THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16, 1928 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS 1 TRAIN SCHKDULI Springfield Steps Northbound PAGE HEVEN S U M M O N S S U M M O N * IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATE OF OREGON FOR THE STATE OR OREO4JN FOR LAMB COUNTY. COUNTY OF LANE No. 32 2 33 I'M The United Staten National Bank ot Myron L. Wallace, Addle M. Wallace, ¡No. 16 Eugene, a corporation, Plaintiff, va Plaintiff», va W. Robert Wallace, 4 27 A. M. Fla< Shannon Lumber Company, a cor Ada W allace; Chester L. W allace, Southbound poratlon; Edward Cameron, Trus Fay Wallace; Charles Wallace; No 15 9:33 P M Flag tee; R. E. Vellum, doing business Fred Wallace; Pearl Wallace^ No 31 4 -46 A M a» Veltum A Clow Manufacturing Elsie Wallace, I-aura Wallace; Company; Austin Coon»; Harry Arena Sebring. M a rk L. Se­ Coech Special for Klamath Fall» Smith; Geo. J Steven» and C. H bring; Caroline Awbrey, Jame* and beyond, on flag at 9:01 P. M on Farris, doing business as Stevens T. Awbrey; Nora Robb, Homer Bunday, Tue»day and Friday. Farris Lumber Company; and N. ♦ Robb; Mollie Sears, Cleave Sear*; M. Lumber Company, a corporation Nancy M Wallace. Melvin Wallace; Defendants Daniel Wallace; George Wallace; To Harry Smith and N. A M Lumber Mary Wallace; Clara Castleman, FOR SALK WOOD Company, a corporation, defend NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR HALE — 1000 Chick Kerosene IyPvl Castleman; Nannie E. Mann, ants: William Mann; Emma Wallac*; Notice 1» hereby given that Uiiatuve Brooder. Grant McGInnla, Route I, Old Growth Fir. Second Growth Fir, Walter Wallace, Z< bma Wallace; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Nordllng tin» been appointed admin­ Springfield, Oregon. F. 9-16-23 Oak, A*h. AU length*. Phone Spring J. Louis Wallace; Ruby Wallace; OREGON; You are hereby required istrator of the estate of Ada J Nordl- IF YOU X>OMT T H IN « , ♦ Arid 10«. I t log. deceased, by the County Court of WH CAN'oFFKIl a Springfield wo­ Nellie Sander», William Sander»; to appear and anmiw the answer and WOMAN CAN T A « " Charles E. Power», Celia Power*, Lane County, Oregon. cross-complaint of Edward Cameron, man a good paying proposition to A JOKE1, LOO\ Vera Powers; Mrs William 8 Moea, Trustee, filed against you In the above All per»ona having cialina against PA IN TIN G und Kill '«I tiling III ell It» demonstrate Wllshlres I-ON-A-CO A T h an k ; Sylvia Moss; Laura Blackmore, entitled court and cause, on or before »aid estate are required to pre»ent branch*». Reduced Price*. Hoy them, with the proper vouchera, with­ H C N L fY . at her home. Address I-On-A-Co, James Black more; C. B Sears, Mary the expiration of the time prescribed Koch. Cull 1884. Sears; Alex White, Mary Whit*; In the order of Ihiblication, to-wlt: in six month* from the 19th day of 660 - 11th Ave. E, Eugene, Oregon HE'S Harry West; E. A. Snellstrom, Renn On or before the expiration of four Jnnunry, 1928, to the »uld administra­ M A R R IE D - i NBREAKABLB WATCH CRY* tor at the law' office of L. L. Hay In Rnellstrom; O. P. Snellstrom. Min­ weeks from the date of the first publi­ S E P T IC T A N K 8 — nie Snellstrom; Charles Snellstrom, cation of thia summons, and if you fall TA 1.8—Fancy shapes and regular». the Miner Building In Eugene, Oregon. Ready for you to Install Mona Snellstrom; Robert Reeve*; to answer, for want thereof, said GUSTAVE J NOKGLING. Adlmlnla- Hoyt'* Cash Store. tf. Preston Reeves; the unknown heir* croas-complainant will apply to the trator of the estate of Ada J. Nordllng, ' Eof fam ily of five — $21.00, Eugene of J. W. Holenian, deceased; th* court for the relief prayed for In the For family of eight — $28 00. Eugene F oil HALIB—Carbon paper In lari* deceased. unknown heirs of N. H. Warner, de­ said answer and cross-complaint, to L. L. HAY. Attorney for Estate. Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile ahrela, 21x110 Inches. suitable foi ceased; Also, all other persons or wit: Ja. 19 28: F 29 18: and Chimney Blocks. making tracing». The Newe Office parties unkr.own claiming any right, For a Judgment against the de EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. title, estate, lien or interest In th* S U M M O N 8 fendant Shannon Lumber Company We aperlallte In n w I h » braclet watch real estate described In the com­ Best Man: “Wasn't It annoying the npon Twenty-seven promlsory notes IN THE CIHCl'IT COURT OF THE repairing Hoyt's 821 Main Street. tf plaint herein, Defendants. STATE OE OREGON FOR In from W ln b erry— L. A. Ice of Win- way thut baby cried all during the for the principal sums with Interest TO: W. Robert Wallace, Ada Wal­ at the rate of 6% per annum from the LANK COUNTY berry was a Springfield visitor Tues­ ceremony?’’ lace; Chester L Wallace; Fav Wal­ following dates and with reasonable (' K Ruth. Plaintiff, Va. Alvtn M Maid of Honor: "It was dreadful. attorney fees In the following lace; Charles Wallace; Fred Wallac*; NOTICK Foil PUBLICATION, Spencer, Frank II. Ford and Mar day. When I am married I shall have en­ amounts, to-wit: FOREST EXCHANGE Pearl Wallace, Elsie Wallace, Laura garet E. Ford, his wife, Mrs. R W. No 017MB Interest Attorney Wallace; Arena Sebring, Mark L S*- graved on the invitations, “No babies liege and John Doe Hege, her hus­ ’Department of the Interior, United bring; Caroline Awbrey, James T. from Fees Principal band. and ('. E Taylor, Defendants. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT expected.” State» Land Office. Roseburg, Ore­ I To July 2, 1926, $ 25 00 Awbrey; Nora Robb. Homer Robb; $ 27 58 Notice Is hereby given that Hurold U E Tavlor, Defendant: IN gon, January 28, 1928 213 96 April 20, 1927, 85 00 Mollie Sears. Cleave Sears; Nancy M. NAME OF THE STATE OF J Wells, Administrator w the Estate Bachelor: "Yea. the world's a NOTICE 1» hereby given Hint E E ( THE 260.72 Dec. 1, 1926, 35 00 Wallace; Melvin Wallace; Daniel i HEG i iN. Veil m e hereby required 'o of Axel Oliver Sundstrom, deceased, Faulkner, of Corvallla, Oregon, tiled Dec. W. 1926, 116 47 25 00 Wallace; George Wallace; Mary Wal­ atid answer the amended com­ has Hied his final report and account gloomy old prison.” application No 0I7M9. under the Act appear 156 06 July 1. 1926, 25 00 lace; Clara Castleman, Levi Castl*- as such, und the Court has set Sat Amorous Spinster: “That's because plaint tiled In the above entitled »ult Of March 2«. 1922 (12 Slut , ««fl) to within four week» from the date of the urday, the 10th day of March 1928 at Nov. 20, 1926, 25 00 man; Nannie E Mann, William 45 97 exchange the N 't NW'4 NW% NK'4. first publication of thl» »utnmon». and ten o'clock In the forenoon. In the you're In solitary confinement.” 256.25 Dec. 1, 1925. 35 00 Mann; Emma Wallace; Walter Wal­ 8WU NWU NW'i N E'i. NW% If you fall to so nppear and answer County Court Room in the Court 344.06 June 1, 1927, 50.00 lace, Zelma Wallace; Louis Wallace, HW>, NW'« NE'«, W .j SW 'i SW 'i for want thereof the plaintiff will take House at Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ 146.63 It always makes me laugh, July 1, 1927, 25.00 Ruby Wallace; Nellie Sanders, Wil­ NK',. SW 'i HE'« N W i. HE'« BE'« Judgment agalnat you and apply to the gon, as the time and place to hear 34 35 Sept. 30. 1927 25.00 liam Sanders; Charles E. Power», So wonderful a treat, HE', NW’i , W'4 NW 'i HE'i, E»4 court 13518 25.00 Celia Powers, Vera Powers; Mr*. July 12, 1927, objections to thi- same, und for the for a decree that mortgage of To see an athlete run a mile NE'« N E'i HW'i. SW 'i NE'i NE'i $1888 00 held by the plaintiff on lot Anal settlement of said Estate 98.65 July 1, 1926. 