T THURSDAY MARCII < r- .BUYING 02STUJNG' EY GET RESULTS F 'l i t HALE Elim N o rth F ro n t 1^>I, FOR H A L E Regia!ereil Guernsey Hull 6 years old. One two-weeks old W illam ette H eights, Rond rocked Culf. I.iiiigw aler Riggs, Htar Route. and graded. Full slse lot. Price 3286.(10, A J. Morgan, Phone 121 M. M. IB breeding. N. M-8-16 — Ws specialise tu iw lss braclet watch repairing Hoyt's 321 Main Street, tf FOR SALE WOOD Old Growth Fir, Sscond Growth Fir, Oak, Ash. All lengths. Phone Spring- S E P T IC T A N K * — fleM 10«. if Ready for you to Instull Fof family of live — *21 00, Eugene PAINTING and Kalsamtnlng In all Its For family of eight — 128.00, Eugene branches. Reduced Prices. Roy Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile Koch. Call 126-J. and Chimney blocks. UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRY8 TA 1,8—Fancy shapes and regulars. S U M M O N * TRAIN »CHKOUL* NOTICE TO CREDITOR* Notice la hereby (Iren that the un­ *prlngfl«n Steps IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB dersigned baa been appointed by the STATE OR ORBOON FOR LAN* Northbound County Court of l-ane County, Oregon, COUNTY. No. 32 ... . 2:33 P. M administrator of the estate of Georgia M yron L. Wallace, Addle M. W allace, llett, Deceased, late a resident of No. 16 ....................... 4:27 A M. Fla< Plaintiffs, vs. W. Robert Wallace, Lane County. All persons haying Ada Wallace; Chester L. Wallace. Southbound claims against her estate should pres­ Fay Wallace; Charles Wallace; 8:33 P M Flag ent the same duly verified to the un­ No. 16 .. Wallace, Fred Wallace; Pearl .. 6:46 A. M i No. 31 dersigned, at the office of 8. D. Allen, Elsie Wallace, Laura Wallace; Hovey Building. Eugene, Oregon, Coach Special tor Klamath Fall* *■*> Arena Sebring, M a r k L. Se- within six months form this date. i and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. M. on bring; Caroline Awbrey, James February 33. 1»28. Ti Awbrey; Nora Robb, Homer ' Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. Robb; Mollie Sears, Cleave Sears; HARRY C. KEELER, Administra­ Nancy M Wallace, Melvin Wallace; tor Warden: ’‘What! It's against your Daniel Wallace; George Wallace; F. 23: M 18-16-: religion to spilt rocks.’’ Mary Wallace; Clara Cantlemnn Prisoner: "Yes. What the Lord hath Levi Castb-man; Nannie E Maui., P U L P W OOD W A N T E D N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Joined let no man put asunder." William Mann; Emma Wallace; If you wish to sell White Fir or Hem Walter Wallace, Zelma Wallace; Notice Is hereby given that the un lock Pulp Wood write D. A deratvned has been appointed Admin Louis Wallace; Ruby Wallace; Kennedy Hotel Carlton, Portland. ! tat rater of the Estate of Earl 8 Madame: "Home, Andre,—and have , N ellie Sanders, William Sanders; Charles E. Powers. Celia Powers, M 3-16-22-29: A 6-12 ! Powell, deceased, by the Countv many asked who o*ned my stunning Oregon, Vera Power»; Mrs. William 8 Mens, Court of Ixine County, Oregon. All Sylvia Moss; Laura Blackmore. PIANO SACRIFICE at Sprlnglleld, persona having claims against the new motor?” James Blackmore; C. B Sears, Mary Andre: "Not a one, Madame.” high grade, will accept phonograph said estate are herby notified to pres­ Sears; Alex White, Mary White; Madame: “Heavens! A whole after or orgnn In part payment, balance ent the same, properly verified, to the Harry West; E A. Snellstrom, Rena undersigned at the office of Wells ft noon wasted ” 310 month Address ('tine Plano Co., Wells, Rank of Commerce Bldg Eu­ Snellstrom; O. P Snellstrom. Min- nle Snellstrom; Charles Snellstrom, 208 Ouk St. Portland. M 16-22 gene, t.ane County, Oregon, within Mona Snellstrom; Robert Reeves; six months from the date of the first If the white of an eg» la applied I I I . P A IN T IN G IN H I R l'C T Io N .S publication of this notice. Reeves; the unknown hetra with a small brush to fly specks on 1 Preston of J. W. Holeman, deceased; the given by Mrs. Ad a la Id e Lee. Stu­ Date of first publication, March 1, gilt frames, then rubbed gently with a unknown heirs of N. H. Warner, de­ dents taken from 11 years up. 603 1828. ceased; Also, all other persons or soft cloth, the specks will disappear. HAROLD J WELLS Administrator. West D street. tf. parties unknown claiming any right, WELLS ft WELLS. Attorney». title, estate, lien or Interest In the Mar. 18-15-22-29 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT real estate described In the com­ Cuts of meat from active parts of Notice Is hereby given that Harold plaint herein, Defendants. