The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 16, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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A rch­
McLsgsn st Bay—\ \ , <’.
w e e k e n d h ere from steam superintendent of Hie
Globe, w here Io- Is engaged in tru ck S lal'-s pow er com pany, was
In (lie Coos Buy d ls lrld
Md.iig in
Spend* W e e k e n d H e re — A F
Community News
er sp«-nl the
B y S p e c ia l
C o r re s p o n d e n t!
Mrs. J. A. Phi'll s teacher of the
prim ary -rade» at Pleasant Hill eu-
U rtained her pupils a t a v alen tin e
p arty at her home Saturday afternoon
The tam e was fittingly decorated for
the o cc u to a . Gaines were played dur­
ing the afternoon until refreshm ents
w ere served. Cake with brick Ice
creatn w ith red heart center and
h ea rt candies were much enjoyed by freahm ents of baked beans and sand-1
the children.
Henry Vob leu I -if Glmlillsh a re the proud p a re n t - of a
Paper Represented at Meet—The
North Bend visited tfpi ingllchl for u baby sen, h ern at th e Pacific C h rlslian
tli-hl News was re p re se n te d at
lew- days this week.
hosplinl S niuiilay. T he new com ei
H e re fro m Bend—
ight Kcs< -v
ano Roland P arker drove Io Portlan I
D rive
P o rtla n d — Dw
H ere from P o rtla n d — A. J P erkin
of P ortlnnd was u v isito r hero Tin-
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Reed and H enrv
Adams were callers in this neighbor­
hood W ednesday. The Reed family is
visiting with the W. J. Butts family-
n ear Coburg.
Cecil Collingwood is ill with the
C. E. Bailey Is rejoicing over the
new s of the arrival of his forty-second
grandchild. The child is the son of
Rev. and Mrs. L. B. Bailey of Toledo,
and was born F ebruary 7th.
The Sewing club completed their
first project In sewing and their work
was exhibited Friday afternoon aa the
school house. T he hand work con­
sisted of doll rugs, tea mats, envelope
hags, and lnnch cloths. The m em bers
who have com pleted th e w ork are;
Florence Bell and Charline Fish, Vir­
ginia Chase, Thelm a and Dorotha
W ells, Helen H aughann, Laverne
H oney, P atty Bear, Lscllle Monday,
Flat Rate Schedule authorized by Ford
Motor, and combination jobs, which will save
you money.
Get Prices on a Paroxlyn Paint Job. We
can paint all makes of cars and will do ser­
vice work on same.
We are installing some new shop equip­
ment which is necessary for the New Ford,
and will aid us to give better service on other
cars. We want your service work, if we arc
worthy of it. You don’t have to go to Eu­
gene for your service work, trade in Spring-
Ford Rubber Case 13-plate Battery for
$10.00 and your Old Battery.
R e tu r n * to L e b a n o n — Ikile C urtis,
who bus been s la y in g at th e hom e
of Mr, and Mrs. C. R Poole d u rin g mi
Illness, re tu rn e d T uesday to h is hom e
Home from H ospital— Mrs, H. Frey
a t L ebanon.
Production Trend Shown
In State Outlook Report
I I I ' n l s t e fl- W s p a p e r c o l l f i ’ I 'l I I I e at III '
u n iv e rsity b u t w eek-end hv th e ptlb
M .ivi-y, mot M aleol'ii
H ave V a le n tin e P artlew — Valmi» li • « b-dier, I I
day w as ce le b ra te d In th e U nite n t F ptey, re p o rl'-r
oh-iiieiitarv si li iol Tin- «lev by p a rlie s
Portland People Here— Mr and Mi»
lu em it r*>oiii. C hildren eX vhan-eil
w eighed a little m ore th an » pounds
V isit In C alifornia— Mr, mid Mrs G
W, llo h so n loft th is w eek on a m otor
trip to C alifornia.
wera •**’ "*•
Undergoes Operation— Mrs. D. W.
