è B o o i t For M a d e -in - Oregon Product». THE SPRINGFIELD NE TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR SAFETY ZONES 10 BE AT BUS STOPS) Council Create« Non-Parking Strip« That Bu« May Come to Curb for Passenger«; Smitson Would Resign as Chief of Police. O. L ib rary SPRINGFOBLD. IxANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY .MARCII 15, 192b Furia Marketing Plan I1 IO 8E RE-ISSUED Resale Will Make Rate of Inter-' est lower; $9000 of Old Issue Remains; First Payment WiH Fall Due in 1931, on Other Bond Issues Choir Singer Wins Fume ’’he P to p le 't Paper” L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 10 JENNIE ANN RATHBUN, LONG A RESIDENT OF SPRINGFIELD, PASSES PLANS FOR NEW BRIDGE PREPARED Mrs. Jennie Ann Rathbun, for twenty years a resident of Springfield, pus -i <1 away at her home at 746 7th f , Bids to Be Opened March 27; atreet Monday morning. Mrs. Rath­ bun was sixty years of age. and had J Work Must Be Completed by February 1, 1929; Bridge Will been ill for several months. Be At End of Main Street, Funeral services were held Wed­ to Have Three Spans. nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from ! ■ ! the Springfield chapel, with Inter-1 Bond» for ,11.000 are being offered Thirty five feet safety sones far Specifications for the Springfield ment’ at the Laurel HUI cemetery. for »ale by school district 1*. This bus stops will he established an Main Rev M. O. Field of Salem delivered bridre recent,’r complet- twill refund bond» Issued In 1910 to •treat anil at Fifth and Main earner ed, and are now at the office of Judge n ir v ”i. T '-•“ Photo ihows the sermon. II F Yoakum former Prr.Hent of finance the building of the Lincoln accord Ing to agreement af the council C. P. Barnard, show a three span *!”■ ¿ r'*a° / A " * * chairman of Mrs. Rathbun was the daughter of he board of the R «k Island R. R school. *9,000 of the original fund of at Ita Monday night meeting. The Andrew Cummings. She was born In bridge, with a 150 foot pier approach leaving the Whit, Hoes* , f „ r „1,7 *20,000 has already been paid off. Amboy, Illinois. Later she moved at either end. A 550 foot continuous mne» will lie measured from the aide- tng on the President to present a new firm markrttnir r»b* with her family to Iowa and to Minne- ¡' 8teel truss will cover the three spans, The board has decided to refund the ' ■ walk line an the Intersecting »treat. sola. She married- Thomas A. Rath­ bonds at this time because It was No t>arklng will be allowed In the FRANK L. WILKINSON, DIES Photo «howi Grace Moore ai «he and a concrete handrail will be on bun at Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, - found that the rate of Interest might { appeared at the Metropolitan Opera safety lone» and the »treat bu»»e»iwlll either side. AT KLAMATH FALLS TUES. be made more advantageous. The I House, where »he made her debut in j October 27, 1880. For a time they he required to pull up to the curb be­ " ■' '■ i original Issue Is drawing live percent j Grand Opera at Mimi in Puccini’* | lived on a farm In Minnesota, and in \ Bldg for the bridge must be In by fore taking on or discharging pa»»eng- March 27, and the contract specifies Frank L. Wilkinson passed «wav Interest, while the new Issue will draw i "I-a Boheme” Mi»» Moore ro»e to i 1899, they moved to Oregon. er» The prartl»e of »topping the bu» her present fame from a choir singer ' that It must be completed by February at Klamath Falls, Tuesday March 13, , only four and one half percent. The j in Jellico«. Tenu The deceased is survived by her In the center of the atreet a* at pre»- 1. 1929. The east and west spans will I husband; six children, Richard A. ent when car» are parked at the curb 1923. He was well known In this original issue Is not due until 1930. measure 176 feet, 7 Inches, and the vicinity, being raised In Coburg and With the present financial condition ________________ Rathbun of Elma, Washington, Ver- la regarded a» extremely dangerous ; center span will be 198 feet long. Th« later working In Springfield for ten of the district, the board decided that VETERAN JEWELS . non Rathbun of Wendling, Harry to traffic. bridge, measured from the inner edges years for the street railway as con­ It could not pay off more without mak Rathbun of Springfield, Mrs. Flossie C h ief of P o lio* W ould Q uit GIVEN TWO LODGES I of the concrete hadrail, will be 37 feet ductor between Springfield and Eu­ Ing too large a levy on the d istrict.! i Pruett of Bend, Mrs. Jessie Cox of Chief of Police and Fire Chief Je«« In the mean time, the members will 1 MEN FOR SERVICE GoldMon and Mrs. Katherine Gunning j wide. The handrail will have a sand Smltnon submitted hl» resignation to gene. finish, with panels surfaced with fins try to reduce the warranted Indebted-' He leaves the following relatives: of Blue River. She is also survived granite and quartz chips. the council to take effect April 1 but An open meeting of the I. O. O. F. ness which amounts to more than ,30.