Classified Ads SCTRËSUUSJ Oak, A ah. All lengths. Phono Spring field 104. tr I’AINTING and Kulaotnlnlng in all its branches. Reduced Prices, ltoy Koch. Cull 126-J. NBREAKABLJB W A T C H CRYB TAL8—Fancy shapes and regulars. Hoyt's Caab Store. tf. IF WATKINS PRODUCT la what you want call 122 J Kprlnglleld tf We specialise in Swiss braclet watch repairing Hoyt's 321 Main Street, tf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. FOREST EXCHANGE No. 017649 of the In te rio r, U n ite d Statee Land Office, Roeeburg, Ore­ gon, January 20, 192S. NOTICE la hereby given Ihnt E E Faulkner, of Corvallis. Oregon, filed application No. 017649, under the Art of V ir. h 20. 1922 (42 Slut , 4«r. t Io BliV Ilo- N U N W , N W , N K ', . RW<4 NW'4 NW'4 NE'4. NW'4 HWU NW'4 NE'4, W'4 SW'4 HW% N E 'i, BWU SE'4 NW’4, 8E«4 8E% B E ', NW'4, W4 NEt4 SW '4. W U NW'4 N E ’* 8W%, W ti 8 E ’4 8W>4, W ti E«4 SE'4 f»W*4, Section 1!. W«4 NBU NW ',. w « Btt NE'i N W , Sec 14. Tp 16 8 , II 10 West, W. M . containing 140 acrea, within the Rina­ ta w National Forent, In exchange for tlnih-r of equal value from approxl matelv 4 4 acres of the SW'4 NE1, N E^. Section 4. Township 20 8 , Range 12 West. W. M , within said Bluslaw National Forest. The purpose of thia notice In Io allow nil persona claiming the lands selected, or hnvlng bona fide objec­ tions to such application, nn oppor­ tunity to file their protest with the Register of the U. 8 I-and Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any such protests or objections must he filed In thia office within thirty days from the date of the first publication of thia notice, beginning February 2, 1923. Non-coal. HAMILL A CANADAY, RegUter. F. 29 16-23: M 1- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice 1» hereby given that the un d< reigned bus been appointed admin­ istratrix of the estate of William J Van Wagner, Deceased. All ptwsons hnvlng claims against the estate of said deceased should file (lie same duly verified with the undersigned at the office of 8. D. Allen, Hovey Build­ ing Eugene, Oregon, within six months from this dale. Hated Fob. 9th, 1928. ANNA BJERKE. Administratrix. F. 9 16-23: M. 1-8: • .— --------------— 1 [ b u s in e s s NOTICE TO CREDITORS anil finishing. Hardwood floors 8-rooni Ifouae, llghls, water on Notice Is hereby given that the un laid, 637 Kelly Boulevard. pnn li, Früh, Harn, 3 Acres of lund derslgned has been appointed Admin­ istrator of the Estate of Earl S, F 23: M 1-8-16 on Mlll 8t. 2 block« North of high Powell, deceased, by the County school, Hprlnglluld. Will exchuuge Court of Lane Countv, Oregon. All R ecital Announced for small hous« and lot In Rprlng- I persons hnvlng claims against the tleld or Eugene Wrlte or call ul Reuben t'harlyle Goffrelere Is pres­ ! said estate are herby notified to pres- 1769 Franklin lllvd,, Eugene. MI enting Elizabeth DeBusk, eleven year i <-nt the same, properly verified, to the undersigned at the office of Wells A old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. DeBusk, Wells, Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Eu- SEPTIC TANKS— : Eugene, lu a complete piano recital i gene. Lane County, Oregon, within Reaily for you to Install six months from the date of the first Fof family of live — 321 00, Eugene on Thursday evening, Murch 1st, at publication of this notice. eight o'clock, at the First Congrega- For family of eight — |28.00, Eugene Date of first publication, March 1. Sewer Pipe,-Well Curbing, Drain Tile j tionul church, East Thirteenth and 1928 HAROLD J. WELLS Administrator. Ferry streets, Eugene. Although and Chimney Works. WELLS A WELLS Attorneys. Miss DeBusk has been heard In group E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. Mar. 1-8-15-2229. I recitals, this will be her first recital . FOR HALE—Carbon paper In large I alone. She will play five groups from N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R 8 aheets, 26x39 Inches, suitable tot memory, comprising seventeen num­ Is herby given that Charles making tracings. The News Office bers. Each of the first four group» E. Notice Johnson has been appointed ad­ *7~ SU M M O N S , will be devoted to Individual com­ ministrator of the estate of Sarah IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE posers—Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, and Douglas Lloyd, deceased, by the STATE OF OREGON FOIt THE MacDowell, while the last group will County Court of Lane