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S an animal such us leg,, or neck have J. Wells, Administrator of the Estate TO: W Robert Wallace, Ada Wal­ Notice Is herby given that Charles of Ephraim G. Clements, d e c e a s e d .___ u large amount of connective tissue ___ lace; _________ Chester ___ L. ________ Wallace; Fay Wal- E Johnson has been appointed ad-1 These are better rooked by applies has Hied his final report and account lace;’ Charles Wallace; Fred Wallace; minlstrnlor of the estate of Sarah tlon of moist heat -boiling, pot roast Douglas Lloyd, deceased, by the 1 as such, with the Clerk of the County Pearl Wallace. Elsie Wallace. Laura lug, stewing, or braising -because dr; Cour ---------- h , , -M m ,,M S T p r S u m & K S S ,: i S T s • i : - 1“ - - 1 beat shrivels and toughens the ,,,n hr,'enlred to ” nre^'ent The Apr” ’ ” 28’ a’ 10:00 ° ’c,ock ,n thp Awbroy ;’ ~Nora Robb. Homer“ Robb; required I2„„P to present the forenoon forenoon In |n the the County County Court Court Room Room in in Mollie L. Mollie Sears Sears. Clea Cleave Sears; Nancy M. nectlve tissue. i same w ith the he proper vouchers, to fh the , he C o u rt C o u rt Honge a | Eugpne ^ X c e Melvin i undersigned C o u n tr Oregon, as the time and W a lla c e ; George ’ Wallace; Daniel Wallace: Mary Wal- N O T IC E T O C R E O IT O R 8 . . . _____ __ Melvin Mill er. sun Willamette pnreet edAds □ass EUGENE CO NCRETE P IP E CO. Blank Promlsory notes and recolpts printed and In stock at the News IF WATKINS PRODUCT Is whut you o « « want call 132-J Springfield. tf. SUM M O NS H o yt's Cash Store. PAGE SEVEN TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWA IB, 1928 tf Hiding IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E LET BULKY do your floor S T A T E O F O REG ON FO R T H E and finishing Hardwood floors COUNTY OF LANE laid, 637 J<'-lly Boulevard. Gladys A. Tuzonn, Pluluttff, vs. Al J F, 23: M. I 8 16 Tuzonn, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE C Veal bus a tendency to become dry qutn throughout with a hardened surface plaint If roasted In an open pan It Is desir­ able to add fat in rooking veal, be­ llam Sanders; Charles E. Powers, cause It Is un Immature meat and not the plaintiff will apply to the court ment and e -ia te e f J u n e :, B. M ule, fra to r o f the pstate o f S arah Douglas Celia Powers, Vera Powers; Mra. rich In extractive und fat. Veal re for the rejlef prayed for In the com deceased and all persons having claims ¡ Lloyd, deceased. William S. Moss, Sylvia Moss, Laura NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Mar. 1-8-15-22-29. plaint, to-wlt: For a decree of dlssolv against said estate are hereby notified quires slower cooking than beef. Blackmore, James Blackmore; C. B. O^ ^ _, . UTIO>i r°R E Í • ■ - d l z> I <4 » n » , 9 U M M O N S and for an absolute divorce from de­ B A N K of S p rin gfield, Oregon, on o r n r2 L ? , “ i “ '1 OPdr i?.,e R «na S n e llstro m ; O. P Snellstrom. FOREST EXCHANGE IN' T H U CIRt ............... ICC ( ( F T i l l fendant; and that the cure, custisly before six m onths from the d ate of ' „out_.nt Clr‘ Minnie Snellstrom: Charles Sneli- No. 017823 STATE O F OREGON. FOR LAN E and control of Haid minor child. Ia-roy this notice. Dated M arch 7th, 1928 tp a rtm e n t of tne in te rio r. U n ite d on th f. -,7, h d a y ’ o f F eb n m T v ?92RS m ,t r o m : M ona S n ellstrom , R o bert COUNTY W M G. H U G H E S , execu tor o f thy D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, G. Tuzonn, be awarded to the plaintiff. S ta te . Land Office. Roseburg, Ore- a b u r “ X r e ’ n on the ^ 7 / d n ! ’ i f ReevP’ : P re " ton RpevPfl: th e ,m ' C liffo rd Sum ner, P la in tiff, vs. Agnes This summons Is published once A « 5* " * 1' . gon. F eb ru a ry 23. 