The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 23, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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WIi'rtllK (loWl^^UlH lltldMU» of th»|
pie have" Just about loftt that power mull«.
;t .
1 They have little remnants of It You’ve | lie gi'«H* restored her hand to Iter slro ftiu
Burton H tójurcl
heard of 'premonition»' that have lap.
worked out: or a ‘fei'liug’ that sew»
"I undeiatnud, ’ »aid tie. ' But It will l.itrïj "Lei’s surprise hliul"
The flshe X i R U k having a find
one was In the room; or expertenoed conte. I am on the air! It can no
I some one of the numerous* 'colncl- more help coining than the poppy can tints, splashing down the long straight
vista, lasting hla fly right, left and
| dences*. such as receiving a letter help uufoldltlg iu the sun.”
straight uhead as lie advauqetl latrry
I right on top of some especial thought
'•1 hope not," she bieatned. but so
of the person who wrote it. You may low that he did not catch the syl­ watched him critically for a 'fe w
i have hail dreams that came true."
"lie knows the Job,” he told
"Yes." she cried, “what about it?”
At this moment. Just when some
Burton "Did you see hint make that
"You probably thought of all as obvious change of subject seemed flip cast to the pool behind the cedar
nhifftratlons by Hwnrv Jay Laa
| uncanny'. It wasn't uncanny at all, most desirable, Grimstead appeared
root ?”
S tew art Edward Whit*
. .
, Simply oML chocked channels letting
(T O BE C O N T IN U E D )
R * l* a « * d t h r t*
| through a trickle.
P u h lia h a r» A u t o c n O r S e r v ie *
She pondered this a moment, her j
j brow» puckered prettily,
"Is It our fault—thin chocking?” 1
she asked. "How did It happen?"
Yemen blew two safes In the Mc-
Burton, conning from her tent a few
“All right. Now Just to cover the
"I don't know, of course; but 1 ,sur-
Morran and Washburn« department
point you brought up, add this: that minutes later, found Larry smoking : mise.” ha repeated. "It Is the Inter-
store at Eugene Sunday morning, and
for the first fivevyears Mr. Davenport his pipe alone.
1 ventlon of mind, of Intellect. Mitn »
escaped undetected with $8000 In
it to have the veto right as to any
"Deserted. Everybody. Even the intelligence Is a line tool, and com-
money and Jewels Effort« to trace
contemplated extensions of business. dogs.” he answered her Inquiry. "Like i plicated. But It was supposed to be
the robbers have so far proved fruit­
That suit you. Davenport?”
to go walking?"
less, although Sheriff F. K Taylor,
only a tool for the purpose of ex-
* -V.'.A- -L*”—
•'That's fine!“'crled. the young man.
"Surely!” she cried eagerly,
ant'nlng and making practical what
who apent tax» daya In Portland on
Jv A r t h u r B r is b a n e
Gardiner disappeared with a flash­
the caae, saye he possesses warm
i.iey headeu straight up the stream, came to It by direct channel. Man- i
a cjukageous I rishman " ; dues which may lead Io arrests later
light in the direction of the car. to coming at lengtit to a narrow gorge kind got so tickled with It that he be- !
return after a few moments carrying at the entrance to which stood detach­ gan to run all his affairs by it alone
I on.
a portable type writer Grimstead met ed a fragment of rwk. big as a sum­ That blocked the channel. The mind
i Nitroglycerine was used by the
him Just at the circle of firelight.
mer cottage, square as a cube of took control. Instead of work ng under
MORE AEROPIANES NEEDED. liandita In blowing open the safe
i doors, and $l0«0 worth of new over-
"No shenanigans about this, Ross, sugar. A jagged heap of talus ami control. Instead of playing with a
A m l fighting Irishman has come ; coats were used In muffling the sound
he warned in a low voice. 1 want debris eave a rather rough passage fresh supply on first hand—well, call
to Anicrua. W illiam Thomas Cos- ' o the blasts.