McKinnon, resident of South Second
The pupils of the Pleasant Hill pub -,
ctreet, underw ent a m ajor-operation al returned to her home from the Paclfii
11c school will give a program and pie W ILDCAT PETE WINS
social on the evening of February 21. '
ON AIRPLANE TW IS T the l'acm e C hristian hospital Mouday. Christian hospital Mouday,
V erna Awbrey, Clarence Monson
Here from N atron — Mrs. Vein
Moves to Globe— Mrs. Ralph Hurl-
and Lyman Tinker have been chosen , An airplane tw ist, achieved as he
Stew art of N atron wus a Springfield
to represent the Pleasant Hill high J
fn a headlock, gave W ildcat Pete
visitor Monday.
school at the O. A. C. conference this a victory over Steve Strilich in a husband, who has em ployment in the
year. As Vena Awbrey is quarantined w restling m atch at the Bell th eatre
V id a
W o m an
H «re— Mrs. A.
a t home with the pink eye. Verna last night. A good siied crowd of
D otiuhue of Vida shopped In S pring
Here from Teaching Post— Miss field Monday.
Higgins has ben chosen to take her fans witnessed the encounter.
Lenabell H arper, form er editor of the
place. The students accompanied by
Strillch, who had been struggling
D e x te r M a n H e r e — G M M a th e w s
their principal. E. E. K ilpatrick, leave on even term s with Pete for 35 min- Springfield high school Maple Leaf.
Dexter was a visitor In Springfield
for Corvallis Friday m orning and will ; uteg. was 9O badly knocked out In
be the guests of the college for 3 days the first fall th a t he was unable to w here she Is teaching, the last week Saturday.
The women of Pleasant Hill wTil come back for m ore. His arm was end. She returned to her post Mon
In from Marcola— Mrs M Craig of
hold another social m eeting at the , badly swollen.
Marcela shopped In Springfield Sat­
home of Mrs. It, C W heeler Thursday :
F ebruary 16.
Vi*it* in Springfield—Mrs L. S,
t T he members of the P leasant Hill
Stevenson of ü ak rlu g e visited m
com munity club are requested to m eet
Springfield Saturday.
a t Woodman hall February 17 to de­
cide w hat to da with the piano and
H e re fro m W e n d lin g — M rs Jess W ll
other possessions of the club.
roxen of W endling « uh n Sprlngflel-I
At the stundent body m eeting at
Oregon S tate A gricultural College, " lllam ette valley, though in the U tter
visitor Monday.
the high school the following officers : Corvallis, Feb, 16.—A gricultural In­ 1 Rax, b arley or o a ts may be m ore pro-
were elected: Carl Linton, president; come In Oregon for 1928 will be equal I fitable. Increase in general barley
H e re fr o m B lu e h iv e r — \in o n g v is i
N ina Dilley, vice-president; Lyman or slightly above th a t of 1927 If pres- I acreage is w arranted because of local
Tinker, secretary-treasurer; K enneth ‘ en t indications for the leading farm ) and export demand. Increase In corn to rs h e re M o n d a y w as M rs. W . E.
H ines of Blue R iver.
is Justified.
McKenzie, athletic m anager.
en terp rises are not radically changed,
Mrs. Douglas Cooper has returned according to the annual economic-out-
C attle prices are expected to remain
M a rc o la M a n In — R. E. H ag er if
to her home at Bend for a few weeks. ; look report ju st issued here. The i fairly high for several years, but new
The P leasant H ill high school has i sta te rep o rt em bodies pertinent ex- operators are cautioned in startin g Marcola paid Springfield a business
ket ball team defeated the Santa I cerpts from the federal outlook report at present high prices for breeding visit Monday.
Clara team last Friday on the Pleas cotnblned with loca, tnform atlon
stock. Sheep are increasing through
ont Hill floor. This ends the inter ered by extension and experim ent sti- out the world, but m arket dem and Is
V isitors from Creek— Mr and Mrs
high school games until the tourna­ tion specialists and 26 county agents. expected to be good except In oc Will T aylor of Fall Creek were visi­
m ent a t the Y. M. C. A. floor in
G radual im provem ent In the agri- castonal years. Efficient production tors here Monday.