1928. F e b ru a ry 1 M In said cn'urt J o h n C k n P w n h p ,r s ° f J W ” " ,P m a n - da- I HANK A. D eP l E, Attorney for Sumner. Defendant each week for four consecutive weeks NOTB E is hereby given th a t M rs ^ ¿ 1928' rp,*“ ver^l lu d m en t CPa8prt ■ the nnknown hpJra X H- T o Agn- a Stunner, the above named In the Springfield News, a weekly the executor. Nancv Wilson, of Alsea. Oregon, filed aural ns t/tb e dPrPndant Rr,,PP t n2vbt Warner- deceased; Also, all other per- M 8-16-22-29: Ap 6: defendant: newspaper published at Springfield, Appllcatlon No 017823, under the Act amt Kate Itavid for ?hpB«7m of sons or PartieR "nkn'” nl claiming IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Ixinn County, Oregon, by order of the of M arch 20. 1922. («2 S ta t.. 465). to X ¡ X e £ th er^ n at 6P e r cent ne’ aOy r,gh t t,t,e' PState' "Pn ° r ,ntereSt OREGON You are hereby required Hon. G F Sklpworth, Judge of t N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Section n-!._____ described in the to appear nnd answer the romnlslnt •b o v e C ourt, m ade on .h e If ith 'd a y IN T H E C 0 V N TY COURT O F T H E exchange ¿ the " V a NW%. n g e 10 W est 9. W Tow MT r V “ * ^ p,Pm bPr \ c in â m the ^ a ln t real h e re estate in : filed against you In the above entitled of F e b ru a ry , 1928. STATE OF OREGON FOR co n fin in g Ì60a;w?res. withîn the S i u s - 1 fur,he.r ..8um iJf ,v VAV,, court anil cause, on or before the «x , 3200.00 attorneys fees, and the costs THE NAME ( F THE STATE LANE COUNTY Dnte of First publication February law National 1 orest. In exchange for ; anr, disbursements In the sum of OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ plratlon of the time prescribed In the In st the Bettb-hel.n Matter of the Estute of Louise timber of an equal value to be cut , , 50 3(f wh|ch Jnr Donald R Husband, attorney for m wetthniiin, o e o a s id . frorn approximately 10 acres in the nd docketed in the C le rk 's n ffie e o f plaint of the above named plaintiffs before the expiration of four weeks Notice Is hereby given to all persons , sw%> Ser 7, NE1< N w Sp<- said X r t ^n sa^H countv on the 23rd «>e above entitled court now on from the dnte of the first publication plaintiff, 860 Willamette St., Eugene, whom It may concern that the under Townshlp 20 9 Range 4 East., and „ " £ F e b r o X ¡928 and « I d ex fi|p » ith fhp clprk ot 9aid court on Oregon , hereof, and If you fall Io appear or signed has been appointed admlnlstra- S E , ; ? E ,4 , Sec. 12> Tp. 20 S . Range tp ™e directed commanding »r ot Mar in name of tbP State of c r o- being the last day preecrihed in the apply to the court for the relief pray­ helm. DacoMed. and has duly qualified Natl„nal Forest. ¡n oMer™ satisfy said ludJm ent I * * publication of this sum- ed for In the complaint which Is In us such. All persons having c**ims I The purpose of this notice Is to lnterest attorneys fee« costs of gup mens upon you and you are hereby N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S substance as follows: For a decree of the court dissolving Estate of Harry D Brook«. Deceased ‘‘“‘V " * ',X Bd/,c^ n re™ n ,ht'he « m 2 whh aHow i 11 ’Mr?on? claiming the land and accrutnR co, tg to sell tne fo„cw . notified that if you fail to appear and the marrlsge contract now existing tu- tween plaintiff nnd defendant and for such other nnd further relief ns to this court may seem Just snd proper. This summons Is published pursuant ! Snrinirfleld L n n » Countv Oregon Roseburg. Oregon. Now. therefore. In the nam e,of the to an order, for the same, of the Brooks, deceased within s i x ' m onths from the dnte of Anv RUrh protest or objection must State of Oregon in compliance with con - e v ic tin g th e title of the plain- Honorable J. T Brand. Circuit All persons having rlnlms against, - „nhli.