À THUR8DAY MARCII 8. IM S HONOR ROLL REPORTS INDICATE GOOD WORK AT LOCAL SCHOOLS Jrw Jamas Hesneuwwy, KenMth Cox. John, JMle Adams. Doris Warley, La Dori» Walker. Lora Thunnaa, Ruth Stratton. LaVerne I*ugh. Irene Johns. Lorna Chase. Basel Adams, Altcs Neet, Fifth B Grade Scholarship— Margaret Jarrett Vel­ ma P^ldloord, Helen Davis, Olga llny-nchkk. Jack Lindsey*. Mildred Morgan. Jimmie Phillips. Evelyn Gormley. Attendance — Fern Ftsher. Nellie Howes. Olga Hrynchlck. Marjorio Johnson. Margaret Wheeler. Grant Mrownfleld, Sanimle Gott. Joe Krupka. Jack Lindsey, Charles Maxwell, Jim­ mie Phillips. Sixth B Grade Attendance— Ellen Cox. Mae Plckell, Martha Moon. Mary Smithson, Juanita Seamans, Mary Uchytll. Elsie Beals. Vivian Runte. Lela Peterson. Echo Tomseth. Clair Hadley, Glen Wetxell. Irvin House. Bruce Squires. Scholarship— Vivian Runte, Echo Tomseth. Lola Peterson. Verliu Posey. The Springfield high school honor rolls, which Includes only students who made a grade of 95 per cent or above In all subjects, follows: Wilma Hack. Chesta Hayden, Wlnlfrld Tyson, Audrey Schults, Ruth Carlton, Faye i arsons. The Lincoln honor roll, announced by Principal Lawrence MoffatL In­ cludes students 'With grades of 90 or above in all subjects. It follows: First . Johnny Spore, Rosalie Looney. Ida Jane Irwin, Roberta Putman, Lawr­ ence Thompson, Frank Bennett. Mild­ red Billings. Alice Chase. Robert Nice, Isyl Keeler. Brattain achoul honor roll« w«rv au- •punced thia week by Mra. Ora Keail JJemenwny, cltln« excellence In grade h •o d attendance by elementary school pupil*. The lists follow: First Grade Scholarship — Ulllle Nesblt. Virgil Hayden. Dean Wilson. Kenueth Ables, Ethel Ellison. Violet Steele. Margaret King. Attendance—Margaret King. Louise Slnnar, Lorraine Squires. Billie Nes­ blt. De Forrest Whlties, Wayne Wet- gel, Clinton Miller. Second Grade Scholarship—Mary Lansberry. Viv­ ian Miller. Jane Phalr. Ruth Richard- •on. Muriel Tyson. la-land Nt'her. Bobby Wetxell. Emil Uchytll. Attendance — Rose Ogden, Jane Phair. Anita Pugh. Irma Wetxell. Jim Bile Orr, Emil UchytlL Third A Grade Scholarship—Eugene Phillips, Fran­ ces Keeler. Attendance — Billy Burnett. Ralph Hickman. George Nadvorntk. Eugene Phillips, Roy Steele, Mary Fritts. Margaret Meek, lla Putnam. Bernice Smith, Maxine Smitson. Kenneth Brownfield, Fourth A Grade Scholarship—Barbara Barnell. Flor­ ence May, Rowland Farnsworth. Attendance— Stephen Rice, Barbara Barnell. Bernice Barnes. Marjorie Jolliff. Marjorie Moon, Mary Moore. Opal Morris. Fifth A Grade T h ir d B June Berg. Elisabeth Wardlow, Scholarship—Harlan Duncan. Archie Hill. Arthur Pengra. Jr., Allen Sneed. Sadie Gott, Ethel Gott. Dale Robert- Kenneth Walker. Cora Hayden, Lois son, Norma Williams. Johansen. Fourth A Faye Squires. Joan Seavey. JoLan i Attendance -Franklin Wardlow. An- ton Uchytll. Ray Smith. Arthur Pengra ¡ Putman, Irvin Darr. Nfargaret Hack. Charter No. 8941 Reserve District No. 13 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Community News Corraapoageats better serrtca, Ernest Bertsch has been enjoying a visit from his cousin from California. Mrs. Stankla and Mrs. Hoseleton The Seniors at the Pleasant Hill and daughter spent Wednesday with high school have chosen "The Deacon Eniungled" for their Senior play Tho Mrs Bert Weaver, Mrs Hoseleton cast Is as follows: Deacon Penrose. whose home Is ut Alma is spending a Carl Linton; Calvin Spangler, his few days here. She is Mrs Weaver's nephew, Lyntan Tinker; Rev. Dr.. 1 aunt Sopher, A. stroug supporter of foreign Mrs Taylor Needham