25.0« William S. Moss, Sylvia Moss, Laura And only move two feet. KW'«, HS NEKi S W '„ WH NW'i 8 Block 1 Agate i’lut Addition to Eu­ 163 48 Julv 1, 1927, 25.00 Blackmore, James Blaclemore; C. B. HAROLD J. WELLS. Administra­ NE'« S W 'i, W '» HE’i S W 'i, W . gene, Oregon, 1» a first mortgage and tor 174 56 May 20, 1927, 25 00 Bears, Mary Sears; Alex White. Mary E'y HE', HW'«. Section 11. W'4 36.21 July 1. 1927, 25.00 White; Harry West; E. A. Snellstrom, WELLS * WELLS, Attorneys. Ned: "He plays a fair golf game, to all right» or claims you N E', NW 'i, W'4 E'4 N E'i NW 'i, superior 451.69 Dec. 1. 1925, F 9 16-23: M 1-8: 50 00 Rena Snellstrom; O. P. Snellstrom. may have thereto and foreclosed and doesn’t he?” Sec. 1«. Tp. 18 S . It 10 West, W M, said premises »old under foreclosure Dec. 1, 1925. 243 31 35.00 Minnie Snellstrom; Charles Snell- Ted: ‘‘Yea, If you watch him.” containing 140 acre», within the Stun a» by taw in »uch case» made und 1122.71 March 1. 1927, 125 00 ; strom; Mona Snellstrom, Robert NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION law National Forest, In exchange for provided. 245 51 Dec. 1, 1925, 36.00 Reeves; Preston Reeves; the un­ FOREST EXCHANGE 189 34 timber of equal vnlue from approxi­ July 1, 1926, 25.00 known heirs of J. W. Holeman, de­ “Where Is the manager's office?" No. 017757 summons la published once mately- 4 4 »ere» i.f Hie HW>, N E 'i ea< THIS Julv 1. 1926, 393.74 50.0« ceased; the unknown heirs of N. H. Departm ent of the Interior, United h week for four consecutive weeks "Follow the passage until you come NE’i . Section 4. T«>»n»liiii 445.58 Dec. 1, 1925, 50.0« J Warner, deceased; Also, all other per­ State» Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- In The Springfield News, a weekly to the sign reading "No admittance.” Range 12 Weal, W M . within »aid newspaper, 545.58 Dec 1, 1925, 75.0« sons or parties unknown claiming published In Hprlngttehl, i gon, January 9, 1928. any right, title, estate, lien or interest Sluslaw National Fore»t. Go upstairs till you see the sign “Keep Dec. 1, 1925. 25.00 80 14 i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that County, Oregon, by order of the In the real estate described in th* The purpose of thl» notice la to l.ane 45.83 Dec. 1, 1925, 25 00 ' Out." Follow tue cor’ldor til« you see I W. H. Britts, of 1158 Alameda Drivel Hon. G. F Sklpworth. Judge of »aid complaint herein: allow all perwona claiming the land» court, made January 17th, 1928. am) 190 65 Dec. 1, 1925. 25 00 selected, or huvlng bona fide objec­ thl» summons dated and first publish : Portland Oregon, filed application i toe sign Silence,' then yell for him.” 1 7805 Dec. 1, 1925. 25.00 i IN THE NAME OF THE STATB No. 017757. Under the Act of March 20 tion» to such application, an oppor­ < and the costs and disbursements of OF OREGON: You are hereby ru -d Jaouurv 19th. IMS 1922 142 Slat . 466), to exchange the tunity to Ole their proteat with the A canoe is like a small boy—both this suit; and for a decree foreclosing quired to appear and answer the com­ SWAFFORD. Attorney NW 'i. Section 22 Tp 1 N . Range 6 IleglHter of the IT. H laind Office at for WHITTEN behave better when paddled from the the chattel mortgage from said Shan plaint of the above named plaintiffs Plaintiff, residence and Postoffice East. W M . within the Mount Hood Ro»ehurg. Oregon. Any auch protests address, Eugene. Oregon. non Lumber Company and said N. A in the above entitled court now on I National Forest, for the timber on rear. or objections must be Hied In thl» M Lumber Company to cross-com­ file with the clerk of said court on Ja 19 28: F 