a THITRHDAY FEHRUARY 23, 1928 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Classifyed Ads ,BPY1N6 02 selling FYGETKESUUS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Dr. E J. Schouter was appointed county health officer for Tillamook FOR SALE WOOD SEPTIC TANKS— LET BULKY do your floor sanding county by the county court last week. Retail merchants of Oregon garn­ Old Growth Fir. Second Growth Fir, Ready for you to Install and tlnlshlng. Hardwood floors ered at Corvallla last week for the Oak, Ash. All lentfttia. Phon» Spring Fof family of live — 021.00, Eugene laid, 637 Kelly Boulevard. '.I ! . 24th annual oeaslou of the »tale aeeo- field 10«. tf. For family of eight — 028 00, Eugene Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile FOR SALE — 1000 C h ic k Keroseno elation. TAINTING and KttleiMiilnliig In all Its and Chimney Block». Of the total tax of 0817,389.93 levied Brooder. Grunt McGInula, Route 1, EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. branch»’! Reduced Price». Hoy Springfield, Oregon. F. 9-16-23 in Yamhill county for 1926, Sheriff Koch. Call 126-J. Manning report» that he has collected SUM M O NS T erm s a nd tr a d es 0729,683 93 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I'NIGtEAK ABLE WATCH CltYB *28 License Included STATE’ OF OREGON FOR THE Hal E. H on, private secretary to TALK—Fancy shapes and regular*. '20 Dodge Touring, In fine condi­ COUNTY OF LANE Oovernor Patterson, submitted hl« Hoyt*» Caah Blur«. tf Gladys A. Tuzonn, Plaintiff, ve Al J. tion, 0150 00. 1 resignation, which will become effect­ Tuzonn, Defendant. IF WATKINS PRODI'CT la what you IN THE NAME OF THE STATE '26 Dodge Coupe, Like new, 0660 00. ive March 1. want call 122 J Springfield. tf OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ '23 Essex Four Coach, fine shape, A shortage of horses to carry on the quired to appear und answer the com­ 0285.00 spring work Is reported by farmers of We aperlaltte in awl»» brarlnt watch plaint filed against you In the above Tillamook county. As high as 0400 Is repairing Hoyt'» S il Main Street, tf entitled suit on or la,fore four weeks '27 Bulck Sport Rdstr., 0109000. from the date of flrat publication of '22 Bulck Four Roadster, perfect con­ being paid for good teams. tills summons, or for want thereof, dition. 0266.00. Blasting on Coos river Monday for the plaintiff will apply "to the court j ear’» NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, . * — • I for the relief prayed for In the com- rock to supply highway needs, work­ t FOREST EX< HANGS ' plaint, to-wlt: For a decree of dtaaolv- . Many others at all prices from 025 00 men brought down 40.000 cubic yard» No. 017549 up. laiwcat Finance Charges. i Ing the marriage contract now exist- of material that will be used in rlp- Department of the Interior, United l Ing between plaintiff and defendant 1 F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ • and for an absolute divorce from d e -! rapplng thy river front near Seaside. B U IC K D E A L E R S gon, January 20. 1028. fettdant; and that the care, custody Because of the city'» Increasing NOTICE In hereby given that E. F and control of said minor child. Ia-roy 7th and Olive — Eugene, Oregon growth In recent years, the postmas­ Faulkner, of Corvallis, Oregon, filed G. Tuzonn. he awarded to the plaintiff application No 017549, under the Act ter at Medford has been notified that Thia summons la published o n c e 1 SUM M O N S or March 20. 1922 (42 Btat . 465) to each week for four consecutive weeks his request for an additional carrier «(change the N'4 NW>4 NW'4 NE1«. In the Springfield News, a Weekly IN THE CIRCUIT CO! KT OF THE STATE GF OREGON FOR THE has been granted, giving Medford nine SW 'e NW 54 NW«4 N E1«. NW1» newspaper published at Springfield, COUNTY OF LANE city carriers. HW5i NW 5» NE'». W54 SW% SW54 Lane County, Oregon, by order of the N E 1«. SW54 BE54 NW%. SK5, 8E54 Hon G F Rklpworth, Judge of the Fred Marshall, Plaintiff, vs. Nettle The Heppner American Legion post Marshall, Defendant. 8 E 1« NW'«, W 'j NW 14 HE1«, E 1» above Court, m ade'on the 16th day To Nettle .Marshall the above name I has constructed an emergency land­ NK54 NE1« RW 'i, S W 'i NE>. N E1«, of February, 1928. defendant: ing field for airplanes on Morrow SW14, 854 NE'« 8 W 4 , W54 NW'» D ate of First publication February IN THE NAME OF THE STATE field, located on a bill Just east of NE'« HW54. W54 8E5i 81V'«, 5V54 23. 