L TOW N THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23. IM « TH E SPRINGFIELD N W S PAC.E four AND Jasper Mar, In—Mark Sebring of Jasper was a local visitor Saturday. SOME FRUITY SAUCES AND DAINTY E V IC IN IT Y Louks at Creswell—Mr. and Mrs. Fn-d Ixiuk spent Sunday with Mr. Louk's parents at Creswell. Mohawk Man In—E C. Nicholson, Margaret Mortensen Here — Mar Mohawk, spent part of Monday in garet Mortensen was here from lYirt- Springfield. land last weekend, visiting her Marcóla Peop'e Here— Mr. and V' mother, Mrs. Mabel Mortensen. R R. t’alrns of Mareóla were Spring field visitors Monday. Here from Creswell— Mrs. E. L. Bollen. Creswell, was a shopper in Springfield Saturday afternoon. Here from Marcola- -Fred Mellen gerger. Mareóla, paid Springfield a business visit Saturday. Drive to Roseburg—Mrs. Esther j Clapp, nurse in the office of Dr. W. C. | Rebhan. drove to Roseburgh Sunday, j ' specialists, as It will uot lake (ho BACTERIA FOR LEGUMES J place of lime fur .»< hm sull. or uiaiiiiru NOW READY AT COLLEGE or fertilisers whore these are needed ■ I $ Teaching Program Of I n i versai v ls Topie at Mèelin«’ A Dr. Arnold Bvnnett Hall h Speaker at Sessìon o f Siate Institutinns Harrisburg People Here— Mr. and Mrs F. M. Bond and two sons were I UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu , among Springfield visitors Monday. gene.—The eeieatifie program that is j HEN the wind howls and rain stirring constantly until it thicken*. now under way at the University of i lashes the window panes, the Remove froei lire and add (>• tier oxi wise housewife plans to serve one ring of finely cut pineapple. Serve Here from Creswell— Mrs. Thorn­ Oregon, by which a more accurate! foods which convey an idea of very cold with the Wane uungc. ton of Creswell paid Springfield a method is hoped to be found for rating warmth. Among the best for this pur­ the teaching staff, and through which visit Monday morning. pose is fruit, the food which ripen« F ro x rn P n rfa it new and more efficient teaching meth­ beneath the warm summer sun I Ami Jasper People Here— Mrs. Morris ods are expected To be found was given I of Pinrapptr-Putlrrtcateh Pat fait: Melt the fruits, pineapple, which carries Hills and fam ily. of Jasper were nation wide prominence in Chicago re- ' with it the succulence of the yellow three tablespoons hmter ami one .oxi cently by Dr. Arnold Bennett Iiall, I light of the Southern Seas, seems to one-half cups brown sugar in i skillet: Springfield visitors Saturday night let simmer a few minutes, but a, i president of the University, who spoke j bring most delight to the family. burning. Add three-fourths cup pine­ Leaves for Nebraska — William before the American Association o f ! How to prepare pineapple? Here apple syrujf and let boil to the — ••’i Hunter left Sunday for his old home State Universities session on this sub- ; are a few excellent methixls: hail stage (238*). Pour over three jeet. Pineapple-Mint Sonet: Roil two slightly beaten egg yolks and cook •t O’Neill, Nebraska. cups of sugar and one-half cup of gently until thickened. Cool, th-n fold Two main objectives are sought by water to a thick syrup Color with in three stiffly beaten egg whites, »hip Franks Sanders Here— Frank Sand­ the experiments and research work ers of Jasper was a visitor here Mon­ now carried on, declared Dr. Hall. ! vegetable coloring a brilliant green. one and one-half cun heavy cream When cool add one drop of oil of pep­ and one and ',t rale 11 Here from Ashland—Albert Philippi mast send in a statement of his objec- years o,d’ 83X8 the F’>re8t •«rrtce' wouW be unwise to withdraw money of Ashland, visited his sister, Mrs. tive in giving the course, at the same United States Department of Agrlcul ( from a bunk while It watt drawing Mary C. McGee, here over the week time that he submits the examination ture. Some owners are In a hurry to ; from double to triple the rate that it gnd. questions. realize on their timber and cut it averaged over the whole period. W Undergoes Operation— Mrs. B. O. , Smith of Natron underwent an opera- H tlon at the Pacific Christian hospital Monday morning. 