- by five grandchildren and four the request wo» tabled, Sntltaon »aid sisters. Mrs. Clara Taylor. Springfield, The Springfield approach will enter lodge was held last night, at which brothers. Mrs. Rathbun was a mem­ that criticism of hl» work by cltlien» M’-s. M J. Skinner. Eugene. Mrs 000, and which Is drawing six percent Main street diagonally from the south­ many members from Eugene were Interest. ber of the Royal Neighbors lodge. had lead him to the ded»lon to sub­ Arthur Roach of Coburg and Mrs. Sam - west, and will cut through the pro­ present. Several selections were After refunding the present Issue, Curdy o f Camus, Washington; mit hl» resignation. Councilman and perty of Clara J. Barnes, Albert given by the Odd Fellows band of Eu­ PULP WOOD SURVEY muyor assured hint of their support brothers, Vernle of Springfield, and . there will be no bonds to lie met by Walker and H. F. Walker. On ths gene. Miss Dorothy Fisher gave 4 the school district until 1931, when Scott of Hend. His parents and one and «aid ha had dlichnrged hl» duties SHOWS GOOD QUANTITY Eugene side, the property of Charles reading^ and Osal Luce rendered a sister iMissed tuwuy several years ago. there will be *1000 due each year until satisfactorily to them. Klngwell, B. B. and Anna Oldham, and cornet solo. Mrs. F. C. Pursley gave a 1934. Beginning 1934 there will be Tile body Is now nt the Veatc l A new schedule of electrical wiring Evidence that there is plenty of pulp Myrtle B. Doane will be traversed. and plumbing permit and Inspection Chapel In Eugene, where services will *5,500 due on the two outstanding vocal solo, which was followed by an wood In Lane county to supply two in the specifications are provisions fee« wss considered by the council. he held, Sunday March 18. at 2 p m. Issues each year until 1939 Begin­ instrumental selection by Dorris Gir­ or three good size paped mills is in for lighting the bridge. Lamps will be ard. The Juniors gave a stunt, direct­ Twenty-live cents for a permit and one »1th Interment at Coburg cemetery In ning with 1939 there will be *8000 due the hands o the Springfield Chamber , installed at each end and a conduit yearly until 1943, when It will again ed by Frances Frliell, and Miss Jule dollar for Inspection was tentatively the family lot. of Commerce Committee making a will lead across the bridge that may ( Pollard was musician for a dance Mr. Wilkinson has ninny friends In be *6,500. agreed upon. A license fee of *10 for survey of the timber. It Is believed be Upped In other places. I stun t electrical contractors und plumbers thia vicinity who will be grieved to that there in someiwhere between four, a - i t .,ÌÀ , I Coburg Bridge A d vertised Foilwing the program, Jewels for KENSINGTON CLUB HAS ' learn of his death. was also dlacussed. and six billion feet of t.mber su iuble Bldg for the nax gtpp, br to twenty-live years of service were pres-! 7"~ Ordinances covering the permits - „ , . _ POT-LUCK LUNCHEON ented to M. A .Prlemer I for , , pulp wood. , MoreJ ba\ tw° bU11° n l Place the old Coburg bridge will be and W. F. and street safety tones will la- submit­ NEW BOOKS ADDED TO feet of this is reported in the Cascade opened at the nplt hlKhway rapetin< Walker. Herbert Walker presented ted at the next meeting, the recorder A pot-luck luncheon with a 8t. a.Iona orest. j Ag th|g Jg a miar^et rra(j brjdge the SPRINGFIELD LIBRARY Mr. Prlemer’s award, while M. C. having been Instructed1 to draw the Patrick's day motif was enjoyed by The committee Is finding It a real state has supervision over its con- Bressler of Cottage Grove read the same. One hundred sixty-four new books Kensington club members at the home Jewel ritual for Mr. Walker. Ice task to see timber owners and opera- struction. The county has been busy were aihU-d to the Springfield library of Mrs. W. C. Rebhan Friday. In two j