29-18: ] the nineteen acres from the SW’i . office within thirty day» from th« plainant recorded in the office of the or before the 15th day of March, 1929 Sec. 18. and NW 'i, Sec 19, Tp. 20 S., date of the fir»! publication of thi» Oh, the girlies In Venice they never County Clerk of Lane County, Oregon, beiDg the last day prescribed in th* It 4 East, W M , within the Cascade notice, beginning February 2, 1921 NOTICE TO CREDITOR? at page 547 In Volume 1« of the Chat­ order for the publication of this sum­ walk home, Non-coal. tel Mortgage Records of said county, mons upon you and you are hereby Estate of Harry O. Brooks. Deceased. National Forest. But they keep their lithe figures The purpose of this notice Is to HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. and decreeing said sums above men notified that if you fall to appear an* Notice Is hereby given that Louise In trim. F. 2 9 16-23: M. 1’ tloned to be a first mortgage lien upon answer said complaint as hereby re­ W Daniels has been by the County allow all persons claming the land When occasion demands It—let's the personal property described In quired, plaintiffs will apply to th* Court of the State of Oregon. In and : selected, or having some boua fide said mortgage In Lane County, Ore­ above entitled court for the relief de­ for Lane County, appointed adminis­ ¡objections to such application, an op- NOTICE TO CREDITORS put It that way— gon, to-wit: manded in their complaint, to-wtt: Notice Is hereby given that the un tratrix of the estate of Harry O. i portunlty to file their protest with the They indulge in a vigorous swim. j Register of the U. S. Land Office at 1 Tacome Donkey Engine For a decree of the above entitle* derslgned has been appointed admin­ Brooks, deceased All persons having claims against ! Roseburg, Oregon 1 Seattle Donkey Engine No. 2966 court quieting the title ot the plain­ istratrix of the estate of William J Irate Customer: “You can't fool me! 1 Steam Pump Any such protest or objection must tiff, Myron L. Wallace, against th* Van Wagner, Deceased. All persons the estate oY said deceased are here­ having claims avnlnst the estate of by notified to present the same, duly , be filed In this office within thirty Do you think I've bought groceries 3 Water Pumps and Pipe («14 mile» claims of you. said defendants, an* of pipe) each of you, in and to the real pro raid deceased should file the same stated and verified, at the office of A. days from the date of the first publica­ here for fifteen years for nothing?” 70 Window frames with glass perty situated In I>ane county, Ore­ duly verified with the undersigned at E. Wheeler, 710 Lawrence St. In Eu­ tion of his notice, beginning January Grocer: “I shouldn't be at all sor- 11 matresses Non coal. gon, described as follows, to-w4t: the office of 8. D. Allen. Hovey Build­ gene, Oregon, within six months from 19.1928 prised.” HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. 2« Iron bunks; 2 scrapers ing Eugene, Oregon, within six this 16th day of February. 1928 The South >4 of the NEbi and L ott LOUISE W. DANIELS, Administra­ Ja. 19-26: F 29-16: 1 Skyline months from thia date. 5 and 6 of Section 11 Tp. 18 S. R. 2 W. trix. 1 Pr. pulley flanges hated Feb. 9th. 1928. W. M. containing 150.11 acres by gov­ Nell: “Say, does Harold know how A. E. WHEELER. Attorney. 10 2 - 7-16" Dolley Boxes SUM M O NS ANNA IUERKE. Administratrix. ernment survey. Also, the north U to drive?” F 16 23: Mar. 1-8-15: 1 Sack set colors F. 9 16 23: M 1-8: acres of Lot 3 of Sec. 1« of Tp. 18 S. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Mell: “Does he? Say, he hit a deputy 1 Lot skid rolls —---- -------------------------------------------- '"1......................... — ■ . ■ ■ R. 2 W. W, M. Also beginning at tb* STATE OF OREGON IN AND sheriff this afternoon that everybody 7 lumber trucks S. W. Corner of Lot 5 Sec. 11 of sal* FOR, LANE COUNTY 6 set switch points, couplets with Tp., thence running West ♦ chain«, else has been trying to hit for months throws and plates Frederic E Clement» and E»telle without succeeding.” thence south 25.37 chains to south lin* 1 24x7” spur friction 2-15-16 Gould. Plaintiffs, vs. A. G Weddle of north 14 of the James A. Walls«» 1 Jitney and Jane Doe Weddle, his wife; D. L. C. No. 40 In said Tp. 18 S. R. t Ida May Amis and John Doe, hus-I “I Just cleaned up thirty trousand 2 Haul-back blocks W. W. M.. thence east 15.19 chains to 2 Moving blocks : band; Eva Amis and Richard Doe, bones on my land.” east line of said claim, thence Nort* All kinds of Coal, Coke and 3300' No. 4 light wire her husband; 13 F. Amis and Jane 1 " O i i r 2.32 chains to angle in boundary of Briquets 400’ No. 12 light wire, small Doe Amis, his wife; Luther M. Amis said claim, thence east on line of sal* “No, graveyard.” 1 Steam water pump and Mary Doe Amis, his wife; and claim 23.00 chains to corner of same, P A IN T IN G — RAINIER COAL CO. 1 Moving block nlso all other persons or parties un­ thence north 22.90 chains, more or P A P E R H A N G IN G 11 Flat boxes known claiming any right, title, less, to the N. E. corner of said claim, Generator Inspected 15 E. 7th St. Phone 412 2 shaft couplings complete — K A L S O M IN IN G estate. Hen or Interest In the real thence west 34.19 chains to place of A small generator at the Mountain i 28 Pulley flanges Eugene, Ore. estate described in the complaint beginning, containing 91.50 acres. 805 O. Street States power company plant was open 1 ton steel and Iron, assorted herein, Defendant». Also, that part of Lot 7 Sec. 11, 1^ To A. O. Weddle an,. Jane Doe ' this week for inspection by electrical 1 steam condensor lng N. of the County road in said Tjk 6 angle boxes Weddle, his wife; tda May Amis, and experts. Also beginning at the N. E. corner Rea. Phone 180 Piano Moving 2 2 7-16 flanges 8” sleeve John Doe. her husband; Eva Amis and of the south *4 of said Wallace D. 1» 2 2 7-16 flanges 10" sleeve Richard Roe, her husband; R. F. Amis C. thence West 1 chain south 11 01 SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER , ’ ¡and Jane Doe Amis, his wife; Luther NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON 1 steel truck chains thence east 1 ehain thence nortk* WIMJB BERTSCH. Prop. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE 10 Guy lines ’ M. Ami.» and Mary Doe Amis, his wife; 11.01 chains, to place of beginning; OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE Notice is hereby given that by vir­ 1 Rail bender and also all other persons or parties containing 1. 10-100 acres Excepting 633 Main Street unknown claiming anv right, title, es­ tue of an execution and order of sale 1 do drill a small tract In said Wallac D. L. C. tate. lien or Interest In the real estate In foreclosure Issued out of the Circuit 18 blocks Successor to Button Transfer beginning at intersection of the cen­ described In the complaint herein, and Court of Lane County, Oregon, on the 2 pr. loading tongs, with clevt; ter line of County Road No. 42 with 25th day of January, 1928, In a suit described below: Said property being at Shannon the North line of the S.t4 of said 228 Main St. Residence 126 c 8t. