À PAGE SIX THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY MARCH ». 182» "When we stop that self-starter It Mo, crouched In his place, Punkaty» an Instunt to hover rlgjit side up like will be noticed,'* he objected, "and Hnivvles fixed his beady eyes In male a bird. there'll be a lot a noise gutting away. volence on his enemy, aud worked up Then down It plunged und the fount- Simmins sleep« right next door What a fine big hale. lug. turbulent waters seised II und do I do with him?” Gardiner Mushed around a Iasi cor­ bore it ahoutlug away "Simmins is already taken care of." ner to see ahead of him a straight (TO BE C O N T IN U E D ) «aid the pirate chief calmly, "lie will bridge. The tights showed him Its continue to sleep. That drink I gave approach on a slight rise, and that i CARD OF T H A N K S litni will fix that.” it was built on a high trestle. Then , \v„ g ra te fu lly acknowledge a n d 0 " ------ — “Doped ?" surmised Gardiner. the nose of the car touched the slight thank the tunny friends for their kind- "Just that. Morphine from the rise ami the lights lifted. Hens during our re« > nt bereavement medicine case. And we'll feed Haven Al the same Instance Punkclty Sniv and for the ninny beautiful fiorai U lugtrationj by H en ry Jay Le< port a little of the same." vies, whose hale bad worked up io a tributea. Qqryvt^ht S t e w a r t E d w ir d W h it e "Chief, you're n wonder! You think point of action, reached out and bit Mr. and Mra M M Mule. R e l e a s e d th r u . of olrnrythlhg!" cried Gardiner ailmr- Gardiner in (he wrist! Publisher» A utocaeter Service Ingly. l'd suggest you tie him up after Gardiner, who had not known of he go« a under or he'll rale«« hell when the dog's presence, jumpt-d- in surprise he conies io." and alarm. The car swerved, but be “I expect to.” slad Grimstead was too cool a driver to permit It to $5i> down und $25 per month pectatlon, Grimstead did not open it. amine it with a match to see if it’s “lxx>k out; here they come! You leave the road. However, for three W H O 'S W H O IN T H E STO R Y: understand your Job amt remember. seconds his attention was deflected, buys n 5-room house und large GRIMS9TEAD, the "Buccaneer” of He examined Stmmlns curiously. what he wants." and that time was sufficient to shoot garden, woodshed und garage. th-s swashbuckling story, is stranded "Clever work, chief.” cried Gardl- It's the biggest slake in the world!" "You’re trembling like a leaf,” he the car on to the planking of the among the California redwoods in his said. "What's the matter with you?” ner. "But 1 don't see that It gets us $250 down und $5o per month C H A P T E R X X I. bridge. — •private craft . a high-powered ear. i siramins muttered something about far.” buys a modern 5-room house on Punketty Snlvval’s Rsvenge Gardiner saw all this with the cor­ pavement. Thia house lu brand when its gasoline tank is broken , u U |> chniv by (he gtn?anl ! “It gets us until morning And it Events rsn smoothly along the plan ner of his eye und steered- straight new und has fu ll basement, fur* B l’RTON GRIMSTEAD. his "spoil , ... corroborates my suspicions.” ed daughter, is with him against her t l . v__„ ' "Now listen carefully, Ross," con laid out for thou» by the pirate chief and true, while at the same lime his tia re, fireplace, hardw otxl floors kit bag." will, especially so as she perceives her tlnued Grimstead. "for this Is what Burton and Davenport returned short­ direct vision was occupied in Identify 1 an(j (,|| He opened the kit bag, burrowed father's object in insisting on hër you must do. You’ve got to get out ly to the campfire At a suitable time lug the cowering little dog Then he . $200 down and $25 per m onth going on the trip is to throw h$r into down to the bottom, and tucked the of here, and you've got to take this a night cap was propnstul snd drunk looked hack to the front. bill fold beneath the flap. Boon sfter with Burton In her darken Before him ynwned an ahysa The hu.VB u G-room plastered house the company of • agreement with you to the nearest "There! She'll stick safe enough recorder's, and got It entered. That ed tent and Davenport deep In stupor, bridge had been