T H U R S D A Y F K R R V A R Y 28. 1Ö28 G ARDEN WAY P A G E F IV B T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N W S ia r * r ir Home-Making Career Draws State J College Co-Eds, , Qos?i": ™ ' ... . . r, 7 1 _ A tT tN D ______ U. O .M EETING Write Graduates in New Home Economics Booklet University of Oregon, Eugene, ber worked at round hfcjP^gtnVóli A viation will iw kidf t>(YUA Ahlef pdf »(M J* Ahl topics to be considered. At thin tim e Pnrv« ri nf)w b‘,,n« alr* ’r t °< “ >*■ "»«»“ "»11 bo presented Kxp, r”’ 1,1 “ *'»»>” » »” here to to the ue*e«-slty school of Journalism . Ralph llaughnnii lofi February II , raary ' J - (Special) - Indiiutrlal and (or CallHtnga, • Mllfurnlu, where ho com m ercial developm ent of tbo state. will /Islt wllli an miele liii|«flnltn|y. ¡clo se r trad e relation« not only with (I. It Hiilleni»)« k of NewheFM rullml ' oth er p arts of the United S u t r a but II I t h e C iilllllK V . riiw l h o l l in during flm with foreign countries as well, th e wenli nini n in i p tir iiittm il uunin waln.il > developm ent of the aviation route.) t»> • • from iin- li K. Cli.i " I nursery, I end aviation facilities. sta te and com Ml. and Mm J It Finii mi l fumlly m unlty publicity and wide variety if vh 'toil ui Ho I iiwri’in n Bailey lumin eth er subjects will be taken up by ut iiiunuott Sunday. I several secretaries a t the ('D iversity E l Hubiiriiot. *i.o tornm rb resided 1 or Oregon March 1» to 23. It is announ- In Hilu vicinity 1« I’trluusly 111 ut his I ced by C. E Foils, bead of the univer- office of the organization secretaries Iloine In Hprlngflild, ally school of business adm inistration. a ra already working on the plans for Fiori m o Iteli uinl Cliarllnii Flub W. N. G ossler of the Springfield or the meet. E. C. Reynolds, LaGrande, •p ent K m iriu y u - lit with their pur­ ganlzatlon is expected to be present Is president, C. T. Baker, Medford, la enta In Hpr Ingflsld- an d to attend the sessions of the meet, vice-president, and H. C. Lolly, secre- Mr, nini Mru. G Rt Neal were cull ,A new feature th is year will be “com tary-treasurer. era nt the tlobertuon home In Spring- m unlty clinics” to be held every a f t e r - 1 ------------------------------ field Sunday. noon. At these various secretaries will M ru, (1 II Fatten nnd Mru K. 8. present problem s of th eir cities and FOR S A L B -C arb o n paper In large Halley of Weiidllng nnd Itey, L, II. organizations, and solution, will he* ’ b eet’ ’ 28x38 ,nche' ' TO,UW® ,o r Halley of Tuledo were visitors nt the m aking tracings. The News Office J R Flub home during the week. Mr. nnd Mru. T J. Muxwell visited nt the llotiertunu homo In Springfield during the week. DEPENDABLE E1JEQLASS SEÏDICE The Garden Way basketball team played HI. Mary’s Hevenlh grade team In 81. Mnry'n gymunuluni Wednesday evening The local tehm win defeated Upper left—A ttractive kitchen in one of home manage­ the score being 24 to 1$ The person- OPTOffiETKlST—E1JE31QHT SPECIALIST ment houses where senior home economics co-eds keep ell of the tennis wun as follows EUÇENE 878 tpillamette St Phone 020 house for six-wegk periods. C enter—How to bathe the St Maryn G a n h n Way Just one thing— Bat 1 d o it rig h t baby is part of the practical training received. In sert— Ju n io r Hin kuu, 2 C John Koke, 4 Experience with chi.dren a little older is afforded in a F Chan, Toman ' Ralph Cole, 14 nursery school. Below—Vine-clad home economics build­ Joel Koiton, Ì G F Hart hiileni y 1 Lawrence (’haue, F H Maxwell, 12 I ing where class room and laboratory work is given. Sanford Koiton G ('. Christensen 8 : Bum Heur.l. Referee, Henry Nurrn. Mr. and Mru Jay Flub nnd fumlly Seventy five per cent of the wo-1 good living independently if neces-'sion worker, journalist, social ser- attended a M E. Bunday school party men of the U n.ted States are mar sary. vice worker, personnel director Friday evening In Springfield.' Mrs. ried before the age of 30, asserts a T hrough 40 pages of pointedly and others. Muutoe, the Bunday school teache.