1928 OF OREGON' You are hereby re­ E>4 8KU »W>«, Button II. W'4 town. The field will be placed on gov­ Donuld it Husband, attorney for NE'« NW'«, W54 EH NEVA NW««, plaintiff, 860 Willamette St., Eugene, quired to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed againat you In the above ernment maps. Sec. 14. Tp. 15 S . Il 10 West. W M . < ntltled Court anti cause on or before containing 140 acre«, within the Slue- Oregon The Columbia River highway, which ' F 23: M 1 -8-16-22: the 22nd day of March, 1928, said law National Fore»!, In exchange for has been closed to night traffic and date being more than four weeks from timber of equal value from approxi­ the date of the first publication of under dally one-way regulations since N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S mately 4 4 acre» of the SWt» N E1» NE5«, Section 4. Township 20 S.. Estate of Harry 0 . Ilrooks. I.h-ceased. this summons herein entered of re­ ’he storm and ile-up two months ago, Range |2 Went, W M , within «aid Notice Is hereby given that Louiae cord an- If you fall so appear and was thrown open for 24-hour sendee Slualaw National Forest. W. Daniels has been by the County answer for want thereof the plaintiff last Friday. The purpose of thia notice is to Court of the Stnte of Oregon, In nnd will apply to the Court for the relef • allow ail peraona claiming the landa for Lane County, appointed adminis­ In his complaint demanded' and pray­ As soon as weather permits, con­ aelected, or having bona fid a objec­ tratrix of the estate of Harry O. ed for. to-wlt: struction will begin on a 10-mile rail­ For 11 Judgment and decree of d!- tion» io such application, an oppor­ Brooks, deceased. road to tap 34,000 acres of timber in tunity to die their proteat with the All persons having claims against torce dissolving the bonds of matri­ Register or the u. 8 Land Office at the estate of said deceased are here­ mony. now und heretofore existing be­ Northern Klamath county recently Roaehurg. Oregon. Any auch proteata by notified to present tho same, duly tween the plaintiff, Fred Marshall, and acquired by the Shaw-Bertram Lum­ or objections muat he filed In thia stated nnd verified, at the office of A. the defendant. Nettle Marshall, on the ber company. office within thirty daya from tIo­ E. Wheeler, 710 Lawrence St. In Eu- grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat­ Nels Skjersaa and Emil Nordine. date of the flrat publication of thia ene, Oregon, within six months from ment and for such other relief as to the Court my seem meet. notice, beginning February 2, 1928. his 16th day of February, 1928. Norwegian ski racers of Bend, trav­ This sumiins is served upon you by Non-coal. LOUISE W. DAN I El-8, Administra­ publication thereof In the Springfield eled across McKenzie pass last Sun­ trix. HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. News pursuant to an order of the day and back to the eastern slope of A E. WHEELER. Attorney. F. 2-0 16-23: ,M 1 Hon O F. Sklpworth Judge of the the Cascades, making the trip of *40 ----------------------------;---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Circuit Court of the State of Oregon miles without accident. for the County of Lane, duly mode NOTICE TO CREDITORS TRAIN SCHEDULE Bonnie Smith, 3 daughter of Her­ and entered of record on the twenty Notice Is hereby given that the un Springfield Stops first day of February, 1928, ordering bert Smith of Sumner, a community dsrslgned has been appointed udniln- Northbound that this summons be published once near Coos bay on the old Coos bay Istrntrlx of the estate of William J Van Wagner, Deceased. All p«son» No. 31___________________ 2:33 P. M each week for four successive and wagon road, died of Infantile paralysis having claims against the astute of No. 16 , ....................... 