U. f ío o il For M a d e -in - Oregon Product». THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH SPUN BISS 10 BE OPENED IN MARCH HPRINGE1ELD, IxANE COUNTY. OREGON, V IS IT TO LEBANON PAPER MILL SHOWS PO SSIBILITIES HERE In order to better understand Ihn i L IV E NFW SPAPE8 IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 8 THURSDAY MARCH 1, 192* Scout F inances W ill Be S h a p ed “The People's Peper" BOY DROPS OUT OF S IG H T HERE AFTER LEAVING FOR WORK Irving Brown, 16, has dropped com­ TALK FEDERATION W. P. Tyson Namad President of pletely out. of sight since leaving the Sprinfieid Council; Meet home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, of Springfield, on Fee- . Number of Community Project« Called for Monday ruary 15, according to Mr. Brown, who Could Be Best Supported By Financial plans for the year's acti­ today expressed apprehension lest I Combined Effort, is Assertion; vities of Hprlngtleld Boy Scouts will something may have happened to the ’ Decision to Be Made at Meet lie shaped at u meeting of th«- finance youth. committee next Monday night, and fol­ The hoy left his home on the morn ; On March 27. requirements of pulp mul paper mill« the Lebanon mill ot the Crown Wll Decision on Second Street Clos­ laiiHitte Paper company wan via I ted I ing Sure to Come in Few Tuesday by u committee from the | Days, Says County Judge C. Sprlnxlleld Chamber of Commerce P. Barnard; Contractors are constating of Charles Pool«.', E. B. Kep- ! Showing Interest in Project. ner and >1. 1C. Maxey. The Lebanon lows the unnual meeting of the Iruf of February 16, saying he was go- H ilt a few days remain before final i plunt wan selected primarily because , Springfield Scout council Tuesday lng out to look for work. He neither > Whether Springfield's women's or­ night, at which W. P. Tyson was returned nor sent word to bis parents, ganizations will combine into a federa­ decision will be rendered by the public conditions at thut locistion are similar j named chairman of the honor court who did not expect him to remain j tion for the promotion of community ■ervlee commission on the proposed to those In Hprlngtleld and the Cham­ enterprises will be decided at a meet­ and president of the «ounoll. away even over one night. closing of ihe Second afreet crossing, ber of Commerce hus been asked to | ing to be held March 27, it was de­ The boy la about 6 feet 5 Inches 1 Mr. Tyson, and the chairman of the cided following a session of beads of and as a result the contract for the submit u report of this section as a , two troop committees will form the tall, has light hair, brown eyes, and possible site for paper mills. the local groups held Tuesday night. new Springfield bridge will In all finance committee which meets Mon­ a scar across his chin. He wore a , Pulp wood for the Lebanon mill Is A number of Important community probability be let In the present day night. W. G Hughes was elected black overcoat which extended belo v | purchased from every locality In this' projects are being considered for sup­ finance officer of the council at Tues­ his knees and a pair of riveted over- ! months, acordlng to County Judge C. part of Oregon and the committee was port by the federation, provided It la alls. He had canvass shoes with wern day's session. I*. Barnard this morning. surprised to lliei' that much of Ihe organized at the March session. red rubber soles. Clayton Barber was named scout Explanation of the plans for federa­ Judge BStnurd conferred with Com wood now piled In the yards at th • His parents live ^at Seventh and K commissioner. Both Mr. Barber and tion were told by Mrs. Horton, presi­ nilssloner Corey of the state commis­ mill cane- from Hprlnglleld und Cot-! streets, and are anxious to hear from Mr. Tyson are former scoutmasters of dent of the Eugene Federation of Wo­ sion Tuesday t|lght with regard to the tag«- Grove The mill Uses about 40 anyone who may .have seen the boy. i the Lions club troop. men's clubs. The local club heads Hprlngtleld bridge, unit was luformed cowls of w < mh | u day In making 20 Lynn 8. McCready, former president heard the plans, and agreed to seek that the commission is ready to act tons of paper. White fir and Hemlock • of the Lane county council, was a REV. SYKES IS GRANTED the dlcision of their respective or­ on the decision, only a few points ro- ure used exclusively and It makes a speuker at the unnual session. malnlnu to lie decided. It Is linder- ' very gixsl trrndte of paper the i-xei-n- LONGER ABSENCE LEAVE ganizations as to the desirability of forming a federation here. sttsid here that the actual decision lives of the company report. More ' Four Scouts were given awards at Photo »how» M i t t Pauls Pierce, Another month's leave of absence already lias been made up by tho com- than 16,000 cords a ycur are used by It was pointed out at Tuesday’s the court of honor. Earl Wheeler pretty Canadian girl, a» a Bathing was granted Rev. Gabriel Sykes by meeting that greater success can be mission, but that its tiling ami publl- the mill. The company pays >8 00 a was given awards In bird study and Beauty !