carried away by the clone In. ROSS GARDINER, Grimstead's sinis­ ter "Second in Command." a capable, there until we go. Take It back, Sim -1 means you start tonight; just as soon the conspirators had the place to flood! WANTED mins.” themselves. Even while he reached for the brake good looking young man. as everybody has turned In.” to buy fo r cash 2 or 5 acres "Yes, sir," said Simmins, “and if Silence rushed In upon the dying clat­ his brain photographed clearly the I SIM MIS. the Grimstead's English Gardiner nodded. w ith o r w ith o ut bulldlngH, close butler-chauffeur whose gay spirits are i there is nothing - more, sir, I ask per- | "So far, so good. But there's an- ter ns into a vacuum. Uardlm-r Jagged edges of the bridge, the op­ | mission to return to my camp to turn other ,hln(f Th|g nwn ,g a5goIute,y paused long enough ,o look In on posite bank picked out clearly by the In. W hat have you? repressed by his dignity. In.' capable of laying down on us. no mat­ Simmins. That worthy had not stirred lights, and dimly far below a white Come in and see o u r list of DAVENPORT, a youth, comes by "Well, take a drink before you go." ter what agreements we may have." It was the work of but a few anti phosphorescent tumble of waters trades. and astonishes them first by saying offered Grimstead. “Here's the key. moments more to reinstall Daven­ hastening to the sea. "What do you mean?" his small car runs on electricity so i Your teeth are chattering." Some good houses to rent. port's strange storage battery In the “Refuse his formula.” The brukes checked the momentum he has no "gas” to give them, and Simmins gratefully swallowed the other car. “But you can ruin him." utmost but not quite enough The car next by winning a $10,000 bet from WM. VASBY whiskey, returned the key and dis­ Gardiner by predicting a rain storm, Gardiner found the engine much slowed, ran off the edge, seemed for Real E state "He'll stand that. He'll stand for * Springfield appeared. and the revelation (to her alone) that Larry and Burton wandered off tt> ! n/ th‘n,t now he'8 hl* h#ad ’et! more flexible than any gasoline car he is "the” Lawrence Davenport, a ward the car and found Simmins wait- T„hat8 the 8° rt ,h’ ’r U8ed ,o U” the he had ever driven. For a few min­ famous writer, make his vastly inter­ ing for them 1 thumb rack on without much sucreas utes he amused himself by bringing It esting to Miss Burton Grimstead. Im­ "Here, sir: here it I*,” he burst out. I “ 7 ° “ almost to a stop and then picking up pressed by the commercial possibili­ smoothly and positively by merely had it. and reproduce the formub thrusting the paper into Larry's hands ties of the battery, Grimstead has “Certainly. If what he says Is truo. opening the throttle. He then started "What is to happen when he dis­ Gardiner draw up a contract for its ex out and settled down to the sheer covers his loss, sir, I cannot for the that the plates are a simple alloy, and ploitation, which Davenport formally there Is no further secret. It will pleasure of driving as fast as bis skill life of me imagine.” agrees to sign after it is stipulated would permit. “Nothing! Don’t worry. Simmins. If only be necessary to analyse them, that it will not be pushed so fast as He was a good driver, and he under­ measure their exact proportions, de­ he finds it out, I will take the blame. greatly to disturb capital and labor. You have acted very nobly In this mat­ termine their specific gravity, and ob­ stood well how to pick up on the Davenport tells Burton that every one ter. Neither Miss Burton nor myself serve carefully any peculiarities of straightaways and Just how much to possesses the same power he posses­ will ever forget it.” their shape and position.” check at the curves. And he was a Rids the garden und lawn o f these pests and also Is a sed and she tries to learn the secret. most excellent fe rtiliz e r. Especially adapted to the type of safe driver, as genuine skill is usually "Remember, their distance from "Indeed we shall not. Simmins.” safe. soil found In S pringfield and vicin ity. Grimstead and Gardiner are over- added Burton; "you are a true each other is important." heard by Larry and