The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 15, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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------------------ ------------------------- P
S te w a r t E d w a r d W h it e
D l u i t u t i o m b y H e n r y J a y L ea
Q ajjvrt^ht
S te w lr t
E d w a rd
W h ite
R e le a s e d t h r u
P u b lte h e r e A a t o c a i t e r S e r v ic e
' th is is not a w om ans business.
Burton." said he, "and you m ust not
intei fere. No harm is intended to
your young man. ludeed, 1 am saving
from "him self, and in the future
he will thank me for making him a
rich man instead of permitting* him to
ruin himself by foolishness."
"H e will never thank you; and I will
never forgive you!” she cried passion-
He shrugged his shouMera. Women
always got over those things. Still,
a slight change m m inor tactics seem-
. . .
. ___ . .
ed desirable. It would no longer be
possible or desirable to restra in »he
through now. T hat there redwood "W hat would you consider the proper great Invisible Intelligence, whose
tree's wot the road blocked for keeps. procedure for a young lady «doping. pressure Is the carrying on with the
Say, she m ust have made some crash Should she also leave some sort of wisdom of our little world. In sadne-.-i
reached forth th eir hands Emm II«»
w ritten com m unication?"
when she came dow n!"
"I took the liberty of explaining In soul of th at mult the vision wns vnaed.
"She dkV' replied Burton. An Idea
was forming in h er brain "Are you my hole th at I wns leaving Io enter Of all Its breadth and greatness re­
being back to E ureka?” she Inquired your service, sir, and thut of Mis» m ained only one thing; an Idea for
Burton; anil ...u- ,i is Intended lo send this. Hut som etim e, In the rem ote
"Sure. Only place to go."
a garage man Immediately," answer«’< future, sum«*where, to some soul the
"H ave you got room fo r two?"
vision will come again
"1 got only the t ’nited S tates malls Slmmlns.
"You relieve my mind. Mlnimlna,"
aboard. W hat's the Idea?"
"O ur car Is broken," she explained m urm ured lutrry. anil hastened to Join
rapidly. "If you will watt lo m inutes, Burton and the stage driver. She
looked at him with pleas«*,! surprise
z*e'U be ready."
Notice Is hereby given lhal sealed
"L ots of tim e,” rejoined the stage
"Good!" she cried "You're m ore
bills will lie received by the Board of
driver, and sauntered over to engage like y o u rself!”
Directors of M t'IIO t'L D lrtT Itlt'T No.
tile excellent Slmmlns.
“It's Sim m ins!" luirry ea^lisled with 1» in LANK t'o l'N T Y . Springfield,
"It Is the only th in g !" she urged suppress«*! laughter. "H e's a Joy and Oregon, at the office of the F irst Na
latrry, as soon as the o th er was out a Jewel and he's untw isted me from tlonal Bank. Springfield, Oregon, up io
of hearing. C an't you see It? We all my knots. Dnar never must we 7 30 o'clock I’ M, March 3<)th. 1S2H.
cannot stay here. Don t you soe It?" lose S.mttilns! We'll pawn the family for the purchase of an Issue of It«
fundlnat Bonds of said tk'hool D istrict
she Implored.
J m w v I m before we let him go "
In the am ount of ft 1.000 00, said bonds
"1 want to get out before be gets
The little party, carrying the few to be In denom inations of tiouooo
each, «luted May tat, l»2M, and to hear
back," replied la»rry bluntly. "You’re
plmies of baggage, and followed Interest at the rate of 4**% per an ­
rig h t; I'll go."
solomtily by R ipacalllon, crossed the num. lay ab le ,«> nil annually on May
“I'm going with you," she said
1st, and November 1st of each year.
meadow to where waited the stage
bonds lo m ature serially aa fol­
Ten m inutes later Grimstead. who
"W hat! You cannot do th a t!"
lows >2000 00 May 1st. t»44, |200C O')
"You are going to need m s; I
May tst. 1*48, *2000 00 May 1st, i»4B,
know,” she insisted, “It Is part of my long vehicle backed and fill««' In turn
*2000 00 May 1st. 1»47 and *2000 00
wisdom, as you call It."
He found himself May 1st. 1P4I4 Principal and Interest
The hunted, hurt look In his face was happening
payable a t th e oflloe of the County
he had made.