*, new illustrated booklet, "W om an’s illustrated text conta.n.ng many T he booklet, which may be ob- r . . .. „»A kv (h . quotations from letters by grad tamed free on request to the regts- sponsored the party. (a re e r, issued by the Oregon uates, ‘............ the , h. bulletin Irar hv U r . Z e lta sketches the trar, was written by Mrs. Zelta Mr and Mrs. O. It. Flub and son “ w h e r e s a v in g » a r t g r e a t e s t ’ State Agricultural., college for the j many careers open to women Feike Rodenwold, a graduate of G ilbert called a t the Jay Fluh home School of home economics. 942 W illamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. trained in scientific home econom the school of home economics who the first of the week. They Were r e ­ booklet shows that in preparing ¡ci Emphasis is on home making has served as secretary of the turning from Junction City where for homc-maktng along with sorat , , fulfillment of woman's high- school, alumni association secre- they had gone to sea the little son of spccial vocation, the young woman c, t function. Careers treated in- tary, and editor of the O. A. C. Mr and Mr» K. C. Bognrt, who la ill of today is fitting herself both to d u d e those of interior decorator or Alumnus. Drawings are by Alma with pneumonia. be an efficient wife and m other designer, tea room m anager or die Schuhnevith o4 H illsboro, a senior Mr. and Mru Jim Reed recent n r and to be capable of earning a tician. professional teacher. extcn-i in college. rivals from Oklahom a are living at the Anderson Hop Ranch. Three of the children are attending the local Clever frocks for every occasion are Good results have been obtained by ' school Mru. Reed la a daughter of Mr L IN D B E R G H H A S S A M E m aking their appearance in styles that S E T O F T IR E S IN S E R V IC E ! sc atterin g seed early in the spring, I and Mru. W J. Ruttu. who formerly you cannot resist for Spring and Sum­ when sm all cracks ap p ear ln t h e , resided In thia community. mer. H eavy silk crepe and georgette ground, and covering w ith a weight After adding 7.000 nines more to his J R Gnteu returned from a three are fashioned into irresistible frocks of ed harrow . The first crop is cut high official travels a.« A m bassador of Goon 1 week's business trip In Idaho. many types. to avoid killing the young plants. Will for the I’nlled S tates, Colonel | A thin seeding of oats over a field , Things You Should Know Charles A. Lindbergh and his partner, j reduced by w inter killing or other U O f O. PROFEBSOR WR1TE8 BOOK The Spirit Ot HI Louis, have retu rn ed ! causes usually produces a good crop UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu to the soil of his home land o hay. The field is then plowed and g« n r. " A u Outiin»« o f P h ysics,” bj. According to Win. Rotlenbough. Io-' reseeded to alfalfa o r some other l»r A. K. C asw ell, o f th e physics «!•• |>u t t n»pn t o f th»* U n iv e rs ity , w ill be o f ’ cal Goodrich Sllvertown dealer, t h e ! crop th e following season. unparalleled achievem ent of the fam- ' Ib« prr-u hv March 1. 192M. huh ‘ W e” com bination hus established M O R E. IN S U R A N C E a rem urknble record of perform ance » — MORE TA X E S Blank l*roml«ory notes nnd receipts for the Kllvertnwn equipm ent on Col­ Scores o f S ty le s and by John Joseph Gaines, M. D? printed and ln stock nt th»* News onel Lindbergh's plane. The growing practice of sta te gov­ Your Physician. M any D e E jh tfu l C olors t n . • "The terrific punishm ent suffered by j ern m en ts to put a prem ium upon Im­ F re s h , b r ig h t and d if f e r e n t — each fr o c k is the Spirit of Bt, Louis' tire s in the j Pardon my reminding