It Inspiration- that's what It Is—we
It was obviously the
this contract drawn absolutely fairly, to the top.
grave, President of the Irish Free
so that any lawyer he may consult
"Prettty scrambly,” said Davenport. make ovrr and refashion old stuff. ' Stale I »ilhtlenl, keen light blue rvrs. ’ work of experts, Indicating that the
If it weren't for the fact that some 1 soft voice, iron will snd a lion's I recent crime wave In Portland la ex­
will approve of it, I don’t want a '•Think you can make It?"
chance for an objection once we leave
She scorned reply, but begun at people's channels are not completely | courage That is a picture of the tending to the smaller towns of the
I once to scramble up ove" the Ragged blocked, so that a kind of trickle does ( Irish President, for whom fear does I valley.
this place."
n«t exist, not even the only fear ad­
through; and If it wasn t for an
"1 understand that part of it but :—” talus. Davenport watched the poise of
mitted by has relatives, the Celtic
CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery
“He's one of those lily-whites,” her light and graceful figure for a occasional craxy genius who busts out. chiefs of Gaul, who admitted that
« • ourselves up In our minds they feared one thing, that the sky on prices on plates and other work, tf
growled Grimstead. "I've got him moment, then followed.
might fall on them.
The top of the rock was perfectly *nd dry up and blow away,
located now Full of uplift and shy
of horse sensei I know 'em; and flat, but at two elevations, one two J "Then,” she summed up slowly,
I f you askexf, "Can N f / l ' H l N G
Notice In hereby given that the un-
they've gbt to'be handled. He's cuckoo i feet higher than the other, It was "you could tell about the rain and the
tree falling, because this current T H IN G ? ” you would get no serious , derslgned has been appointed by the
on the servlce-to-humanity stuff, carpeted with moss.
; County Court of Lane County. Oregon.
"Hop down." advised Larry, him­ flowed through you?"
The chances are that he won't sign
But how do you explain this fact, ’ administrator of the estate o f Georgia
"That's roughly It.”
announced by German science and , Hett, ‘ Deceased, late a resident of
any contract without seeing a lawyer. self descending to the lower of the
proved by convincing experiment?
"How do you do It?"
LABS G outy All persons having
So draw up a subsidiary agreement two elevations. “Now sit down and
.-( h.,/7. .-. magnet is move fourrfttl 1 claims against her estate should pre«-
"It's hard to say. I set my mind
on his part to sign the contrae’ pro­ lean your back. Can you beat this?"
titan a .solid magntl
; ent the same duly verified to the un-
The natural seat thus formed and aside and then take what com
vided his lawyer—get his name—
' derslgned, at the office of 8 D Allen,
pronounces it techincally correct
I Hovey Ilulldlng. Eugene. Oregon,
i within six months form this data.
We'll get him to sign that anyway; view up the stream which at this of thing that Is useful for me to
I ’, bi liary 23. 1828.
point ran straight and wide for some know."
and that will tie him up.”
four hollow lamellae has as much
HARRY C. KEELER, Administra­
It was near 10 o'clock before the distance. Bints flitted and midges
"Do you think everybody ought to lifting power as one containing nine
to r
solid lamellae.
little typewriter ceased clicking and hovered in the sun.
have this power?"
F 23:
M. 18 16-
“I want to know more about these
about 11 when Davenport affixed his
"Yes; It belongs normally In the
Everything is possible in chemistry
signature to the agreement to sign. gifts of yours," demanded Burton after I race ••
anil physics, now that atomic con­
struction and the h -rrihle power and
As Grimstead had foreseen, he did not a time. “I want to know hoxf you . “Could I do it—with practice?"
speed of the tiny electrons have been
want to sign the contract itself witn- knew so accurately about the rain?”
"I'm certain of It.”
I added to human knowledge. But that
“I don't know very clearly myself," ; “Oh!" she cried. "I want to try!
out expert advice as to its form; but,
hollow magnet news is a thing to
I puzzle science." •
being satisfied with its substance, he Larry answered. "I've never tried to How do you start?”
express it"
was willing to agree to that.
He smiled.
« -¿ J
A D. I.asker, who ran the Shite-
"Water, lemons, sugar!" Grimstead
He hesitated; seeking for an open­
'•This Is no conjuring trick to be I ping Board, once a young, frig h tfu lly
then called to Simmins, and set out ing.
learned; it’s a good healthy faculty | energetic boy. sitting in the outside
"DW yoif ever read Materllnck's I
on the gTound before him four tum­ of l-ord &• Thomas, in Chicago,
to be developed. You've got to relax
now even more frightfully energetic,
blers, pouring into each a genrous ‘Life of the Bee'?” he inquired. "Or something Inside of you that you hold
sits in the inside office and owns the
any of Fabre's Insect books?"
measure from a bottle.
tight together for everyday life—
"I’ve read the 'Bee' and one of I
The drinks mtXed, Simmins handed
(TTO -•-■’' Gazr
He i t ’d his w ife have just (riven a
something In your consciousness
Fabre’s—the one where the Emperor Then things Just float in and you
one to each. Grlinstead arose.
million d liars to Chicago University
to study the “causes, nature and pre-
“Here's to the Universal Power Moth—"
leave them alone for future refer- J •ven'
of degenerathe diseases.”