cream. coffee and cake were served tors and personally list their holdings during the winter putttlng in the ap- JUVENILE LODGE during the year 1927, according to the weeks. Mrs. J. C. McMurray and Mrs after the meeting. as a definite supply. Help in doing this proaches, piling and piers for the new ORGANIZED HERE yearly report, which has Just been L. H. Neet will entertain the club at from those who own timber stani» bridge. When this bridge Is in twa Issued by Miss Mary Roberts, llbrar the home of Mrs. McMurray. conulning hemlock and white fir or i near roads leading to the south ap- 'REV. COAN TO PREACH Those present at the luncheon The first Juvenile circle of the lau. However, 160 books iwere ruined M F T I-in rtlQ T r u i l D C U ' are cu“ tin*f PttlP wood at present will Proach will be constructed one Joining A . M t I - I U U I O I L r l U K L n : t>e appreciated. Information the present road at Armitage station Neighbors of Woodcraft for thia dis­ by water when the pipes In the build- were: Mrs. Charles P. Poole. Mrs. L. E. Basford, Mrs. Paul Hanford, Mrs. trict met last night for Installation of 1 Ing frose and burst last winter, can be mailed to the Chamber of Com- and another leading to the county officers. ITecedlng the Installation j A total of 2160 books are owned by W. H Whitney. Mrs. Man- Kessey? Rev. J. B. Coan. executive secretary merce or left at the Springfield New< farm road to the west. ¡the library, und 2160 were taken out j Mr" c E- Swarts. Miss Edna Swnrts. of fhe Wesley hospital at Marshfield the following ( rogram was given office. There are several eastern firms | ----- ------------------------- Selection by 8. H. 8. orchestra. 'during the year. The largest dally Mrs. Dallas Murphy, Mrs. W. K. Bar- addressed members of the Methodist whiyh are ready to locate In Oregon SUPPER AND CARDS Sunday School board Tuesday on Vocal solo. Mrs. W. K. Barnell ' circulation was 204 hooka, and the nell, Mrs. Clarence Chase, Mrs. L. if. provided that an immediate available ENJOYED BY CLUB Plano duet. Pearl and June Hildebran! j smallest, 21. A total of 200 books were Neet, Mrs. J. C. McMurray, Mrs. W. pro-Eeaster preparations. On Wed­ supply of pulp wood can be found. nesday evening he was in charge of Reading ............................... Ida Adams ! liorrowed from the state library dur- F. Walker. Mrs L. May, Mrs. J. T. The committee regards this as a real A-covered1 dish supper w as enjoyed Moore. Mrs. C. E. Kenyon, Mrs. S. C. Ilhe Prayer meeting. Plano solo, Margaret Jarrett ing the year. opportunity to locate one or th'ese Beginning March 25, Rev. Coan will by members of the Chrysanthemum Wright. Mrs. W C. Wright, Mrs. Al­ Reading ........... ................ Doris Braat ; " ---- mills that would employ from two club at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. W. fred Morgan, Mrs. Jack Henderer, hold dally pre-Easter evangelistic ser­ Plano solo . ...... ........ Oneta Smith FUNERAL SERVICES FOR hundred to a thousand people and al­ H. Adrian Wednesday evening. Cards vices at the church. The meetings : Mrs. S. R. Dippel and Mrs. Rebhan. Reading Gladys Hulse so make money for holders of pulp were the entertainment of the even­ MRS. WRIGHT TUESDAY w ill continue until Easter. The new officers are: Guardian timber. ing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. EUGENE BANKER WILL Neighbor, Doris Chase; Paal Guardian Funeral services for Mrs. Minerva Frank DePue, Mr and Mrs. J. A. ADDRESS BROTHERHOOD M 0DERN WOODMEN WILL Neighbor, Velma Peddlcord; Advisor, Wright, who died Sunday evening at Seavey, Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Dippel, Dr. SPRINGFIELD EGGS Thcbim Lip«-»; Magician, Wilma the home of her son, three miles west GIVE PROGRAM MARCH 21 and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Rorer, president of the Bank I Ltpes; Clerk. Alice Neet; Attendant, of Eugene, were held from the Spring- SHIPPED TO DENMARK Carl Phetteplace, Mr and Mrs W. R. Howard Nesbitt; Banker, Willard Nea field chapel Tuesday at two o'clock. of Commerce of Eug«-ne will speak j A program will be given at the Dawson, Mr and Mrs. J. C. McMurrav, Thirty eggs, laid by pedigreed white hit; Inner Sentinel. Bonnie Findley; Rev. R. B. Mason, retired Methodist to the Methodist Brotherhood Monday ■ regular meeting of the Modern Wood­ Mr. and Mrs.. M. M. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. evening at 6: «5 o'clock on his obser-1 men of America at the W. O. W. hall leghorn hens, some of them Portland i Outer Sentinel, Freddie Neet; Music­ minister, read the services. Burial vations of business conditions made ! Wednesday evening.' prize winners, left Springfield for a B. A. Washburne, Mrs. Maude Bryan, ian, Margaret Jarrett; Flagbearer, was at the I-aure|eHlll cemetery. ¡ Miss Crystal- Bryan, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Adams; Captain of the Guards, on his recent trip to the Hawaiian The program will be given follow- long Journey Monday. They were sent W. J. Scott of Eugene. Mrs. Wright was born in Toronto, Ixds Deeds. There are nineteen mem­ ( anada July 31 1866 When she was , *lan‘*8' Precedln< the talk, several tng the business meetting of the lodge from the R. B. Nelson Leghorn farm ' w n. n sne was , memberg of the tjadleg Ald wi„ gerve east of Springfleldv and the address bers of the new lodge. u small child, the family moved to dinner to the members of the Brother- and will be open the Royal Neighbors Refreshments he served after the i read: Yo Mr. Ole Hans Olsen, Vester LUNCHEON GIVEN AUlaon, (Intarlo, and. later they went ; hood and thp)r KUpgtg mpmbpr Love Mark. pr. Hong Station, SJalland, BY MRS. W HITNEY CIVIC CLUB APPOINTS to Thompson, North Dakota. At the Is asked to bring with him a business program. Danmark, Europa. COMMITTEES FOR YEAR age of 17. she married Louis 'Wright, man of Springfield. Mrs. H. W. Whitney entertained at M u rra y Pleads N ot G u ilty Each egg was wrapped In paper and who died in 1915. Mrs. Wright Is a one o’clock luncheon Tuesday. Fol- Standing committees for the year survived by her son, Orin Wright, a excelsior. So careful was the packing CARD PARTY GIVEN Charles Murray, Eugene shoes clerk that Mr. Nelson hazarded the guess lwlng the luncheon, the guests played were appointed by Mrs. W. W Whlker. daughter-in-law, and three grand­ president of the Indies Civic club, children. She was a member of the AT CRITES HOME who ran down with automobile and that the carton could be thrown across bridge. Guests were Mrs. Anna | killed William Martin Sunday, pleaded the room without damage. The eggs Kessey, Mrs. Carl Olson. Mrs. C. E. at the meeting In the Chamber of Methodist church and the W. C. T. U. Mrs. D. W. Crites and Mrs. Carl O1 ' not guilty in circuit court yesterday are to be used for setUng. They were Swarts, Mrs. Mary Kessey, Mrs. Al­ Commerce Tuesday night. The mem- son entertained at a card party at the I afternoon on the charge of manslaugh- all laid Monday morning, and about fred Morgan and her mother, Mrs, hers discussed the plans to bulk, FORMER RESIDENT DIES Crltes home last evening. Those at- j ter. The time of his trial will be set thirteen days will be required1 for the Coffin of Eugene, and Mrs. Lida Mc­ hnthhusese on the river hanks near Gowan of Eugene. IN CALIFORNIA CITY | tending were Mrs. Anna Kessey, Mrs I by Judge G. F. Sklpworth. Murray is Journey. the bridge and have deferred action ------- * Mary Kessey, Dwight Kessey, Mr. and i also charged with driving while drunk. until further Information In regard to Child Lacerates Tongue Word has been received by friends i Mrs. Alfred Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Cof-! The machine that went wild at labor and' material Is gntherod. At the next meeting of the club special In Springfield of the death of Mrs. I Un of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. I Thirteenth and Alder crushed Martin DINNER PARTY GIVEN George Horton, three year old son committee from the other women's 1 **'me Wblttenberger. of Los Angeles, | Whitney, Mrs. Lida McGowan and Mr. I against a bouse so badly that he died ' FOR CLUB MEMBERS of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Horton, who live i in a few hours in the hospital. organizations will meet with the mem­ and until a month ago a resident of j and Mrs. George Hobson of Eugene near 8th and' C streets, partially sever­ Members of the 500 club gathered bers to consider forming a federation Springfield. Mrs. Whlttenberger «1 ed ed his tongue when he fell and bit It Tuesday. She » n s 36 years of age, P.