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OE wherein on the 24th day of January Mill. Lane County, Oregon and in the claim, thence Northeasterly along 1928. in said court F. E. Hyland, plain 62 J 62 M OREGON: You and each of you are woods near said mil!, and for a decree WM. G. HUGHES center of said road 2.50 chains, thenc* hereby required to appear and an­ tiff recovered Judgment against the of foreclosure of said mortgage and northwest 63 ft., thence southwester­ FIR K A N D A U TO IN 8U R A N C K Full Auto Equipment swer the complaint filed against you defendants Charles N. Andrews and for a sale of said property to satisfy ly parallel with the said road to th* N O T A R Y P U B LIC In the above entitled suit, within four Mina Andrews, for the sum of said Judgment and decree, and for a said north line of S.14 of Wallace D. Lady Assistant wppks.from the date of the first pub- $6500 00. together with interest there further decree adjudging said mort L. C. thence east to the place of be­ , Office at , lieatlon of this Summons, nnd If you nn at the nite of six per cent per gage and Hen to be superior to any ginning, about Vi acre of land, con­ FIRST NATIONAL BANK (fall to answer, for want thereof, the annum from the 1st day of November. lien or claim of defendants, Harry taining In all 254)4 acres of land, Springfield, Oregon plaintiffs will take n decree against 1926, and the further sum of $500 00 Smith and N. M. Lumber Company, more or less, in Lane County, Oregon. you ns prayed for In the complaint attorneys fees, together with the costs or either of them, or any other party DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL All that part of the West of th* herein, adjudging and determining nnd disbursements herein, which Judg­ to this suit, and for such other and southwest quarter of Section twelve DENTIST that the Plaintiffs herein are the ment was enrolled and docketed in th" further relief as to the Court may (12) In Township DR. N. W. EMERY eighteen (18) South owners In fee simple of the real estate Clerk’s office of said Court in said seem Just and equitable, and for cross Range Two (2) West lying North Phone 43 described In plaintiffs’ complaint nnd County on the 24th day of January, complainant’s costs and disburse of DENTIST of the center of the county road, 192S. and said execution and order ments. F lre t N a t’l B ank Bldg., S p rin g fie ld 'described as follows, to-wit: Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J This summons Is published pursuant which extends easterly and westerly I Beginning at a point 177.8 feet north of sale to me directed commanding me of the southwest corner of Block One in the name -of (he State of Oregon, to an order of the Hon. G. P Skip through said premises, situated In Residence Phone 153 M Lane County, Oregon, and contain­ i (I) In Whitney's Addition to Eugene, In order to satisfy said Judgment, in­ worth, Judge of the above court made ing 40 acres, more or less, Springfield, Oregon : Lnno County. Oregon, nnd running terest. attorneys fees, costs of suit January 9, 1928. thence North 56 feet to the Northwest nnd accruing costs to sell the follow­ Date of first publication January 13, and decreeing that plaintiff Myron L. Wallace is the sole owner of said corner of Lot Elrht (81 In Block One ing described real property, to-wit: 1928 premises in fee simple free and clear MAX STOVE WORKS W. H. BROOKE. Attorney for Ed (11 In said Whitney’s Addition to Eu­ The west half of the southwest General Law Practice gene. thence East 16(1 feet to the Quarter of section six (61 in Township ward Cameron, Trustee, Cross-coin of all claims of you and each of yon Will take your Old Style Rango Northenst corner of said lot. thence Seventeen (171 South, of Range Four plainant, 860 Willamette Street, Eu­ said defendants, and that you and each of you he forever barred from I. M. PETERSON in exchange on a Later One. South along the west line of the alley (41 West of the Willamette Meridian, gene, Oregon. asserting any claim in the premise» Attorney-at-Law Ja. 12-19-26: E. 2-9: 56 feet, nnd thence West 160 feet to in