you ol providence by m aking the insurance c h a rm in g a i.d th e re are m a n y fo r y o u r p a r ­ take-offs and landings has proved the ! your best friend. Yes, I am writ- policyholder pay a la rg e r sh are of t ic u la r needs Sizes f o r w o m e n , m isses and (Jut P r a c tic a l P a tte r n stam ina nnd dependability of their ju n io n . ing ‘‘about your health,” as well as th eir cost Is disclosed in a rep o rt Is- construction. your best aids in m aintaining it, sued by th e Insurance D epartm ent of N o. 1210 ''B eginning the long Jo u rn ey 1 your good doctor ranking first. th e Cham ber of Commerce of the through the a ir In San Diego. Callfor ' Tl\ere is som ething distinctive I U nited States. th at is the family physician's onlyj I During 1926, the rep o rt shows, nlu. Colonel Lindbergh wnd his willing when more insurance was «w ritten partner have covered some 33.0001 the surgeon and the specialist may Offices— 831 M in e r B u ild in g , East B roadw ay S tre e t miles of the earth 's surface. Time j be expert in th eir lines of prac- j than in any previous year,—over $4.- 200,000.000 being collected in total nnd tim e again his plane, heavily I tice; they do things for which ths family physician is not even pre- ; prem ium s,—special insurance taxes loaded for long nlr Journeys, has careened nnd bounced over run ways ' pared, and should n o t a tte m p t i levied by the sta te s am ounted to $79.- But, I would never select either 634.512 an Increase of more than 9 and landing fields and Just as often as for my family physician. T heir I per cent over 1925. the urge to travel has sent the Spirit These taxes, originally designed to of St. Loola on Its Good Will m issions , fields arc too narrow —too limited. provide for the expense of operating the orlglnnl Silverton tires have safe 1 I would summon either, only on sta te Insurance departm ents, have now ly nnd dependably perform ed their i the advice of my family doctor. Your physician should be a I become largely a general revenue tax. part In sustaining plane and oc "ipan- broad, well-read, general practi­ In 1926 pnly 3.94 cents wefe spent during those critical periods of take tioner. If that, he is far b etter | for sta te Insurance supervision. The off and Innillng. posted in the m anagem ent of your varied com plaints, than the su r­ , rem ainder. 96.06 went into the gen­ •’Colonel Lindbergh’s rdturn m arks eral revenue fund for which the pol­ geon or the specialist. H e has a another epochal chapter ,n the history far m ore extensive know ledge of icyholders had already been taxed as of this Intrepid nnd rem arkable avb the remedies needed for von than citizens. ator, for it has been announced th a t either. H e will be a m ore capa­ ! The special insurance taxes am ount­ the Spirit of Bt Louis with Its ori­ ble diagnostician in system atic I f seeing is an e ffo rt fo r yon. y o u r eyes need help. disease; and, he will know when ing to $"^9,634,512, says the Insur- ginal equipment will soon be placed you need a surgeon o r specialist, ' ance D epartm ent of the N ational W e give it w ith glasses. In the Sm ithsonian In stitu te nt W ash­ better than any one else. Chamber, ‘‘would pay one annual pre­ ington along side of other history­ Your family physician is indeed mium on m ore than 5.250.000 ordi­ m aking exhibits, that the ship which an indispensible man in the com ­ munity. He looks after sanitation, nary life Insurance policies Issued at blazed the air channel across the age 25 for $1,000 each or It would Atlantic be preserved for posterity.” and o th er com m unity m easures calculated to prevent disease—to purchase outright whole life policies O P t O M t T B I S T V .E Y E 5 IG H T ifltiiisE . S i* E n cisr’ lessen his chances for making a for $1,000 covering the lives of every Suite 831 Miner Bldg. Eugene, Oregon, Telephone 