TIHjBBDAY MAnÇHA UCT SW Z 1, RVWWRTCP Z * I JHIYOJG0RSE11JN# FOR SALE WOOD Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, Oak, Ash. All lengths. Phone Spring Held 104. If. PAINTING and Kalanmilnlng In all It« branches. Reduced Koch. Call 1364. i NRRRAK \ lil-K Plicae. WATCH T A I,8— Fancy shapes and Hoyt's Cash Slurs. Roy CHYB regulars. tt IF W A TK IN S PRODUCT Is whul you want call 133 J Sprliigllald. tf LEI BULKY do your- floor sanding ami IlolHliltiK Hardwood floors laid, 637 Kelly lloulevard. F. 23: M. I H46 SUM M O N S -EAg-EJW, TRAIN SCHEDULI • U M M O N • SRvla«R«ld StA#» I IN T^fS CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I derslg nrane County. All person« having Southbound Ada Wallace; Chester L. Wallace. claim a agalnat bar estate should pre» Fay Wallace; Charles Wallace} ent tho same duly verified to the un- No. 16 - ............... „2..... 9:33 P. M Fred Wallace; Pearl Wallace, .*S:4S daralgnad. at the office of 8. D. Allen, No. 31 . .................... ..... Klalc Wallace, Laura Wallace; Moray Building, Eugene. Oregon, Coach Special for Klamath F alla1 Arena Sebring, M a r k L. within alx month« form this date, and beyond, on flag at 3:01 P. M. on bring; Caroline Awbrey, June» February 23, 1928. T. Awbrey; Nora Robb, Homer Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. MARRY C. KEELER, Admlnlatra- Robb; Mollie Rears, Cleave Searaj tor. Nancy M Wallace, Melvin W allace; McKinnon Builds House F 23: M 18-16-; Daniel Wallace; George W allace; D. W McKinnon, who recently auw~ Mary Wallace; Clara Castleraaa, FOR HALE Registered Guernsey Bull I PULP WOOQ W ANTED plated a Spaniah-style house on the i Levi Caatb-man; Nannie E Mana. NOTICE XTO CREDITORS 6 yearn old. Ona two-wceks old j If you wish to sell White Fir or Hem- south side of town. Is constructing ’ William Mann; Emma Wallace; Notice Is hereby given that the un Walter Wallace. ZtWia W allace; Calf. Iningwuter breeding. N | hick Pulp Wood write D. A. deralvned another of the same type beside the , Louis has been appointed Admin Wallace; Ruby Wallace; Higgs, Star Route. M 846 ■ Kennedy. Hotel Carlton, Portland, Istrator of the Estate of Earl 8 new residence. Mr. McKinnon has N ellie Sanders, W|lllam Sander«; Charles E. Powers. Celia Powers ------------------------------------------------------«A Oregon M 8 16-22 29: A 642 Powell, deceased, by the County built a number of hounes In that part, Court of fjcne County, Oregon. All of town. Vera Powers; Mrs. William 3 Moea. We specialise in swlaa braclet watch PAINTING INSTRUCTIONS pnfiaons having claims against the Rylvla Moes; r.aura Blackmore, repairing. Hoyt's 321 Main Street, tt C IL given by Mrs. Adelaide Lee. Stu­ said estate are herby notified to pres­ James Blarkmore; C. B. 8ears. Mary Sears; Alex White. Mary W hite; dents taken front 11 yearn up. 603 ent the same, properlv verified, to the Here from Natron— Mr. and Mrs undersigned at the office of Wells A SEPTIC TANKS— Harry W est; E. A. Snellstrom, Reaa West D street. tf. Wells, Bank of Coniuu rc<- Bldg Eu Vern 8tewart and Mr. and Mrs. P. M ibiellstrom: O. P Snelbtrom, Ml«, Ready for you* to Install gene, f,ane County, Oregon, within Parker of Natron were Springfield nle Snellstrom; Charles Snellstrota, Eof family of five — (2100, Eugene six months from the date of the first j visitors for a short time Sunday, Mona Snellstrom; Robert Reeves; NOTICE TO CREDITORS For family .of eight — (^8 00. Eugem NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That publication of thia notice. Preston Reeves; the unknown heirs Date of first publication, March 1, Hewer Pipe. Well Curbing, Drain Tib the undersigned, has by the Coun­ o i J. W Holeman, deceased; the Blank Promlsory notes and receipts ty Court, o f the State of Oregon i 1928. unknown heirs of N H. Warner, de­ and Chimney Blocks HAROLD J W ELLS Administrator, printed and In stock