T/ine County. Oregon, containing adverse to the plaintiffs. Main near Mill St., Springfield the plaeo of beginning, being nil of 95.18 acres. CUy Hall Building This summons Is served upon yon Lot E'gbt (81 nnd the North 22,6 feet Now. therefore, in the name of the NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT by publication in The Springfield of Lot Seven (71 In said Block One State of Oregon, in compliance with Springfield, Ore. Notice Is hereby given that Harold (11 In Whitney’s Addition to Eugene. snld execution nnd order of sale and News for six consecutive and succes­ Lnne County, Oregon; nnd thnt the In order to satisfy snld Judgment, in­ J. Wells, Administrator of the Estate sive weeks commencing with the is­ of Agnes J. Conger, deceased, ha» sue dated February 2nd, 1928 pursu­ I said defendants and each nnd all of terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit nnd I yon have no right, title, estate, lien accruing costs, I will on 5*aturday the died his Anal report and account a* ant to the order of the Hon. O. F. M. G. HOGE All kinds of gravel for con­ ; or Interest In nr to snld premises, or 3rd day of March. 1928. nt the hours such, and the Court has set Saturday, Sklpworth. Circuit Judge and Judge anv part thereof, nnd for such other of one o’clock In the afternoon of the 11th day ot February, 1928, at of the above entitled court, which Attorney-at-Law crete or road work. We j und further relief ns to the Court may said day, nt tho Southwest Front door 10:00 o’clock in "he forenoon of said said order was duly made and entered make n specialty of crushed Practise U. S. and State Just and equltnble. of the County Court House, In Wngeno. day, in the Connty court room In the of record on the 31st day of January, rock and rock sand. Bunk­ I ! seem Courts This Summons is served upon yon Lnne County, Oregon, offer for sale Court House In Eugene, Lane County, 1928. ers at foot of Main on Mill I by puhllcnflon by virtue of nn order and sell for rash, nt public auction, O egon. as the time and place to hear Eugene, Oregon HARRIS, SMITH & BRYSON,, At­ of the Hon. G. E. Sktpworth, Circuit subject to redemption ns provided by objections to the same, If any there street. torneys for Plaintiffs, Postoffice Ad­ are, and for the final settlement of Judge, dated nnd filed Jnn. 17, 1928, law, nil of the right, title, and Interest HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. dress; Eugene, Oregon. ; directing thnt this Summons be nerved of snld defendant Charles N. Andrews said Estate. HAROLD J W ELLS, Administrator ujwin von by publication In the Spring- and Mina Andrews, his wife nnd Flrat PubUcation February 2nd, 1918. WELLS ot WELLS, Attorney». FRANK A. DE PUE field News, once each week for four Arthur O. Bush, and all persons claim­ Ja. 12-19-26: F. 2-9: Last PubUcation March 15th, 1998. weeks. The date of first publication Is ing by, through or under them or any ATTORNEY A T LAW Jnn. 18, 1928. F. 2-9-16-23: M. 1-8-16. or either of them In and to said NOTARY PUBLIC WELLS & WELLS. Attorneys for premises Blank Promteeory note* and r* JEWELER Plaintiff. Residence and Post Office FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff, celpte printed and In etoek nt th* CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Em*ry Repairing a Specialty Address, Eugene, Oregon. By BEULAH BRTNNICK, Deputy. Springfield, :on News often. g* grim e on plate* and ether vork. it, Ja. 19-26: F .2-9-16: F. 2-9-16-23: M. 1: Springfield, Oregon ¿lassi f ted Acts oiauiwe^^ ^gP^iaEY gr J . buying results [ B U S I N E S S D IR E C T O R Y L. M aL osh W. F. WALKER CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors | SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W. Roof Idlng Oregon -^vv