THURSDAY MARCH IB. 192« R e turn» From E eetern V is it Aftur «[»'iiillns seven iw«eks visitIny relative« III low«, Nubiaskn unit South Ir k u tn , Mr« A tm * Uowrinn. and bar daughter, Lotilaa, ruturnml to Spring- fluid Friday evening, Mr und Mra. a . J H rh n eliky of South Dakota, fathur and mother of Mra Cowdon, returned with her to make their homo In Hprlngfluld. SU M M O N S IN T IIE U1HUUIT COURT OF T IIE S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E CO UNTY OF LANE Eilna Uowen, I ’lalntlfT, ve. Glenn Bowen, Defendant. To (lien Howen the above named ear and uuawer the complaint flieil aaulnat you In Ihe above entitled Court und Cauae on or before the 12th day of April 1928 auld date being more than fouriweeka from the date of the Aral publication Tif thia aummona herein entered of record and If you fall eo to appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff w ill apply to the Court for the relief In her complaint agalnat you demanded and prayed for tie w it: For a Judgment und ducree of divorce dlHMohlng (lie tonda of tnatrl- moiiy now aud heretofore t-glatlng be­ tween the I'lalntlfT, Edna Howen and the defendant, (llenn Howen on the grounda of cruel and Inhuman tre at­ ment and for aueh other relief aa to the Court may aeem meet. T li I a aummona la aerved upon you by publication In Ihe Springfield Newa. a newapaper o f general circulation pursuant to an order of the Honor­ able J 1'. llrniid Judge of the C ir­ cuit Court of the Htute of Oregon for the County of luttie, duly made und entered of record on the 12th day of March 192M ordering ihla aummona Io be published once each week for four aucc«aalve and conaecullvo week» in | the auld Sprlnglh-td Newa atiil that the date of the flrat publication will be March 15th. 192ft. and the dale o f the Inal publication w ill be April 12th, 192ft F R A N K A. D e P l'E , Attorney for Ihe Pbillillff, Residence, Springfield, O re­ gon. M 15-22 29 A 6-12: TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE do say the wrong thing There Ian t starter— and the weather 1» aa goo I anybody living who can toast never to a topic of conversation as It ever have dropped some untimely remurk was. lhat he immediately regretted— and And don’t forget for a moment— blushed many ttinea remembering it. that It Is Just as much of an a rt to Don't think about It. Don’t make to a good listener as It la to be a auch an effort to talk, and you w ill b rillian t conversationalist. find It a great deal easier. Every prraoeof n Dear Miss F lo :— time you have atage-frlght when you Aiwa Fte. M «ere o/ fia* are In a crowd"- start talking. Say For the last year and a h alf 1 something—say anything. I t ’s the have been going with a man on Sweetland field at W illam ette where Jolliff-Scaiefe Motor Company P r e te x te d b y In te rio r, hide OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED supreme N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N FO R E S T E X C H A N G E No. 017838 the W illam ette University, Salem, Ore., March 15— As the smack of the horse- and do It Right—See us before you have that motor overhauled. Score» o f battle­ ship» - thousands of fighting men— a hundred th rillin g struggle» --death dared every instant— plus magnificence,thrills,ro­ mance and revelry never be­ fore equalled. You’ll find N O T IC E Is hereby given that H I. Newell, of Ib-kuni Building. Port land. Oregon, tiled application No. 017842. tinder the Act of March 20. 1922 (42 S t . i i . 4*6". tn exchange the N H of Section 34. Tp. 15 8 , Range 9 West. W M . conlalnln» 320 acres w ithin the Sluslnw National Forest, for approxl-* nuili-lv 15 acres tim ber within the E H . Sec. 1. E H E H . Sec. 12. Tp. 20 S. It 3 East, and Sections 4 to 9. in elusive. S W H - Sec. to. N H N W H . Sec. 15, Sections 16 and 20 Inclusive, T p 20 S . it 4 East. W . M . within the Cascade National Forest. The purpose of this notlco Is to allow nit persons claim ing the lands selected, or, having bona fide objec­ tions to such application, an oppor­ tunity to file their protest with the Register of the (I. S Land Office nt Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protests or objections must to died In this office within th irty days from the date of the first publication of this notice, beginning March 15. 1928. Non-coal. H A M II.L A C A N A D A Y. Register. M 15-32-29: A 5 12: of AT WILLAMETTE VARSITY We Can Recondition Your Motor The ¿Most Stupendous Sea Battle in The History o f The Qinema D e p a rtm e n t of the In te rio r, U n ite d State« Land Office. Roseburg, O re ­ gon, M arch 7th. 1928. State« Land Office. Roseburg, Ore­ gon, March 7th. 1928 N O T IC E Is hereby given thnt Wil­ liam E arl Cochran, of S 45th and L Streets, Tacoma, Wash., filed Applica­ tion No. 017838. under the Act of March 20, 1922. (42 Stat 465). to ex- M c M ullin is on squad BELL THEATRE, »m Thurs.-Fn.-Sat., Mar. 15,16,17 N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N , FOREST EXCH ANG E No. 017542 D e p a rtm e n t mind bis Indifference he w ill be more interested in you than ever. JE W E L E R A Big Western Epic SUNDAY — MONDAY — MARCH 25 - 26 Time Watch Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon We Give Green Stamps Greta Garbo and John Gilbert Halleck’s Grocery FOR PURE FOODS In LOVE We Deliver << Springfield Phone 4 SUNDAY — MONDAY — APRIL 15 -16 WRIGHT & SONS “The Student Prince” IN OLD HEIDELBERG’’ Everything in Hardware — Paint — Furniture — Rugs C-O-M-l-N-G Linoleum “The Enemy” “Seventh Heaven” Phone 18 We Deliver M o u n ta in S tates P ower C o m pany