"Yes, I know Well, that gives us a
Corporation!” he proposed.
They drank. Larry saw the toil start. Now bees, and/ especially ants, j
n three hundred years, the
average life has increased from
driven millions and the lifting of yet have what you might call a co-opera­
tfo.ty to sixty years, but a man of
another of the great pressures of life. tive government that Is as complicated nounced.
Safety—as well ns economy— d e­
fifty has very little better chance of
She laid aside her hat, and the
Burton saw confusedly an angel with and a lot more Intelligent and efficient
life thin a man of that age one hun- mands that you keep your tires In
a flaming sword somehow reopening than any human government. You cool air current was stirring the hair
perfect condition at all times.
dred year, s£t>.
by a crack, the gates of Eden. Gar­ would hardly go so far as to say that at her temples. Little by little h er
No matter how »mall the job may
diner contemplated a vision of grbat an ant Is an intellectual creature; that form fell into the simple, restful j
Lasker wisely gives money to find
appear—take care of It al once You
activity and. great wealth. Grimstead he, or any of his ancestors or fellows,
out why it i» that human beings aftei
cannot afford to neglect your tlree.
was smiling. What he saw the great has a brain that could think out and the smaller muscles relinquished their i fifty break J.-wn so quickly.
Well repaired tlrea will last Indefi­
invisible intelligences too were per­ put Into operation a system of govern­ guard. Her face took on the dreamy -
and give you almost double
ceiving through the lenses of his ment. Yet he acts with a heap more and faraway peacefulness of a sleep- | vestigating suggestions that tnedica
soul. They did not smile.
, Intelligence than most men do—on the Ing chIMfs.
science would call “all nonsense." Al.
Our repair charm»» are small and
Thus 15 minutes passed. Then she
average. How come?”
They did not smile,
nonsense is what the doctors called our guaranteed work Is unequalled.
stirred slightly.
"I don't know.”
them more than they ever knew We can give you prompt service at
"Well?" asked Davenport at last.
"Neither do 1; hut I surmise. Sup­
“ Go to the Ant”
all times.
"It was certainly very curious,” she
The next morning a corduroy road pose for the sake of argument that
across the meadow was made and a in the void all about and through us
He hesitated, and the sunburn on old, touched a live wire carrying
road around the fallen redwood was is a saturate solution of all poss'ble
volts and, according to doctors,
! knowledge an<I wisdom. The things ' his cheeks seemed to deepen a little. 5,000
was “dead for half an hour.” Quick
Then Grimstead decided to go fish- ' we call living creatures live In this; It ' “Are we going to waste time?” he action by firemen brought the boy
back to life.
ing and received some Information ' Is all around us; but we are more or a"ked gently
Cor. Fifth and A Streets
At first his mind wandered. Then
from DaVeiiport
about the lurking j less cut off from It by the fact that we f -She did not reply. After waiting
Tires, Oensral Qas and
places of rainbow trout.
are Individual and Imperfect beings. a moment he reached out and took
name, who he was and what he had
“There's ’ one thing; be sure you We are In shells, let us say; particular her hand.
been doing in the previous eighteen
get the most northerly swale,” con­ wisdom or knowledge gets to us only
The question arises, does the same
cluded Larry. “The country starfishes through special cracks. A perfect be­
The Mystery
thing happen to all of us, after we
up there, and If you get to following ing would have a point of contact for
I have been dead a long time, perhaps,
every possible knowledge or wisdom
the wrong canyon you’ll end lost.”
“You did see,” Davenport went on. as one earnest clergyman suggests, as
"You better come along. Ross," said But in our finite world every Indivi­ "You saw what I saw yesterday when long as a billion years, waiting for
world to end and Gabriel to
Grimstead. “Go get your tackle.”
dual, whether it Is a rock or a tree or we were In the old orchard, what I the
summon us?
