THVKHDAY FEBRUARY 18, I92K THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS reveeled to me the suitable answer to one who claims she love« your hooks,” sadly confessed Davenport. Burton begun to chuckle, then to luugh aloud. "I'm thinking of the Joke on us," she explained, "of Dad. We thought you were a garage mechanic!" "And me with such gentlemanly manners," he mourned, “and my dic­ tion, faulty as It 1«, yet observe» the | rule« of gramincr." I llu s t r a t io n s b y H e n r y J a y L ee •'Your funny little car misled us. Copyright S t e w a r t E d w a rd W h i t e I suppose,” she explained, "and then I you were so handy about everything.’ R x la a a e d t h r u . P u h lla h a ra A u t o o a a t a r S e rv ic e "You relieve me. The ear was the ' cheapest 1 could get for a pure expert- , mi nt.” "And the battery?" "Caine to me Just like the story, a men of the nucessury skill would have the frills. The frills represent the grace and beauty of Ufe. We all \ little at a tlui«. I'm no mechanic. cost." "Gr ¡instead'« poker face was still have an Instinct for frills; and real 1 No one could be worse fitted than 1 doing business, but hla dgur butt was Instinct« should be gratified—In pro­ to be an Inventor, But I couldn't help portion. But the point Is, frills are noticing from tlm« to time the Incred- chewed to a frazzle. too hard to got. A living is too hard : lble amount of power everywhere go­ "You say that battery there will ing to waate, and one day when I run a brake test of forty horse to get. Heaven forbid we should ever was filling the startlug battery of my get anything without working for t. power?" he asked. ¡that Is absolutely fatal. But there's car—I have got a car—tt struck me "About that." no sense In having to perform soul- what a nuisance tt »as. and 1 wonder- "Will a larger battery develop more • Musical Score by— GETTIK& CHIEF BIG BOY AND HIS MUSICAL REDSKINS FREE CONCERT— in front of Theatre before show Smile« Mean Good Health— good health depends on clean living And pure drugs. To get the great­ est joy out of living, com e In once in a whye for what yon need. i , We Give Green C O M IN G , Discount Stamps Children 25c Admission — Adults 50c SO O N See Them In Springfield •BEN HUR" — “SEVENTH HEAVEN" — “BIG PARADE" — "COHENS AND KELLYS IN PARIS”—