>/ie w u discovered by a the official board of the Methodist hoped for projects when they have the cation Is iM'ing held In ubuyuncu while cord delivered In iebanon for tho scout for Florenz Ziegfcld, the safety first; Carrol Adams, flreman- attorneys look Into u few final de- four foot wood spilt and harked. ( world's foremost expert on pulchri­ 1 ship, first aid and scholarship; Billy Episcopal church Monday evening. united support of the community or­ tude, while »he bent over flapjack» in Rev. Sykes, who is in Portland taking lulls. . Much power Is used by the mill as Child's New York restaurant Miss . Knox, swimming and flremanship, treatment tor his health, found it ad­ ganizations. Oftimes when one group Much Interest Is being shown In th e , it lakea about 600 horsepower to drive decides to back an enterprise, other« Pierce will be »een shortly in the cast , Norman Chase, flremauship and car­ visable to remain away for a longer pull the other way, according to Mrs. brtst Lake in the fore- this has been his continuous residence ‘ Ninth and B streets. The bungalow clubs. turn«'d over to the Portland Chamber ground. Many have declared this to since that time. He was engaged in will be 26 by 40 feet In dimensions. The meeting was held at the cham­ of Commerce which Is negotiating be the best painting they have ever the carpentry business here. C. H Paddock, of route No. 2, this i ber of commerce. LINN RAILROAD SEEMS with nine patter milling concerns In seen of this familiar scene. A num­ He was ill for some time previous to week began the enlargement of his TO BE SURE PROJECT regard ur'locatlng In Oregon. ber of river scenes are also exceeding- his death. greenhouse east of 8pringfield. Mr. J The funeral will be held Friday Paddtock has been operating on a D IS R TIC T ORGANIZER ----------- ; ly well done. Residents of Lebanon are optimistic TO V IS IT ON TUESDAY Ben a gon of y r and Mrs. Lee. afternoon at 2:36 p. m. from the small scale, but expected to extend over the prospects of completion of FISH MUST BE PROTECTED IN ALL POWER P ER M ITS is also adept with the brush. His Charles Poole funeral chapel in his business this year. the railroad line projected by Linn To assist with the membership cam­ Two houses are going up on the —------ : work Is mostly of the protralt type. Springfield. Interment will be at Lau­ t ounty lagging Railroad company, ac paign being started by the local circle rel Hill cemetery. . south side of town. D. W. McKinnon A hearing before Ihe state engineer A number of animal pictures which cording to word brought back by K K of the Neighbors of Woodcraft. Mrs. has completed a house on his pro­ on every application for power sll^s are his work are displayed at the Kepner, H. E. Maxey anil Charles Stella E. Blackaby, Salem, district perty. PUBLIC IN V IT E D TO I’. Poole. Springfield1 mey who visited on Oregon streams will be asked by studio. organizer, will come to Springfield George Perkins is completing con­ the state game commission according Mrs. Lee Is planning to make an the strawberry city Tuesday. GUARD INSPECTION struction of two attractive houses at next Tuesday, according to word re­ While the local party was at Leb to Commissioner Ben F Dorris who (.xh)htt of her work a, Portland In the ceived by Mrs. Eggimann, guardian The annual federal Inspection of the Sixth and A streets. anon they saw a surveying crew run­ spoke before the Springfield Chamber near future. She is offering Instrue- neighbor of the local lodge. of Commerce Inst Friday nlrtit. Mr. t t)on nt her home here to students Springfield headquarters company. ning lines for the railroad. Thia Mrs. Eggimann is arranging a con­ 162nd Infantry, Oregon National SMELTER TO LOCATE UP Hue is to run from a point on the Ore­ Dorris said that the commission would f^th from S4prlngfleld and Eugene. ference at her home on Tuesday even­ demand that adoquat«» protection for . ___________________ Guard, will be held tonight at the gon Electric near Allwny to Cascadia, RIVER IF BUILT. PLAN ing. which will be attended by the armory above Eggimann’s candy and eventually may tap some of th«: fish be mad«' In all projects hereafter CHURCH N IG H T TO BE He sab. that the game commission, HELD BY CH R ISTIA N S I kitchen. Major John P. Bubb, of Eu- McKenzie timber through Gate Creek. The smelter planned for the Lucky daptains of the two sides of the drive, i gene, will conduct the Inspection. Boy mine will be established nearer and others. A p«'rnilt from the Interttnte Com­ believes that Eugene could build her | A large program is being planned The local company will be In full the mine rather than in Springfield, merce commission Is being sought by municipal light plnnt projects without pj,urch night program will be held the'railroad company. Negotiations 'lamming up the river and changing hy ,hp Chrlstlan church on March 16. I field equipment during the inspection. according to Information received by for March 14 by the Neighbors. also are under way to make certain the level of the stream. with the Friends class In charge, ac- The public, has been invited to attend Mayor G. G. Bushman, who has been Mr. Dorris was Invited to talk be­ ordlng to announcement yestefiday. the inspection. changes In the state highway at this In charge of the Investigation of the PORTLAND DIVINE TO BE HERE T H IS MONTH ponlt to make way for the railroad fore the chamber on the advisability An Interesting program is being ar- effects of smelting processes on In­ of making the steel head salmon a rangi'd by he class, and refreshments B. LEAGUE BASKETBALL habitants of the vicinity. right-of-way. game fish throughout Oregon ns It s’W will be served. Rev. W T Milliken. D. D.. of Port­ Samples of ore taken from the mine CHAM PIO NSHIP DECIDED In the Rogue river. Mr. Dorris explain­ land. the educational director for title and easav’ed In Washington proved The Bonne missionary society of the DR. W. H. POLLARD MAY ed that this must be done by the legis­ church Is planning to entertain the even better than expected, acordlng to division of the Baptist church, will be Pleasant Hill high school annexed j SEEK CORONER S OFFICE lature Instead of through the game other mission groups at a SL Patrick's the Lane county B league basketball j Mr. Bushman. He said that A. C. a visitor in Springfield a few day« commission which could not majtc day affair about the middle of March < hampionshlp at the end of the annual Miller, promoter of the mine project, this month, according to annoupce- First Intimation that a Springfield laws. also. It was stated. tournament at Eugene last Saturday ; had come to the conclusion that a ment by Rev. C. H Blom, pastor