Gardienr disappeared In the direc­ an ant. Is so built that he can come in have felt from the very first Instant
We have a variegated climate, dogs
tion of the car, and wtas gone so long contact only with the particular little I saw you standing In the firelight—
pulling sleds over Alaska’s ice, ladies
that Grimstead became fidgety. Gar­ piece of wisdom or intelligence from beautiful as the night!”
and tni-ir friends lying half-naked on
diner seemed to have a great deal of the great store that he needs In his
She turned on him troubled eyes
I the sands of Florida, California and
business. All the rest of the points
tackle to rig and clothes to pat on.
"I don't know why I talk and act the Gulf States.
And the thermometer does not tell
“Here,” called Grimstead at last, of contact are blocked off by his Indi­ this way. It seems almost shameless.
“I’m going to make a start. You fol­ vidual structure. Thus within his I do not understand It. But somehow everything about weather. We shiver
and growl at 14 above zero, while
low along when you get ready. I’ll limits he has perfect knowledge. It’s I cannot hide and (lodge and retreat
Donald McMillan Arctic explorer,
strike the stream and fish down, a.ii the same all through nature. How do and flirt as I— If Is Impossible. I sent word, through radio, that he is
you keep going until you find me.”
you suppose quail know ahead of time do not know what It Is that has come qnite comfortable at Bowdoin, Lab­
He tramped off sturdily, and 10 whether the season Is to he dry or to me, Larry, and you must wait until rador. with the temperature 35 below
mintues later, after vexatious delays wet, and breed accordingly? The I find out. I have been made love to
It depends on humidity, elevation,
having to do with leaders and the more you think of It the more In­ before and—from the first I have been osone and other things probably of
disentangling thereof, Gardiner follow­ stances you will percleve.”
attracted to you. Just now when I which we know nothing.
ed. Simmins approached,
tried to set my mind aside, as you
A dispatch from Nicaragua says
Burton Finds It Curious
"There would seem to be no ac-
call It, Just one Idea, one Impression, Sandino, the rsbel-bandit who killed
casion for my further presence, sir?”
"That is the most Interesting thing came to me, and that was of nearness some of our marines, has been killed
he suggested, Indicating with a turn I ever heardl!” breathed Burton. "And to you—I don't, mean physical near­ by a bomb from one of our airplanes.
The Nicaragua rebels now know
of the head the direction of the pati­ It sounds so reasonable! But you ness—I don’t know what I mean or , that they have no more chance
Brushes with transparent
ently laboring self-starter.
know we started to talk about you. what I’m talking about—"
against United States flying machines
or bone handles; straight
than a rabbit has against eagles.
"We seem to be safe for the pres- ■ not about quails and ants I believe
“I do,” he assured her.
or bent. Bristles seruted,
That is satisfactory so far as our
ent,” agreed Davenport, “Why? What's you are a crafty sidestepper.”
”1 am shaken, and I don’t know; | Nicaragua fight goea
tufted or receding.
on your mind?”
“We’re headed toward me.
If I can't, tell what It means.”
But our President, Congress and
Brushes of pure bristle or
“I thought I would like to try mv things were all working along the
"It Is the answer to my love for '
Army and Navy departments should
luck, sir.”
□f goat or badger hair for
way they should, man would have you!” he breathed.
remember that several couiMnes In
“Sure. Go to It! Better go down­ this same access to universal wisdom
She turned her clear eyes on him
Europe and at least one In Asia ex­
stream, though.”
that the lower creatures have. As res­ again.
ceed us so greatly In air power that
Brushes for adults, youths
they could do to us, if they chose,
In five minutes Simmins departed pects all the things he would normally "I do not know,” she repeated, "and
ar Infants,
blissfully. Already he had a complete run against In his everyday normal 1 must know. I might allow you to
drama In cold storage having to do life he would see, "or feel—percleve Is keep my hand and to—and to go on,
Ixjok over our assortment.
PLANES, not merely a sample force
with his'return at eventide carrying a better wordl— Ihe causes and effects and there is something leaping within
of the Nicaragua site?
a long string of shining beauties to and results; because the stream of me that tellR me I would be swept
The Emperor of Japan sets an ex­
find that Grimstead and Gardiner, for life would flow through him by certain away by your love. But 1 must not;
ample in economy—carries a $5
all their fancy tackle, had succeeded channels turning certain wheels.”
and you must not. If it wtere not so
watch, cultivates his own rice field.
