PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 1 , 192« N TIPTOE S te w a r t E d w a r d W h ite Illuvtratlons by H en ry Jay Lea Copyright S t« w » rt E d w ard W h ite R claaaed. t h r u P u b lia h a r u A u t o c * « t « r S e r v ic e tain: W e'll be In a position to do Just as much or just as little with It aa we choose." Orlmatead chuckled “This man ftavenport. Isn’t he like­ ly to upset the apple cart?” Inquired Gardiner. "T h a t’s part of my Job,” answ ered G rim stead, “I'll guarantee to handle th a t young man " There were sounds of rising. "Ho you better strin g with me, Ross, and take orders, and not ask too many questions.” “ I Intend to !” cried G ardiner fer­ vently. They moved off down stream , and were almost Immediately lost to sight around the lower bend. a m atter of Ufa and death to them And believe me. they'll fight to «to ao I don't believe you quite appreciate what It means to have nearly the whole business world solidly against you, nor w hat a trem endous power It was a p retty good1 plea, for a they wield to crush you. It Is a case specious one. G rim stead him self was of fight hack harder than they fight, adm irably Impressed by It, and re- and to get the Jump on them first.” j convlnved of the entire Justice and He went on to develop bis p o in t.' expediency of bis course, Davenport, showing th a t only by this early and however, did not se»-m impressed. He unexpected raid Info the enem y's arose from his log, rem arked curtly cam p couW the ultim ate success of th a t the situation was perfectly clear, the project be assured. and strode away In the direction of Then he went on to point the m o ra l1 the creek crossing by draw ing a con trastin g picture— I CHAPTER XVIII. "The Papers" D avenport in Jail for contem pt i f Burton overtook Larry a t the court for refusing to tell Grlmetead (Continued on Page 6) bis process, discredited, broke, and CHAPTER XVII. Burton was aflame with Indignation, "W e're nanumlng th a t It work«," and was bursting out with com m ents ton, "Keep quiet!" W H O 'S W H O IN T H E STO R Y! O urdlner now appeared, making his gro w lej the older man, "otherw ise suitable to the occasion; but Daven­ GRIMSTEAD, the "Bill tan u er" of th ere's nothing doing " port silenced her with a gesture. thia aw ashhurkllng atory, Is « traad rt way down atroam. ''T hen why lim it the sale to w hat "Please,” he begged, ‘‘let me think.” "I got Into one of those starfish anionic the California n'dwvaala In hla He was very grave. “ private craft ", a high powered car. canons th at young fool liavenport to ld 1 thia nut thinks proper?” "This Is rath e r terrib le,” he said us alsiut, and It took me some tim e ' "You’re nearly as bad as he la. when It« gasoline tank la broken BURTON ORIMHTBAD, hla "apoll- to find It out uml to get buck," he R ohm ," observed G rim stead, a note of a t length. __ „..™ cried. . “ . I» Is . ' ed" daughter, la with him ugulnat her said to Ortmalead In explaining hla good hum or creeping Into his voice. I "It Is atrocious! she | "I'll give you u dem onstration th a t treacherous! T hat iney should trea t , deluy In joining him. will, especially ao aa ahe perceives hor you so !” Burton now considered the tim e ; will Impress It on you." fath er's object In Insisting on her “Shoot!" observed Gardiner. "M e?-Oh, I don't m atter. But his right for her surprise, and «he begun going on the trip la to throw her Into "You asked me last night how ideas are all destructive! He sees j to make moss ball« to toss over on to the company of RGBS GARDINER, O rlm at^ad's alula them. The next words, however, ar- m any shares In this thing you get. a chance to tear down and to butld up Well, you don't get any.” his own personal power from the te r "Second In Command," u capable, | rested her debris. That- had not occurred to "Now I've caught up, chief,” Gar. « C H A P T E R X V I. good looking young man. me! I saw only the releasing of English T reachery 81MM1S, the Orlmatead'« — . ---- - diner was saying, "for heaven's sake pressure—” butler-chauffeur whose gay spirits are | »•»» me * » y you gave this fellow the A blank silence of some seconds "You are n 't going to lie down and repressed by bis dignity. r,K"< to llm" for X"“« You ensued. let them do th is !” DAVENPORT, a youth, comes by heard him talk. You II be making “I don't believe I understand," then "N o; th a t m ust not be.” and astonishes them first by saying batteries for row boats only, If you said G ardiner in rath e r a strangled "W hat are you going to do, then?” don’t wutch o u t!” his «mull car runs on electricity s o , voice. "I don’t know.” he has no “«as" to give them, u n i | "Hulls m e!” returned Grimstead "Me and this young man will hold He rose w ithout fu rth er words, and calmly. lo x t hv » lin in g n $10,000 let from all the stock," em phasized grim stead the two took