T » n apm wqpn^p nbwb PAOB TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SHOW JUST BEGUN TIlirRSPAY FKBltUARV 1«. 1»»« "'U . 1 . . .... ............... Young Rsople Entertained NEW SURVEY BEING MADE Young p«>plo of the Bible Standard ON HIGHWAY TO COAST QOVERNOR S SECRETARY mission wvire entertained Monday HAL HO33 RE8IQN3 A3 T he political p ro g n o sticato rs—whom we have alw ays w ith us. it seem s, in g re a te r num bers than A new survey from Cheehlre to the evening at the home of Mrs. William Salam Oregon, Feb, 15,—Hal E. Springfield. Lane Couaty. Oregon, by th e p o o r- have already placed, according to their Pacific highway at the turn weal of Hitler, (lames furnished diversion, T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS party leaning, e ith e r Al Sm ith o r H erbert Iloover Hu»», private »evretary to Ooveruur 'Junction City Is being made by the aud refreshment« were enjoyed. Mrs. in th e W hite House. They need to be rem inded, I L. Patterson »Ince the latter'» lu I slate highway engineers for the Wil­ John Lloyd actad ns chaperon. H. E. M A X E Y , Editor. in e ith e r case, th at m any th in g s can happen be­ augural Ion a year ago. bus »uliniltted lamette vulley-Ftorence highway. The ttered aa second class matter, February 24. 1S03 at the fore th e tim e is ripe for th e p arties to choose bln resignation to the Governor. Mr. new survey runs dlugonal across postofflce. Springfield, Oregon candidates, and th at still m ore th in g s can hap|*m Pattemon, in accepting the resigna­ many farina and hits several farm before th e voters choose a lT esident to succeed tion, ba» usked Mr. Hoaa to remain houses uud barns, people living In tho M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RATE on (he Job until the first of March, One yea’ In Advance____ »1.75 Three Months ------- 76c Calvin Coolidge. aa tho governor Intend» to he ah»<>nt nehrhhnrbaud report. Btx Months _ __________ __ 81.00 Single C o p y ------------6c Specializing in Tonfili» As a m a tte r of fact, the big show oT 1928 has from the state for several day» pre­ The Siuslaw Chamber of Conunarce and Junction City Chamber favor the only Just begun. So far. m uch of the actio n has ceding that date. Who wilt succeed THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16. 1968 been com edy, but th e serious business will come a» private aecretnry ha» ma been indi­ highway to go straight «test from Cheshire staUou uutli It hits Ute Over Penney's Store later. W ith such m a tte rs as religion and prohi­ cated by the Governor. Pacific highway between Junction City bition th re a te n in g , at least, to bo e ith e r open or Mr. Hoa», who 1» potential candi­ LET'S HAVE MORE EFFICIENCY UNITS veiled issues, th e canuaiign bids fair to he exclt date for the ottlce of aectxitary of and Eugene. The county has the T hese m en * h w rite letters to the paper sig n ­ lug. It will require som e expert Side-Stepping to I state, »aid in hta letter uf realgaatlon right of way promised for mo»t of this Phone 865 Fllg.'lie ing them selves "A M other.” o r A Single Girl" m ake it dull. that he did not feel Justified In »pend­ routs, aud probably will oppose the state la the new survey I attempt«! o u g h t to go to w ork them selves instead of try in g And for thia reason. if for no oth er, th e political ing any time while on tho state pay­ to be follow«! In tho future to put over th eir single unit theory. The whole roll to further hl* own persoual politi­ m Idea of this senseless propaganda Is to try to biuld prophets a re likely to see their fo re c a sts go aw ry. cal career, and ludlcuted that a» soon ....................... T he ending of th e show of 1928 is not as easy to u p prejudice against m arried wom en in the m inds a» he was relieved (rout duty that he of em ployers. It c a n 't be done except in few in* predict as m any think. would make a state-wide survey of the • • • stan ces. situation, ami coiue t derision after h * hud had time us a private cltlscu to OREGON RANKS FIFTH IN PER CAPITA T he first th in g an em ployer looks for in hiring go thorougly Into the matter. WEALTH help is efficiency. W hether m arried or single, The state