In landing only four, and they rather
"That’s what you do!” she cried ex­ serious to me, that might happen. I That would surprise his great great
,’randfathcr. That Mikado, by lift­
citedly. "I see!”
am talking In What. my mother would
PlunkeUyTSnlvvles and R a p s c a llio n
"In a very small and practical way; have called a most unmaldeoly man­ ing a finger, could chop off anybody's
head, and he did.
followed Simmins,
a little more than the average. Peo- ner,” she ended with a wistful little
n i H iiii
R /'
S te w a r t E d w a r d W h it e
W H O 'S W H O
GR1M84TBAD, the •■Buccaneer'’ of
th’s swashbuckling story, is stranded
among the California redwoods in his
"private craft”, a high powered car.
when its gasoline tank is broken
ed'" daughter, is with him against her
will, especially so as she perceives her
father's object in insisting on her
going on the trip is to throw her into
the company of
ROSS GARDINER. Grimstead’s sinis­
ter "Second in Command.” a capable,
good looking young man
SIMM1S, the Grimstead's English
butler-chauffeur whose gay spirits are
repressed by his dignity.
DAVENPORT. a youth, comes by
and astonishes them first by saying
his small car runs on electricity so
be has no "gas” to give them, anl
next by winning a $10.000 bet from
Gardiner by predicting a rain storm,
and the revelation (to her alone) that
be is "the” Lawrence Davenport, a
famous writer, make his vastly inter­
esting to Miss Burton Grimstead.
•'The royalty ideal appeals to me,”
answered Davenport, “for I certainly
do not want to get mixed up in affairs
unless I have to. But I do feel respon­
sibility in turning a thing like this
loose without trying to do my part.”
•‘You'll find the business part of It
In pretty competent hands.” Grim­
stead assured him,
"I do not doubt that for a moment,”
said Davenport. "I shouldn't have a
moment's uneasiness on that score.
I’m thinking of the world at large?”
"World at large?” repeated Grim­
stead. a little blankly.
"Yes. You, of course, have not
thought of this as much as I have, for
It is a new proposition. But I've been
pondering on it for a very long while.
It’s the terrific upset in industry that
must come from this.”
"Of course there wilt be readjust­
ments.” agreed Grimstead.
'•But just stop to follow this out.
Let's suppose, for the sake of argu­
ment, that this battery is all it might
be; that it is a genuine short cut
to unlimited power. The gas and
electric companies would simply have
to go out of business Why should
anybody buy anything of them? Reach­
ing out from taat th nk of the corre­
lated industries that would be more
or less affected—"
"I've got that kind of imagination,
young man," interrupted Grimstead
drily. “I'd already considered all that.”
"Of coursse,” smiled Davenport, rp-
lapsing from his tense eagerness.
"And then besides there are hundreds
of thousands of workmen who would
be thrown out of employment for a
time until a readjustment had been
"Why, It sounds terrible!" cried
"That’s why I say there’s a responsi­
bility connected with it. All this
capital and these works of various
kinds and those workmen will find
other and probably more ultimately
useful things to do after a time. It
shouldn't be sprung on trem all at
“What would be your suggestion?”
asked Grimstead.
Davenport laughed boyishly.
•'My goodness!
That’s a large
order! But I suppose It might be fed
out through a single Industry at first
—say, motorboat engines, or some­
thing of that kind. If we held the
patents, we could regulate that
"Then you finally prefer the stock
proposition ?”
"I guess it’s what I ought to have,”
said Davenport.
“Very well,” returned Grimstead
"Gardiner, get your notebook and take
Gardiner had risen from the post
of private secretary and so took short­
“Draw me up a proper contract em­
bodying these points,” Grimstead in­
structed him. "Patents in name of
Universal Power Corporation. Capi­
tal stock 100,000 shares, no par value,
non-assesssble. Forty per cent to Mr.
Davenport. Sixty to me I to furnish
all working capital. Manufacture to
commence within three months. One
hundred thousand dollars to be paid
Mr. Davenport as bonus cash payment
on the conclusion of the first 1000
bona fide sales. That satisfactory as
far as it gofiuJ”
The attentive youth nodded.
• • «4*
^ 3
Keep Your Tires in
Good Repair
“A ” Street Service
All Styles
And Sizes
Drug Store
n t abode