THURSDAY MARCH IB. 192« PARE r i v i THE fiPR IN O nÉ IJ) NEWS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Sunday Dinner Guest»—Mr. and Spend W eek-end a t Salem — Mins ■tale prohibition department opera­ Abbie Tomaeth. Miss Josephine Cooley Mrs. Carl Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry tives participated In 77 arrests In and Bryant Cowart drove to Salem Whitney and daughter. Miss Mary February. Fines aggregated 69026 10. Saturday, where they spent the week­ Elizabeth Whitney, and Mrs Lida Mc­ with jail sentences totaling 610 days Gowan of Eugene were Sunday dinner end. The officers destroyed 6199 gallons guests of Mr. and Mrs D W Crites. of mash, 2376 gallons of liquor and Sells Summer Home—The summer Brief Resume of Happenings of 14 sltlls. Drive to Roseburg— Mr and Mrs. G. home of A. Lyons of Jasper has been the Week Collected for The huge Front street Intercepting I sold to John Elliott, also of Jasper W. H. Turner drove to Roseburg Sunday. sower has been completed In I’orlland | Visits Parents Here—George Pool« W. Walker, realtor of Springfield, Our Readers. and negt week construe tloti *if the con­ spent the week end with his parents, i made the sale. crete harbor wall will he start'd on Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Poole. Georga Visits Family Here — John Will Is In high school at Lebanon, former tho waterfront, (). latursnurd, c tv I A li< w Amurh'nn I Inn post In . spent the week-end here with his home of the Pooles. I« . .1 11 .in.1* .1 ..i Thu , ln< r and father of the 62.000.o00 J family. He Is now employed by a inline of lb piili V, di ildv 1 project« announced. I harness factory In Albany. ui i>n, The Coos county court will begin it FOR SALE—100 Gallons Black Roof I *1 bn Eug< in1 Hlirlnn dub, which Ini» once Hie laying out of u road destined Return from Astoria — Mrs. M. B Paint. 61.26 per gallon while it lasts. hciii luucllvn fur Iv'n yi'iiii. bn» been to shorten materially the distance I Huntly, accompanied by her nephew Wm. Vasby, 312 Main Street. reorganis'd. unit Georg'- W Muiirua from Murshfleld to Kmplru and Ho i A1 Pohl. Jr., returned to Springfield beaches, according to Hie assurunc. 1» prvsldsul. after visiting in Astoria a week with CALL AND 8EE Dr. N. W. Emery Mrs. lluntly's parents, Mr. and Mrs. on prices on plates and other work, tf II I i I h fur the construction of a nv-n's given u large Coos buy delegation William Pohl. Mrs. F. J. Lueborw. i dormitory wire upouml by the bulbl- which appeured before the county daughter of Mr. Huntly, returned wltn FOR SALE— Carbo paper In large Inn committee of the r<'K*'iii» of Ore­ court last week. ////',/* I nasa/Stu WazALOO i ’QCN HUtSi Another ten mile stretch of the Vale sheets, 26x32 leches, suitable b r gon Hint« College lust week. Mrs. Huntly from St. Helens, where project canal will he let for construe making tracings. The News Office. BELL THEATRE — THURSDA Y — FRIDAY AND SATURDAY she visited relatives. The elnle highway load limit be­ tween l.n Grande and I’l-ndlston, on tbm. llld* will be optmed In the office the Old Oregon Trull, ha» been ruined of II. W. Ilssiiore, Vale project engl neer, on April 6 Construction work from 8600 to 8500 pound« on Hie Vale project Is now under way DEPENDABLE EIJEQLASS SERVICE Delight I’blppef well-known Medford on the 7 M» miles of the canal In the man, haa been appointed district »tale vicinity of Harper. fire warden to »uci-eed I*. II. Luwd. Creation of a scenic drjve up Roxy Visit Beach— Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Drives to Cottage Grove— Mr. and who recently resigned to enter busi­ Ann. the mountain four miles ea»t of Clupp drove to Newport Sunday. Mrs. M. M Male drove to Cottage ness. Medford overlooking the city and the Grve to visit triends Sunday. , OPTOmETR13T-~EIJE51QMT SPECIALIST Wnahlngton'a birthday will no long Recovering from Illness— Winifred, Rogue river valley, and establishment I EUQENE 878 Umiliamene St Phone 020 er be a holiday at the University of Attends Funeral— Mrs. M. M. Male of a scenic park at a cost of 626,00b, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Jest one thing— Bot I do it nqht Or< »A>n, It wan voted by member« of backed by the city and county, waa Gravos is recovering from an Illness. attended the funeral of her cousin, ' the