THE SPRINGFIELD NF. ▼ f 'The Peppi»'» Pz»«r " U. u t U. Library B o o it For M a d » -in - Oregon Product». vF CHAMBER 10 MEET ON FRIDAY HIGHT IN A LIYE TOWN NUMBER 7 HPUINOEIELD, iJtN E COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23. 1928 TW EN TY -FIFTH YEAH X JUVENILE CIRCLE IS SCOUT COUNCIL MEETS LAUGHTERESQUE TO BE ADVERTISING HELPS TO ORGANIZED BY LODGE AFTER COURT OF HONOR HELD ON FRIDAY NIGHT ELIMINATE SURPLUS AND W ITH 10 CHILDREN KEEP UP EMPLOYMENT NEXT THURSDAY NIGHT BUSHMAN NOT TO SEEK REJECTION Iaiughtereaque, the annual fun festl The beat advertisers denlrn their val of the Springfield high school, With 10 children as charter mem­ Two Important MprlngfleM B o y advertisements to appeal mostly to will bo held tomorrow night at the Scout affairs, the court of honor and bers, a Juvenile circle, the first to be women, »aid W. F. G. Tharher, prof high school auditorium and will be annual meeting of the district Scout, organized in this district, was formed One Term Enough, Says Spring« Plana May be Made to Send eaaor or advertising at the University open to the public. council, will take place at the Method-, at a meeting of the Neighbors of ■ field Mayor In Definitely De« Envoys to Oppose Bridge De- j of Oregon, In a talk before the Various classes of the high school 1st church next Tuesday evening, * Woodcraft last night. A charter has daring His Intention to Keep lay; Ben Dorris Will Speak Methodlat Church Brotherhood Mon­ will put on stunts, competing In an according to announcement by O. O. been sent for. A membership drive Is Off the Ballot; Local Politic« on Came Commission Plans day evening. j effort to produce the funniest skits. Bushman, chairman of the district to be Instituted at once. Mrs. Maggie Stirs. ____ and Policies. Mr Tharher »aid that advertising 1 The results will be counted In the council, and Dr. W. E Moxley, presi­ McLagan and Mrs. June McPherson were named by the guardian neighbor,! Mayor 0 o. Buahamn will not be S at the high dent of tbe Ijine county council. Plans for »ending representative» Waa a virtual necessity In these days Interclasa rivalry contest 7 of rapid1 production. In order that the school. Mrs. C. F. EggJmann, to be captains can^i4ate for re-election at the gea- The court of honor Is scheduled for to the »tale highway commission Feb­ manufactured article» may be quickly of the drlvw. The losers will enter- eraj election next November, Other entertainment features are 7:30 o'clock. This will be a public ruary 2K, to urge Immediate construe- dl»p«aed of. Thus, surplus la elltnl- tain the winner». , -yj,e mayor today definitely con- planned for tbe affair. ceremony. Mrs. Stella Bla< kaby, Salem, dis- jinne4 reports that he Intends to keep lion of the Springfield bridge, and a 'nated. and employment furnlahed men The Girl's league, lettermen's as­ L. 8. McCready, past president of trlct organizer, will be present at the j out Qf the racP thlg year Htg decia. «11«, ueslon of the flsh and game laws who might otherwise be Idle. The sociation, ukelele club and other or­ day has psst, he said, when manu­ ganizations will give stunts as welt the Lane county council, will be the next meeting, March 14. Mrs. Daisy |on markg th«* first stirring of local of the state by B<-n Dorris fish and facturers may eapect the worth of principal speaker at the annual meet- Clover Is In charge of a dinner to be | here this year, as no local game commissioner, will be Important their products to become known by as the classes, according to plans an­ In« which follows. Officers of the dis- kiven Bt thal meeting, and Mrs. Noah jgHUeg are to be Involved In the May tog nounced this morning. More than a features of the February meeting of "mouth to mouth" methods, but they Hiltebrand will act as chairman of the primaries, so far as can be learned trlct council will then be elected. dozen stunts will bo given. the chstnber Neighbors rushed In to help fight fair wl11 be sba-Pe<1 that the incumbent, I. M. Peterson, Mr Stevens and A. J. Perkins, who j |h# , |n(.o||j gn<, ,,rntu|n enter. the fire, and the fire department ar- Directed by Mrs. Peterson. i will be candidate for re-election. No »1.0 I. In Portland.wlll go to the Kr^ erl(,k g. I>Unn. Popular Music. „............ Ukelele Club rtved Within a few minutes The fire DR. GEORNALL SPEAKS AT M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY ° PponenU’ ha’ e beea mcnti°ned commlaalon meeting, but they believe ( of , h<> (juln ,,„partm,.nl of (htJ Judges' decision. was then extinguished In a short time. far. that other» from here should be pres Un„ er, Hy of Or#fD||t gpoke at ,he ent to make the argument most ef school Dr. R. E. Geonuill, a minister from BETTER BUSINESS IS PAGE IS ON FEDERAL fectlve. F B. Hamlin, president of Chicago, »rill be the speaker Sunday LANE POLITICS STIR AS Prof. Dunn Is urging the adoption INDICATED IN RECEIPTS morning at the Springfield Methodist JURY CALLED MARCH the chamber of commerce, suld that ■ MAY PRIMARY NEARS; 4 this will be brought up at the meeting of a revised calendar. Rhlch would L. K Page. Springfield hotel owner It postal receipts are an indication, church. Dr. Geornall la visiting in provide 13 months of 28 days each In OUT FOR ATTORNEY JOB tomorrow night, and an effort made , and vice-president of the First Nation- business Is picking up in Springfield. the we8t and consented to come here tbe year, Instead of 12. The 13lh to send a group of Influential men to County politics are stirring in anti­ month to be called "Bol" would come al bank, has been call«! for Jury s e t,1 Postmaster F B. Hamlin said today 8‘ tbe r^ UP8t of ReT 8 * Chaney, the session at Portland. vice In the federal district court at that 1828 !a starting out well as re- di8trlct superintendent. cipation of the May primaries, with between July and August. An extra Mr Stevena agreed with Judge Crandall, a re- the district attorney's office seemingly garde comparative figures In postal ,n ,be eTenin,k* Barnard that th. propo.ed 33 lice«.» 4«X '» “ »• «>»“> b« '» ! Portland. Mr. I‘age will report in reskling between the center of pre-election campaign tired minister Federal Judge McNary's court on receipts January showed an Improve fee has nothing to do with the Spring- serted anywhere In tha year. meat over last year's first month, and Springfield and Goshen. wiU speak. activities bo far Banks, and some atoraa were close! March 8, at 10 a. m. D Q tr lr a « n a a fn e zvF k lie c k field bridge plans. The fund« for the Rev. Sykes, pastor ot ♦8» th# n church, , John g Mw)ley ,ncumbent ln this The new Jury of which Mr. Page February ao far appears to be gaining In obaervunce of the holiday. No bridge were appropriated for this is still on leave of absence due to I offlce. geek renomination on th« regular classes were observed in the la a member Includea the names of 27 steadily. year, he points out and xhould be his health. Democratic ticket and will have no Portlanders, and 48 living outside The postmaster anticipates a gain available, whether the people vote schools. -----4------------------ opposition from that quarter. It ap­ Portland. for the entire year a 13 license fee or not The coromls- O. E. S. GRAND OFFICER pears. The Republican nomination, »Ion, he »aid, may u»e the $3 fee bill MRS. FRANCES MILES PAYS VISIT TO CHAPTER , however, will not be won so easily. as an argument against future ex­ IS DEAD AT AGE OF 64 David D. Evans, young Eugene at- penditures, but the Bprlngfleld bridge An event of much Interest ln local torney who had a part ln the Brown- Mrs Frances Jane Miles, 64. died at Is a matter already supposedly on the lodge circles took place Tuesday night . lee and DeAutrement trials, is a Re- Jasper Monday morning following an books. when Mrs. Carrie Jackson. Baker, publican aspirant. So also are J. B. Hen Dorris, Springfield man, who Is lllneas of several years. She had grand conductor of the Order of East- I Hall and Eugene Slattery, both E « the etrtlcefil, Logging _ This working together means operative effort. "• Ing of cards. ' operations are now going ^ w ard . pr»vln»------- — . week, hae recovered. .1»* «1* ‘ , .i , ,