is setting Inn missions, Donald Kahler; Harry Bax Incubators this week with about 200« ter, a sporting writer. Austin Mathews; j aggs. Mrs, C harles 1 uylor has sevei ¡.1 Mr. Rafferty, a policeman, Ihtul Har running Mrs William Barnett has den; Mrs. Penrose. Luclle Walker; | taken off one hatch already. Ruth, her daughter. Doris Hyland; I Andy Culvort who owns s ranch Georgia Sopher. Dr. Sopher« daugh nine miles west of Junction City Is ter, Vena Awbrey; Katy, the maid at moving several stands of bees to John the Penrose household, Thelma Me- Ednilslon s ranch I UPPER W ILLAMETTE Peck. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Wangelln who i GARDEN WAY I have both been sick In the P acific: I Chrtatiau Hospital in Eugene returned to the home of thetr daughter, M rs.1 Mr. and Mrs W. H. Anderson and son. Forest, Mr and Mrs Robert Bal K. B. Tinker Monday afternoon. The Pleasant Hill high school w ill. die. Mr and Mrs Larwood and eon «I give a basket social a week from Fri­ Eugene spent Sunday nt the Biddle day, for the benefit of the athletic cabin on the Me Ken lie Mr and Mrs Lester Cyr are rejoic­ fund. ing over the arrival of a little daugh­ Mr and Mrs. C. E. Curts and family ter Joyce Joan born at the Pacific motored to Portland Sunday to visit Christian hospital Saturday morning. little Vudette, who is sick in the Mrs. Cyr and little daughter were re Shrinors hospital. moved to the J W Chase home Sun The young folks of the Intertncdiule the program a St. Patrick’s social 1 hour promises an interesting evening. Mrs Clarence Chase will be chairman Misses Lucille and Miriam Male ar rived home Wednesday al attend the funeral of their U nde the late Finn Male. They returned to their echuol work Sunday evening. GRAY DIGGER WAR TO STA R T IN COUNTY .The 193K campaign against gray dl«- ger ground squirrels Is gellin g well under way In all parts of iavne county according to O. 8. Fletcher, county agent. The county agent has pre­ pared mure than two Ions of poison . ■ . , . „ , , hurley and has estepllahed agencies In all parts of the county The poison barley In put up In five-pound tut«* and sell ut fifty cents each. Following la a list of places In this part of the counter where poison bar­ ley can be purchased: Sorliigfield. Gray's Cash Store; R. C. Brewer, store; Ixiwell. F. Blair store; DexLer. Wm. WlWssio. •tore; Trent, J. R. Woods’ store; Eu­ gene: Oregon Heed and Feed com «any; llrugdoa Feed aud Heed Store; Farmers Union Warehouse Compauy, and Hie County Agent’s office. The state rodent control law fe- qulrlng all persona having chargx< of land to poiaon ground squirrels 011 their holdings will be enforced ‘In Lane county aguln Ibis year, accord- lug in the county agsui official notice in regard I«» thia matter will be found In another column of this paper. The county agent elutes that under this law squirrel» on 10.6111 acres In forty tracts neglected by tbs owners were poisoned et the expense of the owners in 1927, and the expvna«« charged against the land and collected with the (axes. lan d owners sre idvlsed to see to It that tenants poison squlr- rela on their land. Earm organisations and community com m ittees In all parts of the county are cooperating with the county ageut In Ibu squirrel control campaign and rodeut control auperlvlors will be ap­ pointed In all school districts where squirrel control Is a problem “ w h e r e a a v in g t a r e g re a te a t 942 Wlllaiuntte St., Eugene, Oregon. Clever New Silk Frocks Are Priced to Make Them Possible for All Now’s the tii,".