B o o ti For M a d t-in - O rtg o n P rod uett. THE SPRINGFIELD NEW : CHI SELLS S13.0DB DEBT REDUCED $13,000 IN 1927 BeneJ'uctor , /-iörj ary — NEW SPAPER V ¿ TOW N NUMBER 6 SPIUN(JFIELI). I4ANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1«, 1Ö28 PUMPING CONTINUES AT POWER COMPANY WELLS TO DETERMINE SUPPLY •Th« Peopl«’» Paper" PROGRAMS TO BE ON FEB. 22 URGES OPPOSITION IO DELAI BN SPIN Both Lincoln and Washington Experiment« being coaductad by the Auditors’ Report Shows Healthy to be Honored at Schools Mountain Slate» Power company on Condition in City Finances; by Children Ita tract above the local plant are Delegation Should Demand that 1927 Receipts, $49.131-09 Atkinson. Jones and Company expected to determine thia year Keep Promise, says Judge; $3 Washington's birthday 1» to be ob­ of Portland Make Best Bid at whether the company can look for­ Springfield reduced It« net debt by License Proposal Should ba served by »pedal program» In Spring- ! Meeting of Local Council; ward to the possibilities of developing ila.689. In 1>27. allowing a healthy no Excuse for Holding Back field public schools. Will Take Up Warrants for ( a water aupply from well«. It la not [ condition in city finance», according io Construction. •'*' No Lincoln'« birthday program s! Improvement Work. | expected that any other steps, other < the annual report of Tyaon and Hor- i were held, and as a result features A strong delegation of Springfield than experimenting, will be taken In ton, auditor«, filed thia week. The dealing with the Civil War president'» | The »13,000 Io llaiM-roft Improve i and Lane county citizens should sup- career will have a part in the Wash- 11 I khk I* offered by lb.- City of | the Im m ediate ta tu re by th«-o ompany ■ „„t debt I» now »k4.M8.81, Instead of meat ington’a birthday program as well as Port the Lane county court In It« it- At present, the company la pumping »107,738.79. as at the beginning of the Springfield wore bid Io by the Atkin- those dealing with the first president. , forts to bring about immediate con- from well», which have recently been year. «<>0, Join,» a Co., Portland, m »lot 28 Programs at the Lincoln and Brat-, struct ion of the Springfield bridge. driven. In an effort to determine The auditor» remarked that thl« per each »100 bond nt the meeting 'if w hether tin- »apply will Increase or i tain schools will he held In the morn under an agreement made by the stdto ••prove» that the city government 1» the council Tuesday evening. Thia la hold Ita own. ' Ing. Parent« have been Invited. highway commission more than a ye f handled In an eclcient manner unde It la a» yet too soon to determine the direction of city authorities. ' one of the beat bid» the city hu» re The Brattaln program was made ag0 the optnlon of County Judze i public yesterday by Mrs. Ora Read C. P. Barnard, expressed this morning. celved In a number of year« for It» the Increase of the aupply, but It They also point out that no deficits [ upp.-ar» to be sustained on the face of were shown In the various depart ‘ I Hemenway, principal of the school, bond*. Commenting on the report that the result» so fur obtained manta of the town government. i it follows: Other bidder» were Freeman Hinlth proposed »3 license fee pill be Total cash receipts for the year A Camp Cl».. »10131; Lumberman« Ainadeo P. Ciannini, son of an ! Song—America ..................... — School used as a reason for delaying con­ TWO SPRINGFIELD MEN ran Io »49.131 09. and disbursements »T rust Co., 1‘oitlnnd. »103 27; I’lnrce, Italian vegetable grower and I Flag Salute -------------------------- School struction of the span for another year, ON DIRECTORS BOARD »49,972 31. Indicating that the founder of the Bank of Ita ly and Song—America the Beautiful. School j udge ijarnard said that he could see Fair Co.. »103 41; George II Iturr. its associate corporations, who city la operating virtually on a cash Recitation—The New George Wash­ C onrad ft Broom. »102.06; Iiurf B. | ' no way in which the license fee bill never did have ambitions to be a Nil. » ft Company. Toledo. Ohio. P a n Two Springfield men, A J Perkin» baala. ington ........................... Robert Moon affects a project which has been millionaire, w ill give away his per­ h<1 - 88 .'and Welby Blevena, are member» of Song—George W ashington........ —..... Bancroft bond sale» totaled »9,183.80 sonal fortune to aid farmers, dairy, authorized for over a year, and for . it ,.„.i i the board of director» of the Guaranty tliV largest »Ingle Item In the receipt« am i hvseuitfdr — .I Second Grade j whlch the gtate should have made ap- rb. bond» are for sidewalk a n d ; according to an Exerclse— Little Historian, Eugene column. propriationa long ago. str e e t Improve«! ,.ent during 1827 Mid, Trust company. lent o f il», results of an elec Philllps. Elmer Chase, Jean Dan­ will take up warrant» now outstand- nottneem. u . | , . ni| Street Improvements coat the city SMELTER plan goes "Whether there Is a »3 license fee " ‘I* , ’ . The an tlou Februar « from the Bortland iels. George Nadvornik, Emerson FORWARD; ORE SENT m g to «be amount of »1 .1 000. rh . n company. Other »4458.67 during the year, the report or not Is not involved In this case,” Ables. „ua. audit shows he city baa about . J H declared the Judge. “ Lane county Indicate». TO TACOMA FOR TEST Song—Washington's B irth d a y ------- I voted Its half of the cost of the bridge 832.000 in outstanding warrant. j w l„ „ .r gnd Juy 8 . Mol- ......... .................................. Third Grade ¡ over a year ago and we bought the ANTI-CIGARETTE TALK The completion of this building pro-' Establishment of a smelter in txner. Recitation — If Washington Were id .. right-of-way in order that the state gram make» Springfield one of the Springfield for the purpose of sm elt­ Mr Perkins was elected pres'dent1 TO BE TOPIC AT MEET Here ____ _______ 1 f,U< *" might go ahead with the construction. ••best aldewulked" town» of It» site of the company, and Mr. Magladry, a I ing ore taken from the Lucky Boy OF ! „llne. lng ,,re further development V"' he Making of the Flag The small automobile license fee 1» OP PARENTS. K A K tH in , TEACHERS in of ,h7t hat K xercise-T Hogprg- yietna In the stale, city official» believe For Eugene man, was named vice -presl I mine, and and furth » . - » m a » u u tu n n»*iirpr a thing of the future, if it comes at three years, a progressive sidewalk dent. George It Parks and his wife ' property, came a step nearer realiza­ Member» of the Springfield Parent-1 propervy. » Song—Washington’s Praise........... — all, and In no way should affect the building program has been pushed have retired front connections with Tea, hers association will hear a talk tion this week when 1600 pounds of ...................................._ Prlmary bridge plan.” here, and II l> not expected that such ; comp#ny ore from the mine was taken to Seat- Poem—Important Dates in Wash­ against cigarettes Friday afternoon u large program will be n ecessary, Ma|lag(, lhl. company's af- The Judge urged that the people of . . . e _ >h<„ tie and Tacoma for analysis lit* ana j ington* Life, .... Allen Sneed, Doris ¡at the Lincoln school when they meet ___ . ___ Lane county take an active Interest the coming summer. 1 fairs now In the hunds of Mr Perkins,, Atchley, «eld represents- . A. C. Miller, who is promoting the Walker, James Hemenway, Ruth in the bridge construction, and insist The council talked generally of the Sprlngn,.w |„,nk director, an,I 11. M Ant|.cigarH te League of development, will take a trip east Pollard, Harland Duncan. I tive of th« after the results of the Seattle analy­ that the highway commission keep its park proposals, although no definite Maloney, who has been elected secre­ Song— The New Soldier.......... ............ O regon. The meeting is called for 3 sis are known, and will make an ef­ action was planned at the Tuesday tary-treasurer. The company has an ................. _ .............. Fourth B Grade promise and build the span thl» ' o'clock. fort to interest eastern capital in the spring. He said that the county court night »«-»slon General business waM I authorl»ed capital of »1,500.060 and a Dialogue—Keeping the Birthday...... Mr». L. K. Page, and Mrs. Opal proposed mining development. transacted, and bills totaling In the | pB)rt.up the bridge tangle. lng -0« according to 8 C. Moshler. Mngladrv. lumberman. Eugene; W. II. IjiVerne McPherson. of the vicinity. The Springfield property, located at ! ------------------------------ the superintendent. An ».'ei-utlve i Hoden. Eugene business man ; Joseph l>lav.—-Two Runaways.” June Berg. Edna June Yarnell and Bobby committee I» promoting the SundayjM Healy. Portland manufacturer; Sixth and A strets. changes from the j MERCURY DROPS BELOW TWO ARE FINED FOR school program and I» planning work John P Winter and J 8. Moltxner. Rodenbough. ownership of Mrs. A. P. Cannon to FREEZING POINT HERE Portland attorneys, and Mr. Maloney. Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway and Mrs. FIGHTING ON STREET W. F. Taylor. In exchange. Mrs. Can­ for the year. Ivan Male will have charge of refresh­ non receives a two-story house In Eu­ Claude Neeley will preach at the Temperature dropped to 28 degrees Fines of »5 each were levied by gene, and in turn Is exchanging this here last night as clear weather con­ ments. regular chnrcn hour Sunday morning, LEGION DANCE PLANNED Recorder I. M. Peterson on M. L. Ter- property for property at Portland. ■ tinued to prevail In this district. and Rev. W. A. Elkins of Eugene will FOR SATURDAY NIGHT weltron and Lee Putnam, who were ! where she now lives CHANCES ARE MADE speak In ihe evening. Wednesday night, the mercury hit Mr. Taylor acquires three houses in 2g degreeg one o{ the coldest night» With a full-blooded Indian orchestra BY POWER COMPANY arrested following a fight in front of the Bell theatre last Saturday night. the deal. He expects to build more in some time. There was frost both dispensing music, the American CHARLES POOLE MADE According to police officers, one of houses on the Sixth and A street Legion will give a dance at the Mid­ Jack Henderer. local electrician, nights. DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR way Parillonln W est Springfield Sat­ has been changed from his position the men owed the other money, and , p ^ p ^ ty . urday night. The dancing will be as operator at the Mountain States the creditor decided to take drastic , Announcement wag algo made today CHURCH DEPARTMENTS Charles R. Poole, local undertaker, from 9 to 12 o'clock, and the orchestra power company plant and Is local action instead of waiting longer for a that Sherm Conrad is buying a new bn» been appointed department In­ HAVE VALENTINE PARTY on g(xth Rnark^ UP meeting of the American Legion auxi- local Legion and erstwhile manager STREETS CLEANED BY OCDADTIUCW T T U IQ UUFFK petted plant from the church. A cake of the Springfield baseball club, Is in , jary at the chamber of commerce DEPARTMENT TH IS WEEK (b.-nrntp(, w|th her namn and age. the Lincoln Junior high school, 33 to but two points during the period. Redding, with seven points, was , Jagt n)ght A good attendance was ’charge of the Springfield baseball j --------- n| j from the women's nible class. She [4. in a ragged game last night. As artists, and' expects to show the Eu 1 The city street department spe high point man for Springfield, bu, also received a shower of silver coins (l,e score indicates, it was Coburg 3 gene vets a real fight He has this week In a general clean up of the and numerous gifts. next meeting of the group will Refreshnicnts [ game from start to finish, the Spring- the scoring was evenly divided. Deeds . asked all Legtortnalres to be nt the local streets. The water wagon was made five points. McMurray six, Goff. ' be on Marc), 7. n wag amounced. vere served to the following Mrs. j (¡eld team being unable to accustom armory tonight. employed In scouring the pavements, Grove center, made five points. j ----------------------------- - Mary Buchanan. Mrs.Letha Rychard. Itself to the strange gymnasium and ____________ _______ ! and the gutters were cleaned out. Springfield’s second team lost a pre­ Wedding Is Held Mrs. Vera Neal, Mrs. Mary Plat,. Mrs. one star player being off the team at Mill Business Good j General patchwork is being carried liminary game to Walker, 19 to 10. Miss Isabelle Hugh and Frank Tib Ivy Davidson. Mrs. O. P. Collingwood. the time. Business of the Springfield Mill and on throughout the city, according to bett were married Tuesday, culminat­ ' am m ch S tr e e t! Mrs- J H- Harrla> Mrs- Jane L- rru' [ In a game earlier in the week, [ Grnln company Ms continuing In good Commissioner George Valller ing a romance which began In the >nn. Mrs. J. P. Vaughn. Mrs L N. Springfield defeated the same team, JOINT MEET PLANNED shape, according Io G. O. Bushman, work, In general, will be at a stand- gy SCOUTS ON MONDAY Eugene-Springfield bus. Miss Hugh Lusby, Mrs. Carrie Parshall, Mrs. M. IS to 13. at the local gymnasium. Recently, the company purchased t still for a few days during Commls- was telephone operator at Springfield, Tonight, the Junior high team will ! --------- M. Male. Mrs. U. G. McElhany, Mrs. new Federal truck which Is making Boner Valuer's absence In California. Mary Lansberry, Mrs. Abbie I yon. encounter the University Junior high I The two Springfield Boy Scout and Mr. Tlbbett bus driver. They be­ runs south of Roseburg on regular — — ■ — ---- "■ troops will meet in Joint session Mon­ came acquainted as she traveled on M.-s. Edgar Kester, Mrs. Nettle Met­ school nt Eugene. Attend Harrisburg Meeting schedule carrying products of the day night to hear A. H. Tyson of Eu­ the bus to and from work, and the calf, Mrs. Nice Donaldson, Mrs. Hue Charles Lusby and Charles Boole busy Springfield plant. gene, in a talk on early days in scout- wedding Tuesday resulted. title, Mrs. I. Cline, Mrs. Mollie B. BOTHERHOOD MEETS I attended a homecoming of the Harrls- Scott, Mrs. Emma Williams, Mrs. Ina dcn.. ON MONDAY EVENING Registratlon Is Blow [burg Masons Tuesday night. Among Man Is Injured Mr. Tyson, who is a brother of W. A speaker from the university ex­ Registration for the primary elec- those present at the mooting were Rex 1 ‘ 1 L_ 11 Roy Baker, 45, of motor route C, ley, Mrs. L. May, Mrs. C. H. Myers. tension bureau will be heard at a P. Tyson of this city, was a scout In tlon Is progressing very slowly, ac- Davis, grand senior warden. Burt Mrs. J. Ketels, Mrs. Roy Cupp and meeting of the Springfield Methodist England when the movement was lti received severe Injuries to his head cording to t. M. Peterson, who has Bailey, Eugene, D. P. Mason, oldest when he was struck by a limb of a daughter, Dorlne. church Brotherhood scheduled for Its pioneer stages, and he has many charge of the books for the four pre-1 past grand master In Oregon, Hon. tree while hauling logs yesterday Interesting stories to tell of th ise next Monday evening. Dinner will oe clncts here. He warned local people J, K. Wentherford, Albany, Dr. W. H. days. The meeting will be held at morning. He was treated by a local Mrs. Mee Her«— Mrs. Andrew Mej, served at 6:30 o’clock, followed by the that they must be registered If they [ Dales nnd A. Dickson, Eugene, physician, who believes the skull may the chamber. of Applegate, has arrived to visit at grogram and speaker. vote at the May Polls, as the new lnw be fractured. The local Boy Scouts are planning This Is th» first meeting since the does not allow swearing in as was Her« from Waltervllle— R, R. Orem the W. W. Walker florae during the L. M. Benge. Davla mill, fell and a "good turn" for the city which will Brotherhood discontinued Its dinners previously Jone for those who wished"1 of Waltervllle was a visitor her» yes- Illness of her sister, Mrs. A. W. Skip- threw hl» thumb out of Joint T u ea d « . be carried out shortly. during the Infantile paralysis »care. to vote hut were not registered. [ terday. ,, worth. ft W s’* f |