th e ir way back to the "1 don't believe I get your Idea.” G ardiner by predicting a rain storm "T hen w here do I come In? Ob "W ell, you asked me If 1 heard him nianded G ardiner with a note of rising camp G rim stead roared at them Jovi­ and the revelation (to her alone) that ally. Yes, I heard him talk and I've Indignation. he is "th e" Law rence Davenport, a talk “Come and look a t the rain b o w !” heard that kind of talk all my life. It famous w rller. muke his vastly Inter­ Grim stead chuckled. he shouted. esting to .Miss Burton G rim stead, Im­ ulways conics from a half baked, Jm "You wouldn't come In one cent'« Davenport stood gravely unsmiling pressed by the commercial posslbllli practical chump who Is so full of Im­ worth If we should do as you seem before the chief. ties of the battery. Grim stead has possible Ideals tha he never gets any­ to think we would—begin to m anufac­ ' “ Mr. G rim stead,” said he, “I over­ G ardiner draw up u contract for It» eg where, and who couldn't see the main tu re and m arket these things prom is­ heard your conversation with Mr. Gar­ ploltatlon. which Davenport formally point if you wrapped It In his break­ cuously!" diner at the bend of the stream .” fast napkin. You got to handle 'em agrees to sign after It Is stipulated G ardiner apparently regained hla G rjm stead’s fare flushed darkly. that It will not he pushed so fast as right, or you'll never ge, an Inch." equanim ity. "W ell?” he challenged. "T hat's tru e enough.” commented greatly to disturb capital and labor. “Well, chief, I don't get you yet; “I cannot be party to the program Daveni>ort tells Burton that every one Gardiner. hut I've been on the Job long enough 1 heard outlined.” It Is probable th at Davenport would possesses the same power he posses­ to know you have some notion of ta k ­ G rim stead considered a moment. sed and she tries to learn the secret. have broken In at this point In some ing care of me." •‘Sit down,” he Invited. "H ave a j s|»'ctucular fashion had nqt Burton "I told you th a t; and th at 1 am ! cigar. T here's plenty of tim e to talk held hla arm and placed her fingers going to use you.” The pool yielded a rise that Im­ this thing out. so th e re’s no excuse to "I think we ought to let them kribw go off half-cocked." m ediately developed Into an Indignant over hla Up». "All he sees Is th a t these batteries we are here," whispered D avenport rainbow , which by an unexpected Davenport declined the cigar, but dush, trailed the dropper fly across a of his will replace the w orld's power uneasily. j sat on the log. and that a lot of high talu tln ' things But the girl's eyes were blazing. p art of the snag, where It became "Now w hat's the trouble?” de *T don't like th is,” she whispered mnnded Grimstead. firmly embedded. A fter that Mr. will happen for the benefit of the hu­ m an race and all th a t visionary rot Rainbow proceeded Io pull himself hock. “It's your business th ey ’re dia- "T he trouble is th at your program th a t's never worked out yet and never cusalng—and m ine!" loose and depart. | Is «lestructlve,” stated D avenport suc- will," G rim stead had to wade out to the D avenport’s h eart leaped at the last "W hat do we care w hat he thinks words, but she was leaning forward cintly, “and alm s m erely a t personal snag, roll up hla sleeves, and plunge power w ithout a thought to the wel- his arm In nearly to the shoulder be­ as long as we can sell the butteries?" again, eavesdropping with all her I fare of other people. The th in g is queried Gardiner. “It's going to take might. fore once more his leader swung clear. likely to prove a curse ra th e r than a "If I can get one good w o rk in g 1 The pool, und It was a prom ising one, 1 quite some few b atteries of any slxe benefit. I think you are intelligent ■ you name to replace the world's model J don't care w hether a n o th e r ! w hs of course completely ruined. enough to understand my point with­ "T his Is not a propitious moment (tower, and th at Is the eventual m ar­ I of the things Is made for 10 years, out going into It further." ket, If the thing works." let alone five,” stated G rim stead. “My to spring any surprises," advised Bur- "I understand your point all right. Lord, man! Think of the shake down! And 1 understand your port too well This Is going lo put every hydro­ to argue with you. A rgum ent’s the electric company, every public untillty long suit of your kind So I'm Just outfit out of business! Not to speak : telling you. It's too bad you don't of nil the oil and coal and such things like my program, but I play the cards The securities of those companies 1 hold and th at Is final!" w on't be worth a re» cent. The stock "In those circum stances I shall re­ m a rk e t man! Think of the m arket! fuse to en ter Into th is deal.” T here are a hundred dollars to be "In those circum stances it