-nHon of thi« untie., to bp fl,pd *n th,s ° mcP within thirty mid execution and order of sale and tiff. Myron L Wallace, against the I th„ sth r l.i'.if Hent 4 and Lots I M. PETERSON, Administrator of this 16th dav of February. 1928. Rth dav of April, 1928 of said day. at the South-vest front 5 and 6 of Section 11 Tp. 18 S. R. 2 W. said estate. LOUISE W. DANIELS, Administra­ H O W A R D M B R O W N E L L . A tto r­ door of the Countv Court House In \v. M containing 150.11 acres bv gov- N O T IC E FO R PUBT ICATION M 8-15-22-29: Ap 5: ney for Plaintiff Residence 177 East trix. Eurene, I-ane County. Oregon, offer ernment survey. Also, the north 13 FOREST EXCHANGE A. E. WHEELER. Attorney. 7th Avenue, Eugene. Oregon for «ale and ?ei| fo- cash, at public ___ acreF r» Eot 3 of g ec. 14 of Tp. 18 S. No. 017816 N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S F 16 23: Mar. 1-8-15: M 8 16 22 29: Ap 5: Department of the Interior, United auction, u’ „p o{ said ciaim, thence North State of Oregon for Lane County, ad- g tnf « cki to exchange the SE’4 persons claiming bv, through or under 2 32 chains to angle in boundary ot All kinds of Coal, Coke and intnlstrator of the estate of Rhlnaldo s w ’i . fiW% SEt^. Sec. 22: S*4 NW%. them or anv or either of them in and «-ajj ciaim. thence east on line of said Briquet* Vincent, deceased, and having quali- ^14 SW«4, She. 26: and N U NE*i. ,0 sn d Premises. claim 23.00 chains to corner of same, fled, notice Is hereby given to the g ec 27 Tp 14 S . Range 9 West. W. FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of tj-rncp north 22 90 chains, more or P A IN T IN G — RAINIER COAL CO. creditors of, and all persons having M . containing 320 acres, within the Lane County, Oregon, less, to the N E. corner of said claim, P A P E R H A N G IN G claims against said deceased, to pres- gi^gjaw National Forest. In exchange Mar 1-8-15-22-29. thence west 34.19 chains to place of 15 E. 7th St. Phone 412 — K A L S O M IN IN G ent them, as required by law, within for t|mber Of an enual value to be cut ---------------------------- beginning, containing 91.50 acres. Eugene, Ore. six months after the first publication fronl approximately 26 acres within NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE 805 G. Street Also, that part of Lot 7 Sec. 11. ly­ of thiR notice to the said Walter S. ,j,e SWU- Sec 7. NE*4 N W li, P^vTk’V'TION IN FGRECLOSURE ing N. of the County road in said Tp. Vincent at 434 Miner BuMl"*- Fu' Sec. 18, Tp. 20 S.. Range 4 E., and Notice is hereby’ given that bv vir- Also beginning at the N. E. corner gene, Oregon Date of first publication RRi- SEU Scc. 12, Tp 20 8 . R 3 tue pf an PXecu,ion and order of sale of the south % of said Wallace D. E. Rea. Phon« 160 Pl»no Moving H i ini w - Cascade Na- jn foreclosure issued out of the Clr-' c. thence West 1 chain south 1101 , IV A L T E R K y iN N K . N i . AUml s , tlonal Forest. * ! cu,t Court of Lane County, Oregon, • chains thence east 1 chain thence north SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER trator of the Estate of Rhinaldo \ in- ThP purpose of this notice is to on the 2"th day of February. 1928, in n 01 chains, to place of beginning, WILLIS BERTSCH, Prop. W. F. WALKER r ce^ ’ ... - allow all persons claiming the lands a 9njf wherein on the 25th day of containing 1, 10-100 acres. Excepting OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE SMITH & EVANS. Attorneys for geiected. or having bona fide objec- Februarv. 1928, C. E. Ruth. Plaintiff, a small tract In said Wallac D. L. C. 633 Main Street Administrator. 434 Miner nidg., Eu- t)ong to g,lrh gpp||eation, an oppor- recOvered Judgment against Alvin M beginning at intersection of the cen- ------------- . —--- -------__----------------------- ¡gene, Oregon. ................ • protest — *--* w — ith ««-- Successor to Button Transfer tunltv to -• file the’r tne Spencer, a single man, and further ter line of County Road No. 42 with M 8-15*22-29: Ap. 5: Register of th«- U. 9. Land Office a» ,ierrPPtng that said Judgment and the the North line of the S.% of said . Roseburg. Oregon Any such protests ]|en of plaintiff was superior to the ‘ claim, thence Northeasterly along 228 Main SL Residence 125 C *t SU M M O N S ¡or objections must be filed in this o f-, rights of all other defendants herein 1 center of said road 2.60 chains, thence <2 J «2M IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE flee within thirty days from the date and whlch Judgment was and is In the northwest 53 ft., thence southwestern WM. G. HUGHES STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E , of the first publication of this notice sum of $2136.65 together with the ]v parallel with the said road to the FIR* ANO AUTO INSURANCE Full Auto Equipment COUNTY OF LANE. ¡beginning March 1 19-8 Non-coal further gum ot j 2oo 00 A. orneys fees said north line of S% of Wallace D. NOTARY R U *L IC Lady Assistant HAMILL A. CANAD41. Register. | an(j interest thereon and cn said Judg-j l C. thence east to the place of be- Fred Marshall, Plaintiff, vs. Nettie Mar. 1-8-15-2.-.9 ment at 107c per annum from Feb in n in g , about U acre of land, con- ONI«« at Marshall, Defendant, ----------------------------- 25th, 1928. and for tae costs and ac- taining In all 264(6 acres of land. To Nettle Marshall, the above named FIRST NATIONAL BANK SUM M O NS crulng costs of this sale, and which more or less, in Lane County, Oregon, defendant: •prtngfl.ld, Or« gon I IN THE NAME OF THE STATE i i n THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Judgment was enrolled and docketed i . .. fh . f of (he Wpgt u of the DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL OF OREGON: You are hereby re-' STATE o f o RE«10N FOR in the Clerks office of Lane County, gou, hwpg. (n Town«hlp eighteen (18) South DENTIST .plaint filed against you in the above Emma Kathern Mitchell, plaintiff, v. ! 1928, and nf^Ranxe Two 12) We«t lying North DR. N. W. EMERY entitled Court and cause on or before C»egTe F Mitchell, defendant. SAID EXECUTION and order of f t- cpnter of the county road, Phon* 43 oKNTirr i the 22nd day of March, 1928, said To George F Mitchell, defendant: sale commanding me in ae name of . . . extend easterly and westerly F lr« t N a t i B ank Bldg., S p rin g fie ld date being more thnn four weeks from IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the State of Oregon in order to satisfy , hrou_h gaM prPmises situated in Sutton Bldg. Phon« 80-J the date of the first publication o f , OF OREGON, you nre hereby required said execution nnd Judgment, at' ' r^ ne (-ountT Oregon and contain- R««ld«nc« Phon« 153-M this summons herein entered of re- to appear and answer the complaint tornevs fees Interest, and cost and ex- , . acreg ’morp or ’iP«g cord and; If you fall so appear and | which has been filed against you in ; pense and accruing costs to sell the i * ' «w Uvmn r answer for want thereof the plaintiff thP above entitled Court nnd cause following described real property, ^ 4 «lecreetag that pUlntiff Myr . •prlngfl«ld, Oregon will apply to the Court for the relief ¡within four weeks from the date of the tcewlt- Wallace is the sole owner or sata premises in fee simple free and clear _______________ bAt Eight (8) In Block One (1) of this summons: and In his complaint demanded and pray­ first publication MAX STOVE WORKS you If you fall to so appear and answer j Agate Plat, an Addition to Eugene, of all claims of you and each of „„a ed for, to-wlt: O«neral Law Praetlea defendants, and that you and For a Judgment and decree of di­ the plaintiff will apply to the Court Lane County, Oregon, as shown by Will take your Old Stylo Range 1 each of you bp fn^ e’ pr vorce dissolving the bonds of matri­ for the relief