at the News for the County of Lane been appointed ceased; Also, all other persons or EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. office. WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. executor of the lust will aud Testa parties unknown claiming any right, Mar. 1-8 15-22-29 , „ ment and estate of James B. Male. I title, estate, lien or Interest In the FOR HALE—Carbon paper In large deceased and all persons having claims real estate described In the com­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I plaint herein. Defendants. sheets, 26X29 Inches, suitable ta t i ¡‘gainst aubl estate are hereby notlfii <1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ’» ’’• » W 8***1 that Harold „ n»t the defendant Bruce L. David , sons or parties unknown claiming Hon G F Sktpworth, Judge of the Springfield, laine County, Oregon of March 20. 1922. (42 Slat., 465), to • a., . , a,e David for the sum of (628.53 any right, title, estate, lien or interest alsive Court, made on the 16th day . within six months from the date of exchange the NW U, Section 9. Town-I w ,,‘' interest thereon at 6 per cent per . In the real estate described in th» of February, 1928. the first publication of this noth e. to i »hip 15, S , Range 10 West. W M., J ®?"um from an(1 aftpr September S. complaint herein: Data of First publication February •>“ "f »»efore the Sth da>« of S-pt -¡containing l#n acres, within the Sluts-1 ¿»-7 -nd Lor Ox« further sum of! in THE NAME OF THE STATffi 19-,M v ' I on,her. 1923 law National Forest, In exchange for : *-00 00 a !to m e's fees, and the c o s ts) OF OREGON’ Yon are hereby r» 23. 1928 <•»« »“«n of 'qulred to appear and answer the com- Donald R Husband, attorney fo r , Dated and first published this 8th i timber of an equal value to be cut “n.rt d,8b“r81_eD]e’’1" ,n from approximately 10 acres In the *6’’ 30. which Judgment was enrolled j piamt of the above named nlalntiffa plaintiff, 860 Willamette St., Eugene, ‘‘av March. 1928. Sec. docketed fn the Clerk’s office of fn the above entitled ^ u r t now ’ 1. M PETERSON, Administrator of SH SW U. Sec 7. NE% NW Oregon 13, Township 20 » Range 4 East., and “ W court In sakl county on the 23rd flje »p f, tjjP ciPrit of sair| COurt o« said catate. ' F. 73: M 1-8-16-22 SBU SE>4. Sec. 12. Tp. 20 S.. Range day of February, 1928. and said ex- £ P iSth day of March 19M M 8-15-22-29: Ap 5: 3 East. W M. within tne Cascade : ^ u t °n to me directed commanding belllK the ia8t day prescribed in th’ NOTICK TO CREDITORS Notice 1« hereby Kir«» that the on- 9»- TgTBESUUSJ IN THE CIRi i il COURT (IF THE STATE OF OltEGtlN. FOR LANE COUNTY. Clifford Sumner, Plaintiff, v« Agnes Sumner, |)«f<‘nrinnt To Agn,->i Sumner, tha above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE S T \T E OF OREGON: You ace hereby required to appear anil answer the i-nmclnlnt filed afmlnst you In the above entitled court and cause, on ur before the ex plrntlon of the tlnia preacrlbeil In the Order for Publication, to-wlt - On or before the expiration of four week« from the date of the first publication hereof, nnd If von fall to appear or answer for wnnl thereof, plaintiff will apple to the court for the relief prav ed for In the complaint which la In autMitnnrn na follows: For a decree of the court dfaanlvtng the marrlnse eonfract'now exlatlng be tween idalntlff nnd defendant nnd for such other and further relief a« to till« court may seem Jn«t and proper This »ummnn» 1« published pursuant to an order, for tha same, of the Honorable J. T. Brand, Circuit Judge of laine Countv, Oregon, made nnd entered March 6. 