Eugene. Donald Kabler. Je rry K ab -. cuItural aituation ls shown thoUKb is essential to continued profit. Onlv
ler, Clarence Monson. Carl Linton. many 9UgxesUon!> arv made for ad. 249 stallions were In public service
Paul H arden and Lyman T inker play- jU8tment of productlon
chanfr1ni? in Oregon as compared to 1051 In
ed their last game for the P leasant laarket dem ands
ete re. 1912. Hogs- are still produced below
Charming tyasaion
H ill high school last Friday. All p(irt, covering general conditions, state requirem ents hut probably to th->
gradu ate this year.
farm crop8i livestock, dairying, poul- capacity of w aste fee<9 available which
1 try. and horticulture Is being prepared is the economic basis here.
Dairy situation ls favorable with In­
for general distribution afte r the mid
die of February. A skeleton summ ary creasing dem ands for products, w ith­
out corresponding national increase
A large num ber of relatives and
The general agricultural situation in production, "hough hign quality of
friends honored Ross Mathews by a in Oregon is improved, the gross farm b u tter m ust be produced. Little alarm
birthday surprise party W ednesday income being higher than a t any other ne‘‘d be feIt over s h |P“*«>H ° f cow'*
tim e since the peak in 1919-20. There I from the 8,ate> as lhey are belni? fully
E. J. Moore County School Superin­ Is Increased activity In farm lands and reP'ace<* with b etter ones,
tendent visited Thurston schools the an increase in num ber of farms. With
Surplus eggs of this state com prise
first of the week.
increased efficiency and adjustm ent of but a l,ma11 percentage of the total
The C ruthers family are expecting production to' m arket dem ands, gra Product1»" N ational volume will oe
to move from their home on the Me- duaI ,ncrea8e of farm income ,g 1n(Ji. little affected If Oregon production Is
Kenzie to the Charlie Scott residence I cated for sonle tim e
doubled or trebled. The poultry busi­
In E ast Springfield.
m arkets on Pacific coast, ness in this sta te is fundam entally
M rs. M cArthur of Eugene, John
where population is Increasing twice sound hot depends as much on safe
T aylor of Indian Creek and William
as rapidly as in the nation as a whole, 1 m anagem ent as on cu rren t egg prices.
Fow ler of Linslaw, who is attending
will probably tend to improve. Do- i Apple production has about reached
th e university were visitors a t the
m estic m arkets generally are expected its peak In th e northw est. L arger
C harles Taylor home Thursday.
to continue about as in 1927, while 1 unit production at low cost is vital to
W alter Platt was seriously injured
foreign m arkets appear a little less profits. L ittle if any increase in Bart-
F riday when a horse kicked him and favorable than a year ago
Credit ' “ P*“a r acrpa*’'
» « " » n te d . (Pe-ch
broke three ribs.
conditions are favorable for the rarm I P’‘od’!r,,° " can
Improved in qua! tv
An old-fashioned neighborhood party er now. and although labor rates ' an ” gra'" nK wlth Proftt- tb o a<h "
was given a t the community hall F ri­ are still 70 per cent g rea ter than 1er *rea t arreag e r x PanB,on
day night. Old tim e dancing was en­ the pre-war period 1910-14. a b etter I eXe”’” un*er ’’»• epHonal growing and
joyed by those not caring to play- supply is likely to be available
j m arketing conditions.
cards. A violin, banjo and piano fur­
, , , ______
| No increase in acreage of brumbies
Commercial potato acreage in Ore- ‘
nished the music Lunch was served
| can be recommended except in loeali-
by the women a t mid-night.
as in 1927 h . rPma ” d ° Ut tbe 5a,n'' ties of exceptional cultural conditions
’ ’’T / ' “ *a t m atPr!8' and m ark«t
V egetable grow-
Mrs. Felix Sparks of Blue River and in —
Mrs Arch Shough of Vida were visi­ from N e h r a ^
Btat*8 I in< for »"""oH ee is on the iBcrease In
o f r,
tors at the John Price home during from
h i_h N ebraska
. . . to Maine n.
g u n s oi
Oregon, having expanded more than
high acre yields and low freight will
the week-end.
m ie«. I » .«
P»1- cent since 1920. W alnut mar-
A frock made al< ng the lines of
Lillah Bertsch. Theda Rhodes, Helen , su n er lPaHt from » ^ rp la n b n g .