4:27 A. M Flag consecutive weeks In the Springfield last week This was the only case to News and that the date of the first said deceased should file the same Southbound publication will be February 23rd. develop In Sumner this year. duly verified with the undersigned at the office of S. I). Allen. Hovey Bull'I- No. 1 5 _____________ 9:83 P M Flag 1928 und the date of the last publica­ Snow at the rim of Crater lake is Ing Eugene. Oregon, within six No. 3 1 _________________ _ 9:46 A. M tion will be March 22nd, 1928 F R A N K A. D e U U E . A tto rn e y fo r 96 inches deep and drifts hare mount­ months from this date. Coach Special for Klamath Fall» Plaintiff, Residence, Springfield. Ore­ ed as high as the second story of Cra­ Dated Feb 9th. 1928. and beyond, on flag at 2:01 P. M on gon. ter Lake lodge. John Maben, caretaker ANNA BJEHKE. Administratrix F. 23: M. 1-8-15-22: Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. F. 9 16 23: M. 1-8: of the lodge and weather observer at the lake reported last week. Infantile paralysis claimed Its first Notice Is hereby given that Harold J. Wells, Administrator oi the Estate Union county victim since the epi­ of Axel Oliver Sandstrnm, deceased, demic's eatersak last fall Sunday at has filed his final report and account Union vbea Bruce Maxwell. 15. son as such, and the Court has set Sat of W A MaiwelL pteaesr resident, urday, the 10th day of March 1928 at All kinds of Coal, Coke and ten o'clock In the forenoon. In the died follow lag a abort lllaaea Briquets v u u u ij » uuri nuom in m e v o u n [ Tbs Swift PuokJag «ampany has House at Eugene, Lane County, Ore j PAINTING— RAINIER COAL CO. gon. as the time and place to hear I purrtiaead tbs Ongallts Talley cream­ PAPERHANGING objections to the same, and for the ery at CeqalUe and the Rurwny cream­ IB E. 7th St. Phone 412 — KALSOMININS final settlement of said Estate. ery of Her way firaaa J B McCloskey, Eugene, Ore. 806 G. Street HAROLD J. WELLS, Administra­ velaraa batter and abeeeo maker of tor. 1 WELLS A WELLS. Attorney». week. F. 9-16-23: M. 1-8: Rea. Phons 169 Plano Movlng Dedlcatloa of the 026,000 Presby­ SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER NOTICE OF SHERIFF-8 SALE ON terian ckamh at Phoenix, being con­ WILLH9 BERTSCH, Prop. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ structed by Ashland contractors, will OTF1CE AT SERVICE GARAGE tue of an execution and order of sale be held Palm Sunday, according to 666 Maln Street In foreclosure Issued out of the Circuit Rev. R. W. Nelson, pastor of the Buccesaor to Sutton Transfer Court of Lane County, Oregon, on the church, whloh has about 100 active 25th day of January, 1928, In a suit wherein on the 24th day of January members. 228 Main SL Residence 126 c Bt 1928, In said court F. E. Hyland, plain ORn Aruapiger was re-elected man­ 62 J 62 M WM. O. HUGHES tiff recovered Judgment against the ager of the Taleat Irrigation district FIRI ANO AUTO INfiURANCK defendants Charles N. Andrews and Full Auto Equipment Mina Andrews, for the sum of last week. E. T Newhry was chosen NOTARY PUBLIC Lady Assistant 06500.00, together with Interest there­ chairman of the hoard of directors. , Office at on at the rate of six per cent per Due to a large carry-over of water I d annum from the 1st day of Nove,mher. the district’s reservoirs the water sup­ FIR S T NATIONAL BANK 1926. and the further sum of 0600.00 Springfield, Oregon attorneys fees, together with the costs ply will be normal, according to Mr. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL and disbursements herein, which Judy Arneplger. ment was enrolled nnd docketed In the Abraham Lincoln Coihlnl is the D E N TIS T DR. N. W. EMERY Clerk's office of said Court In said name given a son born to Mr. and County on tne 24th day of January, Mrs. Louts Comini of The Dalles on Phone 43 DENTIST 1928. and said execution and order First Net’l Bank Bldg., Springfield Sutton Bldp. Phons 20-J of sale to me directed commanding me Lincoln’s birthday. Four years ago In the nnme of the State of Oregon, a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Comini Residence Phone 153-M In order to satisfy said Judgment, In­ was named Calvin Coolidge Comini, terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit and still another son bears the name Springfield, Oregon and accruing costs to sell the follow­ of Leo McKinley Comini. 