1923. at"! th“ first publication hereof Is mnde on the Sth day of March, 1928 nnd the last publication hereof Is made on the 6th dnv of April, 1923 HOWARD M. BROWNELL, Attor National Forest. | tbe “ B e of the State of Ore-! order for the publication of this sum- NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO CREDITOR? ney for Plaintiff Residence: 177 East Fstate NOTICI' of liar y O Brooks Deceased ; ,br THK COUNTY COURT OF THE! ,,The P’,rP°"p of thl" 1notl^ 1 ’2 in te r e st stto r n e « ’' t i l ** d J,udg?,en,t: mens upon you and you are hereby 7th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon. I*. »41« nr Iiar.x u. uronKK. n««• an« n , o STATE » n OF OREGON a l l FOR o w all pernonn claiming the land , «n w est, attorneys fees, costs of suit notified that if you fail to annear antf N otice la h ereb y given th a t 1-oulne M 8 15 22-29 Ap 6: ‘ selected, or having some bona fid» ! “ d to f'p"( ’ bp f»Uow- ! anRWPr Bal(![ X t a “ l hr « b f W_ Daniels has been by the County 1 LANE CO! NTY objections to such application, an np ln«jd«acr bed real property to-vvit: quire< plaintiffs will apply to th» Court of the State of Oregon, In and In the Matter of the Estate of Rhln- portnnlty to file their protest with the ! T i " 0, I P i B’oci abovp entitled court for the relief d » NOTICE TO CREDITORS for I.ane County, appointed admlnla | aldo Vincent, deceased. R ^ h u r g ^ g o n 1' 8 Omt?e * ' ne <^ un" ’r’ Oregon*" manded fn thplr complaint, to-wlt: Notice la hereby given that the nn tratrlx of the estate of Harry O. 1 The undersigned having been ap- j pointed- by the County Court of the beAm eT «i: Now therefore in - tho name of th« i of the above entitled derstgned has been appointed admin­ Brooks, deceased. " ■ * '- < • 0 w « ? h Fr>r f ^ a j decree ^ s All persons having claims against »fate of Oregon for I-ane County, ad istratrix of the estate of Wllllntn J said execution and order of’ sale and Myron L- Wallace, against th» Van Wagner. Deceased. All persons the estate of said deceased are hero» mlnlstrafor of the estate of Rhfnaldo having claims against (he estate of tiv notified lo present the same, duly Vincent, dweased. and having quail- d'lvs front the date of the first publics- )n or,jPr to satiafy <,aid Judgment In" claims of you. said defenuants, and y°u- in and to the real pro- »aid deceased should file the same stated «Mid verified, nt the office of A fil'd, notice Is hereby given to the 1,,n J}* , "1* tmtlce, beginning March (eregtj attorneys fees, costs of suit eacb ..., and accruing costs, I will on Saturday Pert>' situated In I^tne county. O r» duly verified with the undersigned at E Wheeler. 710 Lawrence St In Eu creditors of, and all persons having HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. the 31st day of March, 1928. a at t the the office of 8. D. Allen, Hovey Build­ gene, Oregon, within six months from I claims against said deceased, to pres- | __ 8 °n- described as follows, to-wit: Mar. 1 -8-15-22-29. I ent them, as required by law. within f ing Eugene. Oregon, within six this Iflth (liuv of February. 1928. hour of one o'clock in the afternoop The South *4 of the N E ^ and Lot» LOUISE W DANIBL8, Admlnlstra- j six months after the first publication J months front this date. of sakl day, at the Southwest front 5 nnd 6 of Section 11 Tp. 18 S. R. 2 W. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I of this notice to the said Walter S. ! trlx. Dated Feb 9th. 1928. door of the County Court House In l W. M. containing 150.11 acres by gov- I Vincent at 434 Miner Building, Eu- FOREST EXCHANGE A. E. WHEELER. Attorney. ANNA BJERKE, Administratrix Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer em m ent survey. Also, the north 11 No. 017816 : gene, Oregon. Date of first publication F 16 23: Mar. 1-8-15: F 9 1« 23: M 1-8: for sale and sell for cash, at public acres of Lot 3 of Sec. 14 of Tp. IS 8. hereof the 8 day of March, 1928. Department of the Interior, United auction, subject to redemption as pro- R- 2 W. W. M Also beginning at the WALTER 8. VINVENT, Adminis­ States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore- ( yided by law, all of the