press, with which Mr m an or w om an, th e em ployer will tak e the one Oregon is one of the six s ta te s w ith per capita Ho«» has been closely affiliated as \ box of Rgglm ann'ti chocolates a rc alw ays welcome at m ost efficient w hen he has a choice. B usiness every house. They are a tre a t th at m akes a hit w ith the ru n on sen tim en t is soon in the b a n k ru p t court. w ealth in excess of $4.000, and ra n k s u n d er only an association officer for a number whole family. Made of the purest Ingredients In o u r own T he em ployer who su rro u n d s him self w ith people th e s ta te s of W yoming, S outh D akota and Iowa. of years, ha» indicated (but It will sup ___ ____ him _______ uctlvely If he ______ becomes candy kitchen E ggintann's chocolates are leaders. picked ju st because they need w ork or are m ar­ T he s ta te of N evada leads th e whole co u n try port ried o r single soon find him self in hot w a te r in w ith per cap ita w ealth of $7.299. while th e figure I ^ n d id a u . and' 7onsidcrab?e interest O ur Ice cream and soft drinks too a re the best. I^et ue try in g to get value received from his payroll dol­ fo r Oregon Is placed a t $4,374. which Is in excess ¡„ hts |M,i„ u.ul welfare 1» being of N ebraska and C alifornia, th e o th e r tw o s ta te s ,,¥inced by a substantial group of prove It. la r from a bunch of misfits. in th e $4,000 class. irlenda, representative of all lines. In We don't believe th ere are m any people in Ore- O recon la com outed a t $3 - lttr«er gon out of w ork w ho really w ant w ork and have w eaitn r O regon is cc mputext a t < been out on a diligent search for it instead of ' 7-5.000.000. an d rep re sen ts only its tan g .b e, Move to G ran ts P ast w aiting until it cam e to them . Of course nearly 1 f“ ™ » such as land and im provem ents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Montgomery, form : evervone would like to have a b e tte r job th a n th e y have— they w ouldn't be w orth their salt if livestock, railro a d s and public utility land and er Springfield people, are moving from th ev were n o t'a m b itio u s. But. how m any are i equipm ent, i^ rs o n a l p roperty m o to r and o th er Ashland to Grants I’uss, according to qualified to handle b e tte r positions th a n they now ¡vehicles, but excludes gold and stiver coin and word roclvcd from Mr». Montgomery i by Mrs. C- F. Egglniann. They ex- ! have? If you a re bigger th an th e job you have, j bullion, cred its and currency. keep your eyes open and you will soon find a ; A labam a, M ississippi. G eorgia. S outh Carolina pent to move Into their new hom" ' b e tte r one. Qr b e tte r still show y our em ployer antj A rk an sas a re a t th e bottom of th e list. The about February 20. Mr Montgomery i how to m ake m ore m oney with his sto re o r fac- pe r cap ita w ealth of th e s ta te of W ashington is who has been In ill health for some ' to ry and he will be pleased to raise your salary. $3,727, while th a t of Idaho is $3,506. T h ere are time, is reported to have suffered an other attack, and the move wna made no e a ste rn s ta te s in the h ig h er brackets. In an effort to help him. Guaranty Building GENERAL OUTLOOK B ETTER Portland, Oregon The outlook fo r farm crops in O regon is b e tte r a *M)Ul throe feet of snow on th e sum - call and 8KB Dr. N. w . Em«ry th an 1927 and a t present the gross incom e front nut ,o f th e C ascades w here th e re is generally tw o On price» on plat... a»d other work, u farm ing is h ig h er th a n any tim e since 1919-20. ° T th r ^ « m es t h *s am o u n t, indications a re that ---------------------------------------------- A nnouncing the R etiring according to rep o rts of ' the federal census I J i l l be ani early season and a low w a te r year. of d a ta for which has just been g ath ered bv expert- !If th e ,8 ta t« highw ay com m .ss.on w a n ts to get m ent station specialists and 26 county ag en ts. a n e a r y s ta r t on th e Springfield bridge n a tu re probably will n ot hinder them . and his wife, form erly R ena F. Ila rtm a u . from all con­ W eather conditions so fa r have been for heavy • • • nections w ith th is Com pany. At the a n n u al election of crops in 1928 and m ark e ts are b e tte r th a n they ; I have been. The population on th e Pacific c o ast A com m ission h a s been busy com paring the stockholders held F ebruary 9th. 1928, the following Board is incrasing tw ice as fast as th e av erage for the i a m o u n t of dust in th e a ir in a n u m b er of differen ’ of D irectors and officers were elected. 