o ( oian, Buffalo Gap, S. Dakota; Miss central heating plant, which burns hog paper mills. Ing It will be discussed at tne next u _m1 c Whitles, t-h u io « Springfield. S n r in e fle ld . I fuel v„«,i from (-Am the t h , Booth R ncth Kelly K ellv plant n la n t In In Hazel . . . nounoed today. Other committee reports, Including , Rumors that he was running for cor- j meet'ni- of the city council. Mrs. W hitles was a member of the Springfield. Thompson’s Horticulturs one from the bridge committee which oner In order to split the opposition i Hr. Webb, a former Springfield man. Baptist church. | Works of Portland have the contract ut last has definite vision of completed I of another candidate were definitely expect» to move here shortly, nnd NEW GARAGE OPENED Mrs. Olan of South Dakota, with her ior building the new houses. work, will be made at tomorrow j nailed by Dr. W. H Pollard of Spring- eventually will build a house on the ■ — Mrs. 1 ______ _____________ BY E. W. COLLINS, JR- children. was here during night's meeting. field this week. Hain street site. W hitles’ Illness and death MISS L O M B A R D WILL "I am entirely on my own In this , E. W. Collins. Jr., son of Mr. and RECEIVE SCIENCE DECREE REV. COAN TO HO LD race,' declared Dr. Pollard T am not, S P R IN G V A C A T IO N A T Collins of this city, has W |[_K.INSON F U N E R A L R E V IV A L M E E T H E R E running because I was asked to run , H IG H S C H O O L T O D A Y W come Marshfield T T E N D E D BY IUV3 here »»CSV from —— ---------- and Is IS A ATTENDED BY MANY r } University of Oregon—Eugene. Or®. I by anybody. I have had no negvdia starting a new garage in the Kepner ; March 22— (Special)—Diplomas fof Final preparations are being mane t|nna w|th any other candidate, and Twin days’ vacation shirted at the ,!Uil(1|ng at Fifth and B streets. Mr. The funeral of Frank Wilkinson degrees Of bachelor of arts, master of for an evsiwaellstlc campaign to be an| ()ut aftPr (bp job openly.’’ ‘ Sprlngfleld ‘ “*‘J *-*-•- ‘ high —• school " this morning. Collins is an expert mechanic, and former resident of Coburg and for 10 ar(g, bachelor of science, bachelor of held at the Sprlngfleld Methodist i o r Pollard has not yet filed his t in accordance with action taken by will specialize in Dodge work, but will years street car conductor between gcjence jn education, bachelor of bust- church next week, with Rev. J. D , notice of candidacy. ” He - haa until *" the ‘‘ city ” achool ’ ‘ ‘ board. J hand,e general aut0 repairing. Eugene and Springfield, was held Sun ,,egg administration, master of sciene», Conn, executive secretary of the j April 13 to do this. The spring vacation applies only to , Mr and jjrs. Collins have been liv- day at the Veatch chapel in Eugene doctor of Jurisprudence, and doctor of Wesley hospital at Marshfield In the high school, and elementary i (ng jn Marshfield for several years ... a i large ___ number a of * C ns*i n