right, title I S. W. Corner of Lot 5 Sec. 11 of said trator of the Estate of Rhinaldo Vir- gon, February 18, 1928. and interest ot said defendants Bruce : Tp., thence running West 4 chain», cent, deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that Mrs L. David and Kate David, Fireman's , thence south 25 37 chains to south Un» SMITH & EVANS, Attorneys for Annie Warwick, widow of W. S. War- Fund Insurance Companv. a corpora-1 of north l i of the James A. Wallace Administrator, 434 Miner Bldg., Eu­ wick, deceased, of C.oldendale, Wash tlon, Niagara Fire Insurance Com- D. L. C. No. 40 in said Tp. 18 S R. gene, Oregon. ington. filed Application No. 017816. pany, a corporation. Security Insur- W. W. M., thence east 15.19 chains to M. 8 15-22-29: Ap. 5: under the Act of March 20. 1922 142 ance Company, a corporation, and all ; east line of said claim, thence North All kind» of Coal, Coke and S ta t, 465) to exchange the SF.'H persons claiming by. through or under 2.32 chains to angle in boundary of Briquets SW’-l^SW ’i "SEU^Sec. 22; i them or any or either of thepi in and said claim, thence east on line of said SUM M O NS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH EINM S W l,. Sec 26; nnd NH NE«4. , to said premises claim 23.00 chains to corner of same. PAINTIN G — RAINIER COAL CO. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE spc. 27. Tp. 14 S . Range 9 West, W FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of ; thence north 22.90 ¿hains, more or PAPERHANGING COUNTY OF LANE i M containing 320 acres, within the Lane County. Oregon. less, to the N. E. corner ot said claim, 15 E. 7th St. Phone 412 Fred Marshall. Plaintiff, vs. Nettle Sluslnw National Forest, in exchange Mar. 1-8-15-22-29 i thence west 34.19 chains to place of — KALSOMINING Eugene, Ore. Marshall. Defendant. ‘ for timber of an equal value to be cut ---- — -------------------- , beginning, containing 91.50 acres. 806 O. Street To Nettle Marshall, the above named | I.U from_ approximately 26 acres xrnz.- within o iz a « urw.y NOTICE OF S H E R IF F S SALE Also, that part of Lot 7 Sec. 11, > defendant: ' a 8 ,? 5 a a r,7' " a ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE , lng N. of the County road in said T*. IN THE NAME OF STATE Spp- Spp IS- Tp TP 20 s - 1{angp Range 4 E.. and j ' Notice is hereby given that bv vlr- Also beginning at the N. E. com er ------ --------- ... THE ------------------ E _and Rea. Phone 160 Plano Moving OF OREGON: You are hereby re SR 4 , Sec. 12, Tp. .0 B.. IC 3 : ,„ p of an expcutlon and (Wllpr of sa]e of the 80uth of said Wallace D. L. quired to appear and answer the com-1 w . M . witntn tne t ascade P.a-1 ln forpclo8urp ¡881Ipd ol, t of , hp tcir-i C. thence West 1 chain south ll.ffl SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER plaint filed against you In the a b o v e / 10™’1 Forest. cujt court of I^ne County, Oregon, chains thence east 1 chain thence north W IL L I» BERTSCH. Prop. entitled Court and cause on or before j The purpose of this notice is to , on _ the 27th day of Fehruary, 1928, In 11.01 chains, to place of beginning, W. F. WALKER o r n e B AT SERVICE OARAGE the 22nd day of March, 1928. said a’>ow «H persons claiming the lands ; a 8nlt whprp|n on the 25th day of containing 1. 10-100 acres. Excepting 613 Main Street dnte being more than four weeks from , selected, or having bona fide ohjec- pybrunry, 1928. C. E. Ruin. Plaintiff. a small tract in said W allac D. L. C, the date of the first publication of Ilion" such application, an ogpor- recoverpd jud)nnent against’ Alvin M l beginning at intersection of the ce»- Successor to Button Transfer this summons herein entered of re- j ,o ”,p ,hpir CP^<;,8R,. 