T reasu rer of lam e County, <)r«-gon
s •
¿'Come." he cried, alm ost exultantly.
The successful bidder to furnish the
Acroas the episode now slowly the houda and approving opinion at their
'T h e re m ust be people who marry
people up here! The world and Its dark cu rtain s d o sed . A great vision expense.
Bide must be at« nfflunled by a ce rti­
power and its troubles can x<> h ang!" had been given one m an; a vision
fied check In the am ount of *800 00,
"All ab ro a n l!" called D avenport to that In Be due und proper tim e will
The Board of Director» reserves the
the stage driver. "Ready when you lift from mankind one of Its greatest right to reject any and all bids
Doted at Springfield, Oregon, March
"Slm m lns.” you take care of things. arrlv«*l When thus It too evidently 14th. IM i.
We will send some one out from a uppeared th a t from the gift would
Wm G HUOHKS. Chairm an
i come strife, not freedom , then the
Il W SMITH. Clerk
garage "
Hut Slmmlns, at the thought of be­
ing left alone with a marooned and ex­
asperated Ifirnte Chief, lost all hla
pose and poise and became thoroughly
"Oh. Miss B urton!" he cried "D on't
leave me here all alone.”
“Afraid of the woods. Slm m lns?”
asked Larry mischievously.
"Yes, sir," rejoined Simmins, "1 am
afraid of the woods; and 1 aui afraid
of Mr. G rim stead."
It Is simple to use this fertilizer. Put about 1 lb. on
Larry glanced at Burton, who nod­
the ground for each 150 square feet of space for general
truck and (lower gardening. Sprinkle over soil and mix
"AU rig h t; come along," he agreed.
thoroughly by raking before planting.
“One moment, sir," begged Slmmlns.
He produced a pad and pencil and
what you plant grow with Ford’s Ammonium Sulph­
wrote thereon.
10 lbs. for 60c.
"I d o n 't want to pry; hut If that
note Is to Grlmstead<—" suggested
D avenport
"It Is only my resignation, sir,"
replied Slmmlns.
5th and A St«.
"You are right,” said Davenport.
miles to the place the road crossed
the Deep B arranca on a trestle. P art
And Rapscallion Ooei Hi* Stuff
o f the trestle had been carried out bv
By the campfire G rimstead strained
the flood. G ardiner had driven the
his ears to catch the last sounds
car off Into the abyss."
G ardiner's departure. Things were
■•Killed?" cried Burton, horrified.
going very well They always did go
"Gone; sw ept away, disappeared
well, he had found, when directed
com pletely. T he stream Is wide and
m asterfully.
swift and fast. I climbed down, of
Burton, as he had forseen. did not
course, but no trace w hatever rem ain­
stir in her tent. She was young and
ed except one seat cushion that ha i
slept soundly, especially in the first
been throw n clear. I followed down
part of the night.
the stream on the chance that the car
A fter aw hile he threw away his
m ight have stran d ed ; but In th a t
™ _,
cigar, stretched an 4 arose. F irst he
force of w ater It probably broke t >
leaned over Davenport for a moment,
pieces alm ost a t once. It was of very
listening to his rath e r stertorous
light vonstruction."
breathing. Then he saunter»»! to
l° ^ „
1 leave him to you." he told Burton
"W hat a trag e d y !” cried Burton.
big redwood a t whose base the kitchen
•■■’"ij to get some common sense into * Poor Ross G ard in er!”
had been made
him—if it's possible. But be sure to
D avenport shut his lips grimly and
H ere he deliberately unknotted a
tell him one thing: T hat his in terests le t th is pass. A fter a decent moment
short piece of line that had been used
are going to be scrupulously protected. or so Burton ventured a comment.
to suspend a shading bit of canvas,
He'll get every cent th a t is coming
"But there Is th is to say: The pres­
and with it returned tow ard the sleep­
to him."
en t probl'-m Is solved T he agreem ent
er. He was thoroughly satisfied, and
He disappeared down the meadow. is gone, the whole schem e headed off.
was hum m ing a little tune.
Burton looked afte r htnx her bosom You can build an o th er b attery !"
