À “Tha Paopla’a Papar* Ji _____ B o o ti For M a d a -in - Oregon Producta. TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR * IVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN BPR1NOFIELD, I-ANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY MARCH 8, 1928 M’HENZIE HIGHWAY 2nd Street Crossing Will Remain Open ID BE OILED AGAIN BOARD RE ELECTS SCHOOL PRINCIPALS DAIRIES CLAIM HIGHER Smooth Road of Last Summer RATING I N FEBRUARY Results in Repetition of Ef­ MILK INSPECTOR SHOWS fort This Year: Work May Get Under Way Early to Avoid All dairies selling milk In Spring- Detouring Heavy Traffic. held went Into Clans A during Feb­ Lawrence Moffatt Gets Raise on Reappointment to Lincoln Post; Mrs. Hemenway’s Sal­ ary Up Slightly; Morgan's the Same; Boara Satisfied. ruary, according to the thontbly re­ Hutlalactlon with the condition of port of Anna Baumgartner, represen­ til« McKenzie highway between tative of the milk Inspector named by Springfield and n point near Walter- the city council. A general lowering vllle following lia oiling lent summer to the bacteria count waa noted by the Inspector, and considered as proof has resulted In the announcement of Interest taken In the Inspection from the state highway department > ct pr, by (he oltlces In Eugene that this section of, |)olr|M ,n c|a()|, A Peter­ the cross-state thoroughfare will again son, Montgomery, Bales, Riverside he oiled this summer. Information ss Norkensle. None was In Grade B. to the plans for ollln* was obtained , Th(. c()Ulll ln Orade Ai from the Eugene offices today. ■ vhen below 60,000, not 20,000 as was Gravel Is being hauled by the state ! j,rKV|OUB|y reported, according to the department to points along the Mc­ Inspector. Kenzie highway east of here, and dumped beside the roudway for use DISTRICT ORGANIZER when the oiling operations start. OF WOODCRAFT HERE Just how soon this will be Is not known definitely at the Eugene offices Terminating a week's campaign by The oiling outfit will get busy shortly hut the time that will be required In Mr». Stella E. Blaikerby. district or- other projects Is not certain It may ' K»nlxer of the Neighbors of WooderaC, ba? however, that the work on the J C i r c l e . No 46. will a slsslon road through here will get started;"”»1 Wednesday night at which a quite early, thus eliminating* detours lurgn number of new members will be when the traffic grows heavier In the voted In and a program will be given. Mrs. Blaikerby arrived- Tuesday Bummer, It was learned. from her home at Salem and is the Cost City MOO guest of the guardian neighbor of the According to I. M Peterson, city local circle, Mrs. C. F. Egglmann. This recorder, no steps have been taken I afternoon, she and Mrs. Egglmann will ns yet by the »fate highway depart- i go to Thurston, und will conduct a ment with regard to having Spring- meeting at the Mathews home. Other field pay for oiling operations within visits In outlying districts are plan­ the city limits. This was done last* ned. year, at a cost of about $800 to the Program for the meeting next Wed­ city. It Included oiling on Second nesday will Include: street from Main to the bridge, and Selection, Springfield high school on East Mnln street Outside the city Orchestra. limits, the oiling extended as far east Solo, .... ............ Mrs. W. K. Itameli ns a point a mile this side of Walter- Duet, Jewell and Pearl Hllterbrandt •vllle, about 12 miles. ltea<11nf(. .............. Gladys House Margaret Jarre't Plano Solo, ............ Miss Hrant Kc&fllnit. company. The road service was 1m- ! Plano Solo, ___ ____ Oneta Smith proved with a final layer of fine Solo, Mr». Arthur Peligra travel. The result was that the local . streets, nnd the oiled section of the 1 ROY TRUNALL TAKEN highway, were said to he In better I ON FORGERY CHARGE condition than ever before. Prospects appear brlrht at present I Just a week after he had been re­ for an early opening of heavy travel 1 leased from the penitentiary following e n the McKenale highway. The state a term for a similar offense, Roy Trun- highway department has moved a all was arrested by Police Chief Jess large snow plow to the eastern slope Smltson here on charges of forgery. of the ( miss , nnd work hue been undwr He waa taken to Eugene for trial. way steadily this week as the plow Trunall Is alleged to Jiave forged u nte Into the snow drifts. laist year, cheek on E. Alvun, using also the the pass was not opened until late ln name of It. E James In the assertedly June. lllnghl transaction. He used a Com­ < 4 mercial State bank check, changing GUARD BASEBALLERS It over to a Bank of Commerce cheek. BEAT LEGION. 