faculty at the fuculty meeting lull Miles T. Starr, at Corvallis Tuesday. the aim of a resolution adopted by the Here from Drain— Mr. and Mrs. week. Medford city council last week. Harry A. Cool of Drain visited Mrs. Spends Sunday at Drain — M in Waahlngton county had u one-day Tho average production of the 479 Grace May Sunday. Elisabeth Rice spent Sunday In Drain, poultry school at Forest Grove lust cows enrolled In the Columbia Coun­ where she visited friends. Saturday Thu suasion was held In Here to Visit Brother— Hugh Kester ty Cow Testing association for Febru­ the Forest Grove chamber of com Visiting In Portland—Mrs. W. P. ary waa 653 pounds of milk and 23.81 of Portland arrived Monday to visit merce, Tyson and daughter, Winlfrld, are pounds of fat. For herds of more than his brother. Dr. Eugene Kester. Jail records show that during the 20 cows, the Guernsey herd of Fred j spending the week-end in Portland year 1927 there were 101 prisoners Uhliuan of Ki-app- vM took first place t Go to San Francisco— Mrs. Earl visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Ditto. locked up In the Yamhill county lull, with an.average of 736 pounds of milk I Thompson and two children left Sun­ day for San Francisco, where they will Visits from Portland— Miss Maude the largest number ever In the Jull and 31 63 pounds of fat. “ w here savin gs are g re a te st v isit Gorrle and Miss Lucy Schwering of ; In one year. Portland's building campaign Is 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. Portland drove to Springfield for the City mall delivery was started Mou Booming ahead In a way that promises Visits Son Here—R. A. Mct^gan week-end. day morning at Coquille. Eighty five to set a new record. The report shows of Tangent spent Sunday evening per cent of the patrons of the office that last month permits showing u and Monday visiting with his son, W. Drive to Corvallis — Mrs. F. B. receive their mall twice a day from total construction cost of 61.530,340 C. McLagan. Flanery, with her children, Richard two carriers. and Dorothy, drove to Corvallis and were Issued by the city. This Is a Committee Meets—The committee A proposal to Issue 650.000 bonds gain of 65 per cent over the January back Sunday. for the establishment of an airport In permits and u gain of 36 per cent over on entertainments for the 'Neighbors of Woodcraft met Tuesday afternoon Reedsport Man Here—Roy Carins Salem probably will be submitted to February, according to the report with Mrs. Earl Dillard. of Reedsport spent Sunday and Mon­ the voters of that city at the primary Ellsworth Kelley, for the fourth day visiting his mother, Mrs. Sam election May IX. Returns from East— Mrs Marie time In less than three years, was Carins. Flat crepe and georgette Tentative dates for the third annual , sentenced to be hanged for the slay Rraxeal returned to Springfield Mon­ daffodil show at Forest Grove have i tng of John Sweeney. guard, during day after a visit In Iowa, Nebraska, in gay shades bring visions Visit at Halverson Home— Mr. and been fixed by the executive board of ' a break at the Oregon slate peniten­ and South Dakota. Mrs. Ed Anderson of Eugene were of blossoming flowers and the Washington County Daffodil asso­ tiary In August. 1925. The sentence | Sunday' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pratt budding trees — original Visiting Kester Home—Mr. and Mrs. ciation for March 29 to 31. was pronounced by Judge Kelly of the Hoi verson. printed patterns appear, too. E. J Morrison of Portland are guests Keorgaulxatlon of the Condon band Marlon county circuit court, who fixed at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Down from Harrisburg — W. A. took place last week. Frank itollen Friday. April IS. as the dale for the Ch&rming Frocks in Kester. Turner of Harrisburg visited friends execution. Is manager, hut who Is to be hand- and relatives in Springfield and Camp Sizes for W om en, Leaves for Wisconsin— Earl Ger­ m ailer haa not been settled. Forty A check for 69 86 waa received last Creek Sunday. sets of books have been sunt tor. Misses and Juniors week from the war department by lach. who has been with his uncle, Here from Orland— Mr. and Mrs. The new Hood River airport, dedi­ Captain C. Y Tengwald of the Med­ George Gerlach, left Monday for Mani­ The better type of