In his brief absence another had
heaving with em otions too deep to
"T h at's Just It!” cried Davenport.
added him self to the scene. Rapscal­
reply. Then in a passion of mingled Ì “I'm not sure 1 can do anything of
lion had shared the tent with Burton
loyalty and anger she fell on her | the sort. All ray notebooks of form­
Now, however, urged by some vague
knees again beside the unconscious ulae w ere in th a t car, every scrap |>f
restlessness, som e telepathic uneasi­
young man.
paper 1 had in the world th a t had
ness. some trickle from the curren t
anything to do with this.”
searching out a channel of his doggy
“You can copy your oth er battery,"
mind, he had deserted the warm and
N othing fu rth er happened now until she pointed ont.
grateful nest and had come forth to
shortly after sunrise the next m orn­
sit by his m aster.
G rim stead paid him no attentio n : ing.
Simmins W rites a Note
T hen Burton, who had fallen into
but. cord in hand, advanced upon the
U nnoticed, a lank figure had cross­
sleeper. Now th e queer thing happen­ an uneasy slum ber a fte r some hours ed the meadow from the road and now
of futile watching to see th a t dear appeared turning them.
Rapscallion was the m ost friendly Larry did not die of an overdv>se with-
“Hullo, folks," said he, casting a
of dogs, ever polite and eager, whose 1 cut h er knowing it, awoke and ; curious eye about him. “Campin' for
experiences with hum ans had always aroused him.
Ì fun or get stuck yere by the storm ?”
been courteous. Also he was. of
"W hat is it, dear, he cried. "W hat
"C aught by the storm ," replied
course, thoroughly fam iliar with Grim- are you doing h ere?”
1 Burton.
I H er sto ry dd not take long in the
"I'm the stage driv er between
Now. however, he arose to stiff legs, telling.
E ureka and Tecolote," he volunteered,
The n arrative finished, he rose, to "but I d o n 't see no way of g ettin'
his eyes blazing, the coarse h air of
his back and neck erect, his lips his feet, fumbled in his pack, drew
snarled back. G rto stea d paused.
foijh a revolver and holster, which ha
“H ere. Rap, you old fool!” he ad­ strapped to his belt.
monished in a low voice. "W hat ails
"W hat are you going to do?” she
asked anxiously.
And again stepped forw ard.
“I'm going to follow the car.”
In stantly Rapscallion u ttered two
“You can't hope to catch It afoot-"
sharp and challenging barks.
"The chance is very slim ,” he
The sleeper did not s tir; no sound acknowledged, "but it's th e only
cam e from the tent. G rim stead step­ chance, and it should be taken. Luck
ped forward again.
In this final Wind Up Campaign of the Change of
m ight play with us. The car m ight
Now Rapscallion did not know w hat get stalled. Who knows? And in any
> Ownership Sale we are offering amazing reductions In these
It was all about. Only his simple dog case I've got to get on the w ires to
super Dollar Day Specials. Nothing reserved every thing in
mind had received the im pression th e law yers rig h t aw ay.”
u. this huge Department Store must be sold to make room
th at, unexplainedly and for the first
He was m ethodically bestow ing
< for Kafoury Bros. New Spring Merchandise.
tim e, the proxim ity of this large hu­ sm all necessities in a rucksack.
man m eant trouble to M aster; and h it
“ Please have Sim m ins take care of
sim ple do? code told- him to stick my o th er things," he requested1. "Good-
Over 2000 remnants from
Wool mixed Sox elastic
tight. say as much as he could about ' by. dear.”
ex which to choose. Dress
It, and, in extrem ity to do his utm ost. ' He opened his arm s and she crept
rib top, medium weight 35c
ao woolens,
prints, l i n e n
As Grim stead continued to a»l- into them. They clung to g eth er for a
> toweling, curtain material,
vance he bobbed forward and back a moment,
a. outing flannels and silk.
few inches as though propelled by a
“Be careful,' she begged. “ You
m ust come back to me. D on't—don't
o L
These things im pressed G rim stead be rash, will you?”
Just so far as to cause him to pick i He laughed.
up a heavy, club-shaoed billet of wood, i “You mean the gun? No; I'm not
a weapon that plainly outgunned the going forth to slay. T h at's Just In the
arm am ent of a little red-dog who rem ote case I need a convincing argu-
fought at 15 pounds!
m ent. T his Is a lawyer game now,
In this lot you will find
At this moment Burton appeared and a game of get tnere first."