County. Oregon All persons having claims against said COUNTY OF LANE estate are required to present the Glu2« D . W . R oof JE W E L E R Springfield, Oregon Repairing a Specialty OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT Notice Is hereby given that Harold J Wells, Administrator oi the Estate of Axel Oliver Sandstrom, deceased, has filed his final report and account as such, and the Court has set Sat ltrdny, the 10th day of March 1928 at ten o'clock In the forenoon, In the County Court Room In the Court House at Eugene, I-nne County, Ore­ gon, ns the time and place to hear objections to the same, and for the final settlement of said Estate. HAROLD J. WELLS, Administra­ tor. WELLS & WELLS. Attorneys, F. 916-23: M. 1-8: States Land Office, Roseburg, O re ­ gon, F e b ru a ry 18, 1928. TRAIN SCHEDULE SUM M O NS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF T H I Springfield Stops STATE OR OREGON FOR LAN« Northbound COUNTY. No. 32 ........... ..................... 2:33 Myron L. Wallace, Addle M. Wallace« No. 16 ........................ 4:27 A. M Plaintiffs, vs. W. Robert Wallace, Ada Wallace; Chester L Wallace, Southbound Fay Wallace; Charles Wallace; No. 16 ........................ 9:33 P. M Fred Wallace; Pearl Wallace. No 81 -------------— ............. 8:46 Elide Wallace, Laura Wallace; Coach Special for Klamath Falls Arena Sebring, M a r k L Se- br ng; Caroline Awbrey, James and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. M on T. Awbrey; Nora Robb, Homer Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. Robb; Mollie Sears, Cleave Sears; Nancy M Wallace, Melvin Wallace; Blank Promlsory notes and receipts Daniel Wallace; George Wallace; printed and In stock at the News Mary Wallace; Clara Casthmaa, office. Levi Caatleman; Nannie E Mana, William Mann; Emma Wallace; Walter Wallace, Zebna Wallace; A tte n d A lb an y M eet Iziufs Wallace; Ruby Wallace; Mr. and Mra. C. O. Wilson, Sam Nellie Sanders, William Sanders; Charles E. Powers. Celia Powers, Richmond, and Mr. 8mock, attended Vera Powers; Mrs. William S Most, a meeting o the United Spanish War Sylvia Moss; Laura Blaekmore, Veterans at Albany Saturday night. James Blackmore; C. B Sears, Mary A number of Eugene veterans also Sears; Alex White, Mary White; were present. Harry West; E. A. Snellrtrom, Rena Dnellstrom; O. P. Snellstrom, Min- nle Snellstrom; Charles Snellstroa. Q u a rte r M illio n Stations Mona Snellstrom; Robert Reeves; Preston Reeves; the unknown heirs A few weeks ago the Oregon 8tate of J. W Holeman, deceased; the unknown heirs of N. H. Warner, de­ Motor association after an Investiga­ ceased; Also, all other persons or tion announced that 250,600 gasoline parties unknown claiming any right, filling stations were pumping gas to title, estate, lien or interest In the the motorists of the United States real estate described In the cone- plaint herein, Defendants. and since that time Inquiries have TO: W Robert Wallace, Ada Wal­ been directed that caused Investiga­ tions relative to the number of gar­ lace; Chester L. Wallace; Fay Wal­ lace; Charles Wallace; Fred Wallace; ages and repair stations In the coun­ Pearl Wallace. Elsie Wallace, I-aur* try. Wallace; Arena 8ebrlng, Mark L. Se­ These Investigations show that bring; Caroline Awbrey, James T. there are approximately 53,000 stor­ Awbrey; Nora Robb, Homer Robb; Mollie Sears, Cleave Sears; Nancy M. age garages and 86,000 Independent Wallace; Melvin Wallace; Daniel repair shops as» dealers repair ata- Wallace; George Wallace; Mary WaV Itons In the United States. In Oregon lace; Clara Caatleman. Levi Castle approximately 1000 storage garages man; Nannie E. Mann. William Mann; Emma Wallace; Walter Wal­ and 1560 repair shops are necessary lace, Zelma Wallace; Louts Wallace, to keep Oregon's motor cars on the Ruby Wallace; Nellie Sanders, Wil­ liam Sanders; Charles E. Power«, road. Celia Powers, Vera Powers; Mra. William S. Moss, Sylvia Moss, Laura NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Blackmore, James Blactemore; C. B. ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Bears, Mary Sears; Alex White. Mary Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ White; Harry West; E. A. Snellstrom, tue of an execution and order of sale Rena Snellstrom; O. P. Snellstrom, in foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ Minnie Snellstrom; Charles Snell- cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, strom: Mona Snellstrom, Robert on the 27th day of February, 1928, In Reeves; Preston Reeves; the un­ a suit wherein on the 23rd dav of! known heirs of J. W. Holeman, de­ February, 1928, in said court John C ceased; the unknown heirs of N. H. Beck, plaintiff recovered Judgment' Warner, deceased; Also, all other per­ against the defendant Bruce L. David sons or parties unknown claimlnc ami Kate David for the sum of 3628 53 1 any right, title, estate, lien or interest with interest thereon at 6 per cent per . In the real estate described in the annum from and after September S, complaint herein: 1927. and for the further sum of IN THE NAME OF THE STATE* 3200.00 attorneys fees, and the costs and disbursements In the sum of OF OREGON: You are hereby ro- 350 30. which Judgment was enrolled quired to appear and answer the com­ and docketed in the Clerk's office of plaint of the above named plaintiffs said court in saW county on the 23rd in the above entitled court now on day of February. 1928. and said ex­ file with the clerk of said court on ecution to me directed commanding or before the 15th day of March, 1923 me In the name of the State of Ore-; being the last day prescribed in the gon In, order to satisfy said Judgment, 1 order for the publication of this sum­ Interest, attorneys fees, costs of suit mons upon you and you are hereby and accruing costs to sell the follow notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby re­ Ing described real property, to-wit: Lot number Three (3) in Block quired, plaintiffs will apply to the number Three (3) of the Town of above entitled court for the relief de­ manded in their complaint, to-wlt; Mapelton, Lane County, Oregon. Now, therefore, in the name of the ¡ For a decree of the above entitled State of Oregon In compliance with court quieting the title of the plain­ urid execution and order of sale and tiff. Myron L. Wallace, against the In order to satisfy said Judgment, in claims of yon. said defenaants, and terest, attorneys Jees, costs of suit each of you, in and to the real pro and accruing costs. I will on Saturday pertv situated In lame county, Ore­ the 31st day of March. 1928. at the gon. described as follows, to-wit:. hour of one o’clock in the afternoon The South >4 of the NE'4 and Lota of saW day, at the Southwest front 5 and 6 of Section 11 Tp. 18 S, R. 2 W. door of the County Court House In , W. M. containing 150.11 acres by gov­ Eugene, l,ane County, Oregon, offer ernment survey. Also, the north 13 for sale and sell for cash, at public ; acres of Lot 3 of Sec. 14 of Tp. IS S. auction, subject to redemption as pro­ R. 2 W. W. M. Also beginning at the vided by law. all of the right, title S. W. Corner of Lot 5 Sec. 11 of said and interest ot said defendants Bruce Tp.. thence running West 4 chains, L. David and Kate David. Fireman's thence south 25 37 chains to south line Fund Insurance Comnany, a corpora-, of north Aj of the James A. Wallace tion. Niagara Fire Insurance Com­ D. L. C. No. 40 in said Tp. 18 S. R. 2 pany, a corporation, Security Insur­ W. W. M., thence east 15.19 chains to ance Company, a corporation, and all east line of said claim, thence North persons claiming by, through or under 2.32 chains to angle in boundary of them or any or either of them in and said claim, thence east on line of said to said premises. claim 23.00 chains to corner of same, FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of thence north 22.90 chains, more or Lane Countv, Oregon. less, to the N. E. corner of said claim, Mar. 1-8-15-22-29. thence west 34.19 chains to place of beginning, containing 91.50 acres. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Also, that part of Lot 7 Sec. 11, Ijv ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE ing N. of the County road In said Tp. Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ Also beginning at the N. E. corner tue of an execution and order of sale of the south As of said Wallace D. I* in foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ C. thence West 1 chain south 11.01 cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, chains thence east 1 chain thence north on the 27th day of February, 1928, in 11.01 chains, to place of beginning, a suit wherein on the 25th dav of containing 1. 10-100 acres. Excepting February, 192?. C. E. Ruth, Plaintiff, a small tract in said Wallac D. L. C. recovered Judgment against Alvin M. beginning at Intersection of the ce«- Spencer, a single man, and further ter l