24-23 ANDREW A. STONEBERG With a score of 24 to 23. the Na- COBURG, DIES AGED 73 A •tlonal Guard indoor hasehnll team whipped the American Legionnaires at the high school gymnasium Tuesday night. It whs a close game from start to finish, as the score Indicates. Both teams are to enter the Indoor baseball league at Eugene. It Is un­ likely that many games will be played here, rs the high school gumnnsium proved too small when tried out Tues­ day night. FRIDAY GAME CLOSES BASKETBALL SEASON » Springfield high school's hnsketbnll season will come to a close Friday night when the local quintet plays Lebanon there. Coach Leonard May- field put his players through final work-outs this week, and the suits will he laid away for another year follow­ ing the game Friday night. Last Friday, Springfield annexed a 27 Io 9 victory from the Shedd high quintet. GAIN OF 8.4 PER CENT SHOWN AT POSTOFFICE A I NUMBER 9 Postal receipts showed an averftge gnln of 8.4 per cent for the first two months of this year, In comparison with n corresponding period of last year, according to Porstmsster F. B. Hamlin. This Is considered a sure In- dient Inn of Improved business condi- tlnns. Here Is the table: 1928 1927 Jnnunrv .............. $ 757.75 t 744.53 «50. /0 754.46 February ............ Death claimed Andrew A Stone- berg. 73, a resident of Conurg for 20 years, last night. Three sons, Herbert and Reuben of Coburg, and Hugo of Baton Ilouge, Louisiana, and one daughter. Mrs. Gilbert Simmons, of Coburg, survive. The funeral will be held at the family home Sunday, in cnarge of W. F. Walker. Eugene. Interment will be at Laurel Hill cemetery. Sh ipp ers M eeting in Roseburg Ixical sHtppers are urged to attend a meeting of the American Rail why advisory board In Roseburg Friday. Problems In regard to transportation and freight shipments will be discuss­ ed. The Southern Pacific motor bus will run a special Friday morning nt 7:30 to take care of shippers from this section nttendlng. Farmers ami fruit growers are especially urged to attend. Mra. Hinson Honored A Pleasant surprise party given Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinson In honor of Mrs Hinsons birthday. A number nf frlc ds drop­ ped In, prepared1 a Sunday dinner, and presented her with :m«ny presents. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sylvester, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hills pf- Jasper, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Erickson, nnd daughter, Evelyn, of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croft of Shedd, and Mt*, nnd Mrs. Hinson. Ladies Aid Has Tea A St. Patrick’s day tea was held yesterday by the Ladles Aid of the $1394.23 Methodist church. The affair took TOTAL ..... ....... $1512.20 place ln the church parlors, and was To Entertain Club well attended. The Five Hundred club will moot at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. ihBavey Auto« Collide Friday night. Hosts nnd hostesses Small damage to both ears resulted will be Mr. and Mrs. Seavey, Mr. and when machines operated by Mrs. J. E. Mrs. 8. R. Dlppel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and Margaret Walker collided Delhi«, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. at Fifth and B streets Tuesday. T he sta te highw ay cointnls- slon’H a tte m p t to close the Second Htreet railw ay crossing ha» failed. Thia was definitely assured today when J. M Devers, assistant attorney Declaring tremselves entirely satis­ general and attorney for the state highway commission Informed The fied with the administration of the Springfield News by telephone that schools thia year, members of the the public service commission has school board Monday night re-elected rendered a decision, dismissing the ap­ all principals for next year, and con­ plication of the state highway com­ tracta will be prepared under the mission seeking the cloelng of the crossing and a subsequent contribu­ terms agreed upon at the seas Ion. The tion by the Southern Pacific company principals, who were Interviewed pre­ to the cost of construction of the vious to their re-election, Indicated Springfield bridge. The order to thia their willingness to continue their affect is to he filed tomorrow, acoord- Louis Fir'd. after completing hit non-stop flight from Havana and com­ pleting his "Gt-i.