1 ing described real property, to-wlt: MAX STOVE WORKS Robbers entered the Capitol theater The west half of the southwest General Law Practlos quarter of section six (61 In Township in Salem last week, dynamited the Will take your Old Style Rnnge Seventeen (171 South, of Range Four safe which held two days' receipts and 1. M. PETERSON In exchange on a Lator One. (41 W est of the Willamette Meridian. Attorney-at-Law In Lane County, Oregon, containing escaped with between 0400 and 0500. Mnln near Mill St., Springfield The safe was badly wrecked. A strong 95.13 acres. City Hall Building Now, therefore. In the nnme of the box In the sRfe, which contained ap­ State of Oregon, In compliance wltn proximately 01800, was carried to the Springfield, Ore. snld execution nnd order of sale and In order to sntlsfv snld Judgment, In stage, where It was abandoned. terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit nnd North Bend high school Wednesday accruing costs, I will on Saturdav the night captured the Coos county debate M. 0 . HOGE All kinds of gravel for con­ 3rd day of March. 1928, at the hours of one o’clock In the afternoon of championship for 1928, both teams Attomey-ah-Law crete or road work. We said day. at the Southwest Front door winning unanimous decisions. Teams make a specialty of crushed Practlse U. S. and State of the County Court House, in niugene. fram Marshfield, North Bend, Ban­ rock and rock sand. Bunk­ Courts Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale ers nt foot of Main on Mill and sell for cash, nt public auction, don, Myrtle Point, Coquille and Cooe Bugene, Oregon subject to redemption ns provided by River took part. street law, all of the right, title, and Interest At a recent meeting of Tuft Cham­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. of said defendant Charles N. Andrews ber of Commerce a resolution was and Minn Andrews, his wife and FRANK A. DE PUE Arthur O. Bush, nnd all person» claim­ adopted unanimously against the pro­ ing by, through or under them or any posed 03 auto license law. Fear was ATTO R N EY A T LAW or either of them In and to said expreased that enactment of auch a NOTARY PUBLIC premises. law would mean an end to further JEW ELER FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff. highway eons tract Ion. Springfield, Oregon By BEULAH RRINNICK, Deputy, Sutton Springfield, 2-0-16-22: 1: Repairing a Specialty Building Oregon f ¡B U S IN E S S IIIR E C T O R Y || L. MaLosh W. F. WALKER CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. D. W . Roof r. M. PAGE SEVEN James, the 6-year-old son of J K. SUM M O N S Montgomery, president of the Bank of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATE OR OREOON FOR LAN« Southwestern Oregon, died last Fri­ day at .Marshfield of Infantile paraly­ I COUNTY. Myron L Wallace, Addle M Wallace, sis. Plaintiffs, vs. W Robert Wallace, Baseball Interest In the coming sea­ Ada Wallace; Chester L. Wul’ico, son throughout the Medford section Is Fay Wallace; Charles Wallace; Fred Wallace; Pearl Wallace. so keen that already preliminary Elsie Wallace, Laura Wallace; steps are under way to form a six- Arena Sebring. M a r k L. Se­ club league comprised of Medford, bring; Caroline Awbrey, James Klamath Falls and Grants Paas In T Awbrey; Nora Robb, Homer Robb; Mollie Sears, Cleave Sears; southern Oregon, and Yreka, Weed Nancy M Wallace, Melvin Wallace; • nd Shasta City In northern California. Daniel Wallace; George Wallace; Mary Wallace; Clara Castleman, Alex Lavon of the Applegate valley I-evl Castleman; Nannie E Mann, rushed to tic- Jackson county court William Mann; Emma Wallace; house In Medford last Wednesday Walter Wallace, Zclma Wallace; and recorded his filings on a mining I-o uls Wallace; Ruby Wallace; Nellie Sanders, William Sanders; claim where last week he found a Charles E. Powers. Celia Powers, 042 nugget. Mr. Lavon said that there Vara Powers; Mrs. William 8 Moss. had been three attempts to jump the Sylvia Moss; (.aura Blaekmore. claim since the discovery of the gold. James Blackmore; C. B Sears. Mary Sears; Alex White, Mary White; There was one fatality due to an In­ Harry W est; E. A. Snellstrom, Rena dustrial accident In Oregon In the Snellstrom; O. P Snellstrom, Min­ week ending February 16, according nie Snellstrom; Charles 8ncllstrom, Mona Snellstrom; Robert Reeves; to a report Issued by the state indus­ Preston Reeves; the unknown heirs trial accident commission. The victim of J. W Holeman, deceased; the was Charles M. Martindale of Wol- unknown heirs of N H Warner, de­ ceased; Also, all other persons or lowa. There were 589 accidents re­ parties unknown claiming any right, ported to the ommlssion during the title, estate, lien or interest In the week. real estate described In the com­ plaint herein, Defendants. The first boat to be built on Cooe TO: W Robert Wallace, Ada Wal­ bay this year was launched at the McDonald & Holland shipyards last lace; Chester L. Wallace; Fay Wal­ lace; Charles Wallace; Fred Wallace; Saturday, with officials of the Hauser Pearl Wallace. Elsie Wallace, Laura Construction company, for which she Wallace; Arena Sebring, Mark L. Se­ was built, present. She has been bring; Caroline Awbrey, James T. chirstened "The Multnomah''. The Awbrey; Nora Robb. Homer Robb; Mollie Sears. Cleave Sears; Nancy M. craft is a 46-foot tug boat, costing Wallace; Melvin Wallace; Daniel 09000. Wallace; George Wallace; Mary Wal­ The state highway commission, at a lace; Clara Castleman, • Levi CasUe- man; Nannie E. Mann. William meeting in Portland February 28, will Mann; Emma Wallace; Walter Wal­ open bids for the grading and surfac­ lace,' Zelma Wallace; Louis Wallace, ing Of the 4.1 miles of the North Ruby Wallace; Nellie Sanders, Wil­ Albany-Wells market road In Benton liam Sanders; Charles E. Powers, Celia Powers, Vera Powers; Mrs. county. Bids also will be considered William S. Moss. Sylvia Moss, Laura for the grading and surfacing of 2.2 Blackmore, James Blackmore; C. B. miles of the Pine creek market road Sears, Mary Sears; Alex White, Mary White; Harry W est; E. A. Snellstrom, In Wheeler county. Rena Snellstrom; O. P. Snellstrom, Announcement of the impending Minnie Snellstrom; Charles Snell­ sale of the Coos Bay Water company strom: Mona Snellstrom. Robert of Marshfield to the Oregon-Wash­ Reeves; Preston Reeves; the un­ known heirs of J. W. Holeman, de­ ington Water Service company was ceased; the unknown heirs of N. H. made at Marshfield by officials of the Warner, deceased; Also, all other per­ local company through Its attorney. sons or parties unknown claiming The Coos Bay Water company serves any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described in the Marshfield, North Bend, Bunker HUI, complaint herein: Englewood and Baypark. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Births last month, numbering 436, OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ to appear and answer the com­ were .8 of 1 per cent more numerous quired plaint of the above named plaintiffs In Portland than for January, 1927, in the above entitled court now on and were 78 more than the total of file with the clerk of said court on 368 deaths reported. Dr. John G. or before the 15th day of March, 1928 being the last day prescribed in the Abele, city health officer, said In his order for the publication of this sum­ monthly report. Boys numbered 234 mons upon you and you are hereby and girls 202, while the deaths notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby re­ claimed 202 men and 156 women. quired. plaintiffs will apply to the Harris Hart of Milwaukie was op­ above court for the relief de­ erated on In a Portland hospital and manded in their complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the above entitled physicians removed a sponge from his body. Twelve years ago Mr. Hart court quiet ng the title of the plain­ tiff. Myron L. Wallace, against the fractured a rib, which required an claims of you. said defennants, and operation, and since then he had com­ each of you, in and to the real pro­ plained of IllneBS. The operation dis­ perty situated in Lane county, Ore­ closed that the trouble was caused by gon. described as follows, to-wit: The South 14 of the NE>4 and Lots a sponge that the surgeon had left In 5 and 6 of Section 11 Tp. 18 S. R 2 W. the man’s body 12 years ago. W. M. containing 150.11 acres by gov­ Contract fcr the new mall route be­ ernment survey. Also, the north 12 tween N ew rt and Taft, on the Roose­ acres of Lot 3 of Sec. 14 of Tp. 18 S. R. 2 W. W. M. Also beginning at the velt highway. Is now effective. The S. W. Corner of Lot 5 Sec. 11 of said route will serve ranche»and beach re­ T p , thence running W est 4 chains, 25 ?7 chains to south line sorts between the two points. Glcne t*-nnf' den, one of the newly developed of north *4 of the James A Wallace