8 ,„ion of larttl»* ot h guni« culture* are being prepared In the bactcrliilogl- ciil deputitnenl of thu Oregon Rxperl- nieiit station to supply (he atinual tie muni! from fnryiers of (lie stale pf- par I ng In Inoculate seed of alfalfa, clovers, vetcbed, peas, In atm and any ben ns. Artificial Innculntlou la especially iieci'ssiny for alrulfa in Western tiro gon as the *ol,s here do not na l u rn 11 v contain the nodule bacteria needed by iilfulfa. Before successful yields inn be obtained thene must be sup plied either from pure culturoa or bv xpreiuling from 2 to 600 pound» In I be uere of soil taken from a success­ ful alfalfa field. Such Innoculstlon Is not of course a "cure all.” warns the state college Cure ciillurvs of (he various bao- i lerla neisled for legume crops Mi'» * (Mslrlbuled by tile college til 6» cents a botlle. which iinieiinl barely Olivers the cost. Ik lalls of their Use Is sup­ plied by county iigciits or direct front (lie bacteriology departtneiil. Cultivate alfalfa In the spring wli'i a «prlng tooth ciilltvator, ho» drill >r dink as soou na tliu ground Is dry i noiiiib. says the experiment statloa. Thia Is of particular value In killing weed* when they are young and siImuliitIng the crop In Irrlgnh'il Hulls. Il often pays for tile extra work on dry land. Where weed and grasH growth Is heavy D ie u Ifni fa tn.iy lie cultivated after culling If the shoots urn Hot long enough to be knocked olT. Friday SPECIALS • Winsor Crepe LADIES’ RAYON Bloomers Mnk only. Regular 27c FRIDAY SPECIAL Assorted colors. Reg. 89c FRIDAY SPECIAL 22c 75c 'English Print TOWELS 22c 43x22 Colored Borders. Regular 49c. FRIDAY SPECIAL 3 for 5 1 .0 0 Outing Gowns HOSE Regular 28c FRIDAY SPECIAL FRIDAY SPECIAL Ladles’ All 811k, nil colors. Regular $1.39 FRIDAY SPECIAL $1.00 $ 1 .1 5 White only. Reg. 11.19 Watch the East Window for Friday Special« Inm an ’s 352 Main St. Springfield, Ore. / To Visit Here Saturday — Mary Halsey, a student at Monmouth nor­ mal school, will visit her family here next week end. Munger in Portland—Mark Munger went to Portland Sunday, and will re­ main there visiting tor some time. Peterson at Euene— I. M. Peterson eity attorney, attended a Masonic lodge meeting at Eugene Monday Bight. if” Freses at Eugene—Mr. and Mrs. j Fred Frese visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber at Eugene. x Adenoids Removed—Edgar Trotter, son of J. E. Trotter, underwent an adeniod operation at the office of a local surgeon today. Here from Portland—Mr. and Mrs. William Miller were guests this week | of Mr. and Mrs. John Winzenrei-1. Mr. Miller is superintendent ot the Franklin high school at Portland. Here from Albany— Walter Smith, district superintendent of the Motin- ttain States Power company, with Al­ bany offices, was a visitor at the local plant Monday. Baby Son Born—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Korn, formerly of Springfield, are the parents of an 8-pound baby son, born this morning at their Eu­ gene home. Cormot it only one of the many garden annual» «UuMs for evsumg. kW George Washington “It is incumbent upon every person of every discription to contribute to his country’s welfare.”—George Wash­ ington. Marcola People Visitors— Mr. and 1 Mrs. Fred Crabtree visited Eugene and Springfield Saturday night from Marcola. Mr. Crabtree was fined at Eugene for parking his car in the place reserved for the bus. Grow Your Own Every yard in which ihete is surtahine arid fair soil can be ma le muiix» unite atiractiv? and aijoy- al le w ith a few Ite.'ii ,md is jiiitts u f annual gulden flowers. Inexpensive, niay u> grow «nd mtetesting to every member of the family. Seket packeu now. A t Your Dealers M ost of the standard We pay our respects to the memory of the nation’s fownder and great leadership, whose sterling character, unselfish patriotism and good citizenship will endure as an unfailing guide to every true American. size Flower packets A feiu the more rare varieties 10c Northrup,King ¿¿Co.’s Seeds »X» »I» b*- >