prayed for In her com- the recorded map of platt thereof. In exchange on a Later One. 1. M. PETERSON | asserting any c’alm m the prem ise, mony now nnd heretofore existing be­ Plaint, to-wlt for a decree d isso lv in g , Now therefore. Attorn«y-at-Law marriage contract now existing! IN THE NAME OF THE S T A T E , adverse to the plaintiffs. tween the plaintiff, Fred Marshall, and the __ __________ _____ Main near Mill St., Sprlnglleld This tho defendant. Nettle Marshall, on the between the plaintiff and defendant OF OREGON, In compliance with ----- summons Is served upon you CUy Hall Building grounds of cruel and Inhuman trent jnnd divorcing the plaintiff from the ! said execution and order of sale and by publication In The Springfield Springfield, Ora. ment and for such other relief as to defendant, and that the plaintiff be to satisfy said Judgment, interest, at-1 News for six consecutive and succes- awarded the care, custody and control torneys fees, and costs of sale, 1 will slve weeks commencing with the I«- the Court my seem meet.. On Saturday the 31st day of March «ue dated February 2nd, 1928 pursu- This sumons is served) upon you by of Robert George Mitchell and Cheles- publication thereof in the Springfield tla Irene Mitchell, the two minor 1928. at the hour of One O’clock P. , ant to the order of the Hon, O. F, M. in the afternoon of said day at the Sklpworth. Circuit Judge and Judge M. O. HOGE News pursuant to an order of the children of plaintiff nnd defendant. All kinds of gravel for con- This sumons is served upon you by Southwest front door of the County of the nbove entitled court, which Hon. G. F. Sklpworth Judge of the Crete or road work. We Attorn*7-at-L*w Circuit Court of the State of Oregon publication In accordance with an Court House, In Eugene, lam e County, said order was duly made ana entered make * specialty of crushed for the County of Lnue, duly made order made and entered by the Hon. Oregon, offer for sale and sell for of record on the 31st day of January, Practise U. S. and State rock and rock sand. Bunk­ nnd entered of record on the twenty O F Sklpworth. Jndiw of the above cash, at public auction, subject to re­ 1*38. Court* first day ot February, 1928, ord«>ring ! entitled Court, directing that service demption as provided by law. the ers at foot of Main on Mill HARRIS, 8 UTH ft BRY8ON„ At­ that this summons he published one«' of sumons be made by the publication said premises and all of the right title Bugene, Oregon street each week for four successive and 1 thereof once each week for four sue and Interest of said defendant theretn torneys for J i&iittlffs, Postofflce Ad­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. consecutive weeks In the Springfield I cesstve weeks In the Springfield News and ot all persons claiming by, dress; Eugen-, 'Jicgon. News and that the date of the first a newspaper o ' general circulation through or under them or either of First Publication February 2nd, 1118, them, in and to said premises and the publication will be Fobruary 23rd, published In Tjine County, Oregon. FRANK A. DE PUE Date of first publication th" 1st «lay r'.h ts and appurtenances thereunto Last Publication March 16th, 1328. 1928 and the dale of tho last publica­ ATTORNIY AT LAW F. 3-9-16-23: M. 1-8-16. belonging. of March, 1928 tion will be Mnrch 22nd, 1928. FRANK E. TAYLf R, Sheriff of DONALD YOUNG, Attorney for FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for NOTARY PUBLIC JEW ELER Plaintiff, Residence. Springfield. Ore- ; plaintiff, k«(. Willamette S treet En- Ltne County, Orsgon. CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W By BEUIUIH I. BRINMICK, Deputy. I gen«, Oregon. gon. Springfield, Oregon oa prices on plates and ctásr i $prlna*«td> ; Mar. 1-8-15-!?-?*. Mar. 1-3-16-3:-». F. 23: .1. ' 8 1 5 32; Repairing a Sp ity "regon 1 • Uui.o.ng B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y L. M aL osh CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. D. W. Roof I