-l W ill*' tour Colonel Lindbergh has covered 4-1,000 miles work here next year. Ingfl to Mr. Devers. In rh» pia-x he aiteetionately calls “ We."—or The Spirit of St Louis. This Is of double significance to A. J. Morgan waa re-elected to the Springfield. It no only means that hign school post, with his salary re- MANY REPORTED HURT this city and the people of South PROGRESSIVE TREND IN maining the same as last year. Lawr­ Second street have won their fight AGRICULTURE INDICATED ence Moffatt was granted a raise in IN CURIOUS LIST O F to keep the crossing open to traffic salary, making a total of $1330, for ths IN CONFERENCE REPORT — MISHAPS IN DISTRICT Lincoln school prlnclpalshlp. A mini­ but also that the way la now clear for the state highway commission to mum raise was granted Mrs. Ora Read A rather lengthy list of accident General progressive trend of agri­ proceed* with action preliminary to Hemenway, of Brattain school, up*» cultural Industries of I-ane county Is victims was reported here this week? her re-election to the post hare. »dual construction of the Springfield * Indicated In the report of the Lane odd mishaps being responsible in sev­ bridge. The board was emphatic In express­ The comm'sslon has delayed adver­ County Agricultural Economic outlook eral cases. ing its satisaction with the administra­ tising for bids on the bridge until the conference, held February 17 In Eu­ tion of the local schools with­ James Harbeck, of Portland, who is litigation before the public service | gene, which has been received here on a vacation trip up the McKenzie out a superintendent. Members in printed form. commission was cleared. It Is under­ declared* that under the present river, was brought here Monday night stood that but ten daya advertising' The trend In Oregon and In Lane for treatment after he had clslocateu system, they have been able to county appears to be in the direction Is necessary before bids can be called | bis shoulder ln a fall from the porch c a l l a l l principals i n t o confer­ and opened. This means that bn- - of an increase both in the number of of a cabin up the river. ence at the meetings, and have kept farms and gross cash Income. The mediate action as to the advertising In touch with the work better than if A blow from a golf club nearly cost will make It possible for the highway number of farmers in Lane county in­ i the sight of one eye in an accident in they had a superintendent to inform creased from 3279 In 1920 to 4168 in commission, at It a meeting late hi ' which Bobbie, small son of Emery them. The superintendency plan was March, to open the bids and let the 1925 Richardson, Was the victim. Bobble tried here last year, following its ra­ Material progress in dairying Is re­ contract for the highway bridge, - was playing with othef children ln the vivai after many years during which which will cost, altogether, In the i ported. Since 1924, cows over two yard when he was struck with the tne schools were operated without i years of age have Increased 18 per neighborhood of $175,000. club. A gash was opened on his face single head. ' It Is understood that the order dis cent and notable Increases have been close to one eye. Mr. Morgan is serving his second made in the number of pure bred missing the highway commission's , year as principal of the high school, W. C. Mclnturff was kicked by a sires. Of especial Importance la the application h&s not been filed or d is-, and last summer he assumed other trtbuted, but Mr. Devers was assured i report that there has been a substan­ cow late last week, with the result duties during the vaetton months. that he came here from his Wendling tial Increase in the growing of legume that auch was the content of the docu- 1 home for treatment to a broken arm. Mrs. Hemenway has been at the Brat­ ment. He also qnderstood. that the hays. Improvements in nearly all .Mr. Mclnturff was milking the cow tain school for several years. Mr. phases of dairying are noted. commission, while stating that tt had when it struck a telling blow at Jiis ’ Moffatt Is serving his first year, and Hog production, however, is show­ no authority to require a contribution ' arm. He was here Tuesday for fur­ his salary raise was granted to make ing a decrease In I-ane county, despite from the