« you want a change of frocks—— lit)» ”c • in decidedly different style« and colors have arrived here. s Up-to-the-Minute Styles New details make each one interesting and appropriate for immediate needs. W om en and Misses The Cream of the T obacco Crop ..... $296.236.0» • ta t s of Oregon, County of Lane, ««.: 1, Wm. G Hughes, president of the above named bank do sob mnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. WM. G. HUGHES, President. Correct Attest. S M McPherson. Paul Hadley, A. R. Sneed. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of March, 1928. (SEAL) FRANK A. DE PUE. Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expires January 11, 1932 Can a Woman Really Love Two Men? BEACH. Twoyoung men and • a girl — a girl with a lovely, A young figure, dark, soft-curling for many days past, torture him — fill him with an agony of longing. If only— pair, a mouth made for kisses Weeks before, Stanley and Lawson, lifelong pals, had looked into her starry eyes and each had fallen secretly, madly in Jove. Now they meet again Stanley Congratulate me, Lawson, old boy. Patricia has just consented to be my wife. The next moment he is holding her in his arms. She clings to him . as he looks down into her dark, lus­ trous eyes, now half-veiled and misty —and reads there the same wordless confession he can no longer hide in hu own. Suddenly — • « • • e e « • Thus it begins. Can a woman really Night. Patricia’s husband is away. love two men? Is it real love, or She and Lawson are in the house mere infatuation that lures her along •lone. Lawson paces the road to inevitable the floor, dry-lipped, tragedy? You will find feveiish. What a fool the answer in "My P a r tia l Contents he had been to con­ Buddy and My Wife, And 1 Thought He Lied sent to make his home A p ril True Story The House o f w ith th e m —to sec Magazine Lost Souls Patricia daily —to wor­ He Broke One H etrt Tune in on the True Too Many ship her under the Story Hour hmadcatt She W m a Good «ameroofwith her hus­ every Friday night over Little Trouper band— hit frhnj. Her My Mad fciopeinent WOR and the Colum­ When Society Sin« nearness-the memory bia ch a in , o P. M , — A n d srzjerat of her tender glances Eastern StandardT ime. T he Spirit of Service I n J uly , 1926, lightning struck thaK avy Arsenal at Denmark Lake,New Jersey. T h e explosion demol­ ished the /¡S0.000,000 plant, rocked the countryside, left thousands ,-omeless and many dead. High upon the roster of those who responded to the call of duty were the telephone worker». < Iterator« in the danger zone stayed at their posts. rs, on their own initiative, hurried back to help. I,inemen and repairmen braved exploding shells to restore the service. No telephone worker left the affected area. Through the twenty-four hours of the day as well as in every emergency it is the spirit o f service that causes Bell System employees to set aside all thought of personal comfort and safety and, voluntarily, risk their lives to “ Get the message through.” otbir slorut A p ril Out N o w ! True S to r y A t A U N ew sstands—o n ly T he P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany BELL SYSTEM O ne Policy - One S y tie m » Vnivereal Service William T, Tilden 2nd to protect his throat smokes Luckies “During the course of tome of my stage appearances, 1 am called upon at inUirvals to smoke a cigarette and naturally I have to be careful about my choice. I smoke Lucky Strikes and have yet to feel the slightest effect I t ’s toasted” No Throat Irritation- No Cough. 01028, The American Tobacco Co., Inc.