doesn't had there for every dollar out of the i m a tte r a damn w hether you do or [m ere sale of those tilin g s' Why. you not. You've alread entered into IL" , and 1 will have the world by the "I shall refuse to sign the contract.” ; ta ll!” "You've already agreed to sign it,” “ You're right," G ardifier replied Grim stead pointed out, “and if you slowly, "w ith capital—" don't sign it, a court decree will put "W hich I supply! I'll sm ash Cor­ it into effect anyhow.” busier first of all. blast his hide; and He eyed, D avenport shrewdly. I I'll tw ist the necks of the N orthw est J "You are thinking th at you can re­ E lectric b u n ch ; and I'll have them in "IT'S TOASTEO fuse to divulge your process " he pa« ks begging at my office door j [continued. "Eh? No go! You'll either They'll see the point, don’t w orry; and ' have to pioduce it or be buried for those of them who do n 't will go to the life. Your b attery will be buried I poor-house. They'll be cry ln e to get along with you. Nobody but me aboard; and you and I will sit there by the courts to nnd dtedde the term s We can buy [ touch It. It, as well as you, would be th eir s.tocks and bonds for a song." . lost to the world." "And resell at the m arket," caught j G rim stead paused a m om ent to up G ardiner, “but that m eans secrecy ! allow this to sink in. T hen he went as to th is battery." I on in a more reassu rin g tone. "T h a t’s one place w here you come You're not a business man, Mr. In. You ought to he able to handle! ! Davenport, and you don't realize that the publicity." “I can if there a re n ’t too many of j the business world It a flyht from the confounded things attractin g a t­ sta rt to finish. It will be to the In­ te re sts of every one affected to sup­ tention. "I 11 see to thnt. T here won’t be [ press th at b attery ; in fact, it wjll be lucky The Cream of the Tobacco Crop DEPENDABLE EljEQLASS SER171CE Dr. Royal Qick OPTOmETRlST— ElJESIQHT SF2CIALIST NEW SPRING PATTERNS I N “It teas but recently, when I started to act as master of ceremonies with my hand at the FaramountTheatre,that . I realized how vital perfect voice condition u-as to a performer. I have always been a consistent smoker and fortunately, Lucky Strikes were my favorite brand. I like their toasted flavor and, best of all, I can smoke as often as I like, without fear of irritating my voice, which is becoming a great p v asset in my work. ft It’s toasted No Throat Irritation- N o Cough« AND RUGS S ' '• I ARMSTRONG LINOLEUM AND FELT BASE RUGS Mohawk Axm inster Rugs in new colorings and patterns, 9 x 1 2 ........ ......................................... >52.65 Arm strong Accolac finish Felt Base Rugs, 9 x 1 2 ,.....$11.25 WRIGHT «&, SONS HARDWARE — FURNITURE— PAINT PHONE 18 VITUS BLOCK "w h e re savings a re g re a te s t 942 W illam ette St., E u g e n e , Oregon. ----------- ----- e--------------------------------------------------- The Tailored Suit Prevails For Spring Street Wear Slim, smart suits with hip-length jacket! 11 be the popular daytime costume foi Spring. The edges and pockets of many are neatly bound. SPRINGFIELD FOLKS YOU'LL SAY THAT this store is run in a first class manner— for ybur pleasure and profit as well as ours. AXMINSTER TAPESTRY ÜG aretîê S any of them ! The co n tract says ' ‘ m anufacture m ust sta rt in six months; it doesn't say anything about m arketing.” "There are hound to be leaks.” "A thousand of them . But who I would pay any atten tio n to the m ere ' rum ors of nnpther perpetual motion m achine? T hat p art's your Job." A short pause ensued while the two ! men evidently envisaged the oppo." j t unity. "Why, ch ief!” cried G ardiner nt length, his voice vibrant with excite­ ment. ' 'It's trem endous! It's half the money In the world! It’s all the power! You will rule the globe!” "Ju st about that. Give five years and I’ll he the rich est man In the world; th a t much is certain. But what is more, I'll have the old crowd dtnwn and out or tak in g my orders. There'll be the biggest Rmash in his­ tory, and you and I, Ross, my hoy. will push the button and take our pick of the prices. Then when we've got the whole situation In our hands we can decide Just how far we'U go with this h attsry proposition. Ons thing cer- EUGENE ST8 (Pillamene St Phone 820 Jail ou« thiBçp—but I do it nqhl STRIKE Lucky Strikes are the Favorite Brand of Paul Whiteman— ¡above all, ln e flc la n t; Davenport poe- aeaaed of practically untold wealth, w ith the opportunities, If he so wished of repairing damage inevitable to the , readjustment. In every department our stock is fresh. Standard remedies. Pure drugs. Size« for Women, Misses and Juniors $14.75 to $24.75 Navy Twills and Pin Stripes Clever suits— with w rap-around skirti and single or double breasted jackets— are priced within your means. B y J . F . K e te ls We Give Green wc Discount Stamps