railroad company to the ! his pay equal to that of his predeces­ ther treatment. the fact that the production in the new bridge, stnfjtests ln the order that sor after the latter had served several county by no means kee*s up with Lee Putnam was the victim of an the company, because of the benefits years. It will receive from the stan Ipolnt of consumption. In 1928, hog production unfortunate accident at the Springfield Mill and Grain Plant late last Thurs- I is figured at 10,656. The consump­ elimination of danger from the Second street crossing, should contribute j tion is 18,000. In general, the future day. His finger became caught in the CHARLES W. H02GEN voluntarily to the bridge construction i outlook for livestock production is machinery, and four fingers were DIES AT AGE OF 69 As much as $40,000 «was sought from good, provided production is based on ground off. He was treated at a Eu­ gene hospital. Death last Sunday claimed Charles the S. P. by the highway commission the available feed supply. The poultry outlook is excellent. Injuries were narrowly escaped by W. Hodgen, 69. a native of Lane coun­ for the crossing closing. This attempt was opposed by the town of Spring- Lane county ranks third in value of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fell of Eugene Sun­ ty and welhknown résident of Spring- field and the southstde residents, whe . poultry and eggs In Oregon, and Eu­ day when their automobile skidded in field. Mr. Hodgen was a native of I-an« employed Charles Hardy. Eugene »t gene is the largest distributing center the gravel on a local street and turned over in the ditch. county, having been born in Junction torney, to cooperate with city attor*'*y In the state outside of Portland. City, after his father and mother had Peterson In handling the case before ¡TREASURER’S REPORT crossed the plains in a covered wagon. the public service commission. It LEGION MAKES PLANS was argued that the town of Spr' •<- FOR REDUCING DEBT SHOWS CITY FINANCE He spent 39 year in the Palouse coun­ try of Washington, and later went to field, alone, has Jurisdiction over Second street, because it is not a part A Fourth-of-July celebration at the City Treasurer W. G. Hughes has California, spending three years thers. of the state highway, although sta‘e Midway Park In West Springfield may prepared a statement of Springfield’3 He returned to Oregon in 1923, and highway traffic Is routed over the be staged by the Springfield American finances in 1927, Indicating a balance came to Springfield from Eugene last street Legion post as a means of reducing of $69,893 for the 12-month period, ln fall. the debt of the organization, accord­ general, the finances for the year a-e He is survived by: ing to Jack Larson, commander. A in good shape, the report shows. Miss Emma Hodgen, Springfield; NEWS-CONDUCTS BETTER PICTURE CONTEST HERE meeting o the post was held last Fri­ The receipts total of $69.893.35 is Mrs. Howard Stevens, Riverside, Cali­ day night at which plans for raising the sum of the following items: bal­ fornia; Mrs. W. O. Allen. St. John, ance carried over, $20.762.25; re­ Washington; Mrs. Frank Jones, Rosa­ A better picture contest Is being money were considered. Dances in the afternoon and even­ ceipts from the recorder, including im­ lia. Washington; Mrs. G. E. Quigley, conducted by The Springfield News and photographer. G. H. Parr. Chil­ ing, concessions, and numerous other provements, interest real estate sales, Couer d’Alene. Idaho; Mrs. Fred Ham­ dren’s pictures only are being taken attractions are planned for the cele­ and sewer as well as general funds, mon, Rock Lake, Washington; Mrs. Rnd already more than 40 have come ■ bration, if it is held, according to Mr. $15.448.12; receipts from county spec­ W. W. Kimm. Pine City, Washington; before the camera. Prizes are being I^rson. He has obtained a lease on ial taxes. $22.596.08; county road fund. Robert, Monterey, California; Jess«, the park for that day. Sunset. Washington; Ernest, Pin« $1903.29; sale of bonds, $9183.60. offered for the best pictures. Sidney V. Ward was made captain Disbursements are listed as follows: City. His brother, Jack Hodgen. of Prizewinners will have their pic­ tures published In the Springfield of the indoor baseball team at the general fund, $7925.03; street improve­ Pacific Grove, California, and his ment fund, >6473.07; bond interest. sister, Mrs. Harve Beache, Monterey, News In about two weeks. The con­ meeting. $10,706.31; library fund, $635.73; gen­ California. test Is not a beauty contest but one The body was shipped to Rosalia, eral improvement Interest fund, $1678.