'u ih ,h8 ! Spencer, a single man. and further ter line of County Road No 42 with J cord andf If you fail so appear and Refdster or the U. 8. Land Office at dp(,rpptne that said Judgment and t h e ! the North line of the SA£ of sai« 228 Main St. Residence 125 c 8t answer for want thereof the plaintiff l Roseburg. Oregon Any sue protests ,ipn of plaintiff was superior to the claim, thence Northeasterly along 62 J 42 M will apply to tha Court for the relief op obJ?p,I,on" ,m.UB,. be fl,lpd ,n..,h ’* . rights of all other defendants herein ’ center of said road 2.50 chains, thencw WM. 0. HUGHES in his complaint demanded and pray- fl,cp wl,bin> “’’¡’’J " y * ,‘he ^.atP , and whkh h’dgment was and is In the northwest 53 ft., tlience southwestev» FIRS AND AUTO INSURANCE ed for, , of the first publication Full Auto Equipment i iom of f this th x notice, i J ! , iUin' of »2136.65 together with the ly parallel with the said road to th» 94OTARY FUSLIC For a Judgment and decree of * ‘ ” M a i *" i i ’ i l m v n x - . . - - ~ i *' further sum of (290 60 A ornevs fees, said north line of S.lfc of Wallace D, of di d H h,TI Lady Assistant vorca dissolving the bonds of matrt t H A M IL L A. CANADAY. Register, i and |nterP8t thereon and on said Judg-1 L. C. thence east to the place of be- Oftiee «4 mony now and heretofore existing be mar, l-a-tn-z.-.s , ment at 10% per annum from Feb. I ginning, about Vi acre of land, c o » FIRST NATIONAL BANK 136th. 1928. and for U e costs and ac-1 tainlng In all 25414 acres of land, i tween the plaintiff, Fred Marshall, and Springfield, Oregon the defendant, Nettle Marshall, on the SU M M O N S . crulng costs of this sale, and which more or less, in Lane County, Oregon. grounds of cruel and inhuman treat­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE , Judgment was enrolled and docketed | An that t of tha We8t H of th. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL ment and for such other relief as to ! STATE OF OREGON FOR in the Clerks office of LaneC ounty, i 8OUthwe8t quarter of Sectl<)n twelve the Court my seem meet. LANE COUNTY DENTIST v J « ° n'a°n ,5th day ° f February i (12V In Township eighteen (18) Sout* DR. N. W. EMERY This siminni Is served: upon you by j Emma Kathern Mitchell, plaintiff, v Q»irvi?vr«<-T”ri/VXT J I , of Rance Two (2) West lying North Phons 43 publication thereof In the Springfield Geogre F Mitchell, defendant. SAID EXECUTION and order of of thp cpntpr of the county road, D SN TIST News pursuant to an order of the | To George F Mitchell, defendant: sale commanding me In ae name of ; wh)ch pxten(1 eaatpr, and WP8terfy First Nat’l Bank Bid», Springfield Sutton S id » Phone SOU Hon. O. F. Skipworth Judge of the j IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the State of Oregon in order to satisfy h „ prpmtee8j gituated la Circuit Court of Lhe State of Oregon i OF OREGON, you nre hereby required said execution and Jul3nnpnL a t-. Ijftnp Count o and Contato. Residence Phone 163-M for the County of Lane, duly mad>' to appear and answer the complaint tom eys fees .Merest, and cost and e x -, , morp , „ nnd entered of record on the twenty I which has been filed against you In pense and accruing costs to sell the i , . , ... , , „ __ , Springfield, Oregon brst day of February, 1928, ordering | the above entitled Court nnd cause following described real property,1 5JJd;,decPe?ln* k U l n t i f f Myron L Wallace Is the sole owner of said that this summons be published once , within four weeks from the date of the L ot'E ight (8) in Block One (1) ! Pre»»sra in tee.sim ple free and clear MAX STOVE WORKS each week for four successive nnd i first publication of this summons; and o«ner»l s Law PracUoe you and each of yon consecutive weeks in 'th e Springfield | if you fall to so appear and answer Agate Plat, an Addition to Eugene, °« a11 plaln>s W ill take your Old Style Range News and that the date of the first the plaintiff will apply to the Court Igme County, Oregon, as shown by *ald defendants, and .that you and each of you he forever barred from In exchange on a Later One. publication will be February 23rd. , for the relief prayed for in her com­ the recorded map of platt thereof. 