> Men’s Dress Caps, Dress
He kissed h er again and strode
from the tent.
a. Shirts, Union Suits and
‘‘D ad!’’ she cried, w hat are you away.
Sweater values up to $3.00.
“Come back to me soon!” she
doing with th a t club and th a t rope?
A Choice
I’ll keep him quiet!"
called after him. “The soonest ev e r!"
H er first sleepy thought was t h a t ' he cried back.
A fter his d ep artu re Burton, whose
the dog's barking had awakened
Grlmst»ad and exasperated him to the education had been coming on, made j
h erself some coffee. About tw o hours
point of caniclde.
As h er mind cleared and focussed, la te r Simmins appeared, very apolo­ cc
however, her eyes widened with te r­ getic over his tardiness.
The absence of the little car Burton
ror. D avenport's immobility amid all
this noise, G rim stead’s day a ttire ; had expected; b u t she was a t first
w hat did it m ean?
puzzled to hear th a t the ex tra cook­ Z>
She dashed forw ard to Larry, and ing utensils had disappeared; as also
undetered by Rapscallion, fell on her a small quantity of provisions.
Then she realized: th a t her fath er
knees at his side.
“W hat have you done?" W hat have was hiding out, and Burton had a
you done?" she cried terror-stricken shrew d suspicion th a t he would con- I C
"N othing—nothing at all—h e’s per­ tinue hiding out. Even a pirate chief, I IX
fectly all rig h t!" cried Grimstead, If not ten d er fpelings, a t least love of I 00
whose one idea was to reassure her ’ m ental ease, and Burton realized th at
before she lost control of herself. H e’s even this stern parent m ight be Just | oc 3 Busy store«: PORTLAND SALEM SPRINGFIELD
not hurt. H e’ll be as well as ever in as wel satisfied if he did not have to j o
the morning.”
! face his child while things were too I u.
But hy this tim e Burton had assured ! fresh In her mind!
herself th a t L arry was living and tin-
Slmmlns rep o rt th a t G rim stead’s
hurt, and rose slowly to h e r feet. Her fishing tackle had been taken con 1
brow puckered in thought.
firmed her opinion.
"You’ve drugged h im !” she decided! As they entered cam p she made an
at. last. She pondered for a moment im perative gesture to Slm m lns of
more, then raised her head.
w arning th a t she should not speak.
"You and I will probably have to
"The engine has stopped—you have
stolen the c a r!” she cried In sudden w ait here some days,” she said, and
enllehtm ent. A deep scorn rose to thp told him w hat had occurred.
Shortly after noon they were as­
surface of her eyes. "And now you
were going to tie him ! You’re afraid tonished to see D avenport retu rn in g
Burton ran to m eet him with a cry
of w hat he might do !”
On the passing of the danger of of mingled gladness and curiosity.
L arry strode to th e fireside and
hysterics G rim stead becam e him self
again, this was too big a m a tte r to threw down the rucksack with a slam,
pei in It of sentim ent. He spoke brus­ then turned to Burton.
-K A F Ô U h Ÿ & R Ó S — k a
y b ô
K A F O U ftV B f f g g ï
" I follotwied the car for six or eight
Now is the Time to Apply
F ords A m m onium
Super Dollar Day Saturday and Monday
Anyone who has purchased any of our surprise boxes
know the regular value from $1.00 to $7.00. Will now be
marked at 23c, 48c ahd 98c. To be sold Saturday anti Mon-
One lot of Men’s Dress
Shirts, size 14 only. Values
to $3.00.
2 For
Men’s ptarched Collars
In ail the famous makes.
Ide, Arrow and Triangle. A
20 For
All Wool Blankets, single
or double. Regular $6.50 at
Ladies Chiffon and ser­
vice weight Hose In all the
new and wanted shades.
l/2 Price
A S.—
Men's Leather Gloves.
One lot consisting of gloves
and leather faced mitts.
Values up to $3.00.
-K afou ry
b r ó ¿—
Georgettes, satin crepe,
charmuese, crepe de chine,
taffetas and wash silks.
Values to $4.00.
K a F o u ry óftòS— k AF ô OR ÿ B ft ö S.