9:3C TO 12:00 P. M. rest of th e country and this is beginning to m ake cities a n d it m ay help som e if th e rep o rt urges BOARD OF DIRECTORS Itself felt in consum ption. , people to keep th eir m o u th s sh u t so they don't A. J. P erkins Welby Stevens get d u st in th e ir lungs. J. 8. M agladry Jo h n P. W inter While lum ber prices are n o t good a t th is tim e j • • • and his Ja y 8. M oltzner th e outlook is th a t th ere will be considerable m ore i MUSICAL REDSKINS ' th a n th e average spring and su m m er building j C alifornia w e a th er never had a n y th in g on last (Real Indians) OFFICERS which should increase both th e price and dem and ■ S u n d a y ’s on th e M cKenzie river. It w as even so A. J. Perkins, President fo r w estern lum ber. . I w arm on th e side hills th a t spring flowers are Auspices A m erican Legion J. S. M agladry, V ice-President , » . * beinning to. bloom. II. M. Maloney, S e c re tary -T re a su re r A ltogether in I^ane county we can expect t h a t ' - RED HOT MUSIC By REDMEN conditions are as. poor as they a re going to get L indbergh sets politicians a good exam ple by and from now on th ere will be steady im prove- Adm ission— m ent. Both farm ing and lum bering should yield alw ays keeping his feet on th e ground except 7 ^ a Q0Upj^ . Spectators, 25c a b e tte r retu rn th is year th an fo r th e p a st tw o or w hen h e ’s flying. three. B usiness can also be expected to im prove , • • • w hen the o th er factors are on th e upgrade. A F re n ch poet tried o u t his verses on som e • • • |c a g e d lions, but u n fo rtu n a te ly , he stood outside! T he co u n try ’s annual candy bill is certain ly a th e cage to read them . • • • jaw breaker. r • • T h e y ’re tea c h in g convicts tra d e s now, b ut they Now d o n ’t m ake a m is­ G etting the tim e of year when we should think probably w on’t m ake trav elin g salesm en o ut of take. I am n o t discussing a n y of them . about the spring cleanup. prize fighters or cham pion­ • • • • • • ships, but a dainty, in con­ spicuous spectacle fram e. Italy is to have a national th e a tre , but M ussolini L ovaltv ¡s all very' fm<\ b” t usually th e fellow will see to it th a t th e re ’s only one leading m an. w ho will lie for you will He to you. T he thing t h a t ’s new and . . . • • • different is th e new ‘'W ire- enforced” Tem ple which W hat th e S e n a te needs now is som e one w ith a A m odern m an recently said th at the m odern keeps the fra m e from, ex­ m an is superior to th e A ncient Greeks.___________ good, stro n g voice to shout, “louder and funnier." panding too- m uch a n d is ju st the th in g to w ear with the close fitting hats. Got His Eye on this Young Crasher • By Alberi T. Reid Published Every Thursday at Dr. G bo . A. Simon .. j j Always Welcome Guaranty Trust Company DANCE George R. Parks M ID W A Y Saturday, Feb. 18 Chief Big Boy Th« Princeton Lightweight The Cream of the Tobacco Crop Dr. Ella G. Meade Optometrist WATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 8 Ave. West Eugene. Oregon SHEET METAL Werrenrath, Concert Star, Finds Lucky Strikes Kindly To His Precious Voice work of all kinds and descriptions. Cornices, flashing, roofing, ceilings, ornamental work. Our nion are careful, conscientious, and compet­ ent. They take pride Jn doing a Job that will stand up under all conditions, and on that we rest our case. “In my concert work, 1 must, of course, give first consideration to my voice. Naturally, I am very careful about my choice of cigarettes as 1 must have the blend which is kindly to my throat. I smoke Lucky Strikes, finding that they meet my most ———— — ----- -— — , critical requirements" W. N. LONG 627 M A IN ST. S P R IN G F IE L D , OREGON It’s toasted No Throat Irritation-N o Cough.