1. M. PETERSON Now therefore, asserting any claim In the premise» i c s and the date of the last publlca j plaint. to-w1t for a decree dissolving Attoraey-at-Law IN THE NAME OF THE STATE »d^erse to the plaintiffs. Main near M ill St., »prlngfleld tlon will be March 22nd, 1928 the marriage contract now’ existing FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for between the plaintiff and defendant OF OREGON, in compliance with | Thia summons Is served upon yo« CUy H all Building Plnlntlff, Residence, Springfield, Ore- j and divorcing the plaintiff fr.irfi the said execution and order of sale and by publication in The Springfield Springfield, Ora. gon. • i defendant, and that thè plaintiff be to satisfy said Judgment, interest, at- News for six consecutive and succes- F. 23: M. 1-845-22: awarded the care, custody and control tom eys fees, and costs of sale, 1 w ill: slve week» commencing with the 1»- On Saturday the 31st day of March sue dated February 2nd, 1928 purs®- of Robert George Mitchell and Cheles- ' tin Irene Mitchell, the two minor 1928, at the hour of One O’clock P. I ant to the order of the Hon. Q. F. M. 0 . HOGE All kind9 of gravel for con­ M. in the afternoon of said day at the I Sktpworth, Circuit Judge and Judge Notice Is hereby given that Harold . This »unions is served upon you by Southwest front door of the County of the above entitled court, which Attorn ey-»t-LAW crete or road work. We I J. Wells, Administrator of the Estate publication in accordance with nn Court House, In Eugene, Lane County, ¡ said order was duly made and entered make a specialty of crushed Practise U. S. and State I of Axel Oliver Sandstrom, deceased, order made and entered by the Hon. Oregon, offer for sale and »ell for of record on the 31st day of January, rock and rock sand. Bunk­ has filed his final report and account O. F. Sktpworth. Judge of the «hove cash, at public auction, subject to re 11928. Courts ers at foot of Main on Mill as such, nnd the Court has sot Sat j entitled Court, directing that service demption as provided by law, the Eugene, Oregon HARRIS, S M IT H & BRYSON.. At­ urday, the 10th day of March 1928 at of sumons be mnde by the publication said premises and all of the right title street. torneys for Plaintiffs, Postoflle» Ad­ ten o’clock in the forenoon. In the and Interest of said defendant therein thereof once each week for four suc­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. County Court Room in the Court cessive weeks In the Springfield News, and of all persons claiming by, dress; Eugene, Oregon. House at Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ a newspaper of general circulation through or under them or either of First Publication February 2nd. 16U. FRANK DE PUE gon, ns the time and place to hear published In Lane County, Oregon, themi In and to said premises and the objections to the same, and for the Date of first publication the 1st day rights and appurtenances thereunto Last Publication March 16th, 1926. A TTO B N SV A T LAW F. 2-9-16 23: M. 1-846. final settlement of said Estate. belonging. of March, 1928. S ¡Z ¡B U S IN E S S IH R E C T O R Y J L. MaLosh CHAS. P. POOLE ! Funeral Directors SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. A. D. W . Roof NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building Springfield, Oregon JEW ELBR Springfield, Oregon Repairing a Specialty FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of HAROLD J. W ELLS, Administra­ DONALD YOUNG, Attorney for tor. plaintiff, 880 Willamette Street, Eu­ Lane County, Oregon By BEUIxAH 1. BRINNICK, Deputy. W ELLS A WELLS. Attorney», gene, Oregon. r . kU -13. i i . 1-8: Mar. 1-846-33-29. CALL AND SEE Or. N. W ■ ffiriffiw nn Blit«« 8wl th w ■