-T. A. Benefit D in n e r to Be Held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gets Five Years of women's clubs In Springfield. Sunday. Several stitches were re­ Seavey Friday evening, for dinner and Standing committees appointed In­ and Is survived by her husband, Olto, A benefit dinner sponsored by the quired to close the wound. The young­ CharlpR Spores, Mohawk farmer, cards . H ostesses for the evening cluded: Membership; Mesdumes Ber and several brothers and alstera who Parent Teachers Association will be ster Is now able to talk and eat again. live In Nebraska. nice Van Valzah, L. L. Page, W. C. held March 21 at six o'clock at the I WHS ’’f,n,enc<'d to flve ‘n ‘he were Mrs. Seavey, Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. Methodist church. The dinner w ill' Pen“ entl»ry Wednesday afternoon In Mrs. S. R. Dippel and Mrs. Frank Mcl.agan and D. O. Fisher; Social, Marriage Licenses Issued S a fe ty M e ttin g Held he followed bv a program. The din-1 c,rcuit cour‘ by Judge Brand. He had DePue. Mrs. Francis Snltsmnn, Mrs. Carl Ol­ During the past week licenses have ner will be fifty cents a plate, and all I hPeU f° Und r company, stationed Invited to attend. at Springfield, Eugene, Junction City on the charge of receiving: stolen pro­ and Mrs. Welby Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Minerva, and May Francis Ross, Eu­ W. A. Hrttneniway. gene; Stayell Seward and Pearl Bern­ and Cottage Grove, gathered at the perty, will be tried later. Church Night Friday William Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. er, both of Portland; Walter Chappell local plant Monday evening for a safo- Soclety Is Entertained Church night will be observed at A rb o r Day Prog ram at B ra tta in School j Adrian. Mr. and: Mrs. Isaac Larimer, and Edith Zastrov, both of Eugene; ty meetting. Farrla White of Albany, The Home departlnrent of the Mis­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank DePue, Mr. and the Christian church Friday night Paul Hathaway, Harrisburg, and sionary Society of the, Christian general safety co nimltteeman for the 1 with a program of gnmes, music un.-l An Arbor Day program, followed bv j- Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, Mr. and Mrs. S. Haley Ramboz, Junction City. Mountain States company lectured on church bntertnlned the other members t It. Dippel, Mrs. Maude Bryan, Miss stunts. Several numbers will be a Parent-Teachers Association husi- of the society at tho church Tues­ first nld methods, and resuscitation given by the orchestra and the men's nesss meeting and refreshments will Crystal Bryan, and Mr. and Mrs. Stolen Car Recovered practices were given. day evening. Gnmes were played and , quartet. The comedy farce “The be held at the Brattain school Friday Seavey. The Chevrolet touring car belonging ■ refreshments served. King and the Queen" and the one act at 2:30 o’clock. Children of the school Juniors Ahead In Contest to J. N. Hulltt of Springfield, which play, “The Willing Performer’’ by will present the program, and mothers NEEDLECRAFT CLUB was stolen In Eugene Saturday even­ Legion to Meet—The American Lending their nearest competitors George Ade will be presented. The and teachers of the children of the ing, was recovered Monday In Rose­ WILL MEET TODAY Legion will meet Friday evening In by nine points, the Junior class of the men's class has charge of the re-1 fourth grade will serve the refresh- burg. the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Springfield hlgjt school Is far ahead freshments and Is planning something ] ments. Whether or not to Join the Federa Eats are promised to thse attending. In the Inter-class rivalry. The scores original.' tlon of Women’s clubs will be discuss­ Relative Diet In Kentucky are: Juniors. 20; sophomores, 9; sen- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hayworth have Cottage Grove Men Coming—To pro­ ed this afternoon by Needlecraft club Office Being Decorated—The offices iors, 8; freshmen, 0. Lent Services to Begin—Weekly mote a friendly feeling betwieen the members when they meet this after­ received word of the death of * of the funeral chapel of Charles Poole The boys’ and girls’ horseshoe con­ lent services will be held each Frl- two cities, members of the Springfield noon at the home of Mrs. 8idney brother-in-law, 8. H. Seibert, at his are being rededorated this week. Blue tests and baseball games remain to be day evening at the Catholic church and Cottage Grove Chambers of Com­ Ward. Mrs. Ward and Mrs.AlvIn May home In Owensboro, Kentucky, o* and gray will be the color scheme. played off. « at 7:30 o’clock. I merce will meet Jointly here March 28. will be Joint hostesses. March 5. . ■ ' " t , 1 1 rtf'- *\ . ,,, , |