- In the interest of better pictures, the DR. DIPPEL SELLS TO winners being those who take the DENTIST OF PORTLAND 75; fire truck fund. $6537.10; sidewalk Washington, for burial. The funeral fund, $7964.58; alley paving. $1648.89; was held at the Charles Poole under­ beat pictures. Dr. W. H. Grelslnger, Portland, has A street fund, $41.88; Bancroft bond taking parlors Monday, with Dr. purchased the dental practice and sinking fund, $4000; First street, Morton L. Rose of Eugene in charg«. STATE HEALTH WORKER COMES HERE MARCH 19 equipment of Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel, and $236.17. will assume the practice here April 1, N. B. GOSSLER, LONGTIME Mrs. Peery Enetrtaina Conferences with regard to both ; Dr. Dlppel announced this week. Dr. RESIDENT HERE, IS DEAD pre-school and adult health will be i Dippel will leave at that time for Mrs. Mark Peery entertained a num­ granted by Mrs. Glendora Blakly, sup-, San Francisco, where he will take ber of friends last Saturday night in Nelson Becker Gossler, well-known erlntendent of state public health graduate work In oral surgery at the the honor of a number of relatives Springfield and Camp Creek resident, work and child hygiene, and Miss University of California. Reaurning visiting at her home from Scio and died at his home Sunday afternoon at Mary Billmayre, when they visit to Oregon, he will locate at Salem. Portland. These Included Mr. and the age of 68. Mr. Gossler’s parenti, Dr. Oreisitiger graduated from the Springfield March 19. according to an­ Mrs. T. H. McDonald and Mrs. Andrew Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gossler, moved to nouncement today by Mrs. C. O. North Pacific dental college, with H. Hagey of Scio and Mr. and Mrs. Oregon In 1893, purchasing what la Wlson, head of the local health group which he Is now connected. He later Paul Smith, Portland. now the state game farm, and wer« Miss Beth Konkcl, county health went to the Forsythe Institute at The affair was in the nature of a prominent residents of Lane county. nurse, will also be here. Chicago. dinner party. Nelson Becker Gossler moved to 'the clinic will he held at the cham­ Camp Creek in 1902, where he lived Many See Inspection ber of commerce room«, which will be until his death. Birthday Celebrated About 50 spectators witnessed the epet. for this purpose from 9 to 12 Five children survive Mr. Gossler. Inspection of the headquarters com­ o’clock and from 1 to 2 o'clock on that Marie and Buford, small children of They are; Otto, Portland; Clifford» dav. At 2:30, a business meeting of pany* 162nd infantry Oregon National Mr. and Mrs. Pratt Holverson, cele­ Portland; Lawrence, Springfield; Mrs. Ute local health group will be held, Guard, held at the local armory hall brated their birthdays at the family Harriett Stevens, Springfield, and last Thursday night. MaJ. John P. home southeast of Springfield Sunday. according to Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Emma Allsup, The Dalles. Other P.uhb, Eugene, conducted the inspec­ A number of their small friends were suvlvors Include the following sister« tion, nnd the local troop was believed Invited In. Marie was 10 years old Former Resident Stricken—Mr. e and brothers: P. M. and E. W„ of to have performed satisfactorily. Re­ on March 2, and Buford will be nine Mrs. J. B. Hayworth have receli Springfield; Mrs. D. P. Day, Billing- ports from the Inspection will be re­ on March 18. news that their brother-in-law, 8. ham. W a s h n g t o n ; Mrs. C. A. ceived several weeks hence. Seibert, of Owensboro, Kentucky, 1 Wlntermeler, Eugene; Mrs. B. F. suffered another stroke of paralyi Kill Kare to Meet Goodpasture, Eugene. G. A. R. Ladles Meet The Seiberts once lived In Sprlngfh The funeral of Mr Gossler was held The Kill Kare club win be enter­ The O. A. R. Ladles met yesterday at the Poole chapel Tuesday, In charg« tained this afternoon at the home of afternoon at the’chamber of commerce Goes to Hospitsl—Mrs. H. Sint of Dr. J. Franklin Hass of the Eugen« rooms. Usual business of the order Mrs. M. M. Peery. Eugene and Spring- wrs taken to the Pacific Christian h M. E. Church. field members will entertain. was conducted. pltal for an operation yesterday.