frock that cated last Monday, hud Its first acci­ ford national guard company. The towoc, Wlnsconsin, where he will Alfred Tomseth of Orland. California, is dixtinctive and uvrtui for arrived here Friday to visit with Mr. dent when Gordon Mounce, a Portland sum represented the amount In the make his bosn«*. many occasions — and surpns- Tomseth's father, John Tomseth. pilot, lost a wheel In binding His mess fund of Company G when It was Find Early Flowers— Dr and Mrs. ingly reasonable. plane tilted and a wing waa ripped ordered to Fort Stevens and federal- W. H. Pollard and family drove to Visiting Father — Miss Christie Five boxen of Oregon strawberries, Ixed. at the outbreak of the world war Fnll Creek Sunday. They reported Anderson arrived here Tuesday even­ first of the season, arrived in Port­ The transaction which required ten finding many Irllllums. wild currants, ing from Portland for a week's visit land luat week Initial supply came years. Is now closed. and a few lamb tongues. with her father, A. A. Anderson. Miss There were two fatalities In Oregon from A. P. Anderson at Waterloo and Anderson Is reevering from- an at­ Here from Portland— Mr. and Mrs. consisted of the Oregon Plum variety. due to Industrial accidents during the tack of Influenza. An application of the Malheur Rail­ week ending March 8. according to a Charles E Jordan arrived Tuesday road company to suspend until Juue report prepared by the state Indus­ evening from Portland. They are 30 Its operation as a common carrier trial accident commission last week. visiting Indefinitely at the home of between Seneca and Hums was ap The victims were Victor Klotchkoff. Mrs. Jordan's mother, Mrs. Sophia ’ proved by the public service commis­ Westport, rigger, and Walter H. Laws, Berg Rogue River, truck driver. There sion recently. Visiting from Alaska—Mrs. Edwin were u total of 497 accidents reported Herbert D. Newell, superintendent, Minnls. of Juneau. Alaska, arrived to the commission during the week. reports that gross returns from the Tuesday to spend several days visit- i If present weather conditions pre. lands on the Klumnth reclamation i ins friends. Mrs. Minnls has been vis- project for 1927 totaled 61,181,670, an vail for the next two months. Crater 1 ttlng for the past three months with bought direct from the m anufacturer and sold at the best Increase of nearly 6276,000 over the Lake national park roads will be open- relatives In California and the east possible price. to automobile travel by May 16, pre­ preceding year. dicted John Maben, caretaker and No. 600 Ball Bearing. 11 Inch Wheel. 14 Inch cut $13.50 At a meeting of potato growers of Dismissed from Hospital— Preston weather observer at Crater Lake No. 500 Ball Bearing, 10 Inch Wheel, 14 Inch cut $11.70 Clackamas county at the Oregon City lodge. The park opened July 2 In ' McPherson, employee of the Booth- . No. 400 Ball Bearing, « 3 Inch Wheel, 16 Inch cut $10.80 chamber of commerce rooms last week 1927. and the latter part of May in , Kelly company who was injured last j temporary officers were chosen to No. 350 Ball Bearing, 8’/< Inch Wheel. 14 Inch cut .... $8.85 week when he fell and hurt his leg, j 1926 Snowfall and total precipitation serve In an organisation to be named i was dismissed from the Eugene hos­ Spading Shovels in Strap or Socket Patterns, hue been 100 per cent less this season H ......................... 7 . . . .............. $1.50 — $1.65— $1.80 at a later meeting. pital Tuesday. than last. i \ Construction of a 630.000 addition to Hoes — ............................................................... 70c — $1-1^ Resources of Portland's 24 commer­ the Willard hotel at Klamath Falls, Cafeteria to be Held—A cafeteria cial and savings banks rose 66.249.942 Rakes — Shell B o w ........................................ $1.35 — $1.45 supper, to which the public Is Invited, j which will make the hostelry one of in January and February of this yesu- Rakes — Malleable ................................................... 70c the most modern and commodious In ■tstsm ents prepared by the banks, In will be held by the Foreign Mission Wheelbarrows .» ................................ $5.50 — $6.00 — $10.50 the state. Is announced by W. D. Mil­ response to call of the controller of society of the Methodist church In the i ler, owner of the property. • currency and state superintendent of church basement Monday evening at : The price of dairy cows still re­ banks to report on condition as of six o’clock. mains high In the Sandy section, as February 28. showed total resources evidenced at the sale of 82 head on of the banks for lhat date of 6180,- HARDWARE — FURNITURE— PAINT Monday Shoppers In Springfield— the Vetsch farm near Boring, the larg­ 249,880. This compared with 6178,- Visitors In Springfield Mondaytwere PHONE 18 VITUS BLOCK est sale ever put on In this section of 999,938 as reported for December 31, Mrs. Bud Clark of Oakridge, Mrs , Clackamas county. The cows aver­ 1927. Walter Wallace of Jasper. Mrs. Ger aged 6116 each, the two highest near­ A "gold strike” out of the ordinary trude Howard of Junction City, Floyd ing 6200. was reportod In Salem recently. Fol­ Root of Mohawk, Mrs. John Travis The total timber cut on the 22 na­ lowing the slaughter of eight head of of Thurston, Mrs. J. B. Hills of Oak­ B y J. F. K etels SPRINGFIELD FOLKS tional forests of Oregon and Washing cattle at a local packing plant butch­ ridge and Mrs. J. M. Schultx of Ftfxll ton for the caleno^r year 1927 was ers noticed that the animals' teeth Creek. 873,894.000 board feet, with a value of were coated with a glittering sub­ rW H V ,l r em em ber 1 6878,739, as shown by report Issued stance resembling gold. A number of &UT FIRST 5 h E Out of Town Visitors Saturday — m y , b u t y o u by the United States forest service. the teeth were pulled and later sub­ Among Saturday visitors and shoppers W H EN Y ov W E R E A USES BEAUTY HAVE GROWN YES, UNCLE 5e> HOPKINS* M A K IN G This Is a decrease of nearly 46 million mitted to a Salem dentist and Jeweler In Springfield w eie Elia and James U P S IN C E 6 a id s f r o m B oB FACES AT board feet as compared with 1926, for examination. Both pronounced the Blakley o l Wendllng, Mrs. C. L. Gias- l a s t S a w T m E 3O V S due largely to depression In the lum­ substance pure gold. Local veterin­ pey of DeXter, Ira Baldwin of Pengra, >ou , B E T r Y -. / O ber market, according to the service. arians expressed the opinion that the Mrs. J. G. DeVos of Goshen, J. B. The 14 national forests of Oregon teeth came in contact with the gold Elliott and Mrs. L. E. Balln of Cres­ show a cut of 171,884,000 board feet, as the cattle grased In some mining well, George Fisher and Mrs. Julius valued at 6462,283. Peerson of Vida, Mrs. W. L. Rauch of district. Exactly 548 pounds of milk, with a Clipping several minutes from the Walterville, and Mr. and1 Mrs. Ray butterfat content of 26.48 pounds, was record. Chester Lamont of Astoria Smith of Portland. the average production of 639 cows won the semi-annual Seaside to As­ of the Marlon County Dairy Improve­ toria marathon hike Thursday night, Wednesday’s Visitors — Out-of-town ment association tested during the covering the 20 miles In 3 hours 66 visitors and shoppers in Springfield month of February. A total of 43 minutes 66 seconds. He was closely Wednesday Included Ray Brown of herds were tested. pressed by L. Puuetlnen of Bresson, Full Creek. L. H. Adams of Creswell, Carnival amusement« and conces­ who was but It seconds behind the Charles Brewer of Fall Creek, Mrs. sions for the American Legion state winner, while Wayne Suokko of A» Bud Clark of Marcola, Mrs. W. L. Many young ladies and their mothers come here convention to be held In Medford next torla took third place. Mildred Lal­ Rauch of Walterville, Alfred Hostlck for aids to personal charm. They’ve found them August will be permitted by the city lans of Seaside won the women’s hik­ of Junction City, J. B. Elliott of Cres­ pure and dependable—like our standard drugs— council only with the approval of the ing race from Warrenton to Astoria, well, Mrs. Sheasley of Lowell, Mrs. sold at fair prices. A fine, refreshing drink and a local legion poet, « has been decide« hammering out the eight miles la Joe James of Jasper, Mrs. Everett delicious bit-to-eat at our immaculate fountain. at the request» of ths post. Keeler and Mrs. Ed. Keeler of Wendl­ 1 hour 35 minutes 30 seconds. lng. TOWN AND VICINITY Dr. Rollai Qick Spring Frocks of Coloi Suggest Bright Days And Warm Weather $19.75 We Have the Famous Herschel Lawn Mowers WRIGHT & SO N S W e Give Green Discount Stamps 4