D. L C. No. 40 in said Tp. 18 8 ft 2 beaches, some distance couth of Taft, W. W. M . thence oast 15.19 chaiA9 to is (he first postoffice to open Its doors east line of said clainx. thence North along the route. EniUy Syohta has 2.32 chains to angle in boundary of been appointed assistant postmaster. said claim, thence east on line of said claim 23.00 chains to corner of same, George Garrett, ex-city manager of thence north 22.90 chains, more or La Grande, Oregon. Grand Junction, less, to the N. E. corner of said claim, Colorado, and Rhinelander, Wisconsin, thence west 34.19 chains to place of beginning, containing 91.50 acres. and for a number of years employed Also, that part of Lot 7 Sec. 11. ly­ In various capacities by the city of ing N. of the County road in said Tp. Portland, was appointed city manager Also beginning at the N E. corner by the Astoria city commission at a of the south 54 of said Wallace D. L. special meeting last week. Mr. Garrett C. thence West 1 chain south 11.01 chains thence east 1 chain thence north wlU succeed O. A Krats, city manager 11.01 chains, to place of beginning, there for the last five years, whose containing 1. 10-100 acres Excepting resignation was recently presented ef­ a small tract in said Wallae D. L. C, beginning at Intersection of the cen­ fective March 16. ter line of County Road No. 42 with Emery Olmstead, ex-presldent of the the North line of the S.% of said Northwestern National bank, and J. E. claim, thence Northeasterly along Wheeler, ex-presldent of the McCor­ center of said road 2.60 chains, thence mick Lumber company and the Tele­ northwest 53 ft, thence southwester­ ly parallel with the said road to the gram Publishing company, were said north line of S >4 of Wallace D. found guilty on each of 22 counts on L. C. thence east to the nlnce of be­ an Indictment charging specific mis­ ginning. about 1» acre of land, con- s'. plication of funds of the North­ talnine In all 25454 acres of land, more pr less, in Lane County. Oregon. western National bank of Portland by All that part of the West 54 of the a jury which handed Its sealed verdict southwest qunrter of Section twelve to Federal Judge Bean at the opening (121 In Township eighteen (181 South of Range Two (21 West lying Nprth of court last Saturday. of the center of the county road, In the annual meeting of the Cooe which extends easterly and westerly and Curry fair stockholders the organ­ through said premises, situated In ization selected the date of holding Lane County. Oregon, and contain­ the 1928 fair In Myrtle Point and ing 40 acres, more or less, named September 19, 20, 21 and 22. and decreeing that plaintiff Myron L. Wallace is the sole owner of said The custom of having a fair repre­ premises in fee simple free and clear sentative in every town in the county of all claims of you and each of you was continued, and these men named said defendants, and that you and Joe Larson. Marshfield: G. Gustafson. each of you be forever barred from asserting any claim in the premises North Bend; Henry Hess. Coquille; adverse to the plaintiffs. Ray McNair, Bandon E. L. Clausen, This summons Is served upon yon Broadbent; Earn Wagner, Curry by publication in The Springfield News for six conserutlve and succes­ county. sive weeks commencing with the Is­ A Schramm, state superintendent of sue dated February 2nd, 1928 pursu­ banks, has announced a dividend of ant to the order of the Hon. O. F. 33 1-3 per cent, aggregating 072,634.05, Sklpworth, Circuit Judge and Judge of the above entitled court, which to depositors of the defunct First said order was duly made and entered State Bank of Seaside. This is the of record on the 31st day of January. first dividend to be declared sines the 1928. bank closed Its doors September 11. HARRIS. SMITH A BRY8ON„ At­ February 24 has been set by the torneys for Plaintiffs, Postofflcs Ad­ McMinnville school board tor a special dress; Eugene, Oregon. election to determine whether Mo- First Publication February 2nd, 1028. Minn ville taxpayers shall authorise Last Publication March 15th, 1928. the board to Incurs an Indebtedness F. 2-9-16-23; M. 12-15. not to exceed 040,090 for a new gym­ nasium-auditorium and Its equipment CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery on prices on plates and ether vast. (4,