3C2 The Co-op Finds Its Place living. H e is alert in medical in­ « vestigation and research knowii per>on ln n city of 250.000 Inhabi­ Cooperative m arketing, generally, Is that he is w orkng himself out of a tan ts,"— N ations Business. getting on a b etter business basis. In job! Show me the faddist, the cul- tist or the “path” th at is even at the opinion of Chris L. Christensen, tcinp‘'ng to he a hum anitarian like who Is In charge of (he division of co­ that! w B y J . F. K e t e ls SPRINGFIELD FOLKS operative m arketing in the United Finally, the far ,iy doctor is, t< a large extent, what his com m uniti S tates D epartm ent of A griculture. Farm ers are gaining a d e a re r under­ makes him; the idle, stupid, non progressive neighborhood will at standing. he thinks, of the alm s and M O T H E R ., H O \A/ ) M U C H O L D E R . ( -T H E N I 6 U E 6 S ♦ rart just that sort of a physician - i M ere \ nab a O L D W IL L 1 C jE A J N ie /A L M O S T ) I W O N ’T B O T H E R L IT T L E 6 IR .L A N D purposes of cooperative m arketing Prom pt paym ent of hills oftci grows you a more willing and efli nnd what may be expected In the wav H A V E TD B E B E FO R E )A S O L D A B / - M V C COVJD W I L L SHE HAD A SH IN Y A v ^rcat deal of the attract ciout health guardian. j of practical results. They are begin I P O V Y P E R . M O T H E R his style is du , o f course A ll b e o ld w o m e n a / o « s e / F o r . of this nlng to renllle for example that there i ' m aterial’ of which it is made. The powder , she n o w B Y T H A T T IM E 'V»>t single exact p r .n of organization T H IC K E N IN G T H IN S T A N D G O ES W H E R E H E R . Ipty, ■ r tai i, with that can he rat. i ns ’’best.” A m t D IF F IC U L T W IT H A L F A L F A M O TH ER A LW A V S G O ES - th e collar, po d , t flaps ami licni of and dried fo t mula does not Insure suc- crisp, w hite <• However, if TO It Is not economical to tr a-n cess. The organization m ust be t cotton ma. is p re fe rre d , gingham , French Voile, o r o r­ adapted to local economic nnd social ing a poor stand of alfalfa, (inns u t t |J gandy in a cheeked or flowered de- condltlcna. The Important, thinga to experim ent station, except when thin ( •Ign would b<' quite pretty. Then study arc the kinda of work th e co­ patches or strip s may be disked and th e collar, p' I: n and hem would W 5, be of w hite or , ain color to m aleh operative can do and the services It desown. The best method is to plow • JNC hi the print. can render. F arm ers are getting and crop the land w ith grain for a May be oblate •’ in r ’ 14 to away from the Idea th a t merely by year or two before reseeding. 30, or 34 to 40. Size It . quirei A poor stand of new crop may some­ crganitlng they can tlx prices for their yards of 36 to 40 inch iterial •n d I ¡4 yards for trimming. , products or achieve an Immediate tim es be Improved by the addition ef IB aids ONE MISSON OF THE YOUNG MlSS.ta to bb at- P attern s will be delivered to any alteration In m arketing eondltiop». seed it the soil is loose and m oist address upon receipt of ’..¿S' eefftF They r re getting down h*'d enough to Insure Kurmlnatlon and -,w tractive. Standard beauty preparfttftiTis. ■ “per­ In cash p r U. S. ixistajl of sound flnuîicinjl, bdiji-'î W5»d growth. Seeding with a dlak drltl Is m ention size w atltt ‘ - JV . «"‘dw .r.D i.' dog and packing niethnds efficient usually thl* moat certain as the seed fum es of rare, exquisite churn}, Jt’s a store for H and-C ut P attern __ . c . ■' W est 2HJh Street, tfew ment and skillful m erchand­ Is covered, m ere oatform ally resulting the whole family. Mid alvga ys m ention this news- la more prompt and even germination ising. ---------------------- Dr. Roqdl Q ick Spring Modes in Frocks Are Attractively Varied and Adaptable to Many Needs About y o u r Health W e Give Green Discount Stamps