Burton as they i knight!” "That of course. I see your idea. Don’t w ait fo r the garden to grow M AKE IT GROW But Gardiner was not alone In the discuss the manner in which they will Simmins retired, his heart glowing, We are to steal the battery." W IT H FORDS AM M O NIUM S U IJ ’ HATK. car. No less a personage than Punk profit from the battery and ignore j The two young people made their "It must weigh 40 pounds." objected etty-SnlYvles occupied the seat next 10 lbs. fo r 60c. W ill cover 200(1 square feet o f lawn. Larry's idealistic aims for it. Larry is »-ay to the bank of the little stream, Gardiner. "Do we hide it somewhere?" him, hut the little dog's protective angered in a conversation with Grim »here they would be screened from "No, you'll drive It out. The roads coloration had concealed him from stead Burton suggests that he "dis the camp. There Larry lighted a will carry you; I've been watching Gardiner’s notice. A U TH O R IZE D FORD DEALERS semble so that Grimstead will think match and cast a hasty glance of in-I them Put the battery back In that Now Gardiner had once cuffed 5th and A Sts. - - S pringfield he agrees to his plan of handling the speetion at the document. rattletrap of his and drive It out.” Punketty-Snivvles soundly when that battery. Simmins is persuaded to try : “it's all right,” he assured Burton Gardiner pondered. • personage had been left in his charge. to steal the signed agreement from ’ relievedly. "This is it! Blessed bel Grimstead's bill-fold. Simmins!" He tore it into small pieces and cast C H A P T E R X IX them into the current. Simmins, a True Knight “I feel as though the weight of the The campaign of dissembling went world had been lifted!" he cried. off with a bang. Grimstead's hostility "It does seem as though some one melted easily. The impact of Daven- or something was helping us.” said port s identity as a famous author. ’ Burton soberly. “I thick that we •» lnsteai of the mechanic he had be- should be very thankful that things'! lieved him, was tremendous. The en- came about so easily.” K a fo u ry Bros, clearing the w ay fo r a modern departm ent store in Lane County must sell out every piece o f merchandise gagement finished him. CHAPTER X X . in th e ir Springfield store. The values given d uring this Change o f O wnership Sale are the ta lk o f Lane County. Davenport was an excellent match, j Discovered he was a manly chap, and if Grim- The moment the young people were The entire stock o f this large departm ent store has been rearranged and rem arked at tremendous reductions, stead could arran it—he was going out of hearing Grimstead turned on noth in g reserved. Come expecting to find Bargains in Shoes, Men's Furnishings, C lothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy t0 be Of course Gardiner with an almost savage in-1| Goods, Ladies’ Ready-toW ear, Suitcases, T ru n k s , Cotton B a ttin g and Blankets. he had a lot of damn-fool idealistic tensity of manner. notions, but an author is supposed to 1 “Listen here. Ross,” he said rapidly, be eccentric. “The time has come for action, and Supper passed Jovially enough. we must get busy. Things are at i Then Grimstead caused the hearts of touch and go with us and the stakes Come expecting to find Come expecting to find Come expecting to find 1 | Come expecting to find three of the party to skip a beat. are the biggest ever played.” MUSLIN S ILK PONGEE GLOVES "Simmins.” he comm-’n-' d, ' here’s SHOES Gardiner looked at him blankly. my coat to clean up a little; it’s got ‘ Never mind figuring it out. Listen 36 In. bleached Muslin free 33 In. a ll S ilk Im ported One lot o f I guiles' Oxfords an awful fish smell about it.” Men’s blue w ris t canvas to me and take orders. This man , Pongee, firs t q u a lity govern­ As be spoke he took off the garment Davenport is a fool, but he has brains. , fro m starch. Good weight. Gloves, and Shoes, values to $5.50. ment inspected. 