À TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY MARCH B. 192» Misa Millar Honored Honorina Mlaa Edith Millar, super- vigor of aurgrry at the Pacific Christ­ ian huapltal, wboaa marriage to Iran IHckena of Roaeburg la to ba an avant of thia month, Mra. W. Ö. Katihan gavan a dinner party at her home hara laat night. Guests Includedi Mr. and Mra. J. U. Clapp and daughter. M O O N STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST PAGE FIVE TOWN AND VICINITY BOY SCOUT FINANCE CAMPAIGN TO START Address trror Corruatad—>Tha ad- A campaign to raise 2300 as Spring- nraaa ot Mra Adelaide la r , In at rue tor field’s quota In the Lane cdujkly Bogr In art, la &0S Waat D street, Instead ” ~N««dlscraf» ‘CiuB Masts M rs. A d ria n Im prove»— M r». W . rt. Scout budget will be launched here of 608 aa given In laat week'e Maura. Brief Resume of Happenings of Adrian la about again after an ex­ next week, It waa decided at a meet* Mra. W. J. Scott, Eugape, entertain­ tag of the finance committee held tended illness. ed the Needlecraft club at here home the Week Collected for Charter No. NX Reeerve District No. 12 Mopday nigh*. Composing the com* Psttyjohn In Town—C. W. Petty­ laat Thursday The, next meeting will mlttee are Jack Larson. W . P. Tyson RtPORT OF T H I CONDITION OF THB Our Reader«. john, Veneta, was a Springfield visitor be at the home of Mry. Sidney V. and H. B Maxey. Ward, with Mrs. O. II. Jarrett aa Joint Sunday. This year's quota Is approximately hostens. Senator McNary has secured pas­ the same as that of last year. The At Hprlngfleld. In the Stata of Oregon at tba cloaa of bualnasa on Canary Man In—J. H. Mathew* of sage by the senate of bis bill for Those present at the laat meeting committee will depend on the friend» February 28th, 1938 con*tructlon of tha Deschutes reclam­ Canary paid Springfield a business j were Mesdamee Dan Crites, Wm. ot scouting in Springfield In Its cam­ ation project. visit Monday, Dawson, Floyd Flanery, Walter Gos­ paign to raise funds by popular sub­ r is o u r c m sler, George Hobson, O. H. Jarrett, J. script Ion In past years, the people The merchants' department of the Here from Wendllng— Mr. and Mrs. F. Ketels, Wm.' Long. E May, W H. Loan* and ill* Lena current expense». Intereat and tax«« paid 2992 Z5 .... Formers Teachers Visit—Otto Bur- , is just a« im portant to have your 26.00 The Columbia river canned salmon 20. Dividends Unpaid ..... ..................- ......- ............................~............... chum and Mr. Taylor, former Spring- I spare good, as the tires you are DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banka, Mlbject to reserve: pack during 1927 aggregated 620,216 12 Individual deposits subject to check. Including deposit« due field teachers, visited here from Cot- ' using, fo r you never know when fulj cane*, valued at 27,400,021. accord­ 163,948 46 the «fate of Oregon, county, cltlea or other public fund* you w ill want to use it. tage Grove Sunday. 83 00 ing to statistics complied at Astoria 24. Demand certificate« of deposit outstanding .................................. 3,602 64 last week. 26. Cashier'* check* of thl* bank ootstundlng payable on demand', “A ” S T R E E T S E R V IC E Here from Portland—Visitors from 10.00 28 C ertified check* out*tuniltng Portland’s postal receipts for Feb­ Portland here laat week-end were Mr. . S T A T IO N Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, «object ruary. amounting to 2237,001.76, show and Mrs. Paul Smith, who were at Cor. Fifth and A Streets to reserve, Items 23, 24. 26, 26 2167,644 10 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reaerve and pay­ a gain of 24.661 38 or 1.9 per cent over the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peery. I able on demand or eubJcr-4 to nolle-»; February. 1927. according to Postmas­ 3O.S62 35 Visitors from Scio— Mr. and Mrs. T. j 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding ........... ter John M. Jones. 20.120.59 28. Saving* deposits, pavaide subject to notice H. MacDonald and Mrs. Andrew w 1 n Total of time and saving« deposits payable on demand or Hal E. Ho*«, private secretary to Hagey of Scio were visitors over the, subject to notice. Item*, 27 and 28 250.182.94 Governor Patterson »Ince the latter's week-end at the home of Mr. and Mr;. Inauguration In January, 1927, severed Mark Peery. Total ... . ... .............................- ........... . ................................. 2*46,306.06 his connection with the executive de­ State of Oiwgnn, County of lain«, aa. John W ill Here—John Will, former I, C. E. Kenyon, cashier ot the above named bank, do solemnly swear partment last week. owner of a local shoe shop, was here that the above statement la true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. Fore*l service trails with a total of C. B. KENTON. Caehler. 73 miles length will be commenced Sunday from Albany, where he is em­ Correct Attest* Wdby Stevens. M. M. Perry, Directors. this year In the Columbia district, ac­ ployed in a harness factory. S u b scrib ed an d e effected at a mass meeting of build­ V E S . C H I l- D C E N , 0 O B B V MAS TH E MEASLES — BO Ô BY , A N D , ing crafts In Salem recently. THAT'S WHV PL E A SE , M AV I The Silver Lake Mercantile com­ HE HAS BEEN H A V E -'E M TOO- pany store, largest building In Silver JU S T A .SCHOOCl Luke, was destroyed Saturday night L IT T L E B l by fire of undetermined origin, which nearly claimed the life of Mrs. Lesion Linebaugh, wife of one of the proprie­ tors. Another tie between the present and the days of the Old West was broken last. Thursday night, when E. J. McClanahan, pioneer stage driver of Oregon uDd California and a resi­ dent ot Eugene since 1866, died In Eugene. Only 129 taxpayers voted at the school election held last Saturday ou PAIN OF BODY AND PURSE is soothed by deal­ the question ot a 215,000. bond Issue ing at this fam ily drug store. Everything to ease for four new classrooms to added your health, beauty and g ift problems— at prices to the present grade aohoolnouse at Gresham. The bonds carried by a that are comforting. two-toons vote. Commercial State Bank of Springfield How’s Your Spare §J2V0 T im e Dr. Roqal Q ick Wholesome Meats For Better Meals! Soutiwrn Pacific We Have the Famous Herschel L a w n M o w e r s INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. , electric toast mow W R IG H T Á. j f you simply > m iti! hâve-a * & S O N S We Give Green Discount Stamps