| k et„ are bejn(ç affect0d 8oniewhat by
this c h a rm in g m odel w ill prove a n
E yler and Maude Edm iston visited the A world expansion in w heat area | fluctuating production
in com peting
asset to you r spring w ard ro be—
fo r it can be w orn fo r any num ber
Rhodes hom estead on the McKenzie ! is in Pr»»Pect. A three per cent in | areas, F ijherts are rem aining more
of occasions. T h e blouse is fash­
n e a r Blue River Saturday and Sunday. ; crea*>d ¡n w inter w heat is in sight f j r i stable.
ioned o f D u o to n e C ashm ere and
Clark P arro tt received a broken Pacific coast states. Justification for 1 The com plete rep o rt contains de-
the skirt o f Crepe. T h e side pleats
flnger Monday while catching a base- sPrin # planting exists in the blue tailed figures cud trends on which
and shoulder tucks add a pleasing
fem inin e touch
ball at the high school.
I m»untait» region and p arts of the recom m endations are based
Mrs. P latt ot Deerhorn was a visitor -------.................
a t tha W alter P latt home Saturday.
F ranklin Sunday school superintend-'
ed by William Jesseys has challenged^
th e Thurston Sunday school under
^Arxj Hoover ip an attendance, on tim e ,
and studied lesson contest. Thurston
began with an attendance of fifty last I
late last
Baby Son B orn— M r mid M r - O m ni
an<l B ernice W aite. The club j u s t 1 V is it M ontgom ery H om e— M rs. F n I
11 ceivi d th e ir c h a rte r for last y e a r's | W illiam s of N oll was a v isito r at th e
i >. kiiig clu b w ork.
S am M ontgom ery hom e late last week
A h atd lim es p a rty w as held at th e I
J. W. C h ase hom e T u esd ay evening, I .U ndergoes O p e ra tio n — M rs. J. O
u n d e r the a u sp ic e s of th e Parent-1 lleiideiison u n d erw en t a m a jo r o p e ra ­
T e ach ers a sso ciatio n . A sm all adm - tio n nt th e Pacific C h ristia n h o sp ital
»ion w as ch arg ed and ab o u t (.12.00 S a tu rd a y .
realise d w hich w as ap p lied to the '
Here from Oakridge— Mr. a .1 Mrs
p ian o fund. About fifty people wm p i
p re s e n t w earin g h ard tim es costum es. ' Randolph Holt of Oakridge were vlsi
V alen tin e g am es w ere played.
Re- ' tors in Springfield (or a sh o rt time
M ouniuln
a v isito r
We Never
Our butcher shop ls tin* lust word hi sanitation and
Choice m eats are received daily and kept chilled and
fresh in ou r m odern refrig erato rs.
If you w ant high grade m eat Just try us once and you'll
leawi why we never lose a custom er.
You'll be delighted with our mealH and our service,
4th and Main Sts.
Give Us a Chance to Serve You, Phone 49!
E. R. Danner Motor Co.
-.-rf •
siitA . k
Mohawk Axmlnster Rugs in new colorings and
|i . i i i '- r i i s . !i x 12
Armstrong Accolac finish Felt Base Rugs. !» x 12,
We are here to serve the people of this^-ity ami the sur­
rounding country.
Don’t Walk—
Use Your Phone
is Our Number
Deliveries of New Cars are being made.
Place your Order now. You will appreciate
what the New Car really is, after you have
had a demonstration. We are glad of the
opportunity to demonstrate.
’26 Truck, Closed Cab and Jumbo Kinghain
’27 Roadster, like New.
’27 Touring
'25 Star Sport Touring
Good Trailer $15.00.
Weed Chains
Ammonium Sulphate for Garden, Flowers
or Lawn, any Quantity.
Phone 6.1
Used Cars For Sale
b red Free« w. re surprised Sunday by
a visit from Mr. unit Mrs. l i i La
Gasse, of Portland. Mrs LaGusee was
ri ceotly m arried, and wus (hi- widow
ol a late brother of Mrs Flos - Nile
was accompanied on the trip by h'-r
la u g h te r, Kurleen.
Well Stocked Shelves
Having your shelves well stocked with our brand of canned
goods not only lightens the labor of preparing meals, but it
also provides your family with varied menus that they will