2 yards fo r and hung it on a stub, replacing it It was perfectly evident that the j with a sweater. He removed nothin? thought would soon suggest itself that ! from the pockets, and all three of the If he could once get hold of the agree- conspirators could distinctly make out ment he had signed, he could tell us to a corner of the bill-fold showing from go whistle." the inside pocket. "But since he and Miss Burton—’’ Simmins picked up the coat, and “Poppycock! Do you think that Come expecting to find Come expecting to find Come expecting to find ■with it started toward the creek. type of fanaticism ever becomes rea­ HOSE "Hey!” caled Grimstead after him. sonable ?” DRESSES AND COATS SHOES “Where you going? I don’t want that Ladies* S ilk Dresses and New Spring “Then why—” C hildren’s Hose in black, brow n and C hildren’s Shoes In one large group. thing washed!” Coats in a ll the new and wanted shades w hite. Values to 50 cents. Now “A blind. It wouldn't fool a mud hen, Values to $2.00. Now “No sir; of course not, sir. Merely let alone a wise old coot like me. I’m Values to $15.00. Now a trifle of sponging, fresh running an old bint; I can put two and two water, you know, sir,” stammer d together. The first thing to try was Bimmins at a loss. obviously to get hold of it peaceably, “Well, go ahead. But there’s some by stealing It. If that didn't work, things in the pocket; look out you he was going to get It som ehow , If Come expecting to find Come expecting to find Come expecting to find don’t lose them. There's a tobacco , be had to hold us up or sandbag us. S H IR TS COATS AND DRESSES pouch and a notebook in the side I know the type. He’s a fanatic, and UNDERWEAR A large assortm ent o f M en’s Dress Ladies’ New Spring Coats and Dress­ pocket, and my pocketbook in the In­ the most dangerous kind. He'd com­ Men’s tw o piece wool Underwear. S hirts in Madras Stripe and all white. es In all the new styles and shades. Val­ side pocket." Value to $G.5O. Now mit murder before he'd give in.” Values to $4.00. Now ues to $25.00. Now “Never fear, sir; I'll take the best Gardiner was excited. of care," chattered Simmins, beating “Get him- before he gets us!” he a hasty retreat. suggested. “You're not afraid to trust him with began to take my measures at a pocketbook?” Larry ventured to sug- once." Grimstead went on. “Obviously gest. he’d try first to steal the bill fold. Come ext Come expecting to find xpecting to fin d ’ 3 Busy Store»: PORTLAND-SALEM SPRINGFIELD Grimstead laughed. So I made it easy for him.” COLLARS SOX COLLARS “I wouldn’t trust htmi with my roll.” “Did you suspect Simmins?” M en’s wool mixed Sox, Men’s starched A rrow , he agreed. "But that pocketbook con­ "Not at the time. But I »figured ju s t the kind fo r this tim e Ide and Triangle Collars a tains nothing but papers; and they can Davenport would begin to manoeuvre o f year. 3 Pairs fo r choice o f these Standard all be replaced. There's nothing there to get hold of the coat or near it.” makes at, to Interest Simmins.” “A test,” murmured Gardiner. Burton and Larry exchanged an­ "Precisely. Well, when he did not, other glance. It was almost too good I began to think I might be wrong. to be true. A Collar Then Simmins came back scared as a Come expecting to find After 10 minutes Simmins glided rabbit, and I realized he was In It. I’ll j SHOES unobstructlvely Into the firelight and settle with him later!” Come expecting to find M en’s dress and w ork hung the coat again on the stub. "But the agreement—” HOSE Shoes. Values to $6.50. "Here,” Grimstead commanded at “Was not there, of course! I sub-! Ladies’ Silk Hose of Now once, “bring me that pocketbook out stltuted the carbon copy." standard »lakes. Values to of the Inside pocket.” "They'll detect the difference; It ' $2.50. Now For a moment Simmins' limbs re- Isn’t signed.” fu ed to work; but he succeeded in "I signed It for him," grinned the Pair extracting the pocketbook and bring­ older man, “It Isn’t a very good f rgery | ing It to his master. Contrary to ex- but all he’ll do tonight will be to ex- N TIPTOE S te w a rt E d w a rd W h it e FOR. SALE Kill Slugs and Moss with Ford's Ammonium Sulphate E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. CHANGE OF OW NERSHIP SALE Come Expecting to Find Bon a fide Reductions 90c 85c 1OC a Yd. •i 1C ) c a Pair Now $ 1 a Pair 1.65 